David Strathairn In Drama 'Challenger'

David StrathairnDavid Strathairn is set to star in the drama Challenger, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The drama is about Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman's investigation into the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger that Philip Kaufman will direct from a screenplay by Nicole Perlman.

With the project, Kaufman returns to the subject of the U.S. space program, which he explored in 1983's "The Right Stuff," which won four Academy Awards.

The project promises to offer a revealing portrait of the famous physicist Feynman, who was motivated in part by his participation in the Manhattan Project to ensure that there was no institutional cover-up of the negligence that led to the Challenger tragedy.

"This is a fantastic script, and it tells an incredibly compelling story -- one which most people aren't aware of," Media 8 Entertainment co-presidents Stewart Hall and Jenna Sanz-Agero said.

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