Paul Walker Ready For 'Fast And The Furious 3'

Paul Walker says, while Speaking with JamMovies, that he would commit to a third 'Fast and the Furious' if he was asked.

"I already have my franchise movie with The Fast and the Furious. It's wonderful the way fans react. Everywhere I go around the world, people want to shake my hand or pat me on the back. They quote my lines from the movie. That feels so good.

"That's why I did 2 Fast 2 Furious and why I'd do a third if the fans want it, but I wasn't ready to commit to Superman in the same way. I know if somebody had offered me Superman before I did The Fast and the Furious, I wouldn't have thought twice."

Walker, 29, still finds it difficult to believe 2 Fast 2 Furious will be opening on 10,000 screens around the world on June 6. "They're dubbing me into about 30 languages. It's so exhilarating."

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