Alfonso Cuaron Talks On 'Harry Potter 3' Cast

Alfonso Cuaron director of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban talks on the possiblity of the cast to stay on for all the movies, here is what he had to say to Rueters.

"It would be amazing to have the whole series with the same kids," Alfonso Cuaron. "It would be priceless. It would be something very special, for the ages."

The trio, who sign for one film at a time, have already begun work on the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, directed by Mike Newell (Mona Lisa Smile and Four Weddings and a Funeral).

In the next movie, the young wizards are supposed to be 14 years old, which matches Watson's age. Radcliffe will turn 15 this summer and Grint will turn 16.

Cuaron said it would be a landmark achievement for the trio that created the roles to make it through to the end.

"Right now they're doing No. 4. There's only three more to go. I just hope they keep the same cast for the whole thing," said Cuaron, adding he would love to direct them again.

"So far, they're holding up very good, the way that they are aging. I don't think Dan is going to get way much taller or suddenly grow another eye. Same with Emma, and Rupert is OK.

"Let's hope. In the last one they're supposed to be 17. Say they're 19, I think they're going to be very good," he said. "That would be very special."

Cuaron said he was so exhausted from directing the Potter film that he could not follow on for the next one.

"I need a long siesta." sighed Cuaron. "It's two years of your life, working pretty much seven days a week from 7:30 in the morning to midnight. It's a long journey."

Yet Cuaron, 42, said he would love to return and steer the trio through their paces again.

"I would love to come back," he said. "My dream is that the cast would remain intact."

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