Set Rebuilding Begins For 'Star Wars: Episode III'

The official 'Star Wars' website reports on the principal photography that is about to begin for Star Wars: Episode III.

"We've been in Sydney for about four weeks now, and the department is about fifty percent up and running in terms of personnel," says Bocquet. He currently heads a team of about 35 workers, and departments like construction, props, special effects and plaster are beginning to form. To meet the schedule, his team has tackled the returning environments first rather than the brand new locales, which are still being developed.

"We do have four or five sets that are being repeated from Clones and a couple of the other Episodes, which gives us a chance to work quite quickly on those. They don't need any great design input or even technical drawings, because they have existed before," he says.

In addition to the Jedi Council chambers, the Senate Rotunda and Palpatine's office, two environments from the original trilogy are being carefully recreated for this earlier era in Star Wars history, much like the Lars Homestead was faithfully reconstructed for Episode II.

"It's always quite interesting going back to those historic elements of the saga," says Bocquet. "I think these ones are a little bit easier than the homestead, because they're studio-based and not location-based. They have quite precise drawings that we managed to extricate from the archives, although the archive isn't quite as full for A New Hope as it is for Empire and Jedi, simply because nobody knew what the films were going to become! We're working from the few drawings they do have, plus the stills and looking at the films, and breaking things down and trying to reproduce it."

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