Tomb Raider Says 'Got Milk?'

Angelina Jolie is going to be donning a milk mustache in the latest "Got Milk?" ads. She is going to be dressed as Lara Croft, wearing a black bikini, reports USA Today.

The photo will premiere next month in the August issues of youth-oriented magazines such as Spin, Blender, GamePro and Entertainment Weekly.

"The ad will appeal to male teens because of how gorgeous Angelina Jolie is. But it's also a message for teen girls, which is of a healthy, good-looking, active woman, and they can also be that way if they drink milk," says Kurt Graetzer, CEO of the Milk Processor Education Program, which oversees the "Got Milk?" campaign.

About 175 celebrities have posed with milk mustaches since the "Got Milk?" ads began 10 years ago. All are paid an undisclosed fee and must be milk drinkers, Graetzer says.

While Lara Croft doesn't drink milk in the movie, the ad campaign will boost awareness of the sequel, says Arthur Cohen, Paramount's marketing chief. "Milk is a good thing. The movie is a good thing. It's good for everybody."

Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, premieres July 25.

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