Jude Law Talks 'Sky Captain' Filming

Jude LawJude Law, who stars in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, says he got used to working with the special effects blue screen used throughout the movie. "I got involved in this when I was shown a seven-minute trailer of sorts that [director] Kerry [Conran] had made," Law told Sci-Fi Wire. "And from that minute [I] really didn't ever feel like I was in, to quote what you said, ... a kind of blue void, in an indescribable kind of environment. It always felt, and the more I kind of look back on it now, ... like I really sort of knew exactly what was going on around me."

"The visuals that were sort of fed to me constantly by Kerry and by [production designer and Kerry's brother] Kevin [Conran] and the animatics [moving storyboards] that we were able to watch and refer to throughout the filming of it, which was almost a kind of partially finished sort of version of a sort of stick man version of what was going to happen, meant that I, to be honest, felt always like I was in that world," Law said. "I was in the world that Kerry described to me from the get-go, and what's been wonderful is seeing that come to actual fruition. And it's only now that I really see it absolutely finished that I realize how little was there at the beginning. And the only other thing that I needed to say is that perhaps the one thing about there being nothing there meant that subconsciously it was strangely very freeing, I felt, and it almost felt like kind of make-believe, playing, rather than ever limiting, because I couldn't see something specific." Sky Captain opens September 17th.

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