Kirsten Dunst Takes McEnroe As Inspiration

Kirsten Dunst (Spider Man) is looking to John McEnroe for inspiration for the romantic tennis comedy Wimbledon, according to Assosiated Press.

She stars alongside Paul Bettany (Russell Crowe's imaginary friend in A Beautiful Mind) who plays an aging British player who goes on a winning streak at the world's most famous tennis tournament. Off the court, he tries to win the heart of Dunst's character, Lizzie Bradbury an up-and-coming American tennis star.

"She's marketed as the bad girl of tennis," Dunst said during a break in filming.

"She's very dedicated, doesn't have many friends, has a very controlling father. She's very sexually aggressive, very tough. They fall in love, he helps her and she helps him, it's very romantic comedy."

Dunst is reading books about tantrum expert McEnroe for ideas.

"My character is very feisty, very angry. I have a lot of scenes of my yelling at the umpire," she said. "She's like a female McEnroe. That's what I want to be."

The 21-year-old actress has been taking tennis lessons for three months, including from 1987 champion Pat Cash.

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The movie is directed by Richard Loncraine (Richard III), and is released on 24 September 2004.

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