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- Dante vs Megaman
- Marth vs Max
- Ken vs Megaman
- Johnny Cage vs Johnny Gat
- Dante vs Doom Slayer
- Arbiter vs Gray Fox
- Elder Scrolls Tribunal vs Elden Ring bosses
- Altair Ibn La Ahad runs the gauntlet (Read OP)
- Marcus Fenix vs Chris Redfield
- Nomad (Ghost Recon) vs Rico Rodriguez (Just Cause)
- Overwatch: Ashe vs McCree
- Leon Scott Kennedy vs Chris Redfield
- Witcher and Dragonborne vs Gray Warden's
- Liu Kang vs Chun-Li
- Botw/Aoc Composite Link vs. Holy Knights (7 Deadly Sins)
- Adol Christin vs Link (OoT)
- Kassandra vs Female Eivor
- Strongest version(s) of Link?
- Cloud Strife and Zack Fair vs Ragna the Bloodedge and Jin Kisaragi
- Geralt of Rivia (Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) vs. Talion (Middle Earth: Shadow of War)
- Hello
- Abel (Xenosaga) vs franklin richards (kid)
- Agent 47 (Hitman) vs the Spy (TF2)
- Heavy (TF2) vs Pyramid Head
- Doom Slayer vs Bayonetta
- Crackdown Agent vs Alex Mercer vs Cole McGrath
- Heavy (TF2) vs Baron of Hell (Doom)
- Ragna vs Cloud
- Nemesis vs Lambant Berserker, h2h.
- Regina vs Deathclaw
- Master Chief vs Glacius
- Sir Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins) vs. Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
- Kof 99 krizalid vs sf IV Seth!
- Asura (Asura's Wrath) vs Ridley (Metroid)
- Liberty Prime vs Skyrim
- Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) vs the Wendigo (Until Dawn)
- Kassandra vs Evie Frye
- Rick Taylor vs Alex Mercer
- Jehuty vs Reapers
- Sephiroth vs. Cort
- Superman vs Shao Kahn
- Vahn vs. Akuma
- Asreal Dreemur vs. Tabuu
- King Bob-Omb vs. King Boo
- Master Hand vs. Crazy Hand
- Kilrathi Empire vs Shivans
- Galeem vs. Dharkon
- Fierce Deity Link (MM) vs Adult Link (OoT)
- Ganondorf vs Demise
- Sagat vs Ken Masters
- Blinky vs Clyde
- Jill vs Joker
- Count Bleck vs. Sans
- Scorpion vs all Dead or Alive and Tekken girls
- The Reapers vs The Shivans
- asreal dreemur vs. bayonetta
- 4 Wizards of Legend vs The Vault Hunters (Borderlands 2)
- Kratos(GoW 4) vs Noctis(FFXV)
- Gongen Wyzen vs Sargeras
- Safer Sephiroth vs Lavos (Final Form)
- Alex Mercer vs Noctis
- Hibana vs Raiden
- Talion(Middle Earth) vs Corvo(Dishonored)
- Ryu vs Megaman (Relaunch)
- Raiden(MGRR) vs Cloud Strife
- Agent 47 vs Karl Fairburne
- Marius vs Bayek
- Altair vs. Ezio
- William Adams(Nioh) vs the Chosen Undead(Dark Souls)
- Darth Jadus vs Ur-Didact
- Sephiroth vs Sans
- Venom Vs Alex Mercer
- Team Call of Duty vs Team Rainbow Six Siege
- Ezio Auditore vs Karl Fairburne
- Connor Kenway vs Bayek of Siwa
- Talion (Shadow of Mordor/War) vs The Last Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- The Reapers vs The Shivans
- Shinnok (Mortal Kombat) vs Sky Spirits (Guardian Heroes)
- Nadine Ross (Uncharted 4) vs Evie Frye (Assassin's Creed)
- Oni Akuma vs Zero
- Zero vs Strider
- Dante (Dante's Inferno) Vs. Sam Gideon Vs. Raiden (MGR)
- Alex Mercer Vs Kratos
- Assassin (Dragons Dogma) vs Ryu Hayabusa
- Aiden Pearce vs Shay Patrick Cormac
- Ryu vs Megaman Part 2
- Ryu vs sub-zero
- Kratos (god Of War) Vs Asura (asura's Wrath)
- DOOM Marines VS USG Ishimura
- Jason Brody vs Desmond Miles
- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Vs Saints Row
- Halo "Nova Bomb" Vs Reaper Fleet Over Earth
- Dash Rendar vs Kyle Katarn
- Turrican vs Samus Aran
- GTA V Protagonists vs Lincoln Clay
- Connor Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3) vs Lara Croft (Rise Of The Tomb Raider)
- Papyrus vs Giga Skullmageddon
- Winston (Overwatch) vs. Warwick (LoL)
- Isaac Clarke vs Commander Shepard
- Kratos (God of War) vs Link (Legend of Zelda)
- Raiden(Metal Gear) vs Lightning(Final Fantasy)
- Eli vs Ellie
- Senator Armstrong vs Kratos
- Solid Snake vs Corvo Attano
- Lara Croft vs Evie Frye vs Emily Kaldwin
- Bell Garglyles vs Zero-Mech and MX-Goliath
- Gordon Freeman vs Chell
- Trevor Phillips vs Dallas(Payday)
- Leonard vs. Roy
- Super Mario 3(Nintendo) vs Super Mario World(SNES)
- Soap Mactavish vs Altair
- Lara Croft vs Nathan Drake
- Aiden Pearce vs Marcus Holloway
- Tracer vs Jack Joyce
- Altair vs Corvo Attano
- Raiden(Metal Gear) vs War(Darksiders)
- Chuck Greene vs Nick Ramos
- John Marston vs Erron Black
- Kharg vs Tidus
- Max Payne vs Jason Brody
- Joe Mushashi vs Raiden
- Kyo and Iori vs Saiki (before absorbing Mukai)
- Raiden, Sam and Armstrong vs Resident Evil villains
- Senator Armstrong vs Outer Haven
- Connor Kenway vs Sam Fisher
- Kratos vs Sephiroth
- Dante & Kratos vs Raiden & Ryu Hayabusa
- Archaon VS Dragonborn (skyrim)
- Nathan Drake vs Marcus Fenix
- Samus vs Shadow Queen
- Geralt of Rivia vs Prince of Persia
- Dragonborn vs The Witcher
- Dovahkiin vs Raiden(Metal Gear)
- Kratos vs Mario
- Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield V.S. Meryl, Revy, Yoko, Ivy, and Ada
- Mercer/Heller vs Cole/Delsin
- Who can beat the reapers from mass effect 3
- The Nephalem vs Arthas
- Joel and Ellie vs Natham Drake
- Senator Armstrong and Jetstream Sam vs Psycho Mantis and Colonel Volgin
- Chosen undead vs Lydia of Whiterun
- Dante vs Sonic
- East Coast Brotherhood of Steel vs The New California Republic
- Ryu Hayabusa vs Ken Ogawa
- Raiden vs Yaiba
- MGRR Raiden vs Strider Hiryu
- Nathan Drake vs 50 Cent
- John Marston vs Max Payne
- Jack Cayman vs Travis Touchdown
- Vamp vs Alexia
- Solid Snake(Twin Snakes) vs Master Chief
- Team Master Chief vs Team Solid Snake
- Master Chief vs Mario
- Kratos vs Ryu Hayabusa
- Scorpion vs Albert Wesker
- Dante & Ryu Hayabusa vs Raiden & Strider Hiryu
- 300
- Kratos vs Donte
- Zero vs X
- Dante, Kratos and Death vs Raiden, Ryu Hayabusa and Dovahkiin
- Wei Shen vs Team GTA
- Sam Fisher vs Max Payne and Nathan Drake
- Joel And Ellie vs Lee and Clementine
- Corvo Attano vs Geralt of Rivia
- James Heller vs Nero Sparda
- Dante, Vergil and Nero vs Kratos, Strider Hiryu and Raiden
- Nathan Drake vs Lee Everett
- Bill "Mad Dog" Riser vs Marco (Contra vs Metal Slug)
- Alex Mercer vs Scorpion(Read OP)
- Karnov vs Kid Niki
- Kratos vs Jackie Estacado
- The Demon King vs Simon Belmont
- Albert Wesker vs Adam Jensen
- SFV Charie Nash VS SFV Ryu
- Master Chief vs The Player(BO3)
- Vergil Sparda vs Zeus(God of War)
- Vergil vs Jeanne
- Dante vs God of War universe
- Death vs Raiden vs Cloud Strife
- Wei Shen vs Max Payne
- Max Payne vs Niko Bellic
- Sole Survivor (Fallout 4) vs Commander Shepherd
- Dante/Chief/Cole vs Kratos/Snake/Wesker
- Old Snake vs Nathan Drake
- Capcom vs Playstation
- Tallion (Shadow of Mordor) vs Ezio
- Dante Sparda vs Dovahkiin(Skyrim)
- Samus vs Megaman
- Samus Aran vs Scorpion
- Solid Snake(Twin Snakes) vs Albert Wesker
- Samus Aran vs. Master Chief
- Nathan Drake vs Jake Conway
- Juri vs Orchid!
- Wesker and Evil Jill vs Trish and Lady
- Knight-Commander Meredith VS Hero of Ferelden
- Dante vs Shin Gouki
- TriBorg vs Master Chief
- Sub Zero and Johnny Cage vs Ryu and Ken
- Kratos vs Cole MacGrath and Delsin Rowe
- Solid Snake, Sam Fisher and Agent 47 vs Altair, Ezio and Connor
- Doom guy vs Heretic guy
- Dante vs Bayonetta (gunfight)
- Duke Nukem vs Master Chief
- Kratos vs Scorpion
- Hades Izanami vs Calypso
- Commander Shepard vs Solid Snake
- Liquid Ocelot vs Sadiq
- Jetstream Sam vs Ryu Hayabusa
- Dante, Vergil and Nero vs Bayonetta
- Trevor Phillips vs Postal Dude
- Master Chief vs Raiden(Metal Gear)
- Solid Snake(Twin Snakes) vs Connor Kenway
- Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter
- Sub Zero vs Delsin Rowe
- Resident Evil Trio vs Assassin Trio
- Talion(Shadow of Mordor) vs Arkham Batman
- Wesker vs Alexia (rematch)
- Why Cole MacGrath would beat Alex Mercer
- Metal Gear Rex vs Phantasma
- James Heller(Prototype 2) vs Delsin Rowe(inFAMOUS Second Son)
- Dante(DMC3) vs Samanosuke Akechi
- Master Chief/Marcus Fenix vs Solid Snake/Sam Fisher
- Nine Ball vs Four Kings
- SA-X (Metroid Fusion) vs. Dark Samus (Metroid Prime Series)
- Naked Snake(MGS3) vs Joel(Last of Us)
- link vs pit
- Tremor vs Sub-zero (Kuai)
- Dante(Devil May Cry) vs Death(Darksiders)
- Ratchet & Clank vs Kratos
- Kratos vs Dovahkiin
- Kratos vs Raiden(Metal Gear)
- John Marston vs Michael de Santa
- Arkham Knight vs Jax
- The Arisen vs The DragonBorn
- Ezio and Giovanni vs Connor and Haythan
- Samus vs. Link
- Marcus Fenix vs Sam Fisher
- Leon S Kennedy vs Booker DeWitt
- Solid Snake vs Marcus Fenix
- Wei Shen vs CJ
- Ezio Auditore vs Wei Shen
- Kratos vs Starkiller(Clone)
- Dante and Vergil vs Prophet and Alcatraz
- Ezio Auditore vs John Kozak vs Sam Fisher
- Raiden(Metal Gear) vs Raiden(Mortal Kombat)
- Raiden vs Sam Gideon
- Nathan Drake vs Jason Brody
- Alex Mercer(Prototype 1) vs Jack Raiden(Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)
- Kat (Gravity Rush) vs Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
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