View Forum: The Off-Topic Forum
- Subliminal Message
- Well I'm pregnant again...
- wat tha fook
- I almost just puked.
- How to eat a soul and migrate
- Press Ctrl + Alt + (Kill Bloigen)
- Press Ctr + Alt + (up Arrow)
- rape the person above you
- Tank Mode Engaged!
- Don't press CTRL + ALT + (Down Arrow)
- I want to f*ck my way to the garden.
- Biscuits
- First person to make this thread wins.
- Connect Four!
- Creative Geniuses . . . an opportunitiy HERE!!!
- I'm back!!!11
- Just a small town girl
- So what's with the 'mini city' trend?
- Pav appreciation day!!!
- So I go to the Outback Steak house and...
- Natural State [Click Here To Change your Life]
- Yeah, so I got some bad news today during dinner..
- Yeah So.
- Hey look, it's ~uhuh~.
- Rats
- All Caps Day!
- No Ajhfjfsdjhfsdhfs!!!
- I Put My Hand in My Pants
- Kram3r's Aussie Soap Opera
- The Unofficial Make a Witty Comment about Capt Spaulding Game
- Gimpy the Gimp-fish : A True Story
- Facebook for the oldies
- What does Christmas mean to you?
- advert hate thread
- short i made, critisizm(sp?) welcome
- I think I broke my hand......
- Ace of Spades
- ****ing huge URL
- No, why is it YOU fail, Kramzilla? .mmm
- So...
- Best Porno Ever: Porkin' With Peters
- Happy Birthday Passione!
- If Kram3r Taught Evolution.
- Coat of arms...
- Nods beer fest. (Or any other drink)
- My Daddy Culd Beat Up Ur Daddy!!!
- BRB, Ninja Attack
- Join the city above you
- Dude wheres my pants
- Caption Dusty.
- Official Mini-City Directory
- Guess what time it is!?!!??
- pookadoodle
- Got mugged? Kram3r did.
- Bar-khe-ra
- Jefferton > Sparta
- My City > Jefferton
- This Dude Is a Damn Pervet!
- 1st Term Of Uni: Done
- My pathetic excuse for a city.....
- I can't take it, 4chan has been down for almost two days!
- Jefferton is the best KMC minicity.
- Happy Birthday Kodak
- Why Jefferton kicks ass
- ****!!!!!!!!
- Piggle is wonderful and I want to have her Pokémans.
- Hehehe
- Superman Vs. Goku
- Bigby Wolf vs Wonder-Woman
- Rate Me
- Omfg Check This Out
- Once again I have started another fad.
- Happy Anniversary Guy222
- Happy birthday Captain Rex!
- Random Thoughts
- The Secret To Wisdom
- Coming out of the closet
- My reaction to 2 Girls 1 Cup...
- PM the person above you.
- Ask but don't answer. The amazing game.
- Question the Answer Game!
- *--Opinions on christmas--*
- The Not Jewish Thread
- **Cannabis**
- Happy holidays!
- Merry Christmas, Roland
- In conclusion girls are icky.
- Hey look, a youtube video or something that you're interested in.
- TRH Update
- Bloigen's City Sucks
- Wanna Play 20 Questions?
- Please be aware of my Evil Twin.
- Hypothetical Question.
- Many Happy Returns
- The Pavalova thread
- These kids are f*ckin' suicidal...
- If Roland were a cat...
- Is drug addiction really all that bad?
- Happy Birthday Prince Nauj!!!!
- The Golden Homework Chair of Infinite Knowledge
- Tell about yourself
- I beat the shit out of Bruce Willis today
- Happy Birthday Alpha Centauri!!!
- i need some help please
- Is this your homework Barker?
- What's the best Christmas present you've ever recieved?
- you all wanna see me?
- Do you ever hear voices?
- Writers guild (writters wanted)
- Robbed at gunpoint.....
- Who frequents the Video Game forum the most?
- I Love Little Girls!
- q.u.e.s.t.i.o.n.
- Your New Year's Resolution
- Who wants the Cream of Sum young guy?
- Might need Surgery
- I just saw the FUNNIEST SHIT...
- I just saw the FUNNIEST SHIT...
- This thread is better than Punkyhermy's "we're all miracles" thread.
- "we're all miracles"
- My Christmas Story: Caveman Christmas
- Its sad to see
- Chick drinks 2,000,000 scu Hot Sauce
- SelphieT and JaccArlington's Super Happy Funtime Hour For Idiots!!!
- Happy Birthday Morning Glory!
- Me me me me me!
- Where was everyone today?
- Give Santa Your Poptarts
- What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!!
- Recruiting women for the Video Game vs!
- To all the sexy ladies...
- It's Christmas on KMC! [Pg-V]
- I Return With Power And Grace!
- One Year??
- Do You Guys Cheek-kiss?
- Well Known People On Kmc
- Happy Birthday mitchum
- Barker, Roland & Axel
- Who Get's Money?
- Holy Crap, Look What Kayakat Got Me For Xmas! BOIOIOIOING!
- Crazy Chick
- New Company Work Policy
- Tired Hiker'z CrAzY===>The Rhino can AND WILL attack social lounge hangout AREA!!!!!
- Huh?
- These Effing shade Fukkkerzzoinks!!!!1111 Solicitors die!!!!
- Thorrin
- A holiday every day!
- Sexalicious
- In terms of size which dick was bigger?
- What's the last thing you'd want to hear if you woke up during the middle of surgery?
- My Dog Sh*t In My Bed
- My hair has been cut off! (No pics though)
- Hmmm.....
- My Convertion to Dark Chocolate
- '07 Naughty or Nice
- christmas list
- Snow Day
- kmc women beauty talk thread.
- New game: You laugh, you lose.
- Neo Darkhalen's thread
- Let's play a game.
- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Y'know what...
- So, negro joe...
- Holy Shitball! Itzak Is Online
- X-mas/X-mas eve traditions
- Get You Into Penetration
- Roll Call
- I hate when Kram3r is on MSN but not KMC
- Need Moderators!
- So I saw this dude driving a Koenigsegg CC...
- Type "*one" into a MSN chat window.
- I hate when Bloigens on KMC but not MSN
- Happy Birthday Leo M
- Planning on Buying a Lacoste Shirt for the Holidays
- The Poll to end all Polls
- Bme Pain Olympics
- I'm really proud of these, I made these!
- Anyone
- name all 50 states!
- I need a thread to beat Steverules
- Random thread why not?
- why dosent mexico have the olympic games?
- i hate going to the movies.
- iPhone
- How to make pictures - with a punch!
- It's me.
- Sue's Your SCYTHE!
- Happy Birthday Pittman
- Your life is not complete...
- Ginger Spice, my one and only
- Before-Christmas Christmas Party.
- Hoo Wantz 2 LOL?
- Visual Blind Spot
- love.
- Happy Birthday My Lovely Kayakat!
- I Set A Record For Myself...
- The Vagina is a Doorway
- Ahhh!!!! My Nipples Burn With The Fury Of The Gods !!!!!!
- College Paper Written on "2 Girls 1 Cup".
- My crazy friends made a vid at Burning Man for me.
- What? WHAT NOW ****ERS?
- To All You Scrooges
- Re-union Party!
- Are you f*ckin' serious? GDF/OTF a comparison
- So Kram3r...
- Hey Barker!!
- Hey check this out
- are you a geek/dork/nerd?
- I've Been Getting Calls....
- 'tis An Abomination!
- Would you rather have....
- Happy Birthday Neo
- ~herbnone~
- At what age did you first start to masticate?
- JediSamuraiMRB's Advice Thread
- Zomg What A Boner!!!
- Hiker's 'Keeping up with the times' Thread.
- Zzlikes OMGZZQQ!!! THis movie is awesome!!!!
- Give Her More? Give Her Less?
- U.D -> You have to check these out.
- Magio Gerbil!
- Countryside Survival
- How to be Emo
- Prejudices
- Scare the hell out of people
- Happy 20th Birthday Ro-....
- horOscope fun.
- So There Was This Kid Acting Like Michael Jackson........
- Hey Roland, it's ya birfday! Now STFU about it k!
- Given the opportunity....
- Happy 8th Birthday Sanctuary!
- Happy 14th Birthday Roland!
- Who Here......
- Hey, RJ.
- Click to feed the hungery... (This is cool!)
- What's the best way to attract email spam?
- Oi Roland, did Barker tell you yet?
- shell SHOCKED!!
- Come, let us mentally retard you... CUC-A-MUNGA!
- When God gives you cookies...
- When God gives you cancer...
- When your god gives you Lemons..
- Barker
- Gotcha!!!1!!!!
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