View Forum: Philosophy Forum
- Does Reality Exist?
- You were brave enough to stand up to your old man!
- Botonics and Bionics
- Merlin
- Why one should (And should not) hate
- Opinion: People cannot grow thicker skin.
- Is it moral for our governments to impose poverty on us?
- Why does the concept of a room exist?
- Creation
- Changing your feelings
- How many places does love have to come from?
- How do you make infinity larger?
- Is it moral to have an incestuous relationship with your aborted child at 4 months
- What is a Greater Leap of Faith: God or the Multiverse?
- Women
- What is the relation between Secularism and Atheism?
- Incest
- "There is no good or evil. Only those with power, and those without it."
- What gets you out of bed in the morning?
- What's your personal morality?
- Why are U.S. citizens ignoring the 6% gain on GDP, by not nationalizing health care?
- Who would you rather have exist in real life
- Why do we attack each other for ideology?
- What philosophers do you most agree with?
- Drugs and philosophy
- Prove the external world exists...
- Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?
- How would you better the world?
- Morals
- life consiousness
- Instantanious Love or Found Love
- Is "Time" real?
- I'm powerful
- Does philosophy have to be necessarly serious?
- MLP V.S warhammer if thecause of the conflict was deeper than we thought?
- Can a sociopath fall in love?
- Something Strange about
- Something Strange about
- Why I disagree with religion and most philosophies on the meaning of life
- Do Australians Feel?
- Souls, Spirits, and Spirituality
- How I see God
- Humanity started killing each-other directly when they started working for eachother
- Is God A super being?
- The Two Wolves
- Does unconditional love exist?
- Is "Chivalry" Sexist?
- What if every electron is a parallel universe?
- On The Technological Singularity
- Perfect age
- Can non-existence exist?
- What are numbers?
- Is Nihilism = Pessimism?
- Balance and the Systems in Nature
- Teleportation
- "Self-success" is a repugnant, barbarically asinine notion
- Reward
- Why we have to give up our identities to the AI
- Lucid Dreaming: The \Closst thung to magic?
- Moral Responsibility (& Free Will)
- Who thinks there is freedom? Who thinks there isn't?
- What would you do if you had the money to stay 25 for 1,000 years?
- Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life -
- The Terminator as 100% possible, logically and physics wise
- Inclusive Democracy: My Political View for a better, more comprosing America
- If person A has 100 times more money than person B
- Why Uber AI would offer us immortality and a Utopia
- I know longer believe in Techno-utopia or Accelerating Returns
- Geo-political applications of Mass Collaboration?
- Neuro-science related Question for Oliver North
- At least two ways in which our universe might be observed by an AI
- Are elements of autism random mutations that could result to beneficial evolution?
- Rivals prepare for court battles over tough abortion laws.
- Indeterminism
- Do you think intelligent life exists?
- Our Existence
- If you were an alien like superman what would you do "for" or "to" this world?
- Theory of Form
- Why is nudity taboo
- What matters most in life
- does Destiny Exist
- Favorite Philosophy Texts
- Is it possible to consciously perceive hallucinations
- Do we only practice morality to enjoy a better afterlife?
- Is the universe infinite?
- you have to see this
- Is war inevitable?
- We don't Really Know Anything Do we ??
- New worldview in the field of natural sciences and philosophy
- Our Star
- My Proposal for Pragmatic Immortality
- Free Will and Morality
- Dream Debates
- If we could read each other's Mind
- Dual Ancestry & Avian Evolution
- Physical Evolution & Cultural Merge?
- What are the Roots of Prejudice?
- Universe theory discussion
- The Greatest Illusion ???
- Why do we NEED to reproduce?
- The Chinese Room
- The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. How do you differentiate?
- Philosophy Jokes
- Existentialism and Cultural Relativism
- chinese zodiac
- The American Dream
- Watch Video: "Science and the taboo of psi" with Dean Radin
- Materialists & Atheists cannot explain how a sensation of pain can evolve!
- College Conspiracy
- Death
- Last Supper B4 getting hung on a cross
- Your out of body experiences.
- Hell's Bells
- Woman film makers
- Beauty?
- Superman?
- Photographs!
- Common Sense
- if only women wrote religion
- Knowledge
- Why is it important?
- FreeMasons, I am interested
- whats the meaning of life?
- Truth, dangerous?
- End of Liberty
- communication in your dreams
- Complete control over Brain Functions...
- is there an absolute level of intelligence?
- is it possible for a computer to gain self awareness
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
- Anti-Life Equation
- Is a man entitled to the sweat of his brow?
- Free Will
- The regress argument and its responses
- Greatest Philosophical Works
- What makes the brain slow down
- One of my ideas
- Basic Drives for AI
- You are wrong?
- pocket universe
- epicureanism
- Clone IOUs?
- Are you a good person?
- Serial Killers vs. Political Killers
- Is is safe to say that what you believe is true can be true?
- what are metaphysical forces
- What is relative and what is objective?
- karma
- Is time an abstract idea?
- If I know nothing can I be responsible for anything?
- Is more technology the answer?
- Are Internet discussion forums the answer?
- How does the infant enter our symbolic world?
- Where does reason come from?
- Why do we seek moral absolutes?
- How can we understand people?
- Is imagination a ubiquitous creator in all thought?
- Libertarianism Makes You Stupid
- What unites all of humanity?
- Police and Professor: who had moral high ground?
- Phantom Limb Syndrom in Nonamputees (yes this does happen)
- Are most decisions moral decisions?
- Can we survive Global Capitalism?
- Philosophical Wisdom
- Can we learn to ask the Big Questions?
- What are the motifs (central themes) of visual art?
- What is the source of class distinction?
- Can politicians talk to Americans like adults?
- The Force: has Technology trumped evolution?
- What is your ultimate goal in life?
- What is the aesthetic goal of plastic art?
- Is America a nation at risk?
- What is Moral Folk Theory?
- Have you ever doubted anthropomorphic polytheism?
- Can inanimate objects carry expressive meaning?
- Suggested Philosphical Reading
- I have two eyes
- Philosophy is Art
- solipsism
- What do these mean to you?
- Does proof exist?
- Movie Lestat vs. Movie Marv w/Kevin's Speed
- IRA - Freedom Fighters, or Terrorists?
- Philosophy Needs a Visceral Connection
- Is there a Rational Ground for Morality?
- Who can say, without a doubt, that I am not a dream?
- Falsification or comparison, which is more suitable?
- Are Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
- Can we change attitude?
- Why is ideology like a prism?
- What is the Association of Efficiency with Morality?
- Can we know only what we are prepared to know?
- Can reason be humanized and remain reasonable?
- Can we compare physics and psychology?
- Can a sophisticated individual rise above ideology?
- How did we grow from Egalitarianism to Plutocracy?
- Intellectual Epiphany: Know what I Mean?
- Is Corporate America a Cabal?
- Body-mind
- Are we playing a fictional role in life?
- What network of habits permeates our actions?
- Is time real or is it an illusion?
- What is the Destructive Force of Belief?
- Are Science and Religion Enemies of Morality?
- Can society resist becoming an economic appendage?
- Math Equations: Metaphors of Science
- How did the “Poor Law” became a poor law for the poor?
- Empathy: What does ever dog owner know?
- Enclosure: The Death of Subsistence Farming
- Is Lying Immoral (Sinful, Illegal)?
- Beauty and Morality are Species of Value/
- Can we be clear about our assumptions?
- Can we talk about thinking?
- Know the death and after it.
- Where does the potential for Evolution come from?
- "Ceci n'est pas une pipe"
- Theory of relativity
- Why do we have an urge to find the meaning of life?
- Where did consciousness come from?
- If Marx had met Lenin...
- possession
- Selfless
- Limits
- Can anyone put limits on imagination?
- Inspirational People
- Destiny in scientific terms?
- Why do people discriminate against atheists?
- Next Intelligent Species?
- Your World
- Technology-My theory
- Is Death Really So Bad?
- What is the strongest emotion and why?
- Dream Meanings
- Is knowledge a curse?
- What political philosophy would work best in your ideal society?
- Do or Do not...there is no trying (Do you agree?)
- Divide by zero
- Patient Autonomy vs. Medical Values
- Politically, What Am I?
- What's in store for humans?
- Human extinction
- Racism in England
- Artificial Intelligence
- 3D image
- Living or letting go.
- How does lack of external references affects personality ?
- Real Life Matrix (red pill , blue pill)
- Are we all interconnected?
- Generation "I"—every person is unique
- What defines who we really are ?
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