- ghost rider vs batman mobile in race
- spider girl vs arana
- Juggernaut vs. Spiderman, Daredevil, Captain America, Hawkeye, Beast and.. Hercules
- whos the smartiest
- sandman vs torch vs iceman vs hydro
- Thanos Vs Paralax And Phionex
- brout strength match
- Solar Man of the Atom vs Mr. Majestic TRT
- Thanos Vs Galactus
- young avengers vs teentitans
- Doc Samson vs. Mindless Hulk
- Doc Samson vs. The Thing
- Doc Samson vs. Thor
- Doc Samson vs. Gladiator
- Doc Samson vs. Abomination
- Doc Samson vs. Juggernaut
- Doc Samson vs. Hercules
- Savage Hulk and Hercules vs. Juggernaut and Gladiator
- Savage Hulk and Juggernaut vs. The Abomination and Gladiator
- Juggernaut vs. Spiderman, Daredevil, Captain America, Hawkeye, Beast
- Battle Royal
- bullseye vs cyclops
- Survivor Series Match :)
- Thanos V's Asgardian Destroyer
- Lobo vs Thanos...with a twist.
- Can a Hulk in absolutly rage be beaten down ?
- Has any Hercules ever beaten up any Hulk ?
- Superman vs The Thing
- Can anybody beat hal jordan????
- Agent Zero VS JLA
- Peak Human Fighters Royal Rumble
- Midnighter VS Slade
- Desak vs. Superman prime
- Dark Phoenix vs. Parallax
- Cannonflash vs Silver Surfer
- New Avengers VS. Taskmaster Team
- Lobo vs. Flash and Wonder Woman
- Good old Dilbert
- Cyber vs Darth Vader!!!
- Just a thought on continuing
- Unicron vs.
- The Quintessence vs
- Kaboom vs
- Captain America vs Rip off
- Spiderman vs Protocide
- Metal Mania
- Batman vs Superman...with a twist!!!!
- Gamma Battle
- wonder woman VS binary
- Hercules vs Superman: Brawl
- King Thor vs 8th Day Juggernaut
- Batman versus Wolverine
- Marvel Powerhouses VS. Supermen Round 2 Sigh...
- Marvel top guys vs. Supermen
- Spider X vs Thing
- CL 100+ Battle Royal
- Superman Prime & JLA 1 Million plus 2 VS. Abraxas
- who can beat silver surfer??
- The Thing vs J2
- Current Thing vs. 8th day Juggernaut
- Gladiator vs. 8th Day Juggernaut
- Gladiator vs. Juggernaut
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- Which Marvel-guys still will seeing Savage Hulk as Ultimate Challenge?
- Gladiator vs. Abomination
- Savage Hulk,Hercules,Juggernaut,Gladiator vs. Galactus
- can any Hulk beat the 8th day Juggernaut?
- who is more powerful? Gladiator or Savage Hulk ?
- Full powered godlike Herc vs. Savage Hulk
- Can anybody match power with a full powered godlike Hercules ?
- The Undertaker vs. 8th day Juggernaut
- Juggernaut Tag Team Battle
- DC Earth's Heroes Vs. The Borg (Star Trek)
- Dark Phoenix vs. Molecule Man
- Gladiator vs. Orion
- Orion vs The Silver Surfur
- Mr. Majestic vs 8th day Juggernaut
- He-Man vs. Champion of the Universe
- King thor vs. Mr. Majestic
- Marvel Top Superbeings vs. Team Superman
- Odin vs. Superman Prime
- Darkseid (pre-crisis) vs Molecule Man
- Dark Phoenix vs. Superman 1million
- Keeper vs Superman Prime
- Current Colossus VS. Aliens...
- Missonary Man Vs Batman
- Morph versus Mystique
- The Keeper vs. Molecule Man
- Korvac vs. Molecule Man
- Flash Vs Jason Voorhees
- Imperial Gaurd VS Earth Heros
- can any superhero defeat the JLA
- Freddy Vs Wolverine
- Superman Vs Jason Voorhees
- Starhawk (circa Avengers/Korvac) v Gladiator
- dare devil,elektra vs darth maul.
- DareDevil 2099 vs. DareDevil
- Captain America Vs Batman
- Battle of the Princes
- Gladiator vs Hercules
- Count Nefaria versus Black Bolt
- antman vs wasp
- Savage Hulk vs Pitt
- Black Panther vs Blade
- Team Black Panther VS. Teen Titans
- Thanos Vs Galactus
- Carnage Vs Spidey Carnage Vs Venom Vs Spider Venom Vs Spider Man Vs Spider Beast
- Thanos Vs Apocalipse
- Thanos Vs Paralax And Phionex
- War Machine Vs Iron Man
- War Machine Vs Iron Man Vs Ultron Vs Vision Vs Sentinel
- Vision Vs St. John
- War Machine Vs Iron Man Vs Ultron Vs Vision
- Daredevil Vs Black Panther
- phionex,pharalax,silver surfer vs GALACTUS
- TMNT vs. Robin, beast boy, daredevil and Elektra
- Terrax vs Quasar vs Adam Warlock vs Captain Marvel II
- Terrax vs Firelord vs Airwalker
- Thanos vs. Mr. Majestic
- Mr. Majestic vs. Sentry
- The Destroyer vs Drax the Destroyer
- Captain Universe vs Silver Surfer vs Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) vs Quasar vs Destroyer
- deadpool and agent x vs 4 predators
- KMC member hierarchy-top 20 most influencial/significant members
- flash,pre crisi superman,dath vader vs sephiroth,iceman,cable
- Me versus You
- wonder woman v superskrull
- Create a team to deal with anything.
- Heavyweight Tag Team Battle
- Solid Snake versus MacGuyver versus Punisher
- Spider-Man vs Blade
- Settle this once and for all
- Spectre vs Sentry vs Sentinel
- Marvel/DC Alliance VS. Imperiex and 10 probes, Nimrod and Sentinels, and Dormammu
- venom vs midnighter
- Wolverine VS Punisher and Deadpool
- Batman&Punisher VS Carnage
- Etrigan the Demon vs The Silver Surfur
- shazam vs molecule man
- Strength Tests Pt. 2
- Kane (spiderman clone) vs. Orion
- Hercules vs Thor
- Chamber vs. Deadpool
- Spider-man vs. Husk
- Ironman vs. M
- Full power Galactus and Heralds plus 2 VS. Superman Prime, JLA, and GL Corps
- Molecule Man VS Superman
- Magneto vs. Enchantress
- Wolverine Vs Superman
- Intellectual
- symbiote warfare
- green vs silver
- Powerhouses DC vs Marvel (women) 2
- Whats the most powerful form of A-Pock?
- who would win black bolt vs Thor vs Superman
- Green Lantern vs Wonder Woman
- Dormammu Full Power VS. Imperiex Full power
- Gay Supermen Fight (nothing offensive)
- Colossus vs Thing
- Tyrant vs. doomsday
- Strength Tests
- Apocalypse vs Silver Surfer
- The Fantastic Four vs. These four
- Gladiator vs Apocalypse and Armageddon
- Thanos vs. Tyrant
- X-men with Gladiator VS. JLA Round 2
- Judge Dredd Versus Punisher
- Maverick Versus Bishop
- Cyborg(teen titans) vs Kane(weapon X)
- Darth Vader vs Flash
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Venom & Carnage
- Celestials vs Triarch
- Dr. Doom vs The Joker
- Count Nefaria(full powered) vs Superman (Pre-crisis)
- Binary vs. Superman (pre-crisis)
- Gladiator vs. doomsday
- Tyrant (full powered) vs Superman (precrisis)
- How strong is Wonderman?
- DareDevil (movie version) vs. Scar Face
- overkill vs deathlok
- Cyclops, Beast, Jean, Rogue, Jubilee and Wolverine vs. Iron Man and Captain America
- Scar Face vs. Punisher vs. Bullseye vs. Rambo
- Wonderman vs Hercules
- X-men with Gladiator VS. the JLA
- Polaris vs. M
- Terminator vs One Sentinel
- Defenders + Heroes for Hire VS Avengers
- Leon Kennedy vs Solid Snake
- Team Marvel vs. Team DC in Basketball
- Dr. Doom and Reed richards VS. thanos (1 year prep)
- Jet Li vs. Black Cat
- Jackie CHan vs. Doc Samson
- Shangchi vs. Bruce Lee
- Shadowcat vs. Nigtcrawler
- Destroyer vs. Green Lantern
- Sunspot vs Upgraded Beast
- DBZ vs. The Matrix
- Batman Family vs. Superman family
- Top X Team
- Powerhouses DC vs. Marvel (women)
- Rogue vs. She-Hulk
- Fantastic Four vs. The Fantastic Four Fill Ins
- Colossus vs. She-Hulk
- Multiple Man vs. Flash
- King Thor Vs. Current Magneto
- galactus v dormammu
- Classic godlike Full powered Hercules vs. 8th day Juggernaut at full power
- Full Power Tyrant VS. Full Power Molecule Man
- Pre-Crisis Supes vs Extremely Confident Glads
- 8th day juggernaut vs Lobo
- Sentry v Superman with a twist
- Molecule Man vS Silver Surfer
- Beast-Boy vs. Spider-Man
- Quasar VS. Superman
- Silver Surfer vs Adam Warlock
- Spiderman Vs Punisher
- Green Lantern vS Hulk
- Batgirl vs. Kitty Pryde
- Magneto vs....
- Stan Lee's JLA vs. JLA
- Drax vs Morg vs Terrax vs Apoc
- Dark Beast vs. Thor (Normal)
- Cassandra Nova vs. the Hulk
- Bane versus Kitty Pryde
- Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark
- King Thor vS the Silver Surfer
- Molecule Man vs X-Man
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Lobo
- Thing vs. Husk
- Colossus vs. Husk
- Monet vs. Husk
- Beta ray bill vs Big Barda
- Omega red vs Wolverine
- Gladiator VS The Hulk and Quasar
- Hella and odin VS. zeus and Hades
- Iron Man vs. Captain Marvel(DC)
- Martian Manhunter vS Dr. Doom
- DBZ versus x-men
- Quick Freeze vs Iron Man, Thor,Captain Marvel (Shazam), & Wonder Woman (RESPECT QF!!)
- Full Potential Spectre VS. Full Potential Shazam
- Iron Man Vs Spiderman
- beast boy ( in gorilla form ) vs beast
- The Maestro Hulk vs. Lobo
- Iron Man Vs ....You
- X Men Vs Hulk
- X-Men Vs Hulk
- Jla Vs. New Defenders
- Defencers vs JLA (different line up than first time this was done)
- The Thing vs Superman