- Surtur against Kubik
- Ganthet and Sayd vs. Walker
- Santa vs. Frosty
- Superman Prime vs Current Superman, Kingdome Come Superman and Earth 2 Superman
- Who is strong enough to....
- superman prime vs h/p doomsday
- 10 billion Daxamites and Kryptonians vs. the New Gods
- Dc endgamers vs Marvel
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- Thor and Orion in a Physical Stats Match ONLY
- Nabu vs. Eternity
- Lex Luthor vs Dr. Doom
- world war juggernaut
- Ironman Vs Warpath
- Odin Vs. S'ivaa
- Omega vs Enslaver/w Soldiers,Thanos & Fallen One
- Red Hood Vs Red Arrow
- Hulking,Iron Lad & Jocasta vs Abomination
- Yuga Khan vs Odin
- Battlezone:Desaad vs Quanchi.. Reactions,please
- Omega vs Thanos
- Juggernaut/Thor vs Superman/WWH
- Thanos w/HOTI vs Lucifer Morningstar
- WW Hulk vs Doomsday
- Batgirl vs Wolverine
- Armor vs. Human Torch
- Blindside vs. Invisible Women
- Skin Flick...Mr. Fantastic vs. Husk
- Movie Catwoman versus Movie Bullseye
- The Battle you never thought you would see! Martial Arts vs. Guns!
- Lucifer vs. Living Tribunal and Warlock w/IG
- Hiro Nakamura vs. The Flash
- The Armies of Isengard & Mordo vs 2,000 Aliens & Predators
- Holocaust vs. Major Force
- Mr. Mxy, Spectre, & Lucifer vs. Trio
- Avengers Infinity Guantlet
- Captain Marvel(Mar-Vell) Vs Sentry
- Tim Hunter Versus Thor
- longest tongue
- Dracula Vs Superman
- morg vs cyborg superman
- Aliens vs Predators.
- Use yor heads people, Darkseid isn't that big of a jobber
- Living Tribunal & Warlock w/IG vs. Lucifer & Spectre
- Popeye vs sbp - slugfest
- WOL Morg vs Depowered Tyrant
- Spider-Man(Peter) Vs Spider-Man(Ben)
- Violent2Dope vs. Judge
- Estacado Vs. Judge - Cagefight
- Judge Vs. Whirlysplat Vs. AJ
- I is back
- The Rot vs. MadGod 3600
- Fallen One & Thanos vs. Hal Jordan & Martian Manhunter
- Juggernaut vs the Hulk 172
- jla vs illumanati/defenders
- Anti - Life Entity vs. The Source
- Black Adam and Shazaam v.s. Eradicator and Gladiator
- Wolverine with kryptonite Bones and Claws vs Superman
- Storm vs Zatanna
- Hercules vs Wolverine
- Captain America Vs Predator H2H
- Broken Tusk and Master Chief vs
- Grayven, Kalibak, Orion vs Thunderstrike, Thor, Beta Ray Bill
- The Elders of the universe Vs The Guardians of the Universe
- Dc energy slingers decide to attack marvel
- Eternity vs. all Watchers, Celestials, and Eternals (as Uni Mind)
- SMP (Countdown) vs. all Elders of the universe
- Thanos vs Thanos
- Martian Manhunter vs. Meggan
- metron vs thanos
- Warpath vs Solomon Grundy
- Cube beings against the Guardians
- Karnack vs. Mister Miracle
- captain universe powers vs current ion powers
- Martian Manhunter vs. Wonder Woman
- Yuga Khan vs Whie Phoenix
- Superhero Bar Brawl!
- Aquaman runs DC Gauntlet with small twist
- Phoenix Vulcan vs Superboy Prime
- Ironman Extremis vs US Army
- Abraxas vs White Phoenix
- Cyborg Superman vs Black Adam
- darksied vs team
- Deathstroke vs. Longshot, Domino and Bullseye
- Red Sonja, Black Knight, Shatterstar vs Silver Samuri, Katana, Snake-Eyes
- Duke Nukem vs. The Kingpin
- Superman vs. Black Adam
- Broken Tusk vs Master Chief
- Cube beings against the Greenlanterns
- Abraxas vs Guardians
- Asgard and all of her enemies vs. Oa and All of her enemies.
- Asgard vs Apokolips
- baron zemo w/moonstone vs dr strange(classic
- Marvel Ares vs the Thing
- Abraxas vs the Antimonitor
- Asgard vs Marvel Earth
- Galactus vs. All of Asgard and her enemies.
- Marvel 6 on 6
- 8Th day Juggernaut vs. Superman Prime
- The Silver Samurai VS. Gambit
- The Justice League Vs The Avengers
- The Nasty Boys vs Deathstroke
- Word of God vs. Anti - Life Equation
- Quasar, BRB vs. Hal, Orion
- Michael vs Thanos(IG)
- Uatu versus Ganthet
- Ultron vs Dr. Doom
- Galaxy Texas Hold'em!
- Maelstrom Vs Sinestro
- batman & robin VS hawk & dove
- Hate vs. Willpower
- Team vs Wolverine,Puck(Judd) & Colossus
- WWH vs A Cannonball & Classic Juggernaut fusion who I call Juggerball
- Zom vs Korvac
- Monarch vs Superman Prime/WW Hulk
- Monarch vs Yuga Khan
- Mister Sinister Vs Booster Gold
- Sinestro vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Mace Windu versus Darth Maul
- Binary and Captain Marvel vs Wonderwoman and Sentry
- Firelord v.s. Terrax
- Gog(kingdom)vs Monarch
- Superman Prime vs Gog(kingdom)
- Rune King Thor vs Reed Richards with Infinity Gauntlet
- infinity watch vs sinestro corps
- M'KRAAN crystal challenge!
- Superman Prime vs. Cyborg Superman vs. Sinestro
- Kyle & Kilowog vs Hal & Guy
- Galactus/Tenebrous/Aegis/Arishem vs Thanos/Demogorge/Odin/Aron the Watcher
- Rune King Thor Runs the Gauntlet
- Dormammu vs. Uatu
- Iron Man (Thor Buster Armour) vs WWH
- Jahf & Modt run the gauntlet
- J2 runs the Gauntlet
- Lobo's Hit List.
- Lucifer Morningstar vs Thanos(IG)
- Destroyer, Doomsday, Kurse vs Thanos, Juggernaut, Mangog
- Greater durability? Superman Prime or Darkseid
- Champion vs Wolverine
- Nova (Richard Ryder) Vs. Guy Gardner
- Ageis & Tenebrous vs Superman Prime,Monrach & Onimar Synn
- Numinus vs Superman Prime
- Colossus Gauntlet does he have 1?
- Terminus vs. the Overfiend
- WonderWoman versus Binary
- Greater durability? Prime Vs. Thanos
- Monarch Vs Korvac (cosmic version)
- green lantern corps vs asgard
- Hawkeye vs Legolas
- Hercules vs Wolverine
- Legolas vs. Boneclaw Wolverine
- Marvel Universe vs Superboy prime with a twist
- Bruce Lee w/ an Adamantium skeleton, Claws and a HF matching WWH's vs. Wolverine
- Batman/Midnighter vs Superman/Apollo With A Twist
- Sentry vs Super Girl
- Superman Prime vs. Asgardian Destroyer
- darksied/thanos vs dr fate/dr strange(classic)
- Monarch and Superman Prime vs Thanos and Silver Surfer
- Depowered Tyrant vs This Team
- Odin vs 1 Guardian
- Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris and Mr T.
- Batman versus Superman
- Sentry versus Tyrant
- 1 Guardian vs Thanos
- Wrecker vs thing
- Prototype vs Colossus
- Superman-Prime vs. Thor's GodBlast
- Thanos,Superman Prime,Gog(kingdom) vs Apokolips
- Thanos vs. Drax, Gamora, and Squirrel Girl
- Team 1 vs. Team 2 : City Brawl
- Superman Prime vs Orion and Kalibak
- Superman 1M vs Thanos
- nomak(blade 2)in movie a battles
- Nova (Frankie Raye) vs Wonder Woman
- Worst Smelling Comic Book Characters.
- Superman vs Team
- Karate Kid vs Superman Prime with a twist
- Marvel Elite villains vs Superman Prime
- Black Adam vs. Orion
- king thor vs imortal hercules
- Fusion Battle: Hulk/Flash vs Superman/Thor
- The 300 vs The Fellowship of the Ring Movie versions
- Onslaught vs. Superboy-Prime
- Hardcase vs Luke Cage vs M
- Who the most powerfull being ultimate spiderman
- Wonderman vs. Wrecker
- Young Avengers/Runaways vs. the Hulk
- Superman 1M vs Silver Surfer
- Wolverine v.s. Thing
- Sodam Yat vs Superman and Kyle Rayner
- nova/super skrull vs magneto/graviton
- Mr Fantastic VS. Luke Cage
- Slug Fest
- Hellboy,Savage Dragon & Spider-Man vs Atlas
- Superman & Match vs Osiris & Horus
- Sersi vs Regular Thor
- The Ultimate Iron Man Vs WW Hulk
- Iron Man (Thor Buster Armour) vs Superman
- darkseid vs dr manhattan
- Black Adam and Isis vs. Wonder Woman and Superman
- Eye Factor (Cyclops and Daredevil) Gauntlet
- Arclight= most underrated mid tier (w/ scans)
- Thanos w/ IG vs Darkseid, Wonder Woman, and Superboy Prime
- Scathan vs. Michael the Angel
- Protege & Scathan vs Amazo & Spectre
- Godzilla attacks Gotham!
- Karate Kid vs World War Hulk with a twist
- Mxy & IM vs Protege & Amazo
- classic juggernaut vs. kalibak
- Firelord, Gladiator, Binary vs Quasar, Supergirl, Nova
- Wonder Man v.s. Batman
- Any1 Vs. Deathstar
- Sodam Yat vs Superman (Kal El)
- Cosmic Red Skull vs Ion
- Michael Korvac (cosmic powered) Vs. Tyrant
- Mr. Mxyzptlk Vs Bat-Mite
- Iron Man (Thor Buster Armour) vs Hercules
- Green Lantern Corps vs Galactus
- joker vs rorschach
- catwoman vs wolverine
- Hypertime proof to Myx
- Tiamut, the Dreaming Celestial vs. GL Corps
- Match vs Terrax
- Anyone have a team that can beat....
- Shaper of Worlds vs Avengers
- Team other comic characters vs Thanos/annhililation
- Thanos,silver surfer, WWH,Dr strange vs JLA
- extant v.s. silver surfer & hal jordan
- Lady Shiva is a 10....
- Vision/Classic Captain Atom vs. Martian Manhunter/IONIC Wonder Man
- Current JLA vs. ALL star Avengers squad
- Martian Manhunter Vs Spawn
- Desak vs. Shuma-Gorath
- Blade Vs Hellboy
- Hellboy Runs Gauntlet
- Warlock/Gamora/Sinestro vs. Wonder Woman/Ronan The Accuser/Firelord
- Ghost Rider vs Guardian
- Uatu vs. Superboy-Prime
- Superman Prime vs Current Thor
- World Breaker versus Tyrant
- Desaad with High Fathers staff vs Superman
- Harvey Bullock vs Sam Burke
- Sabretooth, Spiderwoman, Doctor Octopus vs Sauron, X23, Morbius
- Black Alice vs. Scarlet Witch (HoM)
- Terra v.s. Sandman
- Bullseye Vs Longshot
- Black Bolt screams bloody murder vs. Thor god-blast
- Galactus Vs. The Spectre
- Jonny Alpha Vs Wolverine
- Ironman vs Terra