- It's time for the breast picture thread
- Hal Jordan runs the Guantlet
- Iron man vs Superman
- Marvel Ares runs the Guantlet
- Badrock vs Rhino & Tiger Shark
- Galactus,Darkseid & Depowered Tyrant vs Bubonicus & Absolutes
- Storm vs. Count Nefaria
- Storm, Invisible Woman, Polaris vs Pulsar, Crystal, Scarlet Witch
- Capt. America vs. Beast
- The characters in my Sig vs. DP Tyrant and the Boys
- PC Mongul VS Thanos
- Keeper vs Superman Prime
- Brother blood vs All of Marvel
- Ares (DC) vs Ares (Marvel)
- Thor/Black Adam/Silver Surfer vs. GW Doomsday/Morg/Fortress Eradicator
- WW3 Black Adam Vs Shadowpact.
- Martian Manhunter vs The General
- Martian Manhunter runs the guantlet
- Superman Prime,Superman,Supergirlvs Ion(Sodam),Kilowog,Guy Gardner,Kyle Rayner
- Batman & Green Arrow Vs. Black Knight
- Midnighter vs Black Panther
- Batman & Nightwing vs. Beast
- WWH+The Thing vs Black Adam
- Galactus vs Tyrant, Thanos, and PC Darkseid
- Superboy prime vs Gls
- Sunfire & Sunspot vs Hellboy & Savage Dragon
- Hulk Prime vs SBP
- magus&adam warlock w/gem vs darksied&eclipso
- Captain Marvel (Shazam) vs Sentry
- Backlash/Savage Dragon Vs Deadpool/Deathstroke
- Lex Luthor vs Superman
- My Team vs JLA
- Marvel's greek pantheon vs GLs
- JLA vs Thanos
- Arm Wrestling Tourney!!!
- APOC vs Hulk and Juggernaut
- Hercules (marvel) vs Magneto
- Black Adam Vs Firestorm
- Team Uni-Power vs. Team Kingdom Come
- Tyrant/Superboy Prime vs. Odin/Hank Henshaw
- Drax vs Orion
- JLA vs Heralds
- Sentry vs Kilowog
- 100 post super hero/villian tournement
- Infinity Gems used by a team vs Infinity Gems used by One person
- Storm against Superman durability
- Storm, Wolverine, NC and Cyclops Vs. Justice League
- Thanos+The Sentry vs Superman prime+Hank Henshaw
- donna troy vs storm
- Marvel Jesus vs. H/P Doomsday
- KMC vs. Nvr and his Mythical Hunters
- Omega Red vs Spider-X
- Movie Hulk & Movie Thing vs Classic Abomination
- Girlfriends will stear you from a dark tomorrow!
- Ths Forum is a laughing stock
- I may have miscalculated with Backfire
- Thor vs. Storm
- Already the Chaos begins
- Storm vs. Wonder Woman
- You'll Live To Regret This!!!!!
- Captain Rex, cretin?
- KMC and the coming of it's Dark Eclipse
- Classic Juggernaut vs Thor & Hercules with a twist
- Thor-Silver Surfer-Gladiator vs Mr Majestic-GL (Hal)-Black Adam
- Black Adam Runs the WW villian gauntlet
- Monarch vs. Charon
- Pre-Crisis Vadalius vs This Team
- Black Adam vs. MM, Firestorm, The JSA, and teen titans
- Cyborg Superman vs Annihilus
- Blue devil vs Hellboy
- darwin vs the answer
- Martian Manhunter vs Nova
- Supergirl vs. Superman
- Lobo vs. Kurse
- juggernaut vs cyborg superman
- Punisher Kills the DC Universe
- Hulk Prime vs Odin
- Hulk prime vs 1 average Celestial
- Galactus vs the One
- A GL Ring vs. Supermans powers
- Neuron vs Dormammu
- WW3 Black Adam vs. Classic Thor
- Superman vs. Wonder Woman
- Longshot vs. Ghostrider
- Captain America vs. Longshot
- Storm vs. Enchantress
- Black Adam vs. these guys with the powers and weapons of Wonder Woman
- Heavy hitting
- Black Adam v.s. Thor
- Luke Cage vs. Gamora
- X23 vs. Ronin
- Bruce Lee runs the Kingpin gauntlet !
- Black Mary Marvel Vs Thor
- Power vs. Speed?
- 8th Day Juggernaut,WWH & Kurse vs Mangaverse Thor
- Question about Galactus
- loki vs sinestro
- annhilus* vs darksied*
- Lex Luthor vs Kingpin and DareDevil
- This team Thor villains vs DC Earth
- Thor and ss vs Void
- Molecule Man vs. Jakeem Thunder
- Vulcan vs. Mr. M
- Wolverine,Spider-Man & Luke Cage vs Warriors of Asgard
- Superman Prime vs Earth-15 Superman
- Luke Cage vs Alien Champion
- The Punisher vs Amadeus Cho
- Absorbing Man/H/P Doomsday vs. Metamorpho/Morg WOL
- World War Hulk (World Breaker) vs Superboy Prime
- Binary w Uni-power VS Tyrannt
- Sersi , Wonderwoman , Thor vs Big Barda, Orion, Firestorm
- Thor (Classic) VS Juggernaut, Absorbing Man, and Abomination
- Amazo??
- Llan vs. Darkseid
- The Super Calculating Hulk vs. Dkrtzy RRR
- Nasty Boys vs Brotherhood of Evil mutates
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Icon vs Captain Marvel
- Mindless Hulk/Juggernaut vs. Kurse/Mangog
- pyro vs batman
- Rune King Thor vs. Infinity Watch
- Annihilus vs. Grundy
- Superman & Black Adam vs. Thor & Silver Surfer
- Monarch vs Sphinx/w Ka Stone & with the Xandar computer
- Wonder Woman vs Gamora
- Joe Quesada vs Dan DiDio
- Sentry vs...
- Midnight Sun/Captain Universe vs Orion
- The Sinistro corps against Galactus heralds
- Team vs WWH
- How many of you posted on Christmas day or Christmas eve?
- gls(hal,klye,alan)vs adam warlock,thor,silver surfer
- Black Bolt vs Vulcan
- Kilowog vs. Thanos
- Doomsday vs The Sinestro Corps
- doctor manhattan odin vs. solar man of the atom
- Mr Majestic Vs The Flash
- wonderman vs Hercules
- World War Hulk vs. Superboy Prime
- How many times has The Omega EFFECT not worked?
- Sadom Yat/Firestorm/Hal Jordan vs. Silver Surfer/Adam Warlock/Thanos
- Superman Prime vs this team
- apocolypse vs ( superman, the hulk and the phoenix)
- Which Story is Better Sinestro War or Annihilation?
- Armadillo,Dreadnought & Cyber vs Classic Wonder Man & Current Thing
- Adjudicator vs Superman/Thanos/Thor
- Icon vs Hyperion
- Monarch vs WWHulk,Classic Juggernaut and Classic Thor
- Wonder Man v.s. Shazaam
- Magneto and Wonder Woman fight in a scrapyard
- Cyclops vs. Human Torch
- Ion vs the Sinestro Corps......sort of
- Battlezone: Skeets v.s Captain Spaulding
- Legion vs. Destroyer
- Sage vs. Ironman
- StarFire/WarBird/The Engineer vs. Captain Mar-Vell/Classic Captain Atom/Iron Man
- Husk vs. Ultron
- Shatterstar vs. Luke Cage
- Anole vs. Nick Fury
- Alfred with Utility Belt and Cane v.s Drunken Batman
- Monarch v.s Darkseid
- Monarch v.s KMC
- Monarch vs thanos
- Cannonball vs. Thor
- Wonder Man vs. Wrecker
- Shatterstar vs. Blob
- Monarch vs Superman-Prime
- dr doom vs nova(rider)
- Wonder Woman vs SBP
- Wolf vs
- A deadly superman?
- Apollo vs. Mar-Vell
- iron man vs iron maniac
- Superman Prime vs Gog with a twist
- freedom ring and gravity vs john stewart
- Proteus Vs Neron Vs Blackheart Vs Doctor (Authority)
- Darkseid vs Perikus
- Gog vs Thanos
- Monarch vs Asgardian Destroyer
- high evolutionary/adam warlock vs thanos/annihilus
- Majestic vs WW3 Black Adam
- Superman vs. Namor
- Loki vs Alan Scott
- World War Hulk and Warbound Vs Atlantis
- Welcome to a Golem's Boxing matches
- Ares vs Colossus(H2H)
- Raven vs. Mr. M
- Eradicator & Red/Blue Superman vs Onimar Synn
- Hollywood vs Thanos
- Martian Manhunter vs Onslaught
- Drax the Destroyer/w power gem vs Apocalypse
- Three Alien/Predators vs Spider-Man
- Tenebrious/Aegis vs. Odin/Uatu/Ganthet
- Batman 1 Million vs Superman Prime
- World War Hulk/Sentry vs Silver Surfer/Classic Thor
- captain atom vs superman
- Scarlet Witch Vs Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Fury Runs Gauntlet
- How much power would one being have to wield to beat the Depowered Anti-Monitor in
- Wolf vs. Cassandra Cain
- Galactus vs Any number of daxamites
- Namor vs Batman
- unicron vs eternity
- Imperiex vs. SMP!
- Big Barda vs Forgotten One
- Big Barda vs Colossus H2H
- Movie Hellboy vs Movie Wolverine
- Rank the following....
- Holy ****! Captain America get's Class 100 Str!
- Nova(Richard Rider) vs. Iron Man
- Superman Prime heat vision gauntlet
- Sentry, Gladiator, Count Nefaria and Hollywood vs SBP
- King Thor vs Darkseid
- Dr Doom vs Superman Prime
- Kitt versus the Tumbler
- Hercules vs Colossus
- .
- Thanos Vs Full Power Blackheart
- Mephisto Vs Sup Dipped Superman
- The Runner/Infinity Man vs. Mangog/VandV Despero
- Perry White vs. J. Jonah Jameson
- Despero Vs. Gladiator,Thor,Black Bolt
- What brick could take out these bricks?
- Wolverine Runs The Spiderman Villains Gauntlet
- Kubik vs. Anti-Monitor
- Dr. Strange vs. Blackbriar Thorn
- Iceman vs Black Adam
- Silver Surfer/Orion vs H/P Doomsday
- Eternals vs Superman Prime
- orion vs. gladiator wonderman
- punisher batman nightwing vs. wolverine
- Orion vs Apocalypse,Terrax & Super Skrull
- thanos runs the gauntlet
- Who else it entity level?
- elder gods&demons(marvel) vs new gods(dc)
- King Thor, BRB vs. Darkseid, Orion
- Thor, Invisible Woman, Gambit, & Venom VS JLA
- what would happen, if the Dinosaur-extinction asteroid hits the following guys ?
- World War Silver Surfer
- WW3 Black Adam Runs the Tuff Gauntlet
- Battle of The Supermen ( last man standing)
- superboy prime/silver surfer gauntlet
- WWH vs suprman enemies
- wolverine/colossus vs equus
- Thanos w/Cosmic Cube vs. Sinestro Corps
- King Thor vs. Cyborg Superman
- Eradicator&Cyborg Superman vs superman prime
- Vulcan vs. Thor
- Netshape & Neut vs Batman & Deathstroke
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs Enslaver & Soldiers