- Silver Surfer VS Thor
- Validus Vs Blood & Thunder Thor
- Aztek The Ultimate Man Vs Engineer
- Mister Mxyzptlk runs Marvel Gauntlet
- Shuma-Gorath Vs Starbreaker
- Omega Red vs. Iron Man
- Lobo VS Blue Beetle
- Wonder Woman w/Gauntlets of Atlas Vs Thor
- Batman (current)/Gambit vs. Deathstroke/Mr X
- Spitfire vs. Anti-Venom
- ogun vs batman
- Punisher vs. Shang-Chi
- Dr. Voodoo vs. Dr. Strange
- KMC'S DC Dirty Dozen VS Odin
- Black Panther VS Luke Cage
- Negation Army runs Galactic empire Gauntlet
- wonderwoman vs seth(marvel death god)
- Iron Fist vs Daken
- Superman: Secret Identity vs Thing, Wolverine, Colossus
- Dormammu/Mephisto vs Llan the Sorcerer/Odin
- Dormammu/Hela vs Mephisto/Pluto
- Karate Kid Vs Orion
- despero (peak) vs onslaught
- Cosmic armor superman Vs Galactus
- Wolverine vs deadpool vs sabertooth vs kiba vs beast vs darkbeast
- hercules vs war hulk vs superman vs seth
- seth vs gill vs M.bison vs akuma
- Hulk Vs. Constructicons, Stunticons, & Combaticons
- Feral Wolverine vs Sabretooth
- Galctic scale war !
- Thor and Wonder Woman Run The Gauntlet
- akrillo vs the thing vs kilowog vs colosuss
- JLA vs avengers vs xmen h2h no powers/weapons
- Hercules vs Colossus and Thing
- The Strongest One There Is
- Gambit vs Luke Cage
- X-cutioner vs nightwing
- Batman vs Deadpool
- X-verse and JLA vs These guys
- Jamie Braddock vs. The Spectre
- Connor Hawke/Deathstroke/Cassandra Cain vs Gambit/Elektra/Daredevil
- Superman, Silver Surfer, Thor, Captain Marvel(billy) vs Sentry, GW Doomsday, Rulk,WWH
- Superman vs Silver Surfer's rogue gallery & Silver Surfer vs Superman's rogue gallery
- Tech VS Divinity II
- Composite Superman, Super Adaptoid & Amazo vs Seth/w prep, Depowered Tyrant & Surtur
- Ironfist vs mandarin
- Ironfist vs Deadpool
- Black Canary vs Elektra
- Black Tarantula vs Wolverine
- Odin vs Phoenix(jean grey)
- Sin City
- Cheetahvs Puma
- B.I.O.N. Vs Sinestro, Cyborg Superman, Eradicator, & Mongul
- Megaton Man vs The Tick
- Superman and WW vs Ultraman and Superwoman.
- Agent Orange (Larfleeze) vs Thor, Silver Surfer, and Gladiator
- tigra-vixen-black panther vs batman-moonknight-spiderman
- Blackheart vs Doomsday
- Composite Superman Vs Superboy Prime
- Darkseid & The Shadow Elements Vs Sinestro Corps
- The Decreator Vs Michael Korvac
- Darkseid vs. Nabu
- Wolverine and Collossus vs The Mandarin
- Odin/Surtur vs Stranger/Inbetweener
- blue marvel vs gods of marvel and powerhouses
- my team vs your team
- blue marvel vs marvel universe
- Marvel/DC 4 way brawl!
- Solusandra vs Odin
- Danik vs Silver Surfer
- Dex-star vs krypto superdog
- green lantern squad vs ... the most unexpexted ring bearers
- Bloodstrike vs wonderwoman
- The Comedian vs The Joker
- Lanterns (All Colors) vs Crossgen verse
- SuperMan vs Runs the COSMIC gauntlet..
- Kurse vs Team of 5
- X-Force with prep and a twist vs Darkseid
- Mr. X vs Gambit
- Omega Sentinel VS Fairchild
- Bishop VS Sebastian Shaw
- Loki Vs Anansi
- Killer Croc vs Wolverine
- storm-jean grey Vs snowbird-sersi
- nova (rider) vs air-walker (automiton) vs terrax
- hal jordan vs john stewart
- rulk vs skaar/wwhulk
- Miho & The Female vs Deadpool & Bone Claw Wolverine.
- Galactus and Heralds vs All Lanterns (Every color)
- Prep Team vs Pre Retcon Beyonder
- DC vs. Wildstorm vs. Marvel
- Elektra vs Red Skull
- Moon Knight vs Bullseye
- Luke Cage vs Hammerhead
- Superman vs Galactus
- Mr. Majestic vs Beta Ray Bill
- Beta Ray Bill vs The Eradicator
- Midnighter vs This Team of Two
- Odin vs all high/mid/low heralds
- Spider-Man VS Rhino (w/ a twist)
- "Batman" (Jason Todd) vs Black Panther vs Deathstroke
- ganthet and hal jordan vs Odin and son
- Tech VS Divinity
- Captain America vs Batman TWIST
- Steve Rogers vs Superman and Wonder Woman
- orion/Superman/Thanos vs Hulk/Thor/Darkseid[h2h]
- Battle of the Exoskeletons!!
- Loki & Enchantress vs Silver Surfer
- Captain Marvel vs Beta Ray Bill
- BL Garth VS Agent Orange
- Trion VS The Vishanti
- Ms.Pepper Vs. Mary Jane
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Agent Orange
- the patriot(eli bradley) vs captain america
- Birds of Prey vs. Black Widow & Elektra
- summers-grey vs kryptonians
- Joker vs Green Goblin with a twist
- Gladiator vs Beta Ray Bill
- Post Time Skip Sasuke VS Kazekage Gaara
- Mephisto vs. Phantom Stranger
- The Question vs. Jason Todd
- Martian Manhunter vs Satana
- Grey Hulk and Colossus Vs Abomination
- Deathstroke vs This Team
- Superman vs. Heimdall
- Grey Hulk and Colossus Vs Abomination
- Forgotten One vs Aquaman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl & Batman
- Eternals vs Amazonians
- Asgard vs New Krypton
- Gundam invade DC Universe
- Trion Juggernaught vs Worldbreaker Hulk
- nemesis vs midnighter
- Lex Luthor vs Norman Osborn
- kurse/Malkieth the Accursed vs Odin
- SOM vs UCX
- Darkseid/Thanos vs WW Hulk/Rulk [h2h]
- JLA vs ...
- Tony Stark Vs Bruce Wayne (Twist)
- Dharma Vs Mr. Majestic
- What comic are these scans are these from?
- Black Bolt VS Kitty Pryde
- Dr. Doom vs Rulk vs Loki vs Apoc (with a twist)
- Insane Genis vs. Silver Surfer
- Captain Anerica vs Sersi
- Sharpshooters Battle Royale
- Hulk, Grey Hulk, Abomination Vs Superman
- Dormammu VS Tim Hunter
- Alan Scott VS Impulse
- Monarch and SBP w/Guardian amp vs. Molecule Man
- Whatever happened to Comicfights.com????
- X-Man vs Cable
- Batman (Itachi's MS) vs. Spider-Man, Wolverine, Daredevil and Captain America
- Hercules vs Beta Ray Bill
- Martian Killing Machine & Red Ring WWH vs Superman, Thor & Genis-Vell
- Magneto, Apocalypse, and Dr. Doom run the Hero Gauntlet
- Green Lantern(Kyle) vs Quasar's rogue gallery
- deathstroke vs omega red
- Steve Rogers vs Wolverine (with a twist)
- Erdammeru, The Void Hound Vs Galactus
- Thor, Hercules vs Orion, Wonder Woman, H2H only
- Bor and Thor vs Justice League
- Abomination vs Hulk (HUGE TWIST)
- Zatanna vs Loki
- Mephisto vs In-Betweener
- 3-Level Herald-Amalgam Contest
- Orion VS Thor: The Simonson War
- Batman vs Valkyrie
- Odin (Destroyer Armor) vs Galactus
- Overmind vs Apocalypse, Exodus & Emma Frost
- Dr Strange*/King Thor vs Baron Zemo w/moostones/Genis Photon Vell
- Darkseid vs Bor
- Superman vs Bor
- Lords of the Splinter Realms vs Galactus
- Mr.x vs Deathstroke
- Apocalypse vs Magneto vs Dr Doom vs Kang
- Dracula and Magneto vs. Dr. Doom
- Silver Surfer VS The Magus
- deathstroke vs logan's rogue gallery
- Elektra vs. Steve Rogers
- The Archenemy Vs Galactus
- Starro the Conqueror (REBELS) Vs Sinestro Corps
- Phoenix (Guirad) Vs King Thor
- Archenemy vs Demogorge
- Dial H For Hero Vs Adam Warlock
- Batman Vs Backlash
- Prometheus vs Colossus
- batplane vs blackbird
- Batman vs. Elektra
- Batman VS The Hulk
- Hollywood Vs Blood & Thunder Thor
- The Legion Of Super-Heroes One Million Vs Galactic Guardians
- Black Flash Vs Black Racer
- Superman vs. Amazo, Super-Adaptoid & The Fury
- DCAU vs. the Marvel Animated Universe
- Bat Lantern Tower
- Asgard at war!
- Silver surfer vs Flash (twist)
- The Mandarin vs Iron Patriot
- Superman & Lightray vs Sentry & Ares (Marvel)
- Atum-Demogorge the God Eater vs "Death" Gods
- Green Lantern (Raker) Vs Blackbolt
- Green Lantern Corps vs. JLA
- Pyro vs Phoenix
- Black Flash vs Zoom(Hunter)
- This Team vs That Team
- Loki Vs WW Hulk
- Odin vs Zuras
- Wrecking Crew vs New Avengers (Street Edition)
- The new Batman vs The New Captain America
- Beta Ray Bill vs Superman
- Beta rat bill vs Superman
- Immortal Hercules vs. Current Thor
- superman/Thor vs Orion/Beta Ray Bill
- kikoolol fights.
- Sage vs Batman
- Violator vs Loki
- Prototype runs Marvel Gauntlet
- Loki vs. Blackbolt
- Shadowpact Vs JLA
- Red Skull Vs Blue Beetle (Ted)
- spawn goes to dc and marvel universe
- cyborg vs blue beetle
- IronClad vs The Thing
- ok, Hercules (Marvel) vs Wonderwoman WITH TWIST
- Black Bolt vs Ultron
- Lords of the Ultra-Realm Vs The Marvel Universe
- Battle of The Marvel Omnipotents!!
- Bizarro vs. Dumb Drax
- Hercules & Maxam vs Classic Wonder Man, Blob & Wolverine
- Battle of The DC Omnipotents!!
- wwhulk vs ww3 black adam
- divine spawn vs mr majestic vs (lord marvel) shazam vs wwhulk vs blackbolt vs spectre
- Batman vs. Black Canary
- FC Darkseid & Soulfire Darkseid Vs Mandrakk
- Super-Adaptoid vs Swamp Thing
- Which other Marvel/DC characters could and would conquer the Shi`ar?
- Insane Lightray & Superboy Prime vs. Raven, Shade & Shadow Thief
- Parallax Vs The Void
- Red Hulk vs Mister Sinisters Team
- Ring Users VS , Morg, King Thor
- bloodscream vs omega red
- Immortal Herc vs Wonderwoman
- deadpool's fun house
- Blade, Sage, Cap and WWH vs DC earth
- odin/Dp Tyrant vs Highfather\Darksied
- Rulk runs the gauntlet
- zuras vs Thanos
- Supermen battle
- Herald-Level Slugfest Tourney
- Daken vs. Omega Red