- Toughest opponent Steel Serpent/Steel Phoenix can take?
- captain america with class 70 strength vs WWH
- Captain America vs Wesley Gibson
- Fantastic Four vs. Evil Mutants
- Heralds vs. DC Guard
- Thanos runs the DnA gauntlet
- Morg W/WOL vs Stonehenge Etrigan
- Morg vs Beta Ray Bill
- Herald's vs Top Tier
- Morrison's JLA lineup vs Heralds
- Spider-Man runs the Gauntlet
- Juggernaut runs (litterally) the gauntlet
- Cap vs Batman vs Daredevil vs Predator
- Infinity Man(DOTNG) vs Captain Marvel(dov)
- Ares VS Sabertooth
- Abraxas runs a gauntlet
- Thanos and Darkseid Vs Neron
- Red Hulk, Zoom, Despero vs. Thanos, Asmodel, and Doomsday
- Pluto & Neptune vs Surtur
- **Iron Man**
- Who are the strongest mutans(physical)
- thor vs classic spawn
- Which character most under-utilizes/maximizes their potential?
- Marvel Family vs JLA
- Classic Drax the Destroyer vs Orion
- Hulk Fanboys vs Wolverine fanboys
- Drax Vs Superman
- Karate Kids vs Gamora & Mantis
- weakest character to KO superman
- God Swamp Thing Vs Full Power Tyrant
- Sise-neg Vs Abraxas
- Hurt, Knock out or Kill superman
- Poseiden Vs Atlantians
- 4 skyfather level guys vs this guy
- Silver Surfer, Kyle Rayner and Orion vs. Superman, Thor, and Quasar
- Gog Vs Thanos
- Nightwing vs Kraven the hunter
- High Evolutionary and forge VS Kronos
- Elder Gods Vs Thanos
- Grendell Vs Hulk
- Team Spider-Man vs Team Lizard
- De-powered Tyrant vs Darkseid
- WWH during DC Earth 52.
- Shazam, King Thor Vs Odin, Capt. Marvel "wizard"
- Firestorm,Black Bolt, and Quasar vs. Silver Surfer, Wonder Woman, Kyle Rayner GL
- Mordru vs Odin
- Black Widow vs Mockingbird vs Silver Sable vs Psylocke
- Thanos,Smaller Tyrant, and Odin vs. Onimar Synn, Superboy Prime, and Mordru
- nimrod vs the fantastic four
- Ba'al Hadad vs Doomsday
- Sand man Vs Plastic man Vs Hydro Man
- who can defeat akhenaten
- wolverine vs hulkwith a twist
- namor vs juggernaut with a twist
- The X-Men Vs The Crew
- Destroyer vs Galactus
- Zeus Vs Justice League.
- Silver Surfer Runs the Marathon
- Most powerful version of Mordru versus Classic Strange
- Odin and Asmodel vs. Thanos and Onimar Synn
- Marvel DC Mirror match.
- IG vs you
- Colossus Vs Hulk
- Quasar vs Stardust
- Silver Surfer vs Firestorm
- My mid Herald (Beta Ray Bill) vs your High herald
- Thor vs Superman (Without Any Powers!)
- Daredevil vs nightwing
- Namor vs Apollo
- Eternity vs Archenemy
- Qabiri/Shaman Nate vs Baron Zemo w/Moonstones/Photon
- Thor/Hercules vs Hero/Superman
- Captain Marvel/ Captain Atom Vs. Nova Prime/ Black Bolt
- akhenaten vs full power tyrant
- colossus vs thor with a twist
- Ikaris vs Firestorm
- Thor vs. Bane(Rules)
- Weakest Character that could beat Orion with Powergem
- Superman Vs Bane(Rules)
- Living Tribunal Vs Beyonder
- Firestorm and Silver Surfer vs. Hal Jordan and Thor
- Ikaris, Forgotten One & Thena vs Silver Surfer
- who can one shot spider-man ?
- Silver Surfer Vs. Genocide, Circe,Queen of Fables and Ares in that Order.
- Wolverine vs Thor
- Ikaris vs Billy Baston
- Sebastian Shaw vs Hercules
- Colossus vs T-Bird
- Thor vs Death head II
- Grey Hulk vs Captain Planet
- The Atom(Ray Palmer) Vs Dr.Doom
- Alien Entity Vs. The Nemesis
- Shaman X-Man vs Photon
- The Cabal Vs The Society Council
- Surtur vs Mikobashi
- Gladiator and Silver Surfer vs. Zoom and Ring Mongul
- Atrocitus vs Etrigan the Demon
- Dr.Doom vs. Spawn
- Gouken Vs Bane
- Daken/Wolverine vs Hercules/Ares
- Senyaka (info included) vs. Deadpool
- Mr. Fantastic vs Plastic Man
- rate the fighters
- Who can break plastic man ??
- Iron Man, Vision,Gaurdian(Alpha Flight) vs. Bombshell, Engineer,and Red Tornado
- Superman, Kyle, Wonder Woman vs Silver Surfer (scenario)
- Spider-man vs Hulkling
- Venom vs Sabertooth
- Marvel Villians vs DC Heros
- Majestic and Thor vs. Silver Surfer and Orion
- Classic Sasquatch & Abom vs Zorr & Kraa
- Skaar vs Morg
- DC vs. Marvel Representitives
- Etrigan vs Thor
- Punisher vs. Daken
- Deadpool and Deathstroke vs Batman and Midnighter
- Justice League vs WWH with a twist
- Selene Vs The Apocolypse
- The Modern Defenders Vs The Big 7
- Supreme vs Classic Thor
- Super-powered football teams
- Firestorm and Morg vs. Stardust and Kilowog
- Tug of war
- DC team vs Marvel team
- Colossus VS Hulkling
- Zeus Vs Zuras
- Who is the best Protector?
- Atrocitus/Sinestro/Hal vs Classic Thor/Cyborg Superman/Superman
- Daredevil & shang chi run the gauntlet
- Mikaboshi vs Odin
- The New Defenders Vs The JLA
- Atrocitus vs Agent Orange
- Captain Britain vs Sasquatch
- The Cabal Vs The Modern Defenders
- Thanos vs Rulk(lf) vs Juggernaut
- Captain Planet VS Colossus
- Solomon Grundy vs Thing
- Supermen of the Multiverse vs Green Lantern Corps
- Ms. Marvel(carol Danver) vs Gamora
- Amazons Vs Olympions
- He-Man Vs Thor
- Photon Vs Flash vs living lightning
- Photon vs Silver Surfer
- Hercules vs Warrior
- Norman Osborn vs. General Sam Lane
- If you HAD to choose one...
- Genis Vell v Nova
- Photon ( Genis-Vell) and Superman vs. Silver Surfer and Thor
- Amazo vs fights
- Sinestro/Hal vs Thor/BRB vs SS/Quasar (Wendell) vs Superman/Captain Marvel (Billy)
- The Cabal Vs The Society Council
- Battle of the Amalgams....Super Hulk vs The Mighty Shaw vs The JuggerNova
- Sinestro vs Majestic
- who's stronger in the DCU
- Who's stronger in the DCU?
- Doc Ock vs Iron Man
- How strong are Morrison Monitors?
- who has the Most advance armor
- Emporer Joker Vs Abraxas
- Joker Vs The Mask
- Puck (Eugene) vs Sebastian Shaw
- punisher with 7 eyes vs daredevil in hand 2 hand fight
- hulk with 4 legs vs thor
- "Super Juggernaut" vs Supermen
- The Society Council Vs The Dc Illuminate
- Thanos/Superboy Prime vs Odin
- Warpath, Warbird, & She-Hulk vs Flamebird, Nightwing, & Superboy
- Best scientific/tech feats in comics?
- Warpath vs Morbius
- Which is stronger?
- Brainiac 13 vs High Evolutionary
- what would be the best duo team to see in comics
- Playing god
- Lady Shiva vs Deathstroke (pure h/h)
- Rate Batwoman
- If you could pick 10 scientists from DC/Marvel...
- Lightning
- can these people lift over 200,000 pounds?
- Despero vs Thanos (slugfest)
- Proteus vs Alfie O'Meagan
- If Doomsday is a 100 in terms of raw strength
- Rank these Characters 1-10 for most Versatile in thier powers and use of said powers
- Thor and Orion vs. Silver Surfer And Superman
- Rank the following attacks
- Blackheart vs Thor
- Daken vs Spider-Woman
- Loki's game...
- Silver Surfer and Hal Jordan vs. Thor and Superman
- Sebastian Shaw vs Sasquatch
- Durability test
- Professor Hulk runs the Hulk gauntlet
- Pa Kent vs Uncle Ben
- thor & world war hulk vs super boy prime & spawn
- thor with WWH in a slugfest
- Who's physically stronger?
- Bathunter gauntlet
- Raven (tekken) vs Bryan fury (tekken
- Black Adam,Beta Ray Bill vs. Orion,Gladiator
- The Marvel Illuminati Vs The Dc Illuminati
- Galactiator vs. Superiex
- Colossus with uni power Vs Gladiator
- Colossus vs Juggernaut with a HUGE twist.
- Baron Zemo Vs Black Adam
- Strength team vs versatility team
- Fully powered Tyrant runs the gauntlet
- Odin+Zeus Vs pre crises Superman Prime+Cyborg superman
- Would You rather be Odin Or Zeus(Marvel Versions)
- who are the biggest losers when not in uniform ?
- Midnighters battle PC or Spider-Mans precognitive Spider Sense
- karate kid,gamora,mantis vs WWH
- WWH vs Superboy prime
- Would you rather be the Thing or yourself?
- Rip Hunter vs Batman
- Cap A./Black P. vs. Batman/ Death S.
- Lobo faces Herculese (From Avengers)
- Logan's Army vs WWHulk
- Thanos and Asmodel vs
- Powegirl, Miss Martian and Starfire run the Marvel Gauntlet
- Ideal Lanterns
- Super Speed vs Teleportation
- The Cabal Vs The Society
- Miss Martian vs Supergirl
- Would you rather be Colossus or Thing?
- Hardest hitters (nods to the lifting/hitting thread)
- Rate the strength level of these TV and Movie counter parts.
- Marvel Vs. Marvel
- Super Durability vs Super Regeneretion
- Abraxas Vs Shuma Gorath
- Deathstroke vs Captain America
- Super Durability Vs Super Strength
- Omega Red vs Sasquatch
- Specific Question about Striking Power/"Lifting" Feats
- DC vs DC
- Green Ranger vs Batman
- Watchmen vs 30 Days of Night
- Shuma Gorath & Korvac vs This Team
- Squirrel Girl vs FP Tyrant
- Marvel muscle vs DC muscle.
- ironman and lex luthor vs superman
- Wonder Woman, She=Hulk vs Binary, Maxima.
- The Society Vs The Cabal
- zom vs. the archenemy
- Batman with Upgrades vs Thanos
- Team MU vs Team DC: Villain style!
- Bizarro, Parasite and Solomon Grundy Vs Hyperion, Crusher Creel and The Wrecker
- Gladiator, Orion vs Superman, Thor.
- Team MU vs Team DC: 10 on 10
- Lifting Strength vs Punching/Striking Strength
- The Doctor(Wildstorm Authority) vs Superman
- Hercules runs the gauntlet