- Mongul, Black Adam,Destroyer vs Doomsday, Bizarro , Solomon Grundy
- Could Superman survive a million exploding suns
- Captain America/Deathstroke vs Bane/Deadpool
- The Fury vs Demogorge
- Hulk vs. Mazinkaiser
- Anti - Life Entity vs. Solar
- Chamber vs. Wolverine
- Shatterstar vs. Hulk
- Scalphunter vs. Thing
- Dr. Strange (w/complete Cosmic Cube) vs. DOV Spectre
- Shuma Grath Vs Korvac
- Vulcan With Power Ups Vs Henshaw With Rings
- eternals vs the new gods
- who can replicate these feats ?
- Classic Dr. Strange with Eye of Agamatto v.s. Black Bolt
- Team A vs Team B
- Lord Zedd and Rita vs. The Machine Empire(Read Scenarios)
- Black Bolt's scream vs Darkseid's omega beams/effect
- Superman Prime vs Sentry
- If Drax can kill Thanos, can Wolverine kill him easier ?
- Batgirl, Captain America,DareDevil vs Batman, Taskmaster, Blackpanther
- Superman, Thor, Nova vs Silver Surfer, Wonderwoman, BlackBolt
- Inbetweener/Nabu vs. Full Power DS/Odin
- The Inbetweener and Takion vs. Surtur and Monarch
- Thanos with the "other" infinity gauntlet vs Dc Earth
- Dr Light vs IW/Reed
- Genis-Vell vs Captain Atom
- The 300 vs. Vampires (30 Days Of Night)
- Mr. Myx Vs Superboy Prime
- Cyber and Collossus vs Wolverine and Thing
- Arachne, Carnage, Araña vs Spiderman, Venom, Spiderwomen
- Insane Vel w/ Nega bands runs the gauntlet
- magneto vs annihilus
- Spidey vs Reed Richards
- Solar Vs WW Hulk
- WW Hulk Vs Union
- Who in Marvel can beat the Anti-Life Entity ?
- Superboy Prime Vs Earth's Heroes (Slight Spoiler: Sinestro Corps: The Anti-Monitor)
- Juggernaut vs Thor vs Wonder Woman
- Iceman vs. Spiderman
- Superman, Thor, & Silver vs. Thanos
- Odin vs Grandmaster
- Robocop vs Batman
- Lois Lane vs Betty Ross
- Wolverine and Spider-Man versus Darkseid
- marvel earth vs marvel cosmic
- How many IMPs would it take to knock out these characters?
- Captain Atom vs Vulcan
- Magneto vs Darkness
- Magneto, Meggan, Metamorpho vs Sersi, Selene, Apocalypse
- Lobo vs Despero
- Team Psionic VS Team Green Lantern
- Warpath Vs DeadPool
- Progenitor vs. Walker
- Orion vs Ikaris
- Firestorm Vs. Firelord
- Flash (Barry) Vs. Green Lantern (Kyle)
- Ronnie/Jason/Element Lad vs. Hal/Alan/Kyle
- Hal/John/Guy vs Alan/Kyle/Kilowog
- Thor, Beta Ray bill, Captain Marvel vs Darkseid
- zoom&flash vs darkseid&thanos
- WWH vs Despero
- Exiles Hyperion Vs. Galactus
- saxon berserker vs. anyone class 15 and below h2h
- Battlezone match: Violent2Dope vs. Phenomenol
- Captain Planet v.s Storm
- Magneto vs. Kyle Rayner
- Regular Magneto vs. Dr. Polaris when he pwned the JLA
- Alexander Luthor (w/suit w/prep) vs. Dr. Doom (w/prep)
- Magneto vs. the JLA
- Iron Man vs Mr. Terrific II
- Kingpin, Daredevil and Captain america take on....
- Robocop vs The Joker
- enRAGED! vs
- Captain America and Hawkeye vs The Teen Titans (cartoon line-up)
- Gladiator vs. Storm
- X-O Manowar vs. the Fantastic Four
- Black Adam (WW3) vs Despero (at his peak)
- Black Bolt/Wonder Woman vs. Firelord/Martian Manhunter
- Villian Smack Down against Our Fair Heroes
- Magneto & Black Bolt vs. Wonder Woman
- Azazel w/ 10 qward rings vs Gl corps
- Statesman (City of Heroes) vs Superman
- Blink, Polaris, Snowbird vs Storm, Husk, Magma
- Flash vs Makari
- John Stewart vs Black Bolt
- Mister M Vs Superman
- Darwin Vs Doomsday
- Black Bolt or Kal-El
- DC Envades Marvel Earth
- Classic Apocalypse vs Pre-Hat Thanos
- Thor Vs. Bullets!!!
- Thor v.s. Sentry
- flash vs marvel
- Armless tiger man vs double amputee black panther
- Armbar Black Panther Vs. Firelord "buster" Spiderman
- Classic Drax vs Gladiator
- Deadpool vs Predator
- Joe fixit VS Luke Cage, Iron Fist & Absorbing Man
- My team beats down the majority of dc and marvel....
- Dr. Doom vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Deadpool vs The Mask
- Gravity vs Thanos
- Hal Jordan vs Gladiator
- spiderman vs wwh (twist)
- gladitor w/uni power vs morg w/wol vs annihilus w/qbands
- Cable vs Spawn
- Superman/Cyborg Superman with Manhunters vs Sentry/Ultron with Iron Man suits
- Thanos/Morg WOL/Juggernaut Classic vs Darkseid/Mongul/Lobo
- Tyrant vs. Ecce
- The Original Magus vs. PC Validus
- 7 Green Lanterns vs. 7 Heralds of Big G
- Captain Boomerang jr VS Robin
- Zatanna, Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo vs Dr Fate, Loki, The Enchantress
- wolverine vs Etrigan
- Storm vs. Darkseid
- Iron fist, Gamora, Karnak and Karate kid take on....
- thing vs jubilee
- Eldest vs. Sentry
- Ms. Marvel and Captain Britian Run the New York Race Gauntlet
- hom wanda/jim jaspers vs jamie braddock/havok w/nexus of realities
- Firestorm vs. Metamorpho
- Ult Namor vs WWIII Black adam
- Gravitron/Iceman/Firelord/Storm vs. Red Tornado/Firestorm/Metamorpho/Dr.Polaris
- Marvel Heros vs DC Villians 2
- Thor and Sentry Vs Cyborg Superman and Sinestro
- Marvel Heros vs DC Villians
- Green Arrow vs Shocker
- Captain America vs Hulk Hogan
- Batman vs Hobgoblin
- Gravity vs. Sentry
- Storm, Iceman, and Magneto vs. Superman
- The X-Men and F4 vs. The Silver Surfer and Apocalypse!!!
- Namor & Aquaman vs. Storm & Iceman
- Thor/Orion vs. Black Adam/BetaRay Bill
- Superman Vs. A marvel character of your choice
- Madgod Sector 3600 Vs. The Sinestro corp¬¬
- "Most Powerful Superhero Tournament" Intro thread
- Thor vs Kratos ~Battle of the Gods~
- Supreman vs. Hulk, Thing, Colossus, Juggernaut
- Clayface vs. Venom
- Insane Genis and Entropy vs. ZH Parallax
- Gamora vs Dr.Light
- Uncle Sam vs Gladiator
- MoonDragon, Songbird, Shriek vs Emma Frost, Siryn, Dazzler
- DC's Big Three vs. Marvel's Top Five
- Darkseid vs Dr Strange
- Johny The Homicidal Maniac Vs. The Punisher
- WW Hulk Vs Storm
- Graviton vs Moonstone Zemo
- HOM Wanda vs. Classic Ion
- Could a high ranking GL(Hal,Kyle,John,Guy.................?
- Top form Gravitron/Exodus/Magneto vs. Dr.Light/Dr. Polaris/Despero
- Meastro vs War world hulk
- Batman vs Bruce Lee
- The Runner vs. Superman
- H/P Doomsday vs Classic Juggernaut
- Team Psionics VS Team Magicks... BATTLE TWO
- The gods from the xenaverse vs the movie xmen
- Aquaman vs The human torch
- Kmc forums vs The DC world
- Solar vs. 10 Celestials
- original superman vs orignal thor
- storm vs.....
- It's Clobberin' Time.....again! (Thing runs an improved gauntlet!)
- It's Clobberin' Time! (Thing runs a gauntlet)
- Graviton and Exodus vs Blackbolt and Count nefaria
- Hulk vs. Captain Atom
- Gamora vs. Ultimate Hulk
- Mary Marvel vs Stardust
- Fffffuuu-si-oooooooonnnnnnnnn---hhhaaaa!!! Rd 1.
- Superboy Prime vs WW Hulk(Slugfest)
- galactus w/heralds vs titans
- Dr.Polaris vs The Hulk
- The Trigan Empire Vs. World War 2 Marvel Earth Germany
- John Woo's Comic Character, Best Pick.
- Marvel arena
- Gamera versus Classic Captain Marvel
- Sinestro runs the gauntlet
- Who would be the boxer
- How many Noteworthy Blasters Are DC characters?
- The Thanos Gauntlet
- House Of M In DC
- Hank Henshaw vs Champion
- Iron Fist & Green Arrow vs Black Panther & Captain America
- Spiderman versus Itachi Uchiha
- Vixen vs. Husk
- Odin (Marvel) vs Mordru
- Hellboy vs Frankenstein
- WWHulk vs Mrrungo Mu(Fully powered)
- wolverine vs kalibak (twist)
- McGuyver vs. Storm
- Ultimate Thor vs Ares
- Two-Face vs Jigsaw
- wolverine vs spiderman foes
- Temugin vs. Gamora
- Starfox/Zuriel vs. GeoForce/Marvel Ares with Ax
- Gemma vs Wolverine
- Most powerful gun toting person
- JLAvengers: Girls vs. The Guys Round One
- 'Official' Battlezone match challenge: TricksterPriest vs. King Mungi
- Battlezone Match: Phenomenol vs. Violent2Dope
- Battlezone Match: Phenomenol vs. Akuki
- Black Panther/Storm Gauntlet
- WWH vs Wonder Woman - Power Girl - Big Barda
- Doomsday versus Sinestro Corps
- JLA internal dispute
- nods to nvrbeenwthagirl: Doomsday versus the real Darkseid
- Match vs. Thing
- Captain America vs. Armor
- Captain America vs. Husk
- Ms. Marvel vs. Storm
- Thanos versus Darkseid in Pure Slugfest Battle
- Mrrungo Mu vs. Thanos
- Hulk and Juggernaut versus Darkseid and Thanos in Pure Slugfest Battle
- Rugal Bernstein vs. Lobo
- Superman vs Synch
- Ms. Marvel vs. Polaris
- If you had to fight a pissed off, True Form Non Jobbering Darksied,
- Synch vs Prodigy
- Classic Dr.Strange(With Eye of Aggamatto) v.s. HOM Scarlet Witch
- James Howlett (Wolverine) vs Diana Prince( Wonder Woman)
- Animal Man versus Vixen
- Red Sun Eater Versus Green Lantern
- wonder girl 2
- Gladiator vs Supreme
- doomsday(most powerful)vs marvel big 3
- Captain America/Superman vs Batman/Supreme
- If you had to fight a angry superman.
- DS and his Team of creations vs. Galactus and his team of creations
- Master Chief & Predator tag team
- Mix and Match Battle II:Arkillo/Ravenous vs. BlackBolt/Martian Manhunter
- HOM Scarlet Witch vs. The Fury
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Plastic Man
- Data vs T-800
- Mix and Match Battle I
- Eye of the Tiger vs. HotU
- Wolverine Vs. T1000
- Top 5 Most Powerful Mutants
- How many THANOS's with the IG would it take to beat Wonder Woman?
- Movie Actors Marvel/DC Battle!
- Classic Molecule Man vs. Thanos with The Heart vs. Thanos with the IG
- how many darkseid would it take to beat current hulk in a slugfest ?
- transformer vs sentinel
- Wonder Woman vs. Iron Man
- Classic Molecule Man vs. MJJ vs. THe LT
- ultimator vs jim jaspers merged w/fury
- team mutant vs team cosmic
- Punisher and Nick Fury vs.....
- Green Arrow vs Rocky Balboa