- Kurse vs. Abomination
- original x-men vs original fantastic four
- Battle of the Useless! : Maggott vs. Triathlon
- Batman, Cassandra, Deathstroke and Nightwing Vs. Kenshiro and Raoh from F of N Star
- Marvel In Dc and Dc In Marvel
- Mighty Mouse V's Speedy Gonzales
- The Gorgon vs. Captain America
- Spider-man vs Andromeda from Atlantia
- Crime Syndicate of Amerika vs. Fantastic Four
- the JLA
- Krypto vs. Spider-Man
- Mighty mouse and pikachu versus shocker and doctor doom
- General Eiling vs. The Hulk
- Iron Man vs. Firestorm
- Wolverine versus General Zod
- Can Spectre kill Lucifer Morningstar and Archangel Michael?
- DC's telepaths versus Marvel's telepaths
- How powerful is Jean grey w/o the Phoenix force
- Why did the Living Tribunal let Dark Phoenix destroy a solar system?
- Flash vs Mr. Fantastic
- Deathstroke vs the Savage Dragon
- Powerman vs. Doc Sampson
- Gilgamesh vs. Wonderman
- Speedball vs. Spider-man
- Savage Dragon vs Venom vs Wolverine
- The Authority vs. New Avengers
- Supergirl vs. She-Hulk & Warbird
- Northstar vs. Spider-Man
- The Hulk vs. Orion
- Fantastic Four vs. New Avengers
- Shredder runs the Gauntlet
- Asterix and Obelix vs. Hagar
- Blade vs. Marv
- all other Superman vs Superman PRime
- Hawkman vs. Spider-Man
- JLA vs G-Unit
- SM + (DD) = x # of Sentinels
- Maestro VS War-Hulk
- Doc Samson vs. Lizard
- Absorbing Man vs. Super Skrull
- Super Skrull vs. Exiles Mimic (you pick the powers)
- Wolverine vs. Mysterio/Carnage
- Ironman vs. Loki
- batman/spiderman vs venom, carnage, shoocker
- Desak VS. Superman(Current)
- Bullseye & Kingpin vs. Luke Cage
- 2 league tournament or Inter-league tournament?
- Mini-Me vs. Puck
- Usagi Yojimbo vs Silver Samurai
- Thing vs Sandman
- Storm Vs Raven
- callisto VS batman
- t 1000(terminator 2) vs data(star trek)
- 8th day Jugs vs Doomsday
- Hal Jordan(GL) vs Cosmic Spiderman
- betty vs parralax
- Man-Spider Vs. Man Bat
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Quarter-Finals) - Marvel Division (Right Version)
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Quarter-Finals) - Marvel Division
- Wolverine vs. Magneto
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Quarter-Finals) - DC Division
- Wolverine vs the monster from Jeepers Creepers
- Punisher vs Blade
- Strom vs the teen titans
- Sersi vs. Silver Surfer.
- Blink vs. Storm
- Mimic vs. Captain America
- Iron Man, Quasar, & Dazzler VS. Sentinel, Jade, & Obsidian
- Iron Man, Quasar, and Dazzler VS.
- Thanos vs. Ghost Rider and Doom vs. Ghost Rider
- Magneto v.s. Static (Static Shock)
- G'Nort v Ch'p
- Vanisher vs. Spiderman
- Vanisher vs. Invisible Women
- Remaining Jedi Knights v Remaining GLC members
- Spider-Man vs. Daredevil vs. the Human Torch vs. Iceman
- Ghost Rider VS. Martian Manhunter
- Mr.Wizard vs Dr. Strange
- Punisher Team VS. 5 Aliens and 1 Predator
- Vargas vs Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl(cassie)
- Orion vs Magneto
- Flash vs firelord
- Gl(hal) vs Morg
- MM vs God like Cable
- Superman vs Captain Ameria
- MM vs Thor
- Tyrant vs Superman Prime
- Sentry vs Pre-crisis Superman
- batman vs silver Surfer
- superman vs powerpuff girls
- Wonder Woman VS. Desak
- Jack of Hearts vs. Exodus
- Hulk vs. Human Torch
- Abomination vs. Havok
- Wrecker vs. Colossus
- Doc Sampson vs. The Wrecker
- batman/spiderman vs venom, freeze, and blackcat
- Put Put Golf Tournament
- she-hulk VS wonder woman
- Colossus vs. Thing
- Captain Britton vs. The Thing
- Exemplar's vs. Heralds
- Sentry And Silver surfer Vs JLA
- Uber Version Fight Fest - Marvel vs. DC
- JLA VS. The Stranger
- Spidey/Wolverine/Batman Vs Teen Titans/Xmen
- thanos and gladiator and hulk v darksied superman and doomsday
- build an X-team to take out the JLA!
- superman vs terrax
- Dormammu vs parallax
- stan lee vs. Jack kirby
- Deathstroke vs Nightwing and Robin
- Galactus vs GL Corp
- Exodus v Legion
- Martian Manhunter v Professor X
- The Mask vs the living tribunal
- Stan Lee vs. James Bond
- Luke Cage VS. The Terminators T-800, T-1000, And the Terminatrix
- Mario vs. Luigi
- Adam Warlock VS. Martian Manhunter
- The Race of Clestals vs DC and marvel Universe
- Bane vs Venom
- Hulk and She Hulk vs. Spider-man and Blackcat vs. Batman and Batgirl vs. Superman
- Temugin vs. Dr. Doom
- Marvel Boy vs. Catwoman & Toad
- Doc Ock & Green Goblin vs. Super-Skrull
- Marvel earth vs DC earth
- Ninja Turtles vs X-men
- Anti-monitor vs Eternity
- storm VS flash
- Robin vs hammerhead
- silver Surfer vs earth GLs
- Flash vs GL
- storm VS scarlet witch
- Avengers & Fantastic Four & X-men VS. Archangel Michael
- Invisible Women vs. Marvel Girl
- Spiral vs. Invisible Women
- Deadpool vs. Brood
- Hulk vs. Juggernaugt vs. Thing
- Fantastic Four vs. Power Pack
- Hulk vs. Black Panther
- Plastic Man vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Galactus and Heralds Vs. Impeiux and Probes
- 3 Flash's VS. Spectre
- Onslought, Odin with the destoyer, and Thanos vs Goblin Force
- Rumble In the Jungle Part 1
- FF vs. JLA 4 on 4
- Master Pandemonium versus Superman
- Blade VS BloodRayne
- Predator Aliens Vs Wolverine Riddick
- Beast vs. Venom & Carnage
- Superman Vs Dragonballz's Goku
- Mr. Fantastic & Wolverine vs. Doomsday
- Super robot monkey team hyper force-go versus the Teen Titans
- X-team VS. JLA and the JSA
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 2) - Marvel Division (correct version)
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 2) - DC Division
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 2) - Marvel Division
- Morlun vs Juggernaut vs Venom
- Silver Surfer vs Dr Strange vs Professor X vs Superman
- zatanna VS Dr. strange
- rogue vs (current) hercules
- human torch vs havok
- jesus vs. buddha vs. ganesh Part 2
- The Punisher vs Riddick
- Tug O' War - Juggernaut, Venom & Lizard vs Hulk, Colossus & Spider-Man
- One Sentinel vs. Human Torch
- toad vs. punisher
- Sandman vs. Fantastic Four
- Invisible Woman & Mr. Fantastic vs. Lizard
- Cyclops vs. Nightcrawler
- Batman vs. BLob
- Thor vs. Electro/Scorpion/Mysterio/Carnage/Venom
- Surtur VS The JLA
- Sentry vs Jubilee
- The Tinkerer V's The Fixer
- Johny 5 (short circuit) V's Terminator
- Exemplars versus Infinity Watch
- Spider-Man vs A Sentinel
- Gladiator vs. Batman
- Sentry & Gladiator & Hulk VS. Pre-Crisis Superman & Wonder Woman & Orion
- Verbal Fight Part 2
- Mr.Fantastic vs Colussuss
- Dr. Doom vs. Gladiator
- Violator vs Sabretooth
- Batman, Robin, & Bat Girl VS Captain America, Black Panther, & Hawk Eye
- Ultimate Villains versus a fair JLA
- Thanos and Krytonian vs Silver Surfer and Galactus
- Thanos goes after Doom's Power Gem (scenario)
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 1) - DC Division, Slots 5-8
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 1) - DC Division, Slots 1-4
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 1) - Marvel Division, Slots 5-8
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 1) - Marvel Divison, Slots 5-8
- Marvel/DC Martial Arts Tournament (Round 1) - Marvel Division, Slots 1-4
- Iron Fist vs. Elektra & Daredevil
- iron man vs hercules
- Human Torch vs. Shocker
- Wolverine vs. Sasquatch
- iceman vs storm
- Rage VS. Warpath
- Wonderwoman Versus Star Sapphire
- The Injustice Gang(Comic version) vs the Sin Six.
- He-Man V's Lion-o
- Captain America V's Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
- Lex Luthor versus the Joker
- pre crisis Superman versus Galactus
- Shocker/Scorpion/Carnage vs. Invisible Woman
- Anti-Monitor invading Marvel universe VS. Adam Warlock with IG
- Rhino vs. Hercules
- Iron Man vs War Machine (alien armor)
- Thing vs. Sabertooth & Sasquatch
- Thanos vs Sentry
- Riddler/Penguin vs. Punisher
- Apocalypse vs. Phoenix/Cyclops/Storm
- Thanos vs Dr Doom
- Anti-Monitor vs Sentry
- Daredevil vs. Kraven
- Abomination vs. Fantastic Four
- plastic man VS storm
- Venom with Kryptinite Vs Superman with sonics
- Sinister Six vs Fantastic Four
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs Gladiator
- New Gods vs skyfather
- Morg vs Darksied
- Thanos vs DC universe
- Celestial vs all Superman
- TOAA vs Presence
- batman with Cosmic Cube vs Parralax
- Batman vs NC
- Superman Prime vs Sentry
- doomsday vs king thor
- batman in the savage land
- You can thank me later eleveninches...
- You can thank me later eleveninches.
- What If? Bruce banner became the juggarnaut
- Count Nefaria vs. Juggernaut
- Thanos v Genis.
- Mind vs Body.
- Captain America VS Mr. Fantastic VS Cyclops VS Punisher
- Reed v Nightcrawler, basketball match
- Parasite vs Rogue
- Brotherhood of Evil Mutants vs. Sinister Six
- Sentry VS. Wonder Woman & The Flash & Batman
- Martials Arts tournament
- Hot vs. Cold
- Sentry VS. Orion & Big Barda
- Moon Knight vs Blade
- Batman vs Moonknight
- doomsday vs destroyer
- Human torch vs spidey