- DC Versus Marvel Omnibus.
- What do you all reckon about this link with regards to the One Below All ?
- What happened to the Leaderslair website?
- Is Titan Hulk the most powerful Hulk?
- The Duck Pond
- Violence in Comics
- Saga
- What are the most entertaining comics beings oublished right now in2021?
- who are the best fighters?
- With regards to Marvel comics Hierarchy (see details)
- DCAU Martian Manjobber - The Official Disrespect Thread
- The Starbrand
- Is DC comics mainly Batman?
- Is Thanos ACTUALLY a "copy" of Darkseid?
- What if Batman killed Joe Chill?
- Does Anyone Here Sell comics
- What would be the best chemical elements for a shapeshifter to turn into?
- Freaky New Dinosaur was part Duck, part Raptor
- Which all times has Hulk got new powers?
- Would it be good if DC and Marvel merged?
- Undiscovered Country
- 80 Years of Marvel
- Did Marston give Wonder Woman for dark fantasy elements in the beginning?
- heroes in crisis--spoilers
- Marvel Hiearchy top 5
- Bada's New Home
- What makes Asgardians have different powers?
- The Death of Marvel Comics?
- KMC Comic Book Tiers (v2.0)
- KMC Comic Book Tier Discussion Thread
- Cythonna
- Vertigo Comics discussion
- Magic is meh Vs magic is haxx
- Next Batman author?
- Comicsgate, Gamersgate, FandomMeance
- Defiant Comics Warriors of Plasm etc
- What are YOUR top 20 GNs/CBs of all time?
- Green Arrow and Son
- DC's Next Big Event - CRISIS
- DC's Fresh Start: Morrison on Green Lantern?
- Marvel Universe Map
- DC's Black Label Imprint
- Bendis reveals two new titles for JinxWorld for DC Comics
- DC Vertigo Create New Sandman Universe!
- Neil Gaiman announces a new Sandman line
- The Saga of the Infinity Stones
- Kickstarter and Crowd-Funded Indies
- Scott Snyder to write Justice League, Four new JL titles Post Metal
- New super paperback graphic novel Doctor Leviathan volume one.
- Who is most handsome characters for you ?
- Metal
- Hercules: Wrath of the Heavens
- series synopses
- Is "Thor: Vikings" considered canon?
- Milestone & Vertigo Relaunch in 2018!
- Tom Strong And Family Join The DCU
- Grant Morrison To Co-Write Sideways with Didio
- RIP Len Wein
- DC Comics - The Jetsons (2017)
- Can no one write a fun Mister Miracle book?
- Doubts about House of M
- Ultra Comics???
- Marvel's Political Rampage
- ENNIS & PARLOV Return to Punisher for Punisher: The Platoon
- Convergence actuallly is canon?
- Is "Thor: Vikings" considered canon?
- Final Crisis - REVISED Ending!!
- DC's Doomsday Clock
- marvel rebooted
- Secret Empire
- IDW's First Strike
- DC's Dark Matter Line/Event
- Some islamic/mutant shenanigans in recent X book...
- A New Batman/The Shadow Crossover
- A pic that a friend did for me
- You now run Marvel or DC
- DC/Looney Tunes crossovers
- Let's make a Superhero of your country.
- Bug!: The Adventures of Forager
- What does this board think about The Hooded Utilitarian's Top 115 Comics?
- Should I make a tally of the best comics of 2014?
- *** What If *** The Ancient One (Doctor Strange) is Ra's Al Ghul?
- Fave Female
- How should I write a fanfic between Marvel and DC characters boxing eachother?
- Comics writer gerard Jones arrested for child pornography
- Marvel's strange romances
- Did DC ****ed up by killing New 52 Superman?
- A few... Odd crossovers heading our way!
- Who would you say would be the 5 best boxers of Marvel and DC?
- Star Trek: TNG/Aliens Crossover Comic
- What is the best comic you've ever bought?
- RIP Steve Dillon
- X Men Gold & Blue to return
- 75 Years of Wonder
- Your First...
- Loom of Fates and Those who sit above in the shadows
- Warren Ellis to oversee the Wildstorm reboot
- DareDevil and Electra..... What if
- What's up guys
- How much does Juggernaut's armor contribute to his durability?
- Is there a Comic Book character that defined by By Atheist Non belief?
- Is Alan Moore jealous of Ta Nehisi Coates
- Scans of Karate Kid fighting Kryptonians
- Marvel's 'MU' revealed = Monster's Unleashed
- Favourite Defunct Titles/Series
- What are your 3 greatest comic book runs of all time
- Civil War II
- Multiversity Too
- Question about Celestials
- New THANOS ongoing this fall
- The Full Marvel Now! 2.0 Lineup
- "Big Trouble in Little China" and "Escape from New York" Crossover
- DC is missing out on an imprint with potential
- Is Multiple Man more powerful...?
- Unworthy Thor gets his own book
- Riri Williams...the Invincible Iron Man
- Captain Atom vs Doctor Fate
- How strong is spidermans webbing exactly?
- Marvel NOW 2.0
- Respect for Our Heroes
- Watchmen - now a part of the DC Universe
- life after secret wars
- Any hints of a Hulk revival in Marvel?
- RIP to Darwyn Cooke.
- Heeeere's Negan!
- Thanos's best feats.
- How powerful is LT
- How powerful is GL Tomar-Re?
- When did Hulk go from pain and anger to any stimulation ?
- Marvel - Mosaic Teaser
- Marvel Comics promises a long awaited return...
- Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens
- DC Launching Young Animal Imprint: Doom Patrol!
- Characters from Hanna-Barbera team up in.... "Future Quest"!!!
- Who you like see become a herald of Galactus
- Civil War II - Marvel Event of 2016
- Neil Gaiman on Copyright Piracy and the Web
- DC: Rebirth
- Wonder Woman: Earth One
- the trouble with superman
- Help!!! Help needed
- I think I may have found the worst artist...
- French comic award makes nominee list without women, other nominees call BS
- Predator Life and Death
- Superman being an evil man
- Almighty Deity Godzilla?
- What would you change about that character?
- The Biggest Comic Characters Rivalry
- Tell us your Favourites!
- RL Mjolnir
- DEADPOOL : Officially an Avenger
- 'Aliens' ongoing series ALIENS: DEFIANCE
- New 'Lucifer' Ongoing Series (Vertigo)...
- Freaky Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers
- Batman & Steel
- Good display case/shelf for statues?
- Help! I'm looking for Spider-man!
- Marvel replacing all popular characters
- Which Superman is the most powerful?
- Martial arts practitioners from comics
- DC Universe Relationships!
- Playing Catch up
- DC metatextual beings
- Heroes Alliance
- Amalgams as Heralds of Galactus
- Who is Marvel's main superhero?
- Random Comic Trivia Thread
- Gonna write a comic. Input welcomed.
- SFDebris' comic history videos
- Warren Ellis to write a James Bond book
- Whose Voice Do You Hear?
- Amazing Spider-man relaunch
- unloading comics....
- comic book writers in TV, etc...
- Are there different levels?
- Justice League : Darkseid Wars
- Ultimate Marvel good and bad
- Comics explained
- April sets some sales highs
- Is Mother of Existence (Man of Miracles) the omnipotent being of Image comics?
- Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew!
- Owlman and the Court of Owls
- Drax getting his own ongoing series
- Why is The Presence always described as Non-Omnipotent?
- Heralds of Galactus
- What are your HOPES for post Convergence DC?
- Converging Thoughts
- Comic Review Sites
- Context of this scan?(hawkman)
- Consistently best writers?
- Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift Announced
- Which outcome of convergence is most likely
- Marvel get reboot.
- The Official: Everything Cosmic Marvel Topic.
- Just found out Molecule mans origin has been retconned again!
- Feminists outraged by Batgirl Cover....DC bows down...
- February: A good month for comics
- What do you guys think about the new look in DC?
- Garth Ennis to do a Vietnam era Frank Castle story
- Rabum Alal Is Galactus.....
- Favorite Team Stories
- Oldest active heroes
- Wow interesting data!!
- Non Legion heroes in 31st century?
- who are the top 3 smartest human minds in marvel 616
- Morrison's Multiverse!
- Kazar and Zabu
- How exactly is strong Quicksilver?
- DC Comic Reveals He-Man: Eternity War
- Who knocks themselves out the fastest?
- Prep
- Comic book shops thriving
- Is somewhere fictional character with unlimited speed?
- Dan Slott's Silver Surfer
- If Fables was made into a live-action film series...
- First impression badasses
- Hulk's stomping ground
- Can Quicksilver do these things?
- Superior Iron Man
- Has Apocalypse unlimited phisical strength?
- Who would you like to see more of in comics?
- DC announces Convergence, a 9 week event.
- Secret War
- Here's a radical new idea for marvel
- Injustice--PIS/CIS?
- Rate and Discuss the Events
- Odd trends in the comic-book industry
- Untapped Vibranium (story) potential
- New 'Secret Wars' is Marvel Comics' major event of 2015
- Comics every REAL collector must read
- Team Names - alternatives?
- Who is the best martial artist in Marvel and DC?
- interesting what you think peeps ? :)
- Grant Morrison's Supergods
- Gender-switching characters
- Lantern Rings
- Favourite type of fights
- Injustice Superman-Was he wrong?
- How fast Zoom??
- Rank Marvel's Events
- Comics "No-Prizes!"
- Will Marvel realunch their whole line?
- Satirical Interview with Bendis.
- Trends in comics
- Are you team Black Panther or team Namor
- My New Comic Tattoo Sleeve Phase 1!
- Fan made vs video Red Hood vs Punisher