- Star Trek Lower Decks
- Star Trek Strange New World
- Sisko a Trumpian Captain?
- Should Star Trek be allowed to die?
- RIP Rene Auberjonois
- Your favorite episodes from each series?
- Star Trek:Ghost Ship. "Fan Film"
- Patrick Stewart will star in a new Star Trek series
- Star Trek: 20 Crazy Fan Theories (That Were Actually Confirmed)
- Captain Kirk replaces Han in A New Hope how long does Leia hold out?
- STD. A Fraud Series? At least according to this guy...
- What We Left Behind
- For the Love of Spock
- Galaxy class vs Dreadnaught class
- Star Trek: Bridge Crew - VR game by Ubisoft
- Star Trek: Discovery
- Funny Trek movie reviews
- Reasons for Scimitar's performance against Ent-E
- The deadly Nu-Trek ships vs the badass Prime-Trek ships
- The deadly Nu-Trek ships s the badass Prime-Trek ships
- Assemble your dream crew
- Re-Watching
- I hate Abramsverse Phasers... Do You??
- JJ Abrams ruined Star Trek and will ruine Star wars
- Star Trek is cool.
- UNSC vs The Dominion (with a slight alteration)
- Into Darkness named worst Trek movie EVER
- Right-wing preacher condemns Star Trek Into Darkness for bestiality
- Tholians vs. Breen
- For outbound links, what is the best SEO structure?
- Goa'uld Ha'tak (Stargate) runs the Star Trek gauntlet
- What Will You Name Star Trek..Except Its Original Name
- Enterprise may be back?
- HALO vs The Borg
- Star Trek vs Bablyon 5 gauntlet
- Funny Star Trek parody
- Favorite episodes of the Original Series
- DS9: Far Beyond the Stars
- Warp Drive Theory
- Q Continuum VS Prophets
- Enterprise could be built for $1 trillion
- Kirk's religion?
- New Series Concept!
- Captain Picard Respect Thread.
- Happy 81st Birthday Spock
- So they cast Khan for JJ's second film...
- Shatner discusses Star Trek Vs Star Wars
- why is this star trek forum so dead
- New Star Trek series being pitched to networks.
- ST: TNG... On Bluray.
- Star Trek Resort Opening 2014
- Leonard Nimoy was 80 today
- The Dowd Kevin Vs. Q
- ODST vs Dominion
- Borg vs The Cybermen
- USNC vs The Dominion
- 100 Jem'Hadar vs 100 Spartans (HALO)
- The Borg vs The Founders
- Voyager Question...
- Your Favorite Captain
- Star Trek Excalibur
- Star Trek Infinite Space
- Defiant vs Delta Quadrant
- Enterprise-E in the Delta Quadrant: Beat up like Voyager?
- Starfleet Uniforms - Why Not Combat Fatigues?
- US Army vs Jem'Hadar at Chin'toka (AR-558)
- Could Guinan be a Q?
- Could a Jem'Hadar be detoxed?
- Borg vs The Dominion Alliance
- Star Trek Time Travel. What if...?
- Name some good Voyager episodes.
- Do we need something like Space Marines into the new Trek alternate universe?
- Star Trek wins it's first Oscar!
- Star Trek Meets...
- Star Trek vs Doctor Who
- Norexan vs. Galaxy
- Star Trek to drop socialism
- Would Mr.Spock be sterile?
- Re-casting Khan
- Borg Vs Time lords
- The Borg VS The Empire
- 22nd Century Vulcan Fleet VS 22nd Century Klingon Fleet
- The Borg vs The Wraith
- Different Blu-ray Deals
- The Narada
- Was R2-D2 in Star Trek
- Federation GROUND force vs USA Ground force
- Shatner, Mulgrew, Nichols, Spiner, Pegg at Big Apple Comic-Con Oct 16-18!
- Star Trek Books/Novels
- Enterprise - E vs Stargate Atlantis Wraith Hive Ship
- Star Trek Toy Discussion Thread
- seven of nine and the doctor
- Star Trek murder
- Discrepancies in Star Trek Science
- The Archer Enterprise Vs Kirk Enterprise
- Question - Did the New Star Trek Movie Ruin the Old Storyline?
- Discrepancies in Star Trek science
- The Next Generation gets it's own reboot...and...?
- The Greatest crew ever picked by you.
- Abrams' Star Trek (2009) - Spoilers...
- Answers about Nero's ship, the Narada.
- Favorite Star Trek Moment/s
- Star Trek humor in the movies.
- Star Trek vs TNG movies
- Star Trek Online
- Is Vulcan a repressive regime?
- Star Trek Continuity
- James Kirk vs. Will Riker...who'd win?
- The Khan thread
- Would you recommend Star Trek: Enterprise?
- Following the success of JJ Abrahms Star Trek.
- New Movie
- Picard vs. Khan
- Dominion vs Cylons
- Borg vs Cylons
- credit cards for bad credit history ...
- Enterprise-E vs Voyager
- The smell of Trek
- Star Trek
- Species-8472 vs. The Dominion
- Star Trek Cast
- Shatner's Raw Nerve
- Voyager
- The Borg vs Sphere Builders
- 'Khan' is dead at age 88
- Riker vs. Kirk
- For a Star Trek Victory over Star Wars in Battle
- Majel Barrett passes away aged 76
- Star Trek Vs. Star Wars
- Would any Trekkies be interested in a Star Treck original RPG
- music in new trailer......
- Kirk or Spock!?
- Star Trek Movie Pics Wtf??
- Best Uniforms
- Who thinks Shatner should be in the new movie?
- Porthos
- Multiple Command Crews?
- Vulcan Power: Enterprise to Next Gen
- star trek remastered
- Borg thread
- Back In Time.......ho-hum
- Kirk's Favorite Romances...
- Take a look at this, it rocks!
- Worst Star Trek Movie Ever?
- Care to Help?
- Borg
- Data vs Spock
- Great Star Trek Quotes
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- If you had to serve duty with a ship/crew
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- The woman of Star Trek
- Star Trek crew fight
- Q is not Omnipotent
- Q Vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Warp Straffing
- Whats your favorite Star Trek Movie? (UPDATED)
- Captain Picard vs Captain Kirk
- What If?
- Trek Weapons
- Star Trek Video Thread...
- What would you do with the powers of Q?
- Favorite Episodes
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- Vulcan's, Klingon's, borg and more
- The other star trek movies thread
- Forum Rules... Read before posting...
- The Picard song
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- Cardassians or Dominion
- The guy with the red shirt
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- Congrats
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- Star Trek XI & Sequel News Thread