View Forum: Religion Forum
- Do parents who raise evil people go to hell when they die?
- Happiness of heart and soul ^_^
- What is happening these days؟
- Name of the game
- Amazing.....?Why? 5555555
- top porn comic sites
- Faith Healers Exposed (Holy Koolaid)
- Drunk, High, & Hypnotized: The Neurotheology of Mystical Experiences
- What is god? Where Did God Come From?
- Why is worshipping God more important then accepting LGBTQ+ people to you?
- Odd coincidence
- happiness of heart and soul
- Where is Administration
- Where is Administration
- How big was Jesus?
- Adam means "son of the red Earth"
- Jesus knew how to ride a bike
- Did Joseph get cucked by God?
- Bats are birds? XD
- Yes, Jim Jones was an atheist...
- God is an incel.
- Views on "Apostle" Paul of Christianity?
- Why abortion is wrong and do babies go to Heaven?
- Whack an Atheist series
- Michigan Trumper sentenced for threatening to hunt down whistlebower on Trump
- Bible quiz
- What would be the consequences of creationism if it's deemed extremely bad/harmful?
- The best days
- The fact that "Good" exists, is not proof that God is Good.
- Why I am King James Bible only
- If I can't falsify Gods' foreknowledge, I do not have Free Will.
- Why would a supreme being need constant affirmation from its creations?
- The Good News
- Why did God create anything?
- Saw this online, will someone refute it?
- Summer and winter and spring.
- Someone explain the Trinity, logically to me.
- No Hell below us, above us only sky
- Happy eid l maulid ennin
- For example, allowing roster creators to incorporate tattoos to players
- best bible translation (english)
- The spirit of hands
- Disease
- Jesus memory
- Atheist repeatedly attacks Christian, finally ends-up regretting it
- Unconditional love
- Amazing.....?Why? 44444444
- King James was not a homosexual
- Reproducible Miracle
- The Cult of Mormonism
- Scientific Efficacy of Prayer and the Resulting Theological Questions
- Dr Zakir Naik explains how Islam prevents rape
- Algebra was derived from Islam
- The truth about 9/11
- Inspiration in Religion
- The Big Bang Fizzle
- Satan's War Against Women
- Amazing.....?Why? 333333
- Overview of the Paganism inherit in Roman Catholicism
- The Dangers of Evolution
- Christian vs Christian
- \m/ The Satanic Temple \m/
- Kent Hovind gets mad
- Why is Islamaphobia not accepted but Fear of Christians is?
- Can you convert to Shinto if you're not Japanese?
- Debate: Is Belief in the Resurrection Unreasonable?
- Found meaning in life through The JEsus Chatline
- Speakers Corner Hyde Park london
- Should it be a requirement for Priests to be married?
- The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injil/Torah
- The reluntant Messenger
- Think on good things
- The Blasphemous Pope Francis
- If God was actually real, would he have any right to...
- Amazing.....?Why? 22222
- Satan gave man love. Was it worth the hate?
- Former Atheist Tried to kill his father; says Jesus saved him
- If someone told you that they were God what would you ask them?
- Very Insightful debate
- Finally. A Video Game for the Angry Christian Haters.
- Sight
- Body bank
- Cleanse the soul & the body
- What is the most probable afterlife?
- Allah and what he wants.
- Change
- Why do you believe?
- 5 reasons why the Qur'an is the Word of God and challenge to non-Muslims.
- Is Trump the Antichrist
- How many posts on a message board a year seems excessive?
- Pope Accuses Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Of Slander
- Why We Believe in Gods (Andy Thomson)
- Prosperity Preachers
- Why the Gospels are Myth (Richard Carrier)
- he look like us??the beloved???
- Ben Shapiro vs Sam Harris
- Necessary components for a successful religious text
- Jordan Peterson - The Problem With Atheism
- Jesus = good. Yahweh/Allah = evil. Trinity = evil?
- Is there any evidence that Darwin died as Christian?
- Anti-Atheist Memes (just to be fair)
- Anti-Religion Memes
- Are the .1% are shooting themselves in the foot by hording?
- Christian Apologists/Preachers vs Muslim Apologists/Preachers: Which are worse?
- A nuclear WWIII will never happen. Dishonor will prevent it.
- Did God err in making Adam ruler over Eve?
- I am nuke proof. I hope yar 2.
- If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Chris
- Two Atheists Visit the Ark Encounter...
- The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses
- A Question for Atheists.
- The Life Of Paul
- Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS (the Islamic State) - David Woods
- American Muslims More Accepting Than Evangelicals of Gay People
- God; a good father or a deadbeat dad. Which is the truth?
- Is Superman an atheist?
- Bibleman Adventures
- satanic bible? satanic church? The devil exists?
- Why Atheism is Vacuous Grandiloquence
- -== Fun with CHURCH SIGN Advertising ==-
- Hooking Up? Does The Bible Say I Can?
- What is the historical Buddha's true ethnicity???
- Islam vs Christianity: Which is morally superior?
- The pure water!!!!!
- Scientific Facts First Revealed In The Bible? How?
- Revelations
- Homophobic? Is Homophobia In The Bible?
- Should religions be classified as Fake News? The bible seems to say yes.
- If clergy were honest, would religions die?
- Resurrection of the Lord Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
- MEDITATION - As A Spiritual Practice - No Dogma Allowed
- Hell? Does God Send GOOD People to Hell?
- Can ANYONE Go To Heaven?
- At what point did man get his "Immortal Soul"?
- Charles Darwin (Chucky) Shocking Facts
- Life On Other Planets? Is Earth Unique?
- Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, --- inst
- Evolution vs Creation
- When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?
- People who make Politics thier Religion (Aka The Liberals and Leftists)
- Hi, I would like to tell you about Jesus Christ, the only way to God
- Star Wars: Does It Contain Non
- Month of Return to Allah
- How does Heaven work, relationship wise?
- What makes Islam so special?
- The Case For Christ (2017)
- Sam Harris Slaughters Christianity
- This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden
- Find God in 60 Days
- Amazing.....?Why?
- Which is the worst of the seven sins?
- Does the Holy Trinity make sense to you?
- Bigotry Against Christians
- Women Born into Islam Nation vs Judao Christian Nation
- How would finding out there is no God make you feel?
- Introduction to religion
- Why did we stop inventing gods?
- How do we know Jesus performed miracles ?
- When was the existence of God 100% disproven?
- Why do Jews Deny Christ as the Son of God
- Month of gifts! prove(here)???
- So, God has a wife?
- What would your thoughts be if you found out you'd been sent to hell after death?
- Why do you post on this forum if you dont believe in god?
- Was God creating Satan a good idea?
- Is the need of salvation an evil lie from religions?
- Would you walk out on Heaven?
- How is Liberalism and Islam Interconnected?
- Holy experiment day
- Victims of pedophile priests and imams help create more victims with silence.
- King James Version vs Original Ancient Hebrew
- Intelligent design
- Is there a chance you can still go to Heaven if you've already been sent to Hell?
- Why is what we do any business is it of God's?
- If God created everything who created God?
- Amazing? Why?
- Islam Conquest Ideology
- How to Make an Atheist's Head Explode
- Pope Francis: "Athiests can go to Heaven"
- Koran teaches about Jesus
- 3 religion questions
- How old is the Earth?
- Is Obama the anti-Christ?
- Allah is not Jehovah
- Aethism and Islam
- Did Satan get fired or did he quit?
- The Satanists Next Door
- Do you think that Anton LaVey was evil?
- Prove God Exists...
- Fascinating Islam Documentary
- Reforming Islam with the Study Quran
- If you built a time machine
- Petition to cancel FOX show "Lucifer"
- Religious kids vs Secular kids, who's more moral
- Are the Self Evident Truths as valid as The Ten Commandments?
- YAHWEH: The 3-in-1 God
- militant atheism
- Radical Islam
- Is all life sacred?
- Should countries outlaw the hijab, niqab and burka?
- Should the rest of the world adopt Islam's view of the inequality of women?
- Is it moral for God to punish us?
- 7th Grader Forced By Teacher to Say God is Not Real
- Islam, Christianity and Government
- Is Hell really that scary???
- Do Satanists have their own version of Saints?
- Reflections on the Art of Living
- Irrefutable Evidence of Red Sea Crossing
- So a jew killed Muhammad?
- Is life more or less meaningful with religion...
- Does Christianity preach tolerance or intolerance?
- Suicide in the bible
- Why didn't God kill the Devil?
- Why is the theory of evolution considered a threat by certain Christians?
- Evolution lies exposed
- Does the teachings of Islam coincide with the Constitution?
- Does Islam preach tolerance or intolerance?
- Should countries outlaw the hijab, niqab and burka?
- The American sense of justice and morality is dead. Do you agree?
- The Pope Bows to Obama
- Does religion and superstition hold humanity back
- Just because a ridiculous story is old does it make it any less silly
- Christians and Catholics - Is it wrong to hate Gays?
- Is Christianity theologically linked to Islam in any way?
- Woman says court forced her into religious parenting classes
- Harvard Professor talks about Democracy and Religion
- Introduction of Islam to Europe and America
- What is the wisdom from this way........??????
- What does God get out of being worshipped?
- A feel good story about a good looking nun
- Is God's moral above humans?
- The devil in Detroit
- Pope calls for One World Government
- Who ruled heaven on this day. God or Satan?
- What denomination is God/was Jesus?
- Do you think that torturing a baby is ever justified?
- Was God wrong to deny Adam and Eve knowledge?
- Month of Gold
- Is it a sin to seek knowledge?
- Why was Jesus Christ crucified?
- Is God an alien?
- Positions
- If God is omniscient, does free will exist?
- Aethiests and Islam
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