- Do you think Disney era Star Wars has met your expectation?
- Three New SW Movies Announced...
- Watch this video... then read the comments...
- Yoda acting out of character
- Why do you like Revenge of the Sith?
- Dialogue changes that would have helped the ST?
- Why do critics love TLJ?
- How is Palpatine back (SPOILERS)
- Stars Wars Christmas Special vs. Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
- Try to improve Anakin/Padme romance story
- KOTOR Movie In The Works
- Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Discussion Thread
- Luke in Episode 8
- Ideas for the next trilogy!
- Epiosde 7, 8 or the prequel trilogy
- it looks to me that Kylo likes Rey
- admin and mods it's time for KMC to start new forum Star Wars: Episode 7, 8 9
- Obi Wun vs Count Dooku
- *spoilers* do you like Disney's answer to Rey's parents?
- *major spoiler* Luke in TLS
- Disney brought Maul back after being sliced in half *spoilers*
- Screen time question - Darth Vader and Storm troopers
- *spoilers* did Disney make the right decision for Snoke in Last Jedi?
- Preference New Trilogy after Last Jedi or Old Republic Snoke
- Darth Maul vs Obi Wun Kenobi
- The Last Jedi: Luke's new skills and Powers!
- The Official Episode 8 Countdown Thread
- The Strange Connection between Kylo Ren and Rey!
- Vader and Kylo Ren Sessions
- The Last Jedi Shocking Moment!
- Top 10 Force Users
- Top 10 Light Saber Wielders
- Episode 8 Title - THE LAST JEDI
- Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher Dies aged 60
- Episode VIII
- Who had more stroke - Kylo Ren or General Hux?
- Another Snoke Theory
- Will There Be A Light Saber Duel In Rogue One?
- Kylo Ren double agent?
- Kylo Ren being redeemed.
- Episode 8 theories
- What if Snoke is more powerful then Legends Palpatine in continuity?
- Rey and Vader/Anakin
- Rogue 2
- Will Senator Bail Organa be in Rogue One?
- Rogue one opening crawl??
- Rogue One re-shoots rumoured to be in order to 'lighten the mood'
- Early Rumour Mill for Episode VIII title
- Was Shmi's death part of Palpatine's scheme?
- Reincarnation of Anakin
- New Theory on Supreme Leader Snoke [ROGUE ONE]
- Kylo Ren's Mind Trick on Rey
- ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY Official Teaser Trailer
- How powerful will Kylo Ren be in Episode VIII?
- Luke Skywalker Could be Gay vs Rey's Parentage
- Interesting Snoke theory
- How old are Kylo Ren, Finn, Rey & Po meant to be?
- What happened to the Kaminoans?
- Possible episode 8 plot
- Will Kylo Ren be redeemed
- Episode VIII Spoiler/Speculation Discussion
- Who's hotter? Padme, Leia or Rey?
- Han solo view of the Force - do you think the Force is real?
- Kylo Ren very underrated
- Was Rey's force progression WAY too fast?
- Is Disney's 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Is Racist
- Disney plan to make movies beyond the Sequels
- Will Luke have a new order for the light side.
- Vader in Rogue One
- Anakin and the prophesy of the chosen one and TFA kylo ren
- Luke should've trained Rey wayyy earlier
- based on Plinkett review of TPM, who is TFA main character?
- so what is Rey's midichlorian count ?
- should disney declare PT noncanon and remake PT
- Best Star Wars film as of now and why you think so
- TFA or legends post-ROTJ luke leia sidious youzon vong
- Episode VIII pushed back to December 15th, 2017
- Should TFA ended with Luke saying to Rey "the force is strong in my family"
- Ren walking through a snowy forest trailer movie
- Why was Rey able to defeat the injured Kylo ?
- How is Benny going to make it in the next two films?
- Kylo Ren's mask
- does kylo ren lightsaber effects sound different?
- is it me or do new FA names snoke finn rey poe suck
- Will Snoke be able to summon Force lightning?
- funniest humorous moment in FA
- Next Will there be a 4th Star War Wars trilogy?
- Is Hayden Christianson confimed to be in Episode VIII?
- Is Kylo Ren actually good?
- who are the knights of ren?
- what is your preference for Snoke's backstory?
- How Gerorge Lucas sold Star Wars
- Will there ever be a forum on KMC for the sequel trilogy?
- Did George Lucas realize Episode 1 was a bad movie?
- Was BB-8 giving a thumbs-up or was he actually flipping the bird?
- Anakin Skywalker in Episode 7 / 8
- Is Supreme Leader Snoke a Sith Lord?
- Will Episode 8 copy Empire Strikes Back?
- How does Rey understand BB-8?
- Republic, Resistance, First Order- what's actually going on?
- Would you have preferred Luke to be more involved?
- Who are the parents of Rey?
- Annakin vs Obi Wan Kenobi
- How Was Anakin Able to Come Back as a Ghost?
- How powerful will kylo ren become?
- Who is Snoke?
- PT reboot?
- Did the scene of Anakin's dream in episode 2 change in 2011?
- Important TFA Sidious revelation(Spoilers)
- THE FORCE AWAKENS - discussion with SPOILERS!!!
- Official "Rogue One" Countdown Thread
- The Force Awakens World Priemiere
- How old is Anakin/Darth Vader in each Star Wars film?
- Kylo Ren's goal of fiinshing Vader's Vision.
- Will Temuera Morrison reprise his role for the Boba Fett spin off movie?
- Will Temuera Morrison be back as Boba Fett?
- Where is Luke in TFA?
- Will Kylo Ren last longer than Darth Maul
- Will the First Order make the old Imperial regime look weak ?
- Why has Disney got rid of roman numerals in Star Wars the Force Awakens?
- Crossguard Lightsaber
- The Force Awakens Poster
- Theory on Kylo Ren
- Knights of Ren
- Trailer #3
- I've decided to come back to the forums...
- How did R2-D2 and C-3PO get out of the Geonosis arena?
- Will Episode 7 be good?
- Official 'The Force Awakens" Countdown Thread
- The Force Awakens: The Grave Digger!
- Anakin's true father
- Canon movie and legend movie.
- Force awaken : Fan service party?
- Star Wars 7: Midiclorians?
- The force awakens behind the scenes comic con 2015
- What SW spinoffs are you looking forward to?
- Official Trailer #2
- Star Wars: Rogue One
- Suppose Mace Windu had listened to Anakin
- How Skilled or powerful will Kylo Ren be?
- Kylo Ren is not Jacen Solo.
- I wonder if a future Star Wars film will explain how Leia remembers Padme
- Will the Force Awakens feature Duel of the Fates?
- Disney CEO Confirms Release Years for Star Wars Episode VIII and IX
- W Will there be a Jar Jar Binks the movie?
- Chewbacca New Costume
- George Lucas and Episode 7
- The Force Awakens spoiler/speculation discussion thread
- New Sith in Episode 7
- Sith Originality.
- Star Wars Episode VII teaser trailer (November '14)
- Anybody else here more excited for the spinoffs than the new trilogy?
- Did George Lucas's inability to empathise with right wingers screw the Clone Wars?
- Episode 7 Title -- 'The Force Awakens'
- Star Wars 7 opening crawl
- Top 10 best things about the prequels?
- Earliest Posters on the Forums From the Prequel Days
- Best PT Songs
- Coventions question
- Sequel Trilogy - why bother?
- Hayden Christensen's Acting
- Canon and Non Canon
- Things you hate about the prequals
- How they MIGHT have filmed it better...
- Who filmed it better?
- Wedge Antilles?
- Will Episode 7 showcase new sci-fi technology?
- Star Wars Episode VII cast announced!
- Star Wars - A masterpiece forever
- Shaak Ti
- How come Obi Wan didn't sense Anakin going to the Dark side.
- "Welcome Lord Vader" Scene
- Anakin Skywalker is an unintentionally unlikable protagonist?
- TPM Laser Gates Darth Maul Battle
- Who would have liked to have seen the jedi temple raid?
- Better actor for Anakin Skywalker
- Network Ghosting
- Fight with Palpatine
- Phantom Menace Plot Holes Compilation
- Qui Gon Spirit Plot Hole
- New Movie- Old ideas
- Light Saber Color
- How does Palpatine get around unnoticed?
- My Fanmade Rebel trailer(Using TCW scenes)
- My Fanmade Star Wars EP VII Trailer Reply
- Obi Wan never owned a droid?
- May the Fourth announcement?
- Would Yoda have rescued one of the twins from Anakin?
- What if George Lucas didn't direct the prequels all by himself?
- Vader's Redemption in ROTS (had he became emperor)
- Anakin's Fall
- Imperial Army Formation
- Episode III, Padme's Pregnancy
- What if Anakin killed Obi Wan on Mustafar?
- Fix the Mustafar Lightsaber Duel!
- What if Padme and Anakin never got married?
- Why were the sith considered to be so evil?
- Do you really want new Star Wars?
- Old Jedi ghosts in new trilogy
- Will the new Star Wars trilogy have the same music?
- Complete Score to Revenge Of The Sith
- Disney Confirms Standalone Star Wars Films
- J.J. Abrams Set to Direct Next 'Star Wars' Film...?
- Anakin/Vadar get such a bad deal in Star Wars
- [CONFIRMED UNTRUE] Zack Snyder Developing Star Wars Film Outside the New Trilogy
- Will the Original cuts of the OT get released?
- Lucasfilm Confirms "Toy Story 3" writer to write 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
- Top ten jedi
- New Star Wars Film Series - nominate some directors
- The Cast Thread of EP VII
- Episode VII
- Lucasfilm Sold to Disney for $4.05 billion
- Disney acquires Lucasfilm; Episode VII proposed for 2015
- Did Anakin have to turn to the Dark Side for the Prophecy to be fufilled?
- How had Padme's decoy faild?
- Star Wars films ratings
- Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith released in 3D back-to back
- Isn't Temuera Morrison too short?
- Padme Instrumental in the Downfall of the Republic
- Mace Windu Lives!
- Did Qui Gon have a back up plan?
- Do you like the prequels?
- how would you have done the PT differently?
- Would the galaxy have been better off without the jedi?
- The jedis do not have enough skills
- Phantom Menace Lightsaber fight guide
- Is there anybody who only likes the prequels?
- why didnt they re-attach anakins limbs?
- Do you think Qui Gon Jinn would have suvived the battle with the clones in ROTS?
- Who is the Phantom menace?
- What has been your personal experience with Star Wars?
- darth vader has wet dreams?
- Why does Palpatines voice change?
- George Lucas Butthurt that Nobody Cares about 3D JarJar, Retires.
- Another Jedi mistake?
- Did the cetificate of Star Wars Episode 1 change?
- Do you think the 3D release of Star Wars will have the same as blu ray?
- Has there been a change in Star Wars?
- Was Vader lying when he said he'd kill Luke if he didn't join?
- True identity of Sidious/ Palpatine
- The Phantom Menace 3D
- Blu ray deleted Scenes
- AOTC on Blu Ray
- Why did Qui Gon body burn. Shouldn't he have dissapeared when he died?
- Star Wars will lose it's relevancy in our lifetime
- Was he really a bad Jedi?
- FOTJ Luke runs the gauntlet!
- If yoda is able to jump and flip around so well...
- Does the same go for the PT?
- Thoughts about The Bearded One and his story..