- :) bad films
- Pirate eye?
- Anime series of Pirates of Caribbean
- Is the Davy Jones Event Prequel or Sequel to undead Captain Barbossa Event?
- Which Pirates of the Caribbean part is the best in your point of view ?
- Keira Knightley Returns to POTC
- Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer
- Rapper Will
- Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer
- POTC Dead Men Tell No Tales Fan
- I can't believe we outlasted the moderator
- Proof of Captain Jack Sparrow's Awesomeness
- Sparrabeth Videos
- Years between movies
- Dead Men Tell No Tales
- Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Men Tell No Tales
- At World's End Alternate ending
- Pirates Vs Princess Bride
- James sparrow real name
- Best character in pirates movie?
- Pirates of the Caribbean ratings out of 10
- Pirrates of the Carribean 5?????
- Pirrates of the Carribean films
- Still Active?
- Davy Jones vs Blackbeard
- Please Take me!
- Jack and Angelica
- Syrena and Philip *spoiler alert*
- Pirates of the Caribbean Movie DVD Size Question
- The Unofficially Official POTC 4 Thread
- Pirates 4 was waay better than what critics said!
- Who else is freaking out?
- The Black Pearl custom van
- OST New Trailer!!
- Tia Dalma is barefoot?
- New Jack Poster
- Why fangirls love to ruin good characters?
- Empire Magazine - Pirates 4
- Question Re: DMC
- Pirates 4 cinematic Poster
- Trailer!
- Stanger Tide Pictures
- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Entertainment Tonight Exclusive
- On Stanger Tides Teaser Poster
- New Pictures on The Set of OST
- Jack Goes To School
- Will Turner. Whoa.
- More on The Set Of POTC4
- Johnny Deep at Comic Con 2010
- Songs that POTC characters should sing
- The Queen Anne 2
- Offical Photo of Johnny on set of POTC4
- The Queen Anne!!!
- Keith Richards
- pirate party :)
- Megan Fox in OST????
- Jack Sparrow's Crew
- lost audition phone number
- Astrid BergÈs-frisbey Makes U.s. Debut In “pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tide
- Plot
- Just look at this picture
- Breaking News:It's a Official
- Pirates of The Caribbean Rumored plot
- POTC Questions
- I got a jar of dirt
- Pirates of The Caribbean Wiki
- Pirates ftw a bit off topic :)
- Something for fun make up a opening scene for POTC4
- Dead Mans Chest Questions
- Why are the pirates the good guys and the British the bad guys?
- We Love Heactor Barbossa and his Monkey!
- POTC Theme Song
- Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Rumors
- Official POTC4 Title
- It's Official...
- Do you love a Pirate Day ?
- Life After AWE
- Pirates 4 Director Possibly Confirm
- What are they thinking POTC Dolls
- Tia Dalma's accent/broken English
- Swordsman
- James Norrington Doll Not Joking!
- Johnny Depp-Alice in Wonderland teaser trailer!!!!
- Public Enemies
- For ibd4eva
- Johnny Depp may cause immoral thoughts
- AWE detail question
- Bill Nighy the Octopus Guy is in....
- Lets Play a Game: What are they thinking?
- Jack's realtionship with his Father
- New Fics
- Johnny Depp's Awesomeness Knows No Bounds
- Favourite Movie Sequel??
- Create your own Armada/Navy
- Something else for Fun redo any scene
- POTC Fourth Movie
- Something for Fun: Make up a Title for the 4th Movie
- Potc 4
- Great Work
- Mr. Gibbs has written a book!
- Verbinksi Abandons Pirates Ship
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- Worst Three-quel Ever (OUCH)
- wholesale cheap nike jordan shoes
- Davy Jones question.....
- POTC and the Seven Deadly Sins
- Is there another movie coming out?
- POTC Christmas
- New cheap air force one,free shipping!
- Deleted and unseen scenes from PotC
- Jack's Worst POTC4 sidekick
- Johnny and Pirates 4 confirmed
- Pirate Contests
- i need a talkin crew so come and join.. now! lol come on
- do ye think yer a good pirate? well... lets find out! the likes of a pirate is cool
- why
- POTC Online?
- Where's Jack?
- POTC lovefest
- Meet the Pirates...without the makeup and costumes
- What kind of heroine are you?
- Will Turner - not our favorite subject but I have to ask...
- Did anyone want to be in this movie?
- My POTC Vids...
- Would You Rather...& SWMP
- How would you WRITE Captain Jack Sparrow?
- Happy Bday!!!
- Pirates 4?
- A Pirate's Heart
- A POTC holiday?
- Pirate Sisters Forever - the friendship and nostalgia thread!
- Pirates the Drinking Game
- Funniest POTC Moments anyone?
- pirates quiet lately..
- POTC Characters Break into Song Part2
- Vote for COTBP
- Where is Shipwreck Cove?
- Sparrow's Journey
- Tying the knot...
- Contacting a brukhiemer producer
- The Top Stupid Things the Characters Do
- Best Vid Ever!
- new videos
- Whose Ship are you REALLY on?
- Kca 2008
- the Jack/Liz/Beckett thing
- OT: To my KMC family
- Why Pirates are soooo much more lovable than Ninjas:D
- here's one of my latest
- 2 vid requests
- Best Johnny Depp Kiss
- Off Topic -- Return of Miz Pir8xRo
- People Who Ship Jack and Will?
- T&T writers form their pot circle
- johhny video
- FanFic: "One or the Other," rated T for Teen
- another video
- DMC: 1920s style
- The Problems in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" Series
- New Cast for "Pirates of the Caribbean 4"
- The Apology Thread
- new sparrabeth video
- AWE: The Musical
- Which "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie is your favorite?
- Race & "Pirates of the Caribbean"
- the innuendo in POTC and interpretation
- Quote Battle
- The Quiz Bowl
- Oscar Pool
- Hey!
- Who's Dead?
- POTC: 1920s style
- What Do You Think Will and Elizabeth's Son Is Destined For?
- • Film Series "Pirates of the Caribbean" • Actors, Production, Crew, Critics, etc. •
- Pirate Hospital and Burn Center
- wanting to be Jack Sparrow vs. thinking he's a cool guy
- Favorite Child Actor (in PotC-123+)
- aNt I sPaRrAbEtH
- Who has the guts to flat-out wanna be in PotC Movies?
- I only like SparethIII
- TreeaguejobarowbeckingillwillethethwIII-docious Haters
- Beckingwill Haters United
- How You Feel About "Pirates of the Caribbean" Having a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, Etc. Movie
- Destruction of the Endeavour
- You Say it's your Birthday
- POTC and Star Wars trilogy comparisons
- Lewzmp
- Meet Your Fellow Piratistas
- "Depp to finish ledgers new movie"
- POTC and its actors to the Oscars!
- sailorleo's sig competition
- Stuarts Questions
- Classic and New Sparrabeth Videos
- Orlando....:P
- Ot: Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Soundtrack to my Sparrabeth Fic
- Fan Fiction Archives
- What do you think about all the negativity around more pirate films?
- If you could change One Thing about AWE...
- Self-Pimping Thread!
- Davey Jones? // Will curse please tell me
- Accenuate the positive
- Legends of the Pirate King
- What have we learnt...from all 3 movies this time:P
- Sparrabeth: Passion, Love, Lust...The Untold Story
- Contest for "POTC Continued" thread
- Espionage!!!
- AnnaMaria and Jack! That I Could Have Dealt With!
- POTC Characters Just break into song
- OMG! HUGE thought
- AWE Deleted Scenes!
- For Sale Brand New Nokia N95 8gb $ 300usd
- Once again, bring out the rum...and the fuzzy handcuffs :D
- Liz and Will's Son At The End of POTC 3
- Friendly Debates
- The Storyline Between COTB and AWE..Your Opinions?
- I Just Noticed Something Wierd
- Who would have had the cuter son?
- what makes you a pirate?
- Walt Disney
- Leave of absence
- Auditions for pirates of the carribean 4??
- Hiya Guys, Just a Small Little Rant
- Watching AWE like Rocky Horror
- Ahhh
- AWE- the Tweaked version
- Looking For AWE Screen Caps
- Sparrabeth_Seas: The Sparrabeth Awards
- POTC 3, confusing or what
- Dvd!!!
- Commission someone to find Flying Dutchman answer
- Screencap Translations
- POTC Guess the movie
- How did they spill theyre blood...?(MAAJOOOR FLAWWW)
- likin park and POTC!
- Aussie DVD!!!
- Pirates of the Caribbean Online is now OFFICIALLY Open!
- new sparrabeth video
- POTC... continued
- Movie Box Set!!!!!
- POTC Tales of Terror
- POTC Therapy Thread: Sparrabethers Anonymous for KMC Members
- Resurrecting Norrie *a team fanfic*
- Elizabeth Swann Lovefest
- Beckett Lovefest