- Lady Liberators vs Female Furies
- Phoenix vs. Gamesmaster
- Wiccan vs. Nature Girl
- Cyclops vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs Jamie Braddock
- Legion vs Emperor Joker
- Doctor Strange vs. Legion
- Marvel Boy vs. Sasquatch
- Shuma-Gorath vs Trigon
- Hal Jordan (Parallax / Zero Hour) vs Sise-Neg
- Krugarr (Sorcerer Supreme) vs Necrom
- The Wizard (DC) vs Agamotto
- Living Tribunal vs The Hands
- Phantom Stranger vs The Stranger
- Living Tribunal vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Hyperion vs. Red Ghost
- Mockingbird vs. Diamondback
- Isca the Undefeated vs David Xanatos
- Tim Hunter (Merlin) Vs Doctor Manhattan
- Phantom vs. Madison Jeffries
- Mantis vs. High Evolutionary
- Nova vs. Apocalypse
- Spider-Man vs. Firebolt
- Lockjaw vs. Collector
- Meggan vs. Marrina
- Hellion vs. Darkstar
- Wonder Man vs. Mojo
- Gladiator vs Silver Surfer who's the fastest by feats?
- The fastest flight speed?
- Scarecrow vs. Juggernaut
- Extant vs. Marquis of Death
- Rock Lee vs Spiderman/Black Panther/Cap/Deathstroke
- Phoenix vs. Arishem the Judge
- Venom vs. Nitro
- World Forger vs Cal-Horra (The Lost One)
- Spider-Man vs. Ursa Major
- Apollo vs Captain Nazi
- Misty Knight vs. Jessica Jones
- Wasp vs. Armor
- Eye Boy vs. Blob
- What would Batman's contingency plan be for...........
- Storm vs. S.H.I.V.A.
- Captain Britain vs. Nitro
- Gambit vs. Mysterio
- Eclipso vs Nightmare
- Guardian vs. Carnage
- Doctor Destiny Vs Mr. Sinister
- X-Man Vs Insomnia
- Emperor Joker vs Galactus (Pissed Off and Fully Fed)
- Bullseye Vs Green Arrow
- Chamber vs. Vindicator
- Happy 40th Pr
- Silver Surfer vs. Ares
- Marvel Girl vs. Khonshu
- Conan the Barbarian vs. Taskmaster
- Crystal vs. Doctor Doom
- Judge Death vs Morbius
- BOP Vs Fearless Defenders
- War Machine vs. Pyro
- Guardian vs. Jack O Lantern
- Venom vs. Scalphunter
- Venom vs. Fang
- Rogue vs. Hyperion
- Spider-Man vs. Gorgon
- Black Widow vs. Karnak
- Team Amazo Vs Team Ultron
- Injustice Superman vs DCeased Superman
- Ravenous vs Guy Gardner
- Batman in 'Hellbat armor' vs Steel in 'Entropy Aegis'
- U S Agent vs. Hive
- Medusa vs. Hit-Monkey
- Marvel Boy vs. Darwin
- Wolverine vs. Plague
- Spider-Man vs. Callisto
- Green Goblin vs. Venom
- General Eiling vs Immortal Hulk
- Seth (Marvel) vs Ares (DC)
- Rune King Thor (Ragnarok) vs Zeus-Force Hercules (Chaos War)
- Superboy Prime vs Classic Juggernaut
- Wonder Man vs. Juggernaut
- Shaman vs. Enchantress
- Superboy Prime vs Gladiator, Sentry and Hyperion
- Battle Beast vs Darth Vader
- Crimson Dynamo vs. Omega Red
- Vindicator vs. Sabretooth
- Storm vs. Electro
- Wolverine vs. Empath
- Roma vs. Ancient One
- Titan Hulk vs Thanos(w/power gem)
- Enchantress vs. Black Queen
- Siryn vs. Iron Man
- Marvel Girl vs. Thanos
- Ares vs. Zzzax
- What's more durable?
- Kubik vs. Oblivion
- Warlock vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Superboy(Kal-el) Vs Pre Death Metal Superboy Prime
- Iceman vs. Marvel Boy
- Abraxas vs Marquis of Death
- Iron Man vs. Sage
- Thor vs. Darkstar
- Gambit vs. Crossbones
- Northstar vs. Carnage
- Punisher vs. Madame Hydra
- Captain Marvel vs. Fallen One
- Planet/Star Busters in Marvel & DC
- Darth Vader vs. Hercules
- Gambit vs. Quasimodo
- Deadpool vs. Mad Thinker
- Moondragon vs. Starfox
- Weakest person to tank this punch
- Wonder Man vs. Apocalypse
- Ghost Rider vs. Wallflower
- Spider-Woman vs. Carnage
- Damage vs Subject 17
- Odin and Zeus vs Galactus
- Worthy Silver Surfer vs Gamma empowered Thor
- Hyperion vs. Stardust
- Android Torch vs. Dragon Man
- Hulk vs. Nightmare
- Who would win the smart contest between these people
- Marquis of Death vs Franklin Richards
- War Hulk vs Death Sentry
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Butterfly
- Striker vs. Riptide
- Veil vs. Scalphunter
- Most powerful version of Superman vs the most powerful version of Hulk
- Congratulations on your new business PR!
- Red Hulk vs. Zzzax
- flash (barry) vs infinity ultron (what if/mcu version)
- Gladiator vs Hulk (read stips)
- Strongest Hulk vs Phoenix 5 Namor
- Iron Man vs. Sandman
- Nick Fury Jr. vs. Android Torch
- Gambit vs. Human Torch
- Mirage vs. Red Hulk
- Grandmaster vs. Galactus
- Spider-Man Vs Wesley Dodds (Sandman)
- Hulk gamma explosion vs Superman Solar Flare
- Sundipped Superman vs Kal Kent
- Graviton vs. Nimrod
- Wolverine vs. Warwolves
- Nightcrawler vs. Carnage
- Phoenix vs. Daevas
- Sttongest Hulk vs Fastest Flash
- G-Type vs. Red Hulk
- Pixie vs. Daredevil
- Magik vs. Sentry
- Banshee vs. Kamikaze
- Quiet Council of Krakoa Vs Amped Superman Villains
- Iron Man vs. Nightside
- Human Torch vs. Random
- Phoenix vs. Eon
- Black Panther vs Black Tarantula
- Kulan Gath vs Felix Faust
- The Collector vs High Evolutionary
- Chamber vs. Vindicator
- Red Hulk vs. Loki
- Aurora vs. Omega Sentinel
- Iceman vs. Cuckoo Sisters
- Nightcrawler vs. Super Sabre
- Atlantis vs. Latveria
- Scarecrow vs The Sentry
- Nightcrawler vs. Scarecrow
- Batman becomes a Super Saiyan
- Speedball vs. Abomination
- Ultramorpho & Newmazo Vs Vision & Ultron
- Rom the Space Knight vs. Raptor
- Carol Danvers vs. Darth Vader
- Longshot vs. Electro
- Callisto vs. Lizard
- Beast vs. Green Goblin
- Wolverine vs. Shaman
- Captain Marvel vs. Nimrod
- Butterfly vs. Black Queen
- Morlun and the Inheritors vs Black Adam and the Shazam family
- Hulk vs. Ymir
- Colossus vs. Pyro
- Beast vs. Piledriver
- Zabu vs. Predator X
- Yukon Jack vs. Children of the Sun
- Dazzler vs. Cannonball
- Venom/Carnage vs Morlun
- Flash (Wally) vs Darkseid
- Phoenix vs. Hoggoth the Hoary
- Guardian vs. Bella Donna
- Byrne Superman and Byrne Wonder Woman vs Byrne Dark Phoenix
- Ink vs. Leech
- Quicksilver vs. Magma
- Rogue vs. Polaris
- Iron Man vs. Nightcrawler
- Fenris vs. Dracula
- Rogue vs. Machine Man
- Wolfsbane vs. Red Skull
- Black Adam vs Apocalypse
- Gambit vs. Master Pandemonium
- Cyclops vs. Tigra
- Rogue vs. Captain Britain
- Static Shock vs Spiderman (Miles)
- Prodigy vs. Meggan
- Thanos vs. Orion
- Random vs. Geech
- Gladiator vs the Asgardian Destroyer.
- Strongest robot in both dc and marvel
- Judge Dredd vs Painkiller Jane
- The OG GOTG vs Lobos
- High Evolutionary vs the OG Teen Titans
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Black Queen
- Scarlet Spider vs. Mister Hyde
- Invisible Woman vs. Makkari
- Doomsday Vs Immortal Hulk
- Deadpool vs. Snowbird
- Rogue vs. Absorbing Man
- Phoenix vs. Ancient One
- Apocalypse vs Mongul
- Professor X vs. Mole Man
- Sage vs. Purple Man
- Nightcrawler vs. Madcap
- Xorn vs. Shuma Gorath
- Rogue vs. Moonstone
- Gambit vs Rhino
- Frank Castle vs The Fey (Gargoyles)
- Banshee vs. Valkyrie
- Rogue vs. War Machine
- White Queen vs. Sage
- Venom vs. Predator X
- Berserker Rage Orion vs Thanos
- Weakest character who can beat David Dunn?
- How many GL's to take down Thanos?
- Wolverine runs the MCU Gauntlet
- MCU Hulk vs. Rhino
- Wolverine vs. Fixer
- Beautiful Dreamer vs. Loki
- Hyperion vs. Supreme Intelligence
- Pluto vs. Ego the Living Planet
- Hela vs. Molecule Man
- The T-Infinity vs the T-X
- GL ( Hal ) vs Savage Hulk
- Energizer vs. Black King
- Havok vs. Black Bolt
- Mr. Sinister vs. High Evolutionary
- Magneto vs. Morgan le Fay
- General Grievous vs. Venom
- Black Bolt vs Manchester Black
- Rage vs. Sasquatch
- Wonder Man vs. Sentry
- Plastic Man vs Spider-Man
- Ladytron Vs Misty Knight
- Pixie vs. Pyro
- Iceman vs. Graviton