- Dormammu vs Thanos
- Thanos vs. Odin vs. Non-Job Darkseid vs. Tyrant vs. KC Gog
- Wonder Woman vs. Nova (Richard Rider)
- Darkseid (Vs.) The Destroyer Armor / Loki
- Who is smarter?Reed richards or the Leader
- My best Thread to date :p with three Scenario's
- Firestorm v.s. Swamp-Thing v.s. Captain Atom
- Symbiots vs DC Knights
- Thoans,Odin,Thor,Savage Hulk and Superman runs the Galactus Gauntlet.
- Mimic (Exiles) Vs Colossus --- Claws Vs Skin
- the mask vs lobo?
- The Stranger vs. the Watchers
- The Celestials vs. The Elders of the Universe
- Shadowcat and Martian Manhunter run the gauntlet!
- Mr. Mxy and the Pre-Ret beyonder Decide to play a game
- Movie Wolverine VS 616 Wolverine
- This team vs Superman
- Martian Manhunter vs Apocalypse
- Superman's Most Difficult Test To Date
- Hottest Fire?
- Wolverine vs iceman
- 10th Dimensional Imp vs Beyonder
- Grandmaster vs. Galactus
- Beta Ray Bill/Thor/Odin vs. Orion/Infinity Man and Non Jobbing Darkseid
- original power rangers vs ninja turtles
- Thanos Runs the DC guantlet of Evil
- Alpha Flight vs Avengers
- Samus from Metroid in Halo 1
- Tyrant(full powered) vs. Ion
- Firestorm vs. Firelord
- A team trying to snap the rope of Wonder Woman
- Ymir,Mangog & Midgard Serpent vs
- Rocky versus Wolverine in fist fight
- Current Juggernaut finds a Cosmic Cube vs Marvel Earth
- Draco vs Eye-Scream
- Classic Ion vs ???
- Hollywood & PC Supes vs Marvel Earth
- Surtur on the march (again)
- Teen Titans run the Marvel Gauntlet!
- Champion of the Universe w/Power Gem vs.PC Darkseid
- Illuminati War!!!
- Colossus vs. Atlas
- Vision vs. Flash
- durability ranking
- Lillin Morbius Vs Buffy
- The Hulk vs Lex Luthor
- Moon Knight vs Agent Zero
- H/P DD and Despero vs The heralds
- Marv from Sin City (VS.) The Kingpin
- If you had to..
- Free for All
- Best to worst
- Green Arrow & Black Canary vs. Daredevil & Elektra
- King Thor versus Trion Juggernaut
- Wonder Woman versus Super-Skrull
- Nightwing and Batman VS Arsenal and Green Arrow
- Batman and Nightwing VS Green Arrow and Arsenal
- Apocalypse, Juggernaut, Abomination, Absorbing Man and Super-Skrull versus Odin
- Quintessence Vs . . .
- GOOD VS. EVIL...Ghost Rider and friends (Vs.) Dracula and pals....
- Beta Ray Thor & Thor vs. Thaons
- Immortal Hercules run the Guantlet
- Thanos vs Pluto
- Thanos runs the JLA gauntlet....for the love of Mistress Death!!
- Ironman vs. Ivisible Woman
- Superman vs. Thor
- Drax (Annihilation Version) runs the gauntlet
- The Defenders vs The The Secret Society
- Sinister Six versus Street-level Avengers
- A true Spite thread would be
- Thor vs. Wonder Woman Metal Only
- Link Vs Ghost Rider
- Spawn vs Galactus
- King Thor vs Onslaught
- Uru vs. Admantium
- Tony Stark vs Peter Parker
- Brainiac and Lex Luthor versus Dr. Doom and Reed Richards
- Gravity VS Victor Mancha
- Spider-man vs. Ironman (twist ofcourse)
- Domino Vs Prometheus
- Pagan,Lunatik & Berserker vs Doomsday & Lobo
- lobo vs doomsday
- Drax the Destroyer/Current vs DC's Thor
- Marvel Team vs Justice League
- Hyperion vs Classic Juggernaut toe to toe with a twist
- Loki vs Blackheart
- BlackHeart vs Thanos
- Wonderman vs. Immortal Hercules
- Immortal Hercules vs. Silver Surfer
- Mr. Mxyzptlk vs. Darkseid & Thanos
- Batman vs Wildebeast
- Batman, Daredevil, & Spiderman vs Cap, Blade and Green Arrow
- Arishim the Judge vs Scathan the Celestial
- Hercules/Gilgamesh vs Savage Hulk/Classic Juggernaut
- Captain America and Spiderman versus Wolverine and Sabretooth
- Skeletor vs Dr. Strange
- Robin vs 8th day Juggernaut
- G-Type,Titan & Warstar vs Thing
- Crossbones vs Tombstone
- Gilgamesh vs. Martian Manhunter
- Wonder Woman Runs the Heralds of Galactus Guantlet
- Clownface (Body Bags) Vs Batman
- Dragonball Z Vs XMen
- What Street-Level character go beat Ulysses Bloodstone or Unicorn
- Elektra vs. Black Panther
- DareDevil vs. Captain America
- Thor vs. DareDevil & Captain America
- Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Captain America vs Colossus
- BatGirl/Lady Shiva/Lashina vs. Captain America/Black Panther/Iron Fist
- Lobo/Mongul/Doomsday vs. Maestro/Classic Juggs/Morg
- John Constantine v.s. Phantom Stranger
- Immortal Hercules & Wonder Woman go toe to toe with Darkseid
- Numinus,Stranger & Living Monolith vs ???
- Chess Championships; Apocalypse vs Batman vs Jack Marlowe vs DOOM vs Iron Man vs Reed
- Nightwing vs Batman Master vs Student
- Crossbones runs the gauntlet
- Magneto vs Lex Luthor
- Brainiac vs Cyborg(cyborg superman)
- Loki vs Thor vs Dr Doom vs Hulk vs Carnage vs Venom vs Apocalypse vs Magneto vs Reed
- The G.L's vs The Avengers
- Doom and FF4 versus Apocalypse and X-Men
- Arishim the Judge vs Galactus
- Marvel Team vs JLA
- Silver Surfer vs Savage Hulk
- Blade runs the gauntlet
- Hyperion vs Colossus
- Super Skrull vs Wonder Woman
- Marvel vs. JLA Ignore X-Men vs. JLA
- The Think vs. Rockslide
- Batman vs 25 SWAT
- Magneto vs.
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Immortal Hercules
- X-Men vs. JLA
- Wrecking Crew guantlet...
- Alien vs. Alien
- Wonder Woman vs Bloodaxe the Executioner
- Sinister Six versus X-Men
- BlackBolt Vs BlackAdam
- Green Arrow vs Batman
- DC Hercules vs Thor
- Batman vs The Punisher
- The Flash (VS.) The Fantastic Four
- Darwin Vs Wonder Woman
- Beat my team
- Savage Hulk w/ Power Gem vs Juggernauts Durability
- Teen Titans vs. Thor
- Batman vs The Punisher(Dolph Lungdren)
- Black widow (with guns) vs. Batman
- Ms. Marvel vs Wonder Woman
- Punisher and Nick Fury vs Wolverine and Sabretooth
- Avatar Starhawk vs Starman
- The Greatest Super Team of all can you beat them?
- Battle for the title as the Man of Steel
- Kurse,Classic Juggernaut & This Hulk vs Amazo
- Thor's villains vs Dr Fate,Captain Marvel & Wonder Woman
- Ulik,Kurse & Bloodaxe run the guantlet
- Galactus vs. Trigon
- Silver Surfer vs Dr Fate
- Team Hot vs Team Cold
- Cyttorak vs Odin
- Cobra Vs Spiderman
- Spider-Man vs Vixen with a twist
- Fing Fang Foom vs Kraken vs Ymir vs M.O.D.O.K
- Can Wolverine kill Thor?
- Wolverine Vs Wolverine
- warpath vs venom
- lady deathstrike vs spiderman
- Catwoman vs Daredevil
- superman and batman vs supreme and wolverine
- Batman and Nightwing versus Dare Devil and Bullseye
- Immoral Herculese Vs She hulk
- Thing vs Demi-God
- Cyclops vs. Daredevil
- Superman, Batman & Nightwing vs. Thor, Ironman & Spiderman
- Catman vs Kraven
- The Crow, Ghost Rider, Spawn, & Hellboy go through the Gauntlet
- Immortal Hercules vs Adam Warlock (twist)
- Brimstone vs Iceman
- Batman Vs Namor
- Ultimate Nullifier vs. Infinity Gauntlet?
- Lobo vs. Count Neferia
- D.c. Ares vs. Rune King Thor
- Galactus vs Juggernaut: No Cosmic Powers
- Nabu & Shazzam vs Dormammu & Surtur
- Guess Whose BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kurse vs. Solomon Grundy
- Lobo vs. Silver Surfer
- Tigra,Hellcat & Huntress vs Batman,Beast & Nightwing vs Joystick & Spider-Woman
- Mordru vs Dr Strange
- Classic Spiderman versus Vixen
- Fernus VS Thanos
- Fallen One vs Silver Surfer
- Loki vs Apocalypse vs Thor vs Magneto vs Dr Doom and Reed Richards
- Good Guys vs Bad Guys
- Sand vs Sandman
- Dr Strange Vs Adam Warlock
- tigra vs darevedvil
- Man-At-Arms, Teela & Orko vs Wolverine, Beast, Collossus & Emma Frost
- Heralds vs Apokopils
- Slapstick & Nighthawk vs Sinister Six
- Green Battle: Mantis vs. Hulk: Finesse vs. Strength
- Ymir vs Nova(Frankie Raye),Firelord & Air-Walker
- Nick Fury goes through the Batvillain Guantlet
- Cloak vs Nightcrawler
- Odin, Surtur and Ymir versus Galactus
- Wonder Woman vs. Hela
- Classic Spiderman with Captain America's Shield goes through gauntlet
- H/P Doomsday runs a gauntlet, with a twist!
- The LT runs the Guantlet
- Surfer/Strange/Worlock vs. Waverider/PhantomStranger/Metron
- 616 vs MZU
- Cold Characters vs Surtur
- Sentry Runs the Guantlet
- Cecilia Reyes vs. Skids
- Who could withstand, THE KLUDD?!
- TMNT & Casey Jones, & Master Spinter vs the Sinister Six
- Ragman vs Ghost Rider
- Blade vs Alucard
- This Team vs....
- Mr. Master(Marvel) vs. Nvrhadaclue (DC)
- The Magus with the Incomplete IG vs. Emporer Joker
- Movie Blade vs Batgirl
- Ultra Humanite,Parasite & Gorilla Gord vs Thanos
- batman and spider-man vs element team
- Superman & Savage Hulk vs. Thanos
- V and Batman vs Blade and Punisher
- Savage Hulk vs. Ultimate Namor vs. Immortal Hercules
- Matrix Supergirl vs Wonderwoman
- Attuma vs. Savage Hulk vs. Immortal Hercules
- Hulk, Thing, and Colossus versus Hercules, Namor, and Iron Man
- comic characters showing their age?
- Tombstone vs Bane
- She Hulk & Wonder Woman vs Metorite & Her
- Thor vs Kain (Defiance)
- Cosmic Rematch!
- Super Adaptoid,Absorbing Man(Non Jobber) & Classic Juggernaut vs Green Lantern(Kyle)
- Dormammu Vs Super boy prime
- Ghost Rider and DeadPool Gauntlet( I kinda like gauntlets :))
- Batman's Sinister Six vs Spider-Man's Sinister Six
- Mongul With a GL Ring vs. Thanos
- Superboy + Kid Flash vs Jean Grey
- The ATOM vs Wonder Woman
- X-Men vs. JLA
- DeadPool Vs Link
- Redeemers vs Gotham City
- Superboy (Conner) vs Supreme Power Hyperion
- Superboy/no Telekinectics vs ???
- Unicorn runs the gauntlet
- Kindomcome Flash vs Runner vs silver surfer