- Batman VS Black Panther no weapons
- Mangog vs Guilt Hulk
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Pre-Crisis Superman
- Agent Zero, Gorgon vs. Sabertooth, Deadpool
- Ihumans vs mutants
- Trion Juggernaut vs Superman
- Manchester Black vs High Evolutionary
- Juggernaut vs. Wonderwoman
- Odin vs Darkseid,Orion & Kalibak
- Hyperion(supreme power) vs. WonderWoman
- Batgirl (Cassandra) vs. Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake)
- Batman vs. U.S. Agent
- Hulk (In his strongest) vs. Juggernaut (In his strongest)
- Karate Kid vs. Blob
- Batman vs. Teen Titans
- Catwoman vs. Robin(Tim Drake)
- King Thor runs the gauntlet
- Black Adam & Apollo vs Kurse & Hyperion(Supreme Power)
- Beta Ray Bill,Thor Odinson & Hermes vs Big Bertha,Stargirl & Power Girl
- Leon Kennedy VERSUS Captain America
- Ares and Hercules VS Classic Juggernaut and War Hulk
- The real question is...?
- Manchester Black vs Kon-El Superman (telekinesis only)
- Holocaust vs. Superman
- Sentry vs Superman
- Don mess wif me match: Lobo vs Pitt
- Query: Living Tribunal Vs. Man-Thing
- Marvel female Heavyweight Championship: Ms Marvel vs She-Hulk
- Black Adam vs Ultra Boy (Legion of Super Hero's)
- Blackbolt,Sersi & Forgotten One vs The Authority
- Image vs Marvel & DC
- What if someone went berserk on Marvel earth with Super-Skrull's powers.........
- Smallville vs Superboy prime
- Spider-man: The Fellowship of the Lube Part I
- Black Bolt runs the gauntlet
- Imperiex vs Hunger vs Galaxy Master
- rematch justices superman vs bizzaro, solomen grundy, metallo and parasite
- Juggernaut & his tank are loose in DC Earth
- Who is THE strongest?
- Gambit Vs Boomerang
- Demon Eyes Kyo Vs Zoro and Kenshin
- Red Hood vs. Moon Knight
- The ENTIRE Avengers vs. The ENTIRE JLA
- Yoda, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader vs. Hercules
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Galactus (half confident) vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- BiBeast vs. Mangog
- Captain Marvel runs the gauntlet
- Spawn vs. Gladiator
- Perrikus vs. Desak
- Bishop,InvisbleWoman, Doc Oct run the G
- Ares(Marvel) vs Wolverine and Colossus
- Braniac Vs. 1,000 Sentinels
- Black Panther n' Spiderman vs. Fantastic Four
- Amazo Vs. Super Skrull
- One shocking battle
- Juggernaut vs Doomsday
- Wonder Woman & Aquaman vs Thor & Leir
- DC vs Marvel
- Mr Kibbles versus Superman
- Heimdall vs Attuma
- Daredevil vs Iron Fist
- Civil War fight Might happen: Iron Spidey vs Captain America
- Karnak VS. Colossus 616
- Ironman (all incarnations) Vs. Rune King Thor
- Beast vs Green Arrow
- Batman/Omega Red vs Symbiote Spiderman/Venom
- Howard the duck v.s Galactus in a thumb wrestling match
- Wolverine vs. Stick
- Karnak vs Karate Kid
- Batman and Captain A. Run the gontlet
- Thor vs Hulk Killer Humanoid.
- Cock Fight
- 20 Carcharodon Megalodon vs. Namor , the Sub Mariner
- Mindless Hulk vs. The Mangog
- The Thing and Hercules vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Mangog vs. Gladiator
- Iceman vs. Human Torch
- Wolverine vs. Shang Chi
- Sentinels of Magic vs Elder or the Universe
- SuperboyPrime vs Steel/Entropy Aegis Armor
- could marvel handle IMPERIEX and his ARMY
- Sabertooth,Omega Red & Kaine vs Savage Hulk
- Shaggy Man vs Team Class 100
- Karnak VS. Batman... Hand to hand combat!!!
- Batman 1 Million vs. Supreme Intelligence of the Kree
- Hercules runs the gauntlet
- Sabretooth vs. Wolfsbane and Feral
- Hercules vs. Juggernaut (Prime)
- Follow up: superman prime vs the kryptonian
- Superboy Prime Vs. Superman Prime
- Excelsior vs. the Young Avengers... ?
- magneto (full power) vs thor
- The Void VS. Despero
- Shadowhawk and nightcrawler vs spiderman and nightwing
- Darkseid vs. Captain marvel
- Nightwing vs. Nighthawk (SUPREME POWER)
- Karnak vs. Daredevil
- Nemesis vs. Wolverine
- Hellboy vs Ghost Rider
- Snowbird vs. Hercules
- Syrin vs. Namorita
- Ghost Rider,Hellboy & Heimdall vs Godzilla
- Lightray vs. Superman
- Nate Grey vs Blackbolt
- Loki vs Parallax
- Guyver1,2,3 vs Superman
- Pitt with the Toxin Symbiote vs Savage Hulk & Immortal Hercules
- Rachel Grey vs. Wonder Woman
- Toxin vs Pitt vs Morlun
- Imperiex vs. The Celestials
- Blackheart vs Thor
- Supergirl and Powergirl vs Wonderwoman and Mary Marvel
- Lobo vs Shaggyman
- Team Absorb & Copy vs Imperiex
- Thanos,Kurse & Mangog vs HunterPrey/Doomsday & The General & Amazo
- Mangog vs. Kurse
- Who can commit Hari-Kari the quickest ?
- Adam of the Horn and The Magneton vs Jla Big Seven and JSA
- If batman jumped through the window of a marvel villians bar....
- The Redeemer vs Quasar
- Thor goes nuts!
- Thing gets stronger and runs a gauntlet!
- Superemo Prime vs Ego the Living Planet
- Batman vs. Link
- Sandman(Gaiman) Vs. Nightmare (Marvel)
- Blackheart vs Etrigan the Demon
- Captain Boomerang vs Boomerang
- Karate Kid vs. Immortal Hercules
- Superboy Prime vs. Rune King Thor
- The Cripple Flash Runs the Gauntlet
- Karate Kid vs. Captain America
- Team Crazy Amalgam vs Thanos and Doomsday
- Shang-Chi vs Karate Kid
- hawkeye vs green arrow vs bullseye
- Who can lift more?
- Superman Prime vs. Dormammu
- 2-days sun-dipped supes vs zoom and flash
- magneto vs greenlantern
- Action comcis #1 Superman VERSUS Spiderman
- Shaggyman vs Savage Hulk
- Gamora vs ???
- Namor the Sub-Mariner & Aquaman vs Lobo
- Wonder Man & J2 vs Abomination,Sasquatch & Rhino
- Ultrons Family vs Superman's Family
- Triump vs Captain Marvel
- Hercules vs Martian Manhunter ( Fist Fight)
- Trion Juggenaut vs Rune King Thor
- Destroyer animated by Batman runs the gauntlet
- Ms. Marvel (Warbird) vs. She-Hulk
- Who hath the mightiest pimp hand?
- Superboy Prime vs. Thanos
- Hercules and Spiderman vs. The Fantastic Four
- Wendigo and Abomination vs. Classic Juggernaut
- She-Hulk vs. Titania
- Abomination vs. Sasquatch
- Joker vs Green Goblin
- Batman and Black Panther run the Gauntlet
- Beyonder vs. Krona
- Ultimate Hulk Vs. Ultimate Thing
- Kyle Rainer v.s War Machine
- Occulus vs Deathstroke & Spider-Man
- Vindicator and Guardian Vs Green Lantern
- Alkhema-2 vs DC Heros
- Thanos,Hyperstorm & Sentry vs General Zod,Black Adam & Composite Superman
- BlackBolt runs a Gauntlet
- she hulk vs thing
- Captain Marvel vs Doomsday
- Captain Marvel and Superman vs Orion and Black Adam
- Captain Marvel and Superman vs Doomsday and Kalibak
- Black Adam vs Superman
- elektra vs ultraviolet
- Vulcan vs. Green Lantern (kyle)
- Rumbles Tournament Event
- Black Panther vs. The Hulk
- cyclops & havok vs chamber & chaos
- Shang-Chi runs the martial arts gaunlet
- Thor and Namor vs. Savage Hulk and Hercules
- Spiderman vs. Wolverine
- Doomsday vs. Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye and Hercules
- Iron Man vs. Hercules
- Hawkman vs. Green Arrow
- Omega vs. Spectre
- Terra vs. Sand
- Cadmus vs. S.H.I.E.L.D
- hercules vs thor
- agent zero vs fantomex
- Team Evil vs. Team evil DC/Marvel
- Sentry vs. D.C. Ares
- Superboy Prime vs. Silver Surfer
- Orion vs. Champian
- Blackbolt vs. Runner
- Batman 1 Million vs. Count Nefaria
- Ms. Marvel vs Wonderwoman
- Sentry vs. Superman 1 Million
- Thanos (vs) Galactus (with a twist)
- Juggernaut (vs) Champion
- Superman & The Hulk Vs Juggernaut & Kurse
- joker vs gambit vs 2 face
- Magneto VS Hercules
- Richard Dragon vs. Iron Fist
- Phoenix runs the gauntlet
- PC Omega vs Classic Juggernaut
- SHuma-Gorath vs. Tyrant
- Exodus vs. X-Man vs. Prof X vs. Martian Manhunter vs....
- TV Show Hulk Vs. TV Show Wonder Woman
- Movie X-Men vs. Movie F.F.
- Ironman VS Namor VS Hercules VS Thunderstrike
- Batman/'V' (for Vendetta) vs Captain America/The Punisher
- Superman and Mr. Majestic run a Gauntlet
- Human Torch vs Magneto
- Squadron Supreme vs. Inhumans
- Strange, Batman & Hulk as One vs Thanos
- Batgirl vs Iron Fist
- All American Brawl
- wonderwoman vs silfersurfer
- The Master vs. Ms.Marvel
- darthvader vs TX
- the pitt vs. the hulk
- Marvel Boy vs. Luke Cage
- There's a "bug" in the Matrix
- Ultimate Juggernaut (vs) Ultimate Hulk
- Celestial Madonna vs. Exitar
- Ego vs Parallax vs Demongorge
- Purple Man vs Jason 143/X-Men 2
- Fredd vs Parallax vs Odin
- Movie Batman Vs. Movie Daredevil
- Supergirl Vs. The Flash
- karate kid vs batman
- slade vs the ultimates
- midnighter vs captain america and us agent
- all-star superman vs thanos
- Batman challenge
- Doomsday vs. Sentry
- Emma Frost vs. Lilandra
- Movie Superman Vs. Movie Hulk
- Captain America vs Judge Dredd
- Batman,Wolverine,Spiderman,B Panther Vs She Hulk and Namor
- Sentry vs. Thanos
- Doctor Doom vs. Zatanna
- Thanos vs. Parallax
- Magik vs. Silver Surfer
- battle royal: street level war
- beta ray bill & thor vs superman & wonderwoman
- street levelers versus sentinels?