- Ultra Humanite Vs Hank Pym
- Galactus vs. Ashema
- Niles Caulder Vs Tony Stark
- Butcher Vs Blood & Thunder Thor
- Hyperion now vs. Wonder Woman
- Loki vs. G.L. Hal
- WW hulk vs Team
- Who wins? In what looks to be the 2 most powerful teams in current Marvel?
- Face off: Johnny Sorrow Vs Ghost Rider
- Marvels New Gods
- King of Tears Vs Nightmare
- Dracula vs. Mr. Sinister
- Protocide vs. John Steele
- Emperor Superman Vs King Hyperion
- H'el Vs Rao
- Which is more durable???
- Johnny Sorrow Vs Darkeid
- Harvest Vs Annihilus
- Omega Man Vs Mangog
- Who is the weakest being that can replicate this feat...
- Kurse vs Morg with PC and WoL...
- Krona Vs DCnU Anti-Monitor
- Blight Vs Chthon
- Marrow vs X23
- Would Flash rank higher in the MU than the DCU?
- Nimraa Vs Cyttorak
- Magus Vs Starro
- Onimar Synn Vs Thanos
- Dracula vs. Magneto
- Superman vs Odin
- Create an enemy!!!
- Flash (Wally) vs HP Doomsday
- Helspont Vs Morg
- Pantheon (Justice League Dark) Vs Glory
- Invictus Vs Lord Mar-Vell
- Namor Vs GL Hal, slugfest
- Hyperion and Odinson vs Gladiator and Beta Ray Bill
- Dark Avengers Owen vs HP Doomsday and Darkseid...
- Molten Man vs. Ironclad
- Nebulos Vs Sin-Eater
- Daimon Hellstrom Vs DCnU Phantom Stranger
- Shattered God Vs Set
- Diamondhead vs. Emma Frost
- World War Hulk vs New 52 Green Lantern
- Savage Dragon vs Wonder Man
- Gaurdians of the Universe vs The Celestials
- Sword of Power vs Ebony Blade
- Ganthet vs Destroyer (Loki)
- Batroc vs. Red Skull
- Sinestrollax Vs Larfleeze
- The Avengers =Vs= The Justice League
- Colossus Vs Iron Man
- 3rd World Gog Vs Kurse
- Ares (Pre-Flashpoint) Vs Pluto
- Cronus Vs Neptune
- supreme power hyperion vs john byrne superman
- Solaris Vs Brother Eye
- JSA Mordru Vs The Serpent
- Seth Vs Phantom Zone God (Zone Child)
- Nightwing vs Elektra
- Sersi vs. Loki
- Bearded Superman vs. bearded Thor vs. bearded Hyperion
- Tony Stark Vs WB Hulk with stips
- HP Doomsday Vs. Character of your choice best of ten fights.
- Monarch Vs Onslaught
- DCnU Parasite Vs Absorbing Man
- The Gentry vs Many Angled Ones
- The Elder Gods vs The Many Angled Ones
- Zero Hour Parallax vs Current Molecule Man...
- White Lantern Kyle Vs Insane Genis
- The Guardians vs Odin
- HP doomsday vs The fury!
- Red Hood Vs Moon Knight
- Batman/Deathstroke vs Iron Man/Black Panther
- Captain America vs Deathstroke
- Dark Avengers Molecule Man vs HP Doomsday...
- Superboy Prime vs HP Doomsday
- Adult Franklin Richards Vs Superman Prime 1 Million
- KMC: The PEOPLE'S Battlezone Championship
- Larfleeze (Pre-Flashpoint) Vs Star Brand
- Sinestrollax Vs Silver Surfer
- Phase Vs Shadowcat
- Peak Power Onslaught vs H/P Doomsday...
- unworthy thor vs morg
- Pre White Lantern Kyle Rayner Vs Terrax the Tamer
- High End Thor vs WBHulk
- Firelord Vs Nero
- Watcher Vs Telos
- High End Thor vs HP Doomsday
- Original Human Torch Vs Captain Cold
- HP Doomsday vs Thor
- Time Trapper Vs Korvac
- The Empty Hand Vs Living Tribunal
- Darkseid and H/P Doomsday vs Thanos and Grandmaster...
- Old King Thor with Necrosword
- Ogun vs. Stick
- Zoom (Hunter) vs HP Doomsday
- Crime Syndicate vs Squadron Supreme
- Cannonball vs. Human Torch
- phoenix force vs dominus
- thor vs doomsday: durability contest.
- Here ya go, haters.
- DCnU Zauriel Vs Thanos
- Neron Vs Blackheart
- Eclipso Vs Zom
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)vs Morg
- DCnU Highfather & Darkseid Vs Odin & Zeus
- KMCs: The Walking Dead
- WBH vs Ironman (stips)
- Zeus (Marvel) vs HP Doomsday
- Herald Fist Fighters vs Trans Tier Fist fighters
- Ares (With Godwave) Vs Phoenix
- Iceman Vs wonderwoman
- Sun King Vs Dormammu
- Mephisto Vs Shathan the Eternal
- Surtur Vs Trigon the Terrible
- Human Torch vs Captain Cold
- DOV Captain Marvel vs CW Hercules
- Clyde Wyncham (1985) vs Franklin Richards
- Adam Warlock vs Superboy Prime
- Bor vs Abomination (Mindless Zombie version)
- The Ultimates/JLA =Vs= Planet Apokolips
- Frenzy vs She-Thing
- Aquaman (New 52) vs. Machine Man
- Gorgon vs Morlun
- DCnU Ultraman Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Magneto vs. Graviton
- Have we ever rated weapons/devices by tier?
- The Avengers =Vs= The Justice League
- Black Racer, BL Superman & HP Doomsday vs. Thanos, Lord Mar-Vell & Death Sentry
- Black Racer vs. BL Superman
- Wonder Woman =Vs= Kalibak
- Gladiator vs. The Hulk with a twist
- Batman vs X-treme
- Ultimus vs. Wonder Man
- Spiral vs. Baron Mordo
- DCnU Cassandra Cain Vs Daredevil
- Morlun vs. Karate Kid
- Spiral vs. Enchantress
- Superior Ironman vs. Nu Lobo
- Blue Marvel = Vs = G.L Stewart and G.L Gardner
- Hardest to kill
- Madame Masque vs. Black Widow (Yelena Belova)
- Executioner vs. Wrecker
- Lord Marvell vs Morg w/WOL
- Jason Todd vs Moon knight
- Batfamily, Gauntlet.
- Black Adam vs Hercules
- The Maker (Marvel) vs Composite The Sentry
- The Thing vs Colossus
- Hercules (Marvel) vs. Luke Cage TWIST
- Zeus (Marvel) vs. Wonder Woman
- Batman Beyond (Terry) vs. Archangel
- Multiple Man Vs Agent Centipede
- Two-Face vs. Jigsaw
- Shadow-Thief Vs Mandarin
- Tanking contest
- Kingpin vs. Killmonger
- Green Lantern Vs Thor
- Arcade Vs Toymaster
- Toy man vs Mysterio
- Bastion (Second Coming) vs. Nimrod (classic)
- Stegron vs. The Lizard
- Kung, the Assassin (Ryujin) Vs Ava Ayala (Tiger God)
- OMAC vs. Blue Marvel
- Pre-Flashpoint Frankenstein Vs Omega Red
- Karnak vs. Sebastian Shaw
- Kmc Versus My Jsa: To The Death
- JLA Vs JSA (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Black Tarantula Vs Backlash
- Gorgon (Shishido) Vs Crimson Avenger
- Beta Ray Bill, Silver Surfer vs Thor, Stardust
- DCnU Creeper Vs Prince of Orphans
- DCnU Creeper vs. Anti-Venom (Brock)
- Luke Cage Vs Superman (current )
- Team Marvel =Vs= The Classic Avengers
- Fang Vs DCnU Warblade
- Luke Cage vs Thing vs Colossus: Durability
- Creeper/Cyborg =Vs= Deathstroke/Black Manta
- Master Hate vs. Lord Chaos
- Stunner vs. Titania
- The New Era Of Marvel =Vs= The Old Guard Of Marvel
- Who would solo 3 Green Lanterns?
- Batman Beyond vs. Captain Falcon
- Rank the Batman Family
- Iron Fist & Luke Cage vs Mantis & Gamora
- Grant Wilson Vs Sam Wilson
- Creeper Vs Wolverine
- DCnU Midnighter Vs Mr. X
- Wonder Woman vs Morg...
- OWAW Superman vs Runner...
- Superman vs Tyrant
- Abraxas Vs Spectre
- Batroc vs. Toad
- GotG Venom vs. Axis Carnage
- Superman vs Heralds of Galactus
- Quicksilver Vs Sebastian Shaw
- Your Sinister Six
- Iron Fist vs Hawkeye
- Cassandra Cain Vs Midnighter
- Cyttorak vs. Shuma-Gorath
- Satanus, Trigon and Neron vs Dormammu, Mephisto and Cyttorak
- Midnighter & Apollo vs. Havoc & Vulcan
- Pre-AvX Magneto vs. Godlike Cable
- Marvel's Trinity vs DC's Trinity
- Blue Marvel vs. Adult Franklin Richards
- Rank them in terms of overall might
- Death Flash Vs Death Sentry
- Dormammu vs Superman
- Thor vs Mordru
- Wolverine vs The Abomination
- all the forces of wakanda vs. all the forces of asgard
- Adult Franklin Richards vs. The Maker
- Black Dwarf vs. Korg
- Time Trapper Vs Black Racer
- Anti-Monitor / Darkseid =vs= Odin / Zues
- Anti Monitor - Darkseid vs Odin - Rune King Thor
- Cube Beings vs Celestials (or just about any other cosmic)....
- Pre Reboot Alan Scott vs. Blue Marvel
- King Shark vs Doc Samson
- FP Baba Yaga vs Dr Strange
- Constantine Drakon Vs Bane
- All Star X-Men vs. All Star Avengers
- Black Panther runs the Thundercat Gauntlet!
- Superman VS Entropy Aegis
- Ultron vs Zod
- Wonder Man vs Firelord
- The Hulk VS....
- Dr Manhattan vs Current Darkseid,Doomsday and Thanos
- Shadow pact vs Sentinels of Magic
- Cyclops vs. Grifter
- Superman Family vs Heralds of Galactus
- Monica Rambeau vs. Franklin Richards
- Emergency Sorcerer Supreme
- Superman 1 Million VERSUS Thors
- Plastic Man -Vs- The Sinister Six
- Cancerverse vs 616
- Spider-man Vs Plastic Man
- Silver Surfer vs Superman w/stips
- Battle of the Geniuses
- Marvel and DC's Big 8 Squad -Vs- ???????
- Blue Marvel vs. Odin (Marvel)
- Supermen & Flashes vs. Hulks & Sentries
- Marvel Hercules Vs DCnu Flash slugfest
- Mangog vs World Breaker Hulk
- Superman & Co. Vs. Surfer & Co
- Multiple Man vs Justice League,Avengers,Sinister Six and Suicide Squad
- The Squadron Supreme Vs The Justice League
- KMCs ranking system, reloaded