- Mongul with ring vs Cyborg with ring.
- Could Wonder Woman Beat Thanos.............
- Beat Highball...in arm wrestling
- Arkillo Vs kilowog
- Rhino vs Girder
- Hulk vs Everyone
- GL (John Stewart) vs. Firestorm (current)
- Who Is Marvel's Greatest MA
- Drax vs Clark Kent(Smallville)
- DR Strange (Classic) vs Thanos
- Darksied vs Vulcan
- Monarch/Gog/SBP vs Odin/Thanos/Depowered Tyrant
- Wonder Woman/Batman vs Superman/Doomsday
- WWH vs Team Transformers
- This team vs 10 of Galactus' Punishers
- Maxam vs Icon
- Phantom vs. Dick Tracey
- The Biased Basher Thread
- Hulk vs Megatron
- Smurph vs. Akuki discussion thread
- Henshaw with rings vs WM Thor
- Imperiex Prime vs Thanos,Odin
- Grimlock & Bumble Bee vs Colossus & Luke Cage
- Thanos vs ????
- World War Hulk vs. Shaman X-Man
- Annihilus Vs Eclipso
- Invincible Vs Ultron
- Super Adaptoid vs High Evolutionary
- The Knight of Cydonia vs Batman
- Thanos and Apokolips vs New Genesis
- Iron Men Army
- Spiderman VS Aquaman
- ms marvel vs spiral
- Silver Sufer (Annihilation) vs Thor (Current)
- avengers vs masters of evil
- heralds vs thanos/mangog
- hehe
- Howdy!
- Tetsuo versus Hellion
- Captian Marvel (Mar-Vell)/Thor/Gladiator vs Captain Atom/WW3 Black Adam/Majestic
- Magneto VS Dr Strange
- Spiderman vs. Deathstroke (twist)
- Michael Runs the Guantlet!!!
- WW3 Black Adam vs Captain Atom
- Captain Atom VS Sentry
- Cable vs Wonder Woman
- 300 vs These Heroes
- Superman's Powers Vs. Apocalypse's Powers
- Any version of Hulk vs. Omega with a twist
- Conan + Black Queen vs Apocalype + Wolverine
- WWH+Sentry+Blackbolt vs Doomsday+Black Adam+Hal Jordan
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs Blob...with a twist.
- Odin,Thor,Mangog vs Darkseid,Granny Goodness,Orion
- Best Characters at Infiltration
- Top 10 most powerful science fiction tech species
- Ranma runs the gauntlet
- Domino vs Mystique
- Thing, Collosus, and Abomination Vs Nate Grey
- Deadpool/Elektra vs. Cable/Domino (with a twist)
- Superman Speedblitz vs...?
- Moon Knight vs Kitty pryde with a twist
- Bullseye with Wolverine's HF vs Deadpool
- Wolverine versus Dracula
- Daken versus Captain America
- Loki vs Magento
- Adam Warlock vs Gamora vs Moondragon
- Battle of the Supermen
- Hulk vs. Magneto (special circumstances)
- 3 team fight
- Three Eternals vs Silver Surfer,Firelord & Stardust
- Wolverine takes on the Barely legal gauntlet !
- Top 10 1 on 1 Battles of ALL TIME!!!!(DC/MARVEL)
- Luke Cage vs This Team
- Ultra-Humanite & Gorilla Grodd vs Classic Cable & Wolverine
- Orion, Granny Goodness, Kalibak vs. Silver Surfer, Thanos
- Temugin vs Sabretooth
- Superman Prime,Henshaw with rings,Superman vs Thanos
- Moon Knight vs. Daredevil
- All Star Superman vs. Thanos
- Archenemy vs. Trigon
- Doc Samson vs Colossus
- Superman Prime,Henshaw with rings,Superman vs Apokolips
- Witchblade v. Magik
- Thanos vs. Loki - DC Ares
- Abomination vs Current Colossus
- Thanos & Henshaw vs Odin
- Highfather/Darkseid/Superman vs Odin/Archenemy/Silver Surfer
- 616 vs Ultimate
- The stranger vs Phantom stranger
- Megamix ScrapFest - Supes, WW, Hulk...
- Mister Mxyzptlk vs Q
- Doop versus Wolverine
- Team Versal 1. vs. Team Versal 2. Vs. Team Versal 3.
- Anime vs. Marvel vs. DC
- Marvel versus DC
- Greatest powerUPS
- Pc Validus vs Any psychic
- Ares versus Colossus
- Imperiex Prime vs FP Tryant
- Thunderstrike w/ Bloodaxe Vs Superman
- darkseid vs the hunger&the maker
- Ultra-Humanite & Gorilla Grodd vs Midnighter & Deathstroke
- APOC ans SS vs Superman and MM
- Wolverine vs a 100 ton bolder
- This team vs 7200 Green Lanterns
- A single IMP from the Flash(Bart)
- Team 1. vs. Team 2. vs. Team 3
- How Many Wolverine's would it take to take on WWH?
- Superman vs wwh.
- Thanos runs the superman villian guantlet
- Black Panther/Batman/Midnighter vs. Task Master/Deathstroke/Captain America
- Wolf and Broken Tusk vs Wolverine and Punisher
- Depowered Anti-Monitor/Yugah Khan/ vs. Well Fed Galactus/Odin/
- Hercules vs Wendigo
- Captain America/Jason Todd Vs Batman/Bucky
- Juggernaut and his bladder vs. Adamantium dome
- the mandarin vs john stewart
- Monarch & Onimar Synn vs Hyperstorm & Overmind
- Dormammu Vs. Darkseid
- Gog(kingdom),Superman Prime vs Monarch,Cyborg(rings)
- dormammu and mephisto vs asgard and olympus
- The Doctors vs the Generals/Captains!!!!
- Bugs Vs. Beasts Rd 1.
- The Penance Stare vs.....
- thanos vs green lanterns(hal,kyle,alan)
- Goku v Thor
- Superman Strength Contest
- Sunspot vs Deadpool,Deathstroke & Bullseye
- hela/pluto/walker vs darksied/takion/highfather
- Watcher vs...
- krptionians/daxamites vs new gods(apokalips/new genisis)
- Comic Worlds Best of 2007
- Sasquatch vs Hercules
- Hercules (Marvel) vs Wonder Woman
- Current Ice Man vs Superman Prime
- Giganta vs Maul
- Wolfsbane Vs Beast
- Void (Wildstorm) Vs Iron Man (Classic)
- Battlezone Fearofblood vs Gecko4lif
- Venom (Eddie) vs Spider-man
- Cyclops vs Radio-active man
- Captain cold vs venom
- Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson) vs Dr. Strange (Classic)
- No physical powers vs. Thread.
- 3 On 3 War
- Takion vs Thanos
- Watcher vs. Magus
- Hal Jordan vs Thor
- Venom and Carnage Vs. Iceman
- Mr. Sinister vs. Ironman
- Penguin vs Dick Tracey
- Mysterio and Scarecrow vs. Captain america
- Spider-man vs. Armor
- Oh, yes I was
- World Breaker Hulk and Sentry all out vs Superman Prime and Kirby Darkseid
- Dargo Ktor vs. Red Norvell
- You can defend it all you like smurph
- So do you know how you are seen at KMC?
- Squirrel Girl v.s. Spider-Man
- My Avengers vs. My Mutant Brotherhood
- cyborg superman vs tecnology?
- Cannonball vs. Hellion
- Hulk vs. Virtigo
- Better Leader: Thor or Wonder Man
- WW Hulk vs Etrigan
- Old Beast vs New Beast, which one looks better?
- Sunspot vs. Wolverine
- Spider-man vs. Kitty Pride
- Shatterstar vs. Black Panther
- Surtur vs Mangog
- Wolverine runs the gauntlet
- Hercules vs. Thunderbird (Exiles)
- This Team vs Omega Flight
- Union (Wildstorm) Battle Tower
- Deathstroke & Deadpool vs Solo & Crippler
- Durability contest
- Who did beat Ice Man ?
- team 1 vs team 2
- Mongul/Validus/The Omega vs Darkseid/Superman/Champion
- Black Adam Vs Thor
- The Spectre vs Thanos w/ig
- Captain Britain and Captain America vs Iron Man (Thor Buster)
- The Sandman (Marvel) VS Plastic Man
- Dormammu vs Surtur vs Firestorm
- Surtur/Mangog vs JLA
- superman prime vs amazo
- dormammu vs mephisto
- Apocalypse and his Horsemen vs. the DC Horsemen
- Darkseid vs Mangog
- Mordru vs Odin
- fantastic 4 vs nimrod
- Doomsday (Hunter/Prey) versus Thanos
- Equus Vs Namor
- Captain Britain VS Namor
- Scarecrow vs. Captain america/Falcon
- Nightwing v. Red Hood(Jason Todd)
- Penguin vs Black mask
- Lets one shot Superman!
- sinestro corps vs monarch & his army
- thors hammer vs supermans punch
- Immortals Collide!!!!
- Does anyone else sometimes think the "gods" in MU are too weak?
- metron vs cyborg superman
- thanos* vs orion*
- Ion v. Ion
- Batman/Nightwing/Green Arrow Vs. Li Mu Bai/Shu Lien(Crouching Tiger)/Nameless
- Classic Apocolypse/Mr. Sinister/Cassandra Nova vs. Protex/Sinestro/Zoom
- Batman vs. WW (non-powered)
- depowered tyrant vs ??
- Silver Surfer (amped) vs. Galactus (moderately fed)
- Wrecking Crew + 3 vs Captain Marvel
- Cyclops Vs Deadpool
- Cyttorak/Juggernaut vs Green Lantern Corp
- Silver Surfer's Blast vs Superman's punch
- Supes vs. WW with a twist
- Movie Nightcrawler vs Bullseye/comics
- Phylla-vell vs Martian Manhunter
- Black Panther vs the Illuminati
- Dr. Strange vs GL corps
- Thanopocalyptos!!!
- Dr. Fate vs Captain Marvel Shazam
- Adam Warlock vs Batman h2h
- Thanos/MOrg WOL/Depowered Tyrant vs. VandV Despero/GW Doomsday/PRecrisis Validus
- Gamora, Mantis, Drax vs Champion, Moondragon, Karate Kid
- Conan vs. Kraven
- Sersi & Magneto vs WW & MM
- Ka-Zar vs Tarzan vs Conan
- superman vs DR fate
- Jonathan Kent/Martha Kent Vs Uncle Ben/Aunt May
- Beat this team of warriors possessing Infinity Gems - if you can:
- Mephisto vs Superman Prime
- Superman/Martian Manhunter/Supergirl vs. Wonder Woman/Black Adam/Miss Martian
- Colossus/She Hulk/Thing vs. Speed Ball/Cannon Ball/Quicksilver Classic
- Forge with Prep runs Prep Gauntlet
- Superman and Wonderwoman Vs. Thanos
- Strega vs Dr.Strange
- Modok vs Emma Frost
- Redskull with Sinistro ring runs the guantlet
- thanos vs gls(guy,john,kilowog)
- Winter Soldier vs Bane
- Yup, I win
- Does it turn you on?
- Lots of shoddy modding
- In before the ban 3
- In before the ban 2
- In before the ban
- In before the ban 3
- In before the ban 2
- In before the ban
- Warpath Vs Drax Vs Ares (Marvel)