- Lobo vs. Apocalypse vs. Martian Manhunter
- Spiderman Vs HawkGirl and Green Arrow
- Absorbing Man vs. Wolverine
- Sabertooth vs. Pyro
- Catwoman vs. Mystique
- Silver Samurai vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Batman vs Bullseye
- Marz vs DeMatties
- Spider-man vs Black Symbiote Spider-man
- Bball Game: Marvel vs DC
- Captain Britain VS. Big Barda Battle for Britain
- Wolverine Vs The Hulk
- Luke Cage VS. Bane
- Beyonder and Galactus and Eternity VS. Parallax and Superman 1 million and Ion
- Wolverine/Spiderman Vs The Xmen
- dr. doom VS the x-men
- Captain America vs. Doc Ock
- Black Cat & Gambit vs. Sandman
- Save the President's daughter: Punisher's team vs. Batman's team
- Deadpool versus Cyclops
- Desak vs. Morg
- doomsday vs magneto
- Imperiux & Mageddon vs. Marvel Earth
- BANE VS Gambit
- Maul and Siddious vs. Dooku And Vader
- need help
- Big Barda vs. She-Hulk
- Superman showdown
- A Man Called Nova vs. Vision
- 8th day Juggernaut VS Warhulk
- Genis v Odin
- comic book Paola vs. comic book Tron
- Parallax, Ion, and Superman 1 Million VS Marvel Earth.
- PhoenixII(Rachel) vs Franklin Richards
- onslaught vs Odin vs darksied
- Sentry&Galactus&Thanos VS. DC Earth
- Beast Boy vs. the Animorphs
- Smallville Superman vs Smallville Flash
- Superman 1 million vs Galactus
- silver surfer , morg , terrax vs JLU
- Ironman, War Machine, Colossus and Steel vs. Old-School Megatron
- Totaly kickass battle: Apocalypse and all star cast of horse men VS JLA
- Ironman and War Machine vs. A Green Lantern
- Despero vs. The X-Men
- She-Hulk vs Spiderman
- JLA Vs. The Decepticons and Unicron
- Dark Cyclops vs. Magneto
- Havok vs. Rhino & Vulture
- FF4 vs New FF 4
- World's Strongest Super-Being 2
- The Royal Rumble of Comics
- JLA Vs. Zentraedi and Invid with Brainiac
- most of these guys have either died or are dead
- Generation X vs Young Justice...
- Zzzax vs. Wolverine/Lady Deathstrike/Sabertooth
- Batman vs. Kraven the Hunter/Toad
- Absorbing Man vs Rouge
- Battle of the Supermen
- Captain Marvel (shazam!) vs Superman
- Battle Royal!!!!
- Chess Tournament: Dr. Doom vs Darkseid, Batman vs Mr. Fantastic
- Eva's vs. Gundam's
- Marvel vs DC: Who would you pick for a video game?
- Spider-Man vs Deadpool, Bullseye and Deadshot
- Sentry Vs Annihilus
- Dark Phoenix versus all of DC SIMULATION P.3
- Dark Phoenix versus all of DC SIMULATION P. 2
- Dark Phoenix versus all of DC SIMULATION P. 1
- Kitty Pryde vs. Wonder Girl
- Michael Myers vs. Jason vs Freddy: a lil surprise
- Sephiroth vs. Dr. Strange
- Deathlok vs Terminator vs Robocop
- The Thing & Colossus vs Rogue & Wonder Woman
- Molecule man vs Thanos
- Starfire vs. Warbird
- Hulk vs. Bugs Bunny
- Thing and Juggernaut vs. Hulk and Colossus
- Aquaman vs. Spider-Man
- 3v3..
- Hulk & Dr. Doom vs Storm & Rogue
- Apocalypse Vs. Thanos
- dr.doom/magneto vs pre crisis superman/thor
- Purple man vs. The X-men
- hitler & thanos vs. the dc universe
- x-23 VS sabertooth
- Bloodrage Blade vs Dante (from Devil May Cry)
- content
- Decepticons vs Earth's Marvel heroes
- Ironman/War Machine vs Cyclops/Havok
- blade vs superman
- Wonderman & Hercules VS. Solomon Grundy & Abomination
- Polaris vs Storm
- Batman Vs. Infinate baby midgit ninjas!
- Sentry VS. The Justice Society Of America and the Outsiders
- Spawn vs Venom and Carnage
- Zeus vs Odin
- Abomination vs. Wonderwoman
- Magneto and Jugs vs Thor and Wonderman
- ironman/batman vs dr.doom/apocalypse
- tournament of heros!
- Superboy versus War hulk(enraged) in a lifting contest
- Punisher as Batman vs Joker as Carnage
- Superman Blue vs. Thor
- Superman prime,superman 1m,pre-crisis superman V.S. amazo,thanos w/ig,onslaught
- Couples Match: Wolverine/Lady deathstrike vs Batman/Catwoman
- Jason Vorhees VS Michael Meyers
- Reed & Superman VS Thor & Batman VS Doom & Hulk
- Shocker vs. Deadshot
- Sabertooth, Lizard, and Sasquatch vs. Thor
- Human Torch, Darkhawk & Nova vs Green Goblin, Hobgoblin & Demogoblin
- The Sentinels vs Transformers
- Forge vs. Havok
- Hobgoblin vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Blob vs. Hercules
- storm VS ironman
- Hawkeye & Green Arrow vs Bullseye & Deadshot
- The Thing & Colossus vs Doomsday
- Cyclops and Havok vs 2 Green Lanterns
- Thor Trio vs. Superman Trio
- Kid Flash vs Flash - Race
- Hal Jordan V's Frank Castle (fist fight, no weapons of any kind)
- Electro-Superman vs. the Hulk
- Cosmic Boy vs. Triumph vs. Magneto
- Franklin Richards versus....
- Quicksilver versus
- Anti-Monitor vs Thanos , Doom , Magneto
- Dr. Strange vs. Green Lantern
- Which team wins?
- Lobo, Carlos vs. TV show version of hulk
- storm w/ phoenix force VS jean w/ phoenix force
- Tyrant vs Pre-Crisis Darksied
- Astonishing X-Men vs. New Avengers
- Punisher Vs. Osama Bin Laden
- Reverse Flash VS QuickSilver
- All other Races vs the celestials
- Juggernaut vs GL (John)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. Bane
- Sabertooth VS OmegaRed
- Orion vs. Thor
- Superboy vs. Cyclops
- Dark Claw VS. Spider-Boy (Amalgam)
- Who could go 1-on-1 with a Predator? Part 2
- generation-X vs. The some X-men
- Batman's armor vs Ironman's armor
- Punisher vs. Deadshot
- mimic vs. morph
- Darkhawk vs. Shadowhawk
- dr. octopus VS. omega red
- Spawn w/ the Carnage symbiote vs. Batman w/ Punisher & Wolverine mentality
- cannonball VS storm
- penance VS. wonder woman
- Batman & Nightwing VS. Ghostrider
- Who screws up for the villain team of Apocalypes, Juggernaut, Darkseid & Doomsday
- galactus vs DC earth
- Crazy fight: Hulk w/ Superman's powers vs Captain Marvel w/ Infinity Gauntlet
- blackbolt vs X-men
- Deadpool vs. Lizard
- Superheroes gone bad
- Wendigo vs. Gladiator & Hercules
- Captain Britain vs. Blob
- storm VS omega red
- Invisible Woman vs. Empath
- Godzilla vs. Galactus
- Marvel/DC dream team
- Wolverine vs an MK character
- Who can go 1-on-1 with a Predator?
- Magneto vs. Venom and Carnage
- cyclops,wolverine vs spiderman,gambit
- The Punisher vs. John Constantine
- Hulk vs Akuma/Gouki(Streetfighter)
- Punisher, Batman & Green Arrow vs. Carnage
- Cyclop's optic blasts vs Havok's hand blasts vs Iron Man's proton beam
- 8th day Juggernaut vs Superman Prime
- Ghost Rider vs Scorpion
- Silver Surfer vs. Warbird
- "SWAT team" matchup
- Apocalypse vs. Sinister Six and Fantastic Four
- Who would win in a race around the world?
- Michael myers versus jason (not jason x)
- Blade vs. Shatterstar
- Iron Man vs ???
- What Marvel/DC villain would kick a lotta ass if fused w/ the alien symbiote?
- Doom vs. Reed vs. Batman vs. Luthor vs. Panther Texas Hold 'Em Up!
- Captain America versus rampant inflation
- who can knockout superman prime in one punch?
- Who can take down a villian team of Apocalypse, Juggernaut, Darkseid & Doomsday?
- Incredibles vs. Fantastic Four
- World's Strongest Super-Being Competition
- hellboy vs. constantine
- Apocalypse Vs Juggernaut (eight day version)
- Xavier versus Helen Keller and Stephen Hawking
- who would win out of this battle royal?
- Nightwing vs Sliver Samurai
- TMNT vs. The Gargoyles
- Eternity vs Parallax
- Tekken vs Mortal Kombat - Intro
- nightmare(FROM SOUL CALIBER 2) vs rhino
- Trance kuja vs sephroth (normal not projected image)
- Parallax vs Dark Pheonix
- hulk vs. popeye
- Fantastic Four v The Four (planetary)
- Doomsday vs Amazo
- Shatterstar vs. Sasquatch
- Living Tribunal Vs DC
- Archie and Jughead VS. Peter Parker and Flash Thompson
- Adam Warlock & Silver Surfer VS. Spectre
- For all the Caranage fanboys out there.
- yuske urimeshi versus spiderman
- Onslaught vs Doomsday
- Human Torch vs. Firelord
- Elijah Snow v Ambrose Chase
- Fantomex v Axel Brass
- ff with wolverine/cap.A. vs aliens and predators
- Magneto VS Apocalypse
- Agent X vs. Gambit
- Hulk vs Nemesis
- Battle Of The Sexes, 2nd battle
- Avengers Dream Roster VS. Parallax
- Hulk vs Morlun
- Red Skull vs. Bullseye
- Falcon vs. Vulture
- Thor vs. Super Skrull
- Apocalypse vs. Destroyer
- Professor Xavier vs. Multiple Man
- Super Superfight!
- Wonder Woman vs. Scarlet Witch
- Nightmare (soul caliber 2) vs bulma (veggetta or any other dbz char cant get involved
- The Borg VS Agent Smiths (Collective Challenge)
- George bush(current us president) vs a pretcil
- Superman prime VS Parallax
- wonder woman versus mary jane (Bikini contest)
- Spawn vs. the candy man
- deadpool & deathstroke vs wolvie & punisher
- DrDoom vs brainiac 13
- General Zod vs King Thor
- Dr. Strange & Phoenix & Sentry VS. Superman Prime
- gladiator v. mephisto
- Popeye Vs Hulk
- Robin versus Bucky
- Jesus and Buddah vs. Ganesh with the Juggernaut crystal and Homer Simpson Syndrom
- Deadpool and Wolverine competing for loooove
- freddy vs nightmare
- Tombstone V's Captain America (no shield)
- Wonderman Vs. WonderWoman
- Dark Phoenix vs. all of DC
- Daredevil/Black Cat/Spiderman vs. Avalanche/Pyro/Quicksilver/ Blob
- Punisher/Captain America/Blade vs. Abomination
- Storm vs. Dr. Doom
- Sandman vs Juggernaut
- Gee vs. Juggernuat