- The Ultimate Battle (if I don't say so meself)
- Optimus Prime vs. Hulk
- Darth Maul vs. Darth Vader
- Quick Freeze Vs Wonder Woman
- Krona (dc versoin) vs The Phoenix Force
- Superman Prime vs the Kryptonian
- Xmen Vs Marvel Earth
- Deathstroke(slade) vs Midnighter(Real Name: Unknown)
- Selene (Black Queen) vs. Emma Frost (White Queen) and Sage (Former Hellfire member)
- which one of the jedi masters kill super man
- Gray Hulk vs Wolverine
- who would win Vader or Anikin
- energy superman vs superman
- Batman Vs Moonknight
- validus vs. superman
- Catwoman vs. Black Cat
- Martian Manhunter & Captain Marvel VS Thor & Silver Surfer
- Classic Juggernaut vs Superman
- two-gun kid vs raw hide kid
- Batman vs Batman (the adult Tim Drake verison who leads the Titans)
- destroyer vs JLA
- Zoids vs Autobots (Generation 1)
- Hulk vs Flash vs Dark Claw
- The Killer vs the universe!!!!
- captain america vs mideighter
- Dr. Strange vs. Dr. Doom vs. Ghost Rider
- Shifter(from jlu) vsd. Beast boy
- Lady Death vs. Scarlet Witch
- bizzarro vs. grundy
- Silver Surfer vs Juggernaut
- Telepathic Battle: Martian Manhunter vs. Professor Charles Xavier
- batman(shazam powers) vs captain amrica(thors power)
- 3's are wild!!
- 4 on 4
- Green Arrow Vs Bullseye
- Aragorn, Gimli Legolas and Frodo vs. Spider-man, DareDevil, Hawkeye and Moleman
- Darth Maul Vs these 4 marvel characters
- spider-man vs. daredevil skipping/jump rope contest
- The Sentry vs Sliver Surfer
- The Sentry vs Superman
- Mr. Sinister vs Mongul
- slithering sissy stupid snake battle!
- Doomsday vs. Apocalypse vs. Thor vs. Hulk
- Spiderman-Venom vs.Batman-Catwoman(Selina Kyle)
- Wonder Woman vs Thor
- Wonder Woman vs Juggernaut
- Lucifer Morningstar & Archangels Michael vs Original Beyonder & Living Tribunal
- wolverine vs collusus
- x-man vs The Kryptonian
- Hulk vs Black King
- Rhino vs Colossus
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs Superman Prime
- ]X-Man VS Apocalypse[
- Zoom vs Cannonball, Nova and Max Mercury
- Rogue vs Wonder Woman
- Deathstroke(Slade)vs Kraven the Hunter
- X-23(the teenage girl wolverine clone) vs Batgirl (the current one)
- fist fight..bush vs hussian
- Champion of the Universe vs Superman
- Gray Hulk vs X-Men
- Luke Skywalker vs Wolverine
- Thanos vs. Watcher
- Shadowcat vs. Nightcrawler
- Polaris vs. Invisible Women
- Green Latern Hal Jorden vs Green Latern Klye Rayner
- Vemon vs Deadstroke
- Shredder vs. Deathstroke The Terminator
- lobo vs master chief
- Batgirl vs. Robin vs. Harley Quinn
- non-drunk Lobo vs drunk Superman
- Apocalypse vs. Ghost Rider
- Joker and Riddler vs. Carnage
- Venom vs. XO Manowar
- Solar vs. Proteus
- Justice League vs. Defenders
- Battle of The Sexes drafting
- Which team would win?
- Silver Sable vs. Punisher
- Marvel vs DC War
- Team vs Team
- Batman vs Thanos with THOTU.
- Cyber vs Luke Cage
- Iron Fist vs Spiderman
- Intelligence Team Battle (with prep time)
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs. Post-Heroes Reborn Savage Hulk
- Hercules versus Mongul
- Mephisto vs. Yoda vs. Spawn vs. Dark Phoenix
- Trigon vs Onslaught
- Plastic man vs the Elongated Man
- Juggernaut Vs. Captain Marvel
- Binary Vs. Hulk
- Captain Marvel Vs. Binary
- Captain Marvel Vs. Magneto
- Griffin vs. The Thing
- Wonder Man vs. Wonder Woman
- What kind of parents would Superheroes be?
- Vixen vs Beast Boy
- Gear (from Static Shock) vs Gizmo (from the Teen Titans Cartoon)
- Heatwave vs Captain Cold
- Black Lightning vs Electro
- Polaris(Magneto's kid) vs Magneta(the flash's ex girlfriend
- Superman vs Superman(Adult TeenTitan verison)
- fantastic 5 (what if issue 1) vs any spidey or F4 villains
- doc ock and the joker vs. kingpins whole empire
- Martian Manhunter vs. Apocalypse
- Han Solo vs. The Punisher
- George Lucas vs. Stan Lee
- JLA VS Avengers
- Deadpool Vs The Flash
- Darth Vader vs. Captain America
- Green Lantern (Parallax) VS Cable (god-like)
- JLA VS. X-Men : The End To The Debate
- Spiderman vs. Green Lantern (Kyle)
- The Flash vs. Wonder Woman
- Yoda vs DareDevil
- who can withstand loud nosies more?
- Batman vs Superman
- Deadpool vs The Flash
- Apocalypse vs Thor
- Forge and Toad vs Adam and Pyro
- Wonder Man VS Hulk
- ]Magneto VS Juggernaut[
- Wendigo vs The Thing
- Wonder Man VS Colossus
- Splinter vs Deadstroke
- Spider-man vs T3 TX
- Darth Vader vs Darth Maul
- AVP: Apocalypse vs Predators
- Van Helsing vs. Blade in vamp contest
- Shredder vs Bowser
- Cable vs Dare Devil
- Blade vs Dare Devil vs Black Panther
- Enemy Tag Tournament
- Angle vs. Morbis
- TMNT vs Nasty Boys
- Champion vs 2 Random Heros
- Vegitto vs Superman Prime
- Wonder Woman vs. the Hulk
- Batman vs. Neo
- nightmare vs. death(marvel)
- Miss Match Tag Tournament
- Batman vs Black Panther vs Blade
- Darth Varder Vs. Megatron
- Fire Star vs Pyro
- green battle 2. toad vs. martian manhunter vs. she hulk vs the super skrull
- Deadshot vs Bullseye
- Batman and Wolverine vs Deadstroke (Slade) and Sabertooth
- Headlock vs. Professor Xavier
- Griffin vs. Abomination
- Captain America vs. Thor
- Whirlwind vs. Spider-man
- Spider-Hulk vs Lizard vs Hulk
- Magneto vs. Green Lanter (Kyle)
- Spider and Batman vs Doc Ock and Ra's Al Ghul
- Kraven Vs Zaren
- Thanos & Darkseid vs Superman, Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Onslaught Vs Parrallax
- Batman and Nightwing vs Cyclops and Havok
- cyborg vs. static shock
- ]Joseph VS Magneto[
- Hulk VS Onslaught Pics
- Magneto vs. Batman vs. Ironman
- Whirlwind VS Quicksilver
- SwampThing VS ManThing
- Indian Showdown
- tarzan vs. george of the jungle
- Captain Boomerang vs Captain Cold
- Fight of Giantman:William Barrett Foster vs Henry Pym
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Wolverine
- The Black Queen vs. Juggernaut
- Wolverine vs Hulk vs Juggernaut vs Ironman
- Thor and Odin vs Cerberus and Pluto
- Mr majestic vs Superman
- The Infinate Secret Crisis On All Earthly Worlds
- Doomsday vs Galactus vs Annuhilius and Blastarr vs Hulk vs Thor
- Sandman vs Clayface vs Hydroman vs Venom
- Avengers vs JSA
- Punisher vs Bullseye vs Batman
- JLA vs. Dark Phoenix
- Flash vs anyone
- Thor Squad vs Supermen
- Batman and Nightwing vs Hawk and Dove
- Cable vs. Gladiator
- Thing vs Namor
- Jean Grey vs. Moondragon
- Sersi vs. The Black Queen
- skin armour iron man vs. collosus
- Rambo and Black Widow vs. Punisher and Electra
- Magneto and Proffessor Xavior vs. Apocalypse and the Leader
- Punisher vs. James T. Kirk
- Green Lantern (Parallax) vs Green Lantern (Ion)
- lobo vs wolverine which bad ass wins
- Martian Manhunter vs. Thor vs. Darksied vs. Doom
- Major Force vs The Thing
- Everyone Vs. Everyone
- Luke Cage vs. Thing
- Blade vs Captain America
- Reed Richards vs Captain America
- The battle of the spiderman villains.First round: green goblin vs doc ock vs venom
- the battle of the batman villains. First round: The joker vs the penguin vs catwoman
- Juggernaut vs. Hulk vs Doomsday vs Asgardian Destroyer
- Solid Snake vs. Snake Eyes
- karate Kid vs Thor
- Batman vs Lady Shiva
- Thor vs. Sentry
- Hyperion
- Calvin Rankin (Mimic) vs Hyperion (the Exiles versions).
- X-man/Cable/Stryfe Vs Parralax/ion
- Babe Magnet Battle: Gambit vs. Longshot vs. Tony Stark
- Spiderman Vs Batmans Badguys and batman vs spideys bad guys
- Super Man vs Goku
- Northstar vs Quicksilver
- Batman vs Reed Richards
- 4 teams of 4 war, the new x-men vs. brotherhood vs. horsemen vs sinisters clones
- Moose vs. Bane
- Bat Mite vs. Spider Ham
- Ras Al Ghul Vs Lex Luthor
- magneto vs pyro
- vigilantie ball, punisher vs. solo vs. casey jones
- teenage mutant ninja turtles vs. mystery men
- EVANGEL94's SCAN OF THE DAY: Odin vs Thanos [Mighty Slugfest in Honor of Christmas]
- Dr. Doom vs. Spawn
- Heavy Weights
- Deadpool / Batman vs Spidey / Wolverine
- Martian Manhunter vs. Juggernaut
- The Greates Freaken Battel
- every one vs Thanos(THOTU)The Source,The Great Best
- Beyonder vs. Anomily
- Beyonder vs. TOAA
- nova (richard rider) vs. nova (frankie raye)
- tokka and razar TMNT2 vs. wolverine and beast
- Deathstroke vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Martian Manhunter vs. Lobo
- Dr. Doom vs. Magneto vs. Juggernaut
- Thanos(with the heart) vs The Great Beast
- Thanos & Darksied vs The Kryptonian
- final fantasy vs xmen
- ]Carnage & Venom | Magneto & Cyclops[
- The Kryptonian vs WarHulk
- Absorbing Man vs. Hulk
- Thor (without Mjolnir) VS Wolverine
- Captain America vs. Wasp
- Quicksilver vs. Spider-man
- she hulk vs. black cat
- amalgams:lobo the duck vs dark claw
- Amalgams: Thanosseid vs Dr Doomsday
- Cobra Commander vs. The Joker