- Order These Races By Power
- Psylocke vs. Gorilla Grodd
- Prime, Captain Britian, & Black Bolt vs Wonder Woman, Aquaman, & Plastic Man
- Magik & Snowbird Vs Thor & Gladiator
- Iron Fist & Batman Vs Master Roshi
- Who Caused The Time Disturbance In The DCU?
- Spider-Men (Parker, Morales & Reiley) vs. Black Panther, Iron Fist & Luke Cage
- Sunspot & Warpath vs Savage Dragon & Badrock vs
- Odin Vs Time Trapper
- Hawk God Vs Shattered God
- JSA Mordru vs. Kingdom Gog
- Ares Vs Hela
- Bullseye vs Taskmaster
- Puma, Kraven, & Vermin vs American Eagle, US Agent, & Ezekeil Sims
- Monitor vs. Abraxas
- Prep Battle
- Rank in strength
- Old Man Logan vs Orson Randall
- Tigra vs Beast
- Old World Gog Vs Zeus
- Little Help here for Stats!
- House Of El: The New Golden Age
- Hellstorm vs Ghost Rider
- Shocker vs Mr.Freeze
- The Slug vs Kraven the Hunter
- God Doom vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Black Canary Vs Damien Wayne
- Kingdom Gog vs Asmodel & Zadkiel
- H'el vs Surfer/Thor
- Arishem Vs Imperiex
- Beast vs Puma
- Cronus Vs Bor
- Kingdom Gog Vs Odin
- Based on everyone's personality
- Team with the most world saving stats
- Mxy vs Solar Prime
- Black Panther 2099 Vs Batman 1 Million
- Which Current Marvel Team Can Match Superman's Revenge Squad?
- Vargas, Morlun, & Nimrod vs Pre-Crisis Karate Kid
- OWAW Superman takes on the Elders of the Universe...
- Can the Pre Crisis Fatal Five be soloed by
- Shang Chi & Iron Fist vs. Black Panther & Blade
- The Goblin Force Vs The Trans
- Elektra vs. Deadpool
- Team 1 Vs Team 2
- Midnighter(DCNU), Donald Pierce, & Deathstroke vs Cable, Bishop, & Domino
- Superman Challenge the big boys.
- Grayven, Kalibak, & Orion vs Obliterator, Lunatik, & Fredd
- Snowbird, Wendigo Vs Morlun
- Team 1 Vs Team 2 Vs Team 3
- Etrigan and Blue Devil vs Hellstrom and Hela
- If you were Batman who would you rather face Flash or Cyborg Superman
- Largest Built Structure in Comics
- The biggest loser
- Tombstone, Puma, & Kraven the Hunter vs Black Tarantula
- Namor runs the gauntlet
- luke skywalker(legends) runs the gauntlet!
- Greatest New 52 fts
- Luke Skywalker VERSUS Spider-Man
- Bat gear vs super metals
- Team Vs Team
- Domino vs Longshot vs Black cat
- Nekron vs Chaos King vs Destiny of The Endless
- Legion, Shadow King, & Proteus(House of M) vs Parallax, Volthoom, & Dominus
- How does dcnu Superman sizes up against............
- Protege Vs Cosmic Armor Superman (Thought Robot)
- Mxyzptlk vs Thought Robot Superman and Mandrakk
- Black Adam(WW3), Despero, & Maestro vs Classic Nefaria, Man-Beast, & The General
- Thanos w/HOTI vs. Emperor Joker
- Else-Men vs. Ivory Kings
- DC's Thunderbolts Vs Galactus & Phoenix
- Mxyzptlk assaults Creation
- BPRD Vs Doom Patrol
- Abraxas Vs Mandrakk
- Shatterstar vs. Deathstroke
- Apocalypse vs Atrocitus
- DCNU Superman vs Pre Crisis Karate Kid
- Abraxas vs Beyonders
- SSJ2 Goku VS King Thor
- The In-Betweener Vs Anti-Monitor
- Stormshadow Vs Deathstroke
- Superman vs Aquaman and Mera.
- Robin's vs Ra's Al Ghul and Deathstroke
- Ion Vs Hyperstorm
- Thor(Unworthy) VERSUS Lobo
- Composite God Vs Monarch
- Nathaniel Cade (Red, White, and Blood) vs The Midnighter (The Authority)
- Gog Vs Black Adam Vs Beta Ray Bill
- KC Vs Odin & Thanos
- Full power SSJ1 Goku VS King Thor
- Two street levelers to take on Daredevil and the Shroud in a pitch black arena?
- Atum the God Eater Vs Blight (JLD)
- Sylar vs Batman
- Shuma-Gorath Vs Abraxis (DC)
- What are the top 5 prep feats in Comic Books
- Dr strangefate starts a blight
- Trion juggernaut beast mode
- Batman Vs Ghostrider
- Frank Castle vs Batman with a twist
- Cannonball vs. Havok
- Morg, Terrax, & Firelord vs Hyperion, Blue Diamond, & Uranium(Grayson)
- Zachary Zor the Time Tailor Vs Sinestro Corps Anti-Monitor
- Classic Kingpin vs. Batman h2h only
- Marvel Boxing Royal Rumble
- Ymir Vs King of Tears
- Zarathos Vs Lord Satanus
- Deathstroke vs Midnighter
- Hulk vs Etrigan
- Waverider vs. Insane Genis Vell
- Hyperion vs Silver Surfer
- Element Lad vs Sersi
- Darth Vader vs. Psylocke
- The Weakest person who can defeat this team.
- Etrigan vs. Lobo
- Alpha Flight vs Doom Patrol (nods to golem)
- What If Alpha Flight becomes a DC comic book
- Vision vs Exodus
- Abraxas Vs Nekron
- Sun King Vs Agamotto
- Grey Hulk vs. Aquaman h2h only
- Your favorite comic book character costumes
- Serpent, Harald Jaekelsson, & Bor vs Superman Prime, Black Zero, & Shaggy Man
- Volthoom (Hand of Creation) Vs Synnar (Demiurgos)
- Blackheart Vs Asmodel
- Batmsn/Wolverine arm wrestle
- Nimra & Neron Vs Chthon & Hela
- Introduction
- Power Vs Power
- Justice League Dark Vs The Defenders
- Which superhero team saved the world the most?
- Coolest character
- Starro & Invictus Vs Thanos & Lord Mar-Vell
- Kraven, Sabretooth, & Tombstone vs Blade, Batman, & Beast
- Mxy & Bat-Mite Vs Mad Jim Jaspers & HOM Scarlet Witch
- T-1000 vs Spiderman
- Mr.Sinister vs Lobo
- Shathan the Eternal & Azmodus Vs Cyttorak & Surtur
- Blade Vs Hellboy
- Mother Panic Vs Sin
- Non & Sin-Eater Vs Zom & Nebulos
- Demogorge vs The Serpent
- The Serpent Vs Eclipso
- DC vs Marvel Monsters Unleashed
- Royal Rumble
- Black Knight (Dane) vs. Lion-O
- Phantom Zone God Vs Darkseid
- Etrigan the Demon vs Hel
- Citizen Steel vs. Black Panther
- Thanos & Dr Strange vs Reed Richards & Dr Doom prep battle
- Groo the Wanderer vs Darkwing Duck!
- The Most Powerful Villain
- Michael & Lucifer Vs Beyonder & Molecule Man (Post)
- The Serpent & Surtur Vs S'iva the Destroyer & Yuga Khan
- Mordru & Trigon Vs Mephisto & Dormammu
- Superboy Prime and Thanos Run The Gaunlet
- Roughouse, Mr Hyde, & Executioner vs Valkyrie, Volstagg, & Thundra
- Who has the best odds of beating Berserk Wolverine one on one
- The Wrecking Crew Vs Team Cage
- Darth Vader Vs Cable
- Citizen Steel vs Deathstroke/w Ikon Suit
- Wolverine Vs Darth Vader & 1000 Clones
- Darth Vader vs. the Hulk
- Weakest character vs suit
- Extant & Time Trapper Vs Korvak & Tyrant
- Kingdom Gog & Gog (JSA) Vs Rune King Thor & Jane Thor
- Kindred Vs The Worthy
- Citizen Steel vs Odinson
- The Serpent(Cul) vs Walker
- Berserker Wolverine vs evil Iron Fist
- The Timeless Vs Braniac
- The Timeless Vs Imperiex Probes
- Superboy Prime vs. Gog
- New52 Creeper Vs Eddie Brock Venom
- Are Beta Ray Bill And Thor Equals?
- The Timeless Vs Alpeh
- Weakest people who could lift this object.
- Black Bolt Vs Nightcrawler W/Wolverines Powers
- Classic IG Thanos vs New 52 Anti Monitor
- Team 1 Vs Team 2
- Aquaman VERSUS Wolverine
- Who has the best odds of beating Aquaman ? One on One
- Rambeau Vs Gorilla Grodd
- Eternity & Galactus Vs Krona & Volthoom
- Hal Jordan & Space Ghost (DC) Vs Quasar & Ronan
- Spider-Man Vs The Flash
- Team DC vs The Runner(Space Gem) & Thanos
- Infinity Thrall vs Infinites
- Space Ghost VERSUS Namor
- Dark Phoenix vs Zarathos
- Firestorm/DCNU Captain Atom vs Silver Surfer/Thor
- Hal, Kyle, & John Vs Firestorm, Captain Atom, & The Ray
- Scrooge McDuck vs Deadpool
- Desak vs Thanos and Thor
- Captain Atom vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Captain Atom & Firestorm Vs Team
- Galactus Vs Team
- "Black" on "Black" Crime
- Team Rage vs. Team Mage
- King Thor (ripped off left arm) Vs Worthy Thor & Jane
- Blue Marvel & Hyperion vs. Mon-El & Ultra Boy
- Magik vs Dark Phoenix
- Firestorm Vs Ghost Rider
- Crossbones Vs Raptor
- X-Man\w Juggernaut's powers vs Thanos
- Wheres the ref
- Full-Powered Iceman vs. New-52 Barry Allen
- Tracer Vs Sabretooth
- Red Hulk Vs Wonder Woman & Aquaman
- Cable Vs Dredd
- Human Torch Vs Wildfire
- Sundown, Void/Sentry, & Supernova vs Superman(Prime), H'EI, & Ultraman
- Heat Vision Vs Kamehameha
- Help Me Decide
- Gog Vs Volthoom
- New Villains vs HP Doomsday/Imperiex Probe
- Kingpin Vs Nightcrawler
- G'nort vs Deadpool
- H'el vs. Doomslayer
- Aliens Vs Humans Vs Gods
- Team Vs Team Vs Team
- Marvel & DC
- Wolverine, Daken, X 23 Vs Aquaman, Colossus, Luke Cage
- Spider-Man Foes vs. Gotham
- Luke Cage Vs Team
- Team Monster vs. Team Alien
- 2 on 2 Buddy Battle
- hulk in strength
- DoS Doomsday vs Runner...
- Most powerful magical spells and/or artifcats in Dc and Marvel
- Cassandra Cain & Rose Wilson Vs X-23 & Elektra
- Classic Dr Strange vs Classic Odin
- Blue Marvel vs Meggan, Monet St. Croix, & Rogue
- Who's the strongest robot in comics?
- Thanos Vs Superboy Prime, DOS Doomsday & WWHulk
- Spider-Man's hand strength vs Batman complete strength
- Krona with the emotional embodiments vs. Odin
- Superman & Surfer vs. Thor Corps
- Hercules & Orion Vs WWH
- Guy Gardner w/ Red & Green Rings vs. Orion w/ Mother box
- Blade, Shang Chi and Daredevil vs. Luke Cage, Iron Fist & Moon Knight
- Iron Fist vs. Kraven & Bullseye
- Orion Vs Ikaris & Black Bolt
- The Creper vs Mr Fixit.
- Ares(DC) & Darkseid(Pre-52) vs Loki(Nord Stone) & Malekith(Casket)
- Superman vs Ganthet
- Zzzax, Glob, & Droog vs Abomintion, Wendigo(Cartier), & Tutinax
- Rune King Thor vs Galactus
- Gog vs. Gorr & OKT
- Green Arrow & Deadshot Vs Punisher & Hawkeye
- Timber Wolf Vs Beast