- Jessica Jones vs. Wildstorm Nemesis
- Ancient One vs. Etrigan the Demon
- Tactics War! Vandal Savage Vs Kingpin
- Prep War! Baron Zemo Vs Prometheus
- Epoch W/Omega Attractor Vs Immortus
- Galactus fed on 4 Jjupitor size planetslike earth!
- Prep Match! Lord Havok Vs Arnim Zola
- MCU Batroc vs. MCU Hawkeye ( H2H )
- Prep War! John Constantine Vs Dr. Doom
- Box vs Doc Samson
- Spectrum vs. Sersi
- Giant Man vs. Black Tom Cassidy
- Bat-Joker vs Gotham Crime
- X-Men vs. Stormwatch
- The Authority vs X-Men
- black bolt vs nova prime
- Prep War! Hank Pym Vs Niles Caulder (The Chief)
- Prep Wars! Amadeus Cho Vs Lyrl Dox
- Team Juggernaut -Vs- Team Doomsday
- Team Juggernaut -Vs- Team Hercules
- Prep War! Red Skull Vs Kobra (Jason Burr)
- Storm Vs Metamorpho
- Doc Samson Vs Plastic Man
- Prep War! The Calculator Vs Norman Osborn
- Current DC cosmology, what is it? Omniverse or Multiverse?
- Prep War! Alexander Luthor Vs Kang
- Vision vs. Giant Man
- Meggan vs. Mandarin
- Prep War! Dr. Sivana Vs M.O.D.O.K.
- Prep Wars! Bruce Banner Vs Bruce Wayne
- Prep Wars! Mr. Terrific Vs Black Panther
- Prep Wars: Tony Stark Vs Lex Luthor
- Tier thread changes
- Primus Vs Overmind
- Hulk vs X-Man (Shaman)
- Threshold (Matthew Callahan) Vs Revanche (Kwannon)
- Leader Vs Hector Hammond
- Despero -Vs- X-Vills
- Scarlet Witch vs Sentry
- Lady Mastermind (Martinique) Vs H.I.V.E. Queen
- Pyslocke Vs DCnU Grifter
- House of El (new ruler)
- KMC: Choose ONE Power
- Milton Fine Vs Gamesmaster
- Prof.X runs the Evil DC "Mind" gauntlet.
- Most and least consistent characters...
- Despero (Flame of Py'tar) Vs X-Man
- Superboy (Kon/Jon Merged) Vs Jesus Cable
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Mastermind
- Invisible Women vs. Red Hulk
- Fist fight: Cyborg vs Colossus
- Wonderman vs....Doc Green
- Can deadpool die?
- Tag team matchup
- Strongest Beings Tiers?!
- Bedlam Vs Jackson King
- House Of El: Farewell...
- Lady Mastermind Vs Psimon
- Infinity Man vs Superman
- Team Blue Marvel -Vs- Team Hyperion
- Rank the strongest X-Men
- Brain Emperor Vs Mentallo
- Bette Noir Vs Mr. Sinister
- Blockbuster (Marauder) vs Rhino
- Characters display of combat skills
- Mastermind Vs Brainwave Sr.
- Korvac vs. Impossible Man
- Odin vs. Korvac
- Miss Martian Vs Rachel Grey
- Mesmero Vs Brainwave Jr.
- Manchester Black vs God Cable
- Northwind vs Archangel
- Northwind vs Archangel
- Who is more ballsy than The Godd@mned Batman!!!!?
- Cassandra Nova Vs Fernus (Full power)
- Gorilla Grodd Vs Stryfe
- Manchester Black Vs Quentin Quire
- Full Powered Ravenous vs DCNU Superman
- This particular Captain Marvel Vs Silver Surfer
- Maxima VERSUS Unworthy Thor
- The Shadow King Vs DCnU Brainiac
- Purple Man Vs Doctor Psycho
- Captain Comet (Mystery In Space) Vs Cable
- MU or Dc. Who has the most solid cast of heavy hitters?
- The most powerful weapon in the (MU) universe
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi vs Etrigan the Demon
- Maximus Vs Maxwell Lord
- Saturn Girl Vs Moondragon
- Gamora the Hell Hag vs Adam Warlock...
- Nate Grey's girlfriend vs deadman (JLD)
- Professor X Vs Classic Ultra-Humanite
- Hulk and Juggy team up
- Jean Grey Vs Maxima
- Is this more exciting then usual
- Anyone think bada's profile pic looks like a guy with a hat?
- The people on this site are trash
- Exodus Vs Martian Manhunter
- Saturn Queen Vs White Queen (Emma)
- Chaos King vs Jim Jasers
- Captain Marvell vs Captain Britain
- Captain Britain vs Ares
- Hulk Unlimited -Vs- Superman
- Shark (GL) Vs Scorpion
- Classic Mr. Atom Vs Terminus
- Blastaar Vs Grayven
- Amazo Vs Composite Man
- Hulk vs Superman - Mano a Mano
- Kluh Vs Josiah Power
- Absorbing Man Vs Amazing Man
- is seedling mutant?
- Battlion/Despot vs Godlike Cable/Xman
- Team Superman -Vs- Team M.Manhunter
- DCnU Frankenstein Vs Skaar
- DCnU Lobo Vs Current Drax the Destroyer
- Genocide Vs Bi-Beast
- Moon Knights vs Union Jack
- Lady Sif Vs She-Ra
- The Presence Vs TOAA (Feats Battles)
- Henry "Hank" Henshaw vs Adam Warlock, Gamora, and Terrax......
- Ironclad vs Frenzy
- Colossus vs Hawkman
- OMAC Vs Sasquatch
- Juggernaut - Vs- Solomon Grundy
- King Shark Vs Rhino
- Caitlin Fairchild Vs Frenzy
- The Cabal -Vs- The Dreadlords
- Comics vs Manga/Anime
- Adam Warlock -Vs- Superman
- Immortal Hercules & Ikaris vs. Unworthy Thor & Hyperion
- Inverted Luke Cage vs She-Hulk
- Richards Vs Panther prep battle: Target Superman
- Super-Skrull -Vs- Dracula
- Pre-Crisis Omega Vs Trion Juggernaut
- Brick Vs Piledriver
- Kurse Vs The General (Original)
- Grodd -Vs- Dracula
- Colossus vs Wonder Man
- Cyborg vs. OMAC
- Mark Antaeus Vs Immortal Hercules
- She-Ra (Classic) Vs DCnU Wonder Woman
- Freddy Krueger Vs Spawn Vs Pin Head
- Thanos With Heart Of The Universe Vs Thought Robot
- DCnU Creeper vs. Morlun
- The Cabal -Vs- Injustice
- Dead King Vs Attuma
- Reign Vs Red She-Hulk
- DCNU Darkseid vs Thanos
- Ironman vs. Jack Hawksmoor
- Patient Zero Vs Abomination
- Uncle Sam Vs Rulk
- Kmc Vs Avatars
- B.I.O.N. Vs Composite Superman
- Deathstroke vs Captain America
- Current Rulk vs Gladiator
- Hawkman vs Bane vs Kingpin vs Captain America vs Silver sable vs Prometheus
- Deathstroke vs batman vs Green arrow vs Wildcat vs Catman vs Richard Dragon
- Azrael (Lane) Vs Hawkman
- Weakest vs CISLESS Surfer
- Scarlet Witch vs Princess Amaya
- Dr Druid versus Etrigan the Demon
- WF Myx, Batmite, Classic Beyonder, and Classic Owen vs Count Dracula...
- Gladiator Vs Mon-El (Giffen Era)
- The Olympian (Achilles) Vs Namor the Sub-Mariner
- Wonder Man Vs Ultraboy
- A.M.A.Z.O Vs Doomsday
- She-Hulk Vs Powergirl
- Dr. Doom Vs DCnu Cyborg
- Inhuman Beyonder Vs Thanos With Infinity Gauntlet
- DCnU She-Ra Vs Angela
- DCnU He-Man Vs Ares (Marvel)
- List the weakest
- Sentry vs Runner...
- Frenzy vs Titania
- Persuader Vs Bloodaxe
- Titania Vs Rampage
- Ironman vs. Apollo
- Dumb Drax Vs Konvikt
- DC and Marvel: Who you got?
- Colossus Vs Congorilla
- The Phantom Stranger VS Odin
- Frenzy vs Namora
- Thing vs Ms. Marvel.
- Korg vs Doc Samson
- Sasquatch vs A-Bomb
- Gamora vs Drax
- Deadman Vs Mister Mxyzptlk
- Ulik W/Pounders Vs Agogg
- Ulik w/pounders vs professor Hulk
- Doc Samson Vs Father Time (Pre-Flashpoint)
- Maelstrom Vs She-Hulk
- Taskmaster vs DCNU bane
- Sasquatch (Tanaraq) Vs Konvikt (Dark Trinity)
- Chaos King Vs Franklin Richards
- Current Sentry vs Current Justice League
- Starheart Alan vs The Void
- Vulcan/ Annihilus w/CCR vs Photon Genis Vell/Silver Surfer
- Midnighter vs. Cyborg
- Dr. Octopus vs. Silver Samurai
- Adam Warlock vs team Starmen
- Powergirl Vs Super Girl (Red Ring)
- Insane Genis Vs White Lantern Kyle
- Star Lord & Rocket Raccoon vs. Mr. Terrific & Cyborg
- Gamora vs. Temugin
- Groot vs Loki....
- Iceman vs Rookie Hal..,,
- Night Crawler, Colossus vs Captain Carrot, Pig Iron
- The Punisher -Vs- 3
- Sentry vs Mephisto
- Who Is The Weakest Character That Can Defeat World's Funnest MXY?
- Superman vs Solus
- Hank Henshaw vs Ego...
- Spiderman the Sinister vs Gamora...
- Spectre W/Logoz Vs The Living Tribunal
- Darkside Avengers Vs Kmc Jla
- Thor vs Despot (Wildstorm Universe)
- Qwsp Vs The Hunger
- Lkz Vs Shaper of Worlds
- Merlyn (Matrix) Vs Morpheus (Sandman)
- Extremax The Omega Vs Sphinx
- Void Sentry/Death Sentry vs KC Superman/Black Lantern Superman
- Odin with Gungnir runs the growing Trans Tier gauntlet...
- DCNU Superman vs Classic Juggernaut
- Current Dr Strange/Zemo w/moonstones vs Deaths Sentry/Worthy Hulk
- Marvel and DC Top Heralds CIS off
- Goddess Vs Oblivion (DC)
- Silver surfer & Thor vs Uatu (CIS off)
- Godhead Vs Aegis
- Edifice Rex Vs Adjudicator
- Captain Britain, Sasquatch & Namor vs. Cyborg, Red Tornado & Blue Beetle (Jamie)
- JLD Vs H'el
- Current Black Panther vs. Hawkman
- Anti-Matter Man Vs Scrier
- Ereshkigal Vs Lady Stxy W/Heartstones
- Multiple Man vs Ant Man
- Can Galactus eat
- Drakul Karfang Vs Fin Fang Foom
- Morpheus (Sandman) Vs The Horde
- Negal Vs Satannish
- Batman vs Gods
- Captain Britain & Namor vs. Hercules & Ares
- Michael Demiurgos Vs The Beyonder (Post Retconned)
- The Word Vs Merlyn (Matrix)
- Who's strength has been verified in comics?
- Current Marvel rumble
- Could Reed Richards out think the Flash
- BATMAN the Unbeatable vs Adam Warlock...
- Flash (Overpowered) vs...
- The Worthy Vs The Millennium Giants
- Aegis Vs Rama Kushna
- Will Everett III