- Young Justice Vs X-Men
- Gemworld Vs Asgard
- Feat vs feat Hulk and Void
- Savage Hulk vs Massacre
- Monica vs The General
- Mr Majestic vs Hal Jordan
- The General vs Rogol Zaar
- Daredevil and Black Widow vs Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown
- Megatron vs Iron Man
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- Garth & Ocean Master vs Aquaman & Mera
- The Kingpin vs. The Mandarin
- DOS Doomsday vs Xmen
- The General vs The Xmen
- Magik Vs Amethyst
- Kal Kent v.s. HP Doomsday
- Blade vs Judge Dredd
- Mongul vs Xmen Gauntlet
- Black Manta vs Green Goblin
- The High Evolutionary & Reed Richards Vs HP Doomsday
- Silver Surfer vs HP Doomsday
- Batman vs Punisher (Twist)
- You run the gauntlet
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- Namor vs Hydro-Man
- Atom Smasher vs Gray Hulk
- The Current Avengers vs Rebirth Justice League
- Grey Hulk vs. She Hulk
- Giganta Vs Thing
- The Olympian vs Morlun
- superman vs poseidon
- KMC-what is your profession??!!
- Ronan vs Arkon
- batman vs black widow + batroc
- Man at Arms vs Panthro
- Morlun vs Blade
- Spider-Man vs Ronan h2h
- Blackfire Vs Binary
- Lobo vs Immortal Hulk
- Prince of Orphans vs Morlun
- Angela vs Artemis
- Bleeding Edge Iron Man vs Val Armorr
- The Red Cloud Vs Extrmis Iron Man
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- Rock of Eternity vs Castle Grayskull
- He-Man vs WWHulk.
- Powergirl vs Wonder Woman - The most powerful heroines of JLA
- Superman vs He-Man (Arm wrestling)
- Fuerza Vs Monet
- Batman vs. Captain America U.F.C.
- Ultimate Cyclops vs Aquaman
- [rematch]darkseid vs doomsday and cyborg superman
- Blade vs Gorgon (Dark Wolverine)
- Russian Zod vs modern Zod
- Match The Feat
- Thanos vs Aquaman
- Avengers vs X-men(female edition)
- Blade vs. Ares
- He Man vs Supergirl
- Adamantium Ultron vs Ikon Deathstroke
- The Kingpin vs. The Hulk
- Azazel x men Vs Aquaman
- Baron Helmut Zemo vs Insane Genis-Vell
- Who Can Take This Hit?
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- Can Parasite drain immortal Hulk?
- Hulk runs a JLA gauntlet!!
- Jean grey and rogue vs superman and martian manhunter
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- Aquaman vs Luke Cage
- The Crime Syndicate Vs Current Avengers
- Odinforce Thor vs Current Superman
- Raptorcide 2019
- Wrecker vs Aquaman
- Happy New Year 2019
- Match This Amped Justice League Team
- Planet Explosion
- Proteus vs. Rebirth Superman
- Guy Gardner vs Sinestro
- Martian Manhunter vs Rebirth Superman
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- is it possible to overcome mjolnirs worthiness enchantment through physical strength?
- Replacements vs Originals
- Eclipse vs Black Lantern Ring vs Starro
- Elektra Vs The Silencer
- Xum vs. Odin
- Kal Kent & SBP vs Darkseid & Grail
- Nabu Vs Gorr the God Butcher
- Gamera vs Gorgon (Peak)
- Captain Marvel vs "Captain Marvel"
- Can New 52 Wonder Woman survive a planet explosion?
- supermen team run the gauntlet
- H'el, Silver Surfer Vs Sentry, Despero
- Apollo & Midnighter Vs Captain Britain & Captain America
- Atrocitus Vs Eclipso
- Can anyone in Marvel repeat
- Removed
- Thanos vs superman,sentry and Hulk
- Amethyst Vs Spiral
- Batman vs The New Teen Titans (1980's era, Marc Wolfman) vs Batman and the Outsiders
- Batman vs Splinter and The Foot
- red hood and the outlaws vs avengers
- beast boy vs mr fantastic
- The Rose vs The Owl
- Daken vs World War Hulk
- Match The Feat
- Raven Vs Magik
- Damage vs WWHulk.
- Hawkgirl vs. Lady Sif
- King Kong and Godzilla vs Paul Bunyan and Babe
- Kang Vs Mr. Mind
- Merry Christmas!
- COIE Spectre vs Classic Living Tribunal
- Thanos & Cosmic Ghost Rider vs. Merged Sentry & Immortal Hulk
- valeria and cho hulk vs jon kent and damian
- heralds vs legion
- Apollo & Midnighter vs. Aquaman & Mera
- Orion, Grail & Big Barda vs. Thor, Jane Thor & Angela
- orion vs grail
- Damage vs Superboy Prime.
- True Darkseid vs Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet
- Diverse Marvel vs. Diverse DC
- Superboy Prime vs Heralds of Galactus
- Jane Thor vs Hal
- Match The Feat
- Sabretooth vs. Blade (New)
- Thing vs. Morlun
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- Thanos and darkseid vs superman and thor
- Thanos vs Darkseid (not a fight)
- Comic Book Questions & Discussion
- Batman vs Doctor Doom
- Blume vs. Galacta
- Thanos VS Ghost Riders Penance Stare.
- Jane Thor vs. Supergirl w/ Rogol Thaar's Axe
- Rogol Zaar vs. Kurse
- Computo vs vs Nimrod
- Damage vs Slade (Ikon)
- Aquaman and Mera vs Namor and Invisible Woman
- Slugfest!! Damage Vs Rogol Zaar
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- Thanos vs Shazam
- Saturn Girl vs Doctor Psycho
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- kara vs cheetah
- DCNU Lobo vs. Deaths Head 2
- The Batman who laughs Vs Judge Death
- Rogol Zaar vs H/P Doomsday
- Doctor Manhattan vs merged Mxy/Phantom Zone Entity
- Doctor Manhattan and Mxy vs Kevin Thorn and Dex
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- What 2 Earth Marvel heroes will you choose???
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- Rogol Zaar vs Singularity
- Kingshark vs. Killer Croc
- Impulse Vs Ultimate Quicksilver
- Starro the Conqueror vs. Rogol Zaar
- Damage vs Rogol Zaar vs Brimstone
- Current Titans vs Black Order
- Superman vs Dr Fate
- Constantine Vs Batman, Man Who Laughs
- Current Legion of Doom Vs Masters of Evil
- You're in D.C - twist
- Iron Fist vs Phoenix Scott
- Ebony Maw vs. Darth Vader
- Proteus vs. Cassandra Nova
- Spider-Man vs Alfred
- Kurse vs Thanos
- Colossus as Juggernaut vs Hercules
- Hercules vs Colossus
- The Trinity vs Galactus
- Throg vs. Thor Odinson
- Marvel Men vs DC Women
- Blue Beetle Vs Carnage
- Luke Cage (With Crowbar) vs She Hulk
- Post Crisis Wonder Woman vs New 52 Superman
- Current JLA Vs Current Avengers
- Phoenix Vulcan vs. Odin
- Current Darkseid Vs Red-Skull Onslaught
- Udon Ken Masters vs Iron Fist
- Morlun Vs Bad Samaritan
- Nod to Maxi Batman & Iron Man switch teams
- Lex Luthor/Batman/Doom
- Lady Sif vs. Colossus
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- Batman vs. Kang
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- 70s Superman vs 70s Thor
- DC Aliens Vs Marvel Aliens.
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- Morlun vs Hercules
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- Ghost Riders vs Thor Corp
- Gladiator & BRB vs. Hyperion & Blue Marvel
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- Venom vs Morlun
- Iron Patriot vs Red-Goblin
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- DE Sidious vs. Magneto
- Barda vs Jane Thor - fist fight
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- Darth Vader vs. KOD Black Panther
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- Monarch vs. SCW Anti-Monitor
- Old King Phoenix vs. Necro-Thor
- Weapon X vs Cyborg and Aquaman
- Silver Surfer vs Current Thor
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- Sebastian Shaw vs Aquaman
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- Who would be more handicapped?
- H'el vs Rogol Zaar
- Tyrant vs. Old King Thor
- He-Man vs. Mr. Majestic
- Who can repeat???
- Carnage vs. Colossus