- Namor vs. Siderman
- Vindicator vs Heather Hudson/Sasquatch/Exiles
- Who Is The Most Powerful Cosmic
- Jahf VS. Superman, Gladiator, Thor, The Hulk, and Hal Jordan.
- Iron Man Vs Juggernaut
- The Maestro vs Grey Hulk
- Captain America vs Namor
- vulcan vs thing
- What characters can takeover a Universe in DC and Marvel?
- Asgardian Destroyer Vs The Annihilator
- DeathWolverine vs. 10 Elder Preds
- Superboy Prime vs. Ion(current)
- Karnak vs. Wolverine
- Batman vs. Iceman
- Captain Atom and Breach v.s Firestrom I and Jason
- Master Chief vs Elder Predator vs Armored Spider-Man
- Superman vs Indestructible vs Pagan
- who is the most powerful character in the marvel universe
- Capitan Marvel (full power) Vrs Averege Hulk
- Team Flash Vrs...
- Pre-Crisis Superman runs the gauntlet
- Namor and Human Torch vs. ???
- Barring Cosmics, Think of a team of toons from Marvel to MATCH these Dc Villians
- who survives this scenario longest
- cap vs spider-man
- Which characters are capable of.....
- The living tribunal vs. the leader of the celestials
- Orion vs Wonder Woman
- Orion vs DC Ares
- What would make the best all girl team around? here's my take
- JLA (amped) vs. This Team
- Orion vs Eradicator
- Thor,Captain Marvel,Wonder Woman vs Superman, Gladiator, Super Girl
- goku vs superman
- Batman with the Motherbox and a GL Ring VS. Abraxas
- Iceman vs. Juggernaut
- Despero vs. Darkseid
- Firestorm vs. Iceman
- who do you think would in fight between omega red,sabertooth and wolverine?
- Multiversal Martial Arts Tournament
- Your Team Agins Ours
- Thor Full Battle Mode vs Asgardian Destroyer vs Morg with WOL
- wolverine vs the lizard
- bloodlust silver surfer vs superman and hulk.
- Black Cat vs. Catwoman
- Vulcan with gem of cyttorak vs Onslaught & Proteus(616)
- Spiderman: Iron vs. Black vs. Scarlet
- Unknown chareters battle ...
- Vulcan with gem of cyttorak vs JLA
- Who is the weakest person in all of comics?
- Wonder Woman vs. Black Adam
- Superman vs. Morg (Without Waters of Life)
- Thor Odinson vs Superman with a twist,This version hasn't been done.
- Who is the badest Earth bound fighters?
- Batman vs. The Master Chief
- Strong Women Battle ....
- Maxam vs. Doomsday
- Daredevil vs Kraven
- Black Tarantula vs Lizard & Scorpon
- The Jedi Council versus The Gl corps
- War-Hulk & Devil & Captian universe Hulk vs Superman
- Silver Surfer vs Villains
- GL Kyle vs Wonder Woman
- Black Tarantula vs. Iron spidey
- Grifter vs. Midnighter
- Iron man vs. The Flash
- Fatal five way
- Titannus vs Sentry
- Ulik & Bloodaxe vs Grey Hulk & Ronan the Accuser
- Penance stare VS Thanos
- movie lex luthor vs movie batman
- Thanos vs DC Greek Pantheon
- Ultimate Dr. Strange vs. Dr. Fate (Hector Hall)
- Thanos vs ???
- Batman versus Wonder Woman(h2h only)
- Kyle Rayner vs Sentinal(Alan Scott).
- Deathstroke vs Black Panther w/twist.
- Illuminati Vs Justice League
- Invisible Man versus Terrax and Fire Lord
- Selene vs Wolverine (as Death)
- Namor & Thing vs Iron Man
- Nova Richard Rider VS. Black Adam
- current herald silver surfer vs morg
- movie Superman vs movie Phoenix
- Maxam vs. the Thing
- Honored Predator vs Agent Zero
- Modt vs Titannus,Terminus & Mangog
- High Evolutionary run the Guantlet
- mangaverse thor vs rune king thor
- Solid Snake vs. Snake Eyes
- Movie Superman vs Movie Spawn
- Namor vs Hercules
- godzilla vs hulk
- Street Level Rumble!!!!
- Metamorpho the Element Man vs. Iceman (Omega)
- Flash/Superman/Martian Manhunter vs Any Team
- Scream Kings
- Superman (no flying allow) vs juggernant
- Thanos vs. Morg
- Streetlevel fighters Wars
- Ion vs. Anyone and Everyone (most powerful superhero of all time)
- Rune King Thor,Mangaverse Thor & Warrior Madness Thor vs The Eternals
- Hal Jordan vs. X-Men
- It's all abt Strength: Thanos vs Maestro
- Pitt runs the Gauntlet
- martian manhunter vs marvin the martian
- Savage Hulk vs. Terrax the Tamer
- Black Adam vs. Hyperion(exiles)
- These Avengers VS. 4 Imperiex Probes
- Uni-Powered IW runs the gauntlet
- Emma Frost vs. Pyslocke
- Ronan The Accuser & Super Skrull Vs. Magneto & The Brotherhood
- War on mars
- Hulk vs pc superman, onsluaght, doomsday and RKT with a twist
- The Heralds vs Odin
- Name 8 good guys who could beat these 8 bad guys and why?
- lex luthor vs ironman
- Thor,Gladiator,Binary,Quasar- Superman, Wonder Woman,Captain Marvel,Light Ray
- Takion & Hyperman Vs. Odin and RKT
- the punisher vs the terminator
- Kubik,Classic Korvac & Onslaught vs Galactus & Depowered Tyrant
- Iron Man vs Mandarin
- Pre-Crisis Superman & Pre-Crisis Darkseid vs Ion & Kubik
- Wolverine vs Wondergirl
- Captain Marvel, Superman,and Green Lantern (Hal) vs Thor,Silver Surfer,and Sentry
- infinite crisis happens in the middle of civil war
- Stryfe vs Superboy Prime
- Little Red versus Daredevil
- darkseid vs Genis vell
- Batman/Daredevil/Nightwing run the Gauntlet
- Brainiac 13 vs Thor
- Despero vs Silver Surfer and Firelord and Stardust
- Movie Thing vs Movie Collosus
- Honor of the Hunt (Yautja vs WebHead)
- IronMan versus Iron man
- Ion vs. Uatu
- This team runs a team gauntlet with a twist
- EXTREMIS Iron man vs. Captain Marvel (DC)
- Magneto vs. The Flash
- Daredevil vs. Deathstroke
- AoA Sunfire
- warrior madness thor WITH odins armor vs thanos on the moon
- Skilled H2H fighters Collide!!!
- Flash/Aquaman Vs. Iceman/Storm
- Capitan Marvel Vrs Magneto
- Gog/Wars Doomsday vs Terminus,Omega Supreme & Black Dragon
- Galactus,Exitar & Khatylis vs Anti-Monitor & Hunger
- Ilyria vs Wonder Girl
- Binary Gauntlet
- Iron Man vs. Loki
- Favorite Kind of Kine
- Speedball vs Cannonball
- Joker Vs Lex Luthor
- rogue at her prime vs wonderwoman
- gladiator vs po-c superman??
- Hulk runs the gaunlet...With a twist.
- Predator vs 25 Navy SEALs
- Mr. Majestic vs Prepowerup Surfer
- Thor vs Despero
- Pre-Crisis Validius Vs. Rune King Thor
- Mindless Savage War-Hulk vs Warrior Madness Thor/ HP Doomsday
- Rivals VS. Galactic/Universal Threats
- battle of the wicca
- Captain Marvel(shazam) vs. Quasar
- grey foxs grandma vs you
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Black Adam
- grey foxs mom vs you
- Vampiric Duel
- Iceman vs Martian ManHunter
- Uncle Sam v.s Ted Kord and Booster Gold
- Batman vs. James Bond
- Black Widow Vs. Jade
- Generation X vs Teen Titans
- Savage Hulk vs. Black Adam
- Gladiator vs. Green Lantern (Hal)
- Superman vs. Ironman
- How To Do Sigs?
- Captain America vs Bane
- wolverine vs bane
- Supreme VS Image Thor scans
- wolverine & sabretooth vs caliban
- Mystique vs Daredevil
- Comic Book Forums lately...
- Psylocke vs Captain America
- hulk and juggernaut vs superman with a twist
- iron man & the thing vs namor
- colossus & wolverine vs the thing & lizard
- the thing & colossus vs juggernaut & metallo(victor)
- Count Neferia vs. Captain Marvel (shazam)
- Hyperion(exciles) vs. Majestic
- Marvel Ares vs Big Barda
- Whos the best Superman rip- off..
- Sentry vs. Thor
- immortal Hercules and black Adam vs ultimate Colossus & martian Manhunter
- Shazzam vs The Hulk in a race
- Civil War #4: Hercules vs Thor?
- A Powerful Amaglam Runs The Gauntlet...
- Victims of bad writing (jobbers) in fights
- Women of Thor
- Best Marvel Vs. Best Dc Part II The villians
- Ricochet and Prodigy vs. Scarlet Spider
- Giant- Man Pym vs. Thing
- Beast vs. U.S. Agent
- Mr. Miracle vs. Batman 1 million
- Black Adam vs. Captain Atom
- characters that beast can beat
- Onslaught vs Doomsday
- Cosmic Avengers team vs. The best JLA Ever
- Who in this list can beat Anti montor
- Thing and Sabertooth vs. Asajj Ventress
- Pitt vs. Strong Guy
- sabretooth&beast vs luke cage
- Sentry, She Hulk (New), Quasar vs Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Guy Gardner
- War-Hulk vs CP Universe Hulk
- War-Hulk & Devil Hulk & Pitt & Spider-Hulk vs JLA & HP DD
- wolverine without healing factor vs black panther
- Man/machine Vs. Man/machine
- iceman in his ice form vs cyclops h2h combat
- Ultimate Hulk versus Ultimate Namor
- Tyrant VS Odin
- Warrior Madness Thor vs The Justice League with a twist
- Savage Hulk vs Green Lantern/(Hal)
- Multiple Man vs. Annibelle
- Colossus vs. Thor
- cyclops vs gambit h2h fight
- beast vs sabretooth
- Lizard vs Puma
- Classic Superman vs. Pitt
- Top 5 Poll.
- Thanos vs. the CSA
- fantasic 4 villians vs galactus
- Morgan LE Fay vs. Martian Manhunter
- Quasar VS. Ray II
- The 4 horsemen vs. marvel earth
- Runner VS Silver Surfer
- Pitt vs Thor
- Runner vs Ion
- Elders vs Heralds
- Batgirl vs Captain America h2h
- Hulk vs. DC Universe + Hulk antimatter feat??? when did that happen?
- The Flash vs Rick Genis
- Sargent Rock and the BlackHawks v.s Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Mr. Terrific
- Batman vs. Predator
- Superman vs. Rogue
- Depowered Tyrant,Magus & Odin vs Current Thanos,Runner & Obliterator
- Morg vs. Champian of the universe