- The 4 horsemen vs. marvel earth
- Runner VS Silver Surfer
- Pitt vs Thor
- Runner vs Ion
- Elders vs Heralds
- Batgirl vs Captain America h2h
- Hulk vs. DC Universe + Hulk antimatter feat??? when did that happen?
- The Flash vs Rick Genis
- Sargent Rock and the BlackHawks v.s Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and Mr. Terrific
- Batman vs. Predator
- Superman vs. Rogue
- Depowered Tyrant,Magus & Odin vs Current Thanos,Runner & Obliterator
- Morg vs. Champian of the universe
- Doomsday Vs Marvel Universe characters
- The Punisher/Batman(Begins) vs Captain America/Daredevil
- Algamate 3 street levelers...
- mister miracle vs batman
- X-men enemies throwdown
- What is the best form off .............
- Who can defeat Superman if kryptonite-red sun & magic did not affect him?
- Wacky War!!!
- carnage and vemon vs hulk . The world need help can these two do it?
- War-Hulk vs Doomsday
- Pre-Crisis Superman VS Celestial Amped Hulk
- Exitar vs Agamotto in his realm
- Spider-Man vs Thanos & Darkseid with a twist
- Wonder Woman vs Superman /w a Twist
- Hulk vs. JLA w/o Supes
- Plastic Man vs. Reed Richards
- Supreme(Image) vs Thor(Marvel)
- What if Batman had taken the Super Soldier Serum? Can he beat Captain America now?
- Pitt vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Batman vs. Batman!!
- Thanos vs JLA
- Bat-Lantern Vs SuperMan
- civil war in the DCU
- asmodel vs darkseid
- Bishop vs Blue Demon
- Aqauman vs WonderWoman
- Aqauman w/waterhand vs Terrax w/a twist.
- dracula/ 10 vampires vs killer croc and elder predator
- elder predator vs aqua man
- xmen vs superman
- Aquaman vs. Dracula(marvel)
- Terrax vs Wonderwoman
- Celistial amped hulk vs warrior madness thor
- Devil Hulk vs War-Hulk
- magneto vrs Static Shock
- Amalgamate-a-character vs Superman
- Black Adam vs Doomsday (any version other than sentient)
- mindless hulk vs black adam
- She-Hulk vs. Thanos - Before the issue comes out, how would it go?
- Dr. Light vs Superman
- optimus runs the mutant gauntlet
- Aegis armor vs. Hulk Buster
- Wolverine runs the Gauntlet
- killer croc vs night crawler
- Warhulk vs Classic Thor
- Wonder woman vs. Supergirl
- The Sentry vs. The Classic Juggernaut
- Hulk vs. Thor
- optimus vs nimrod
- 6 Man Rumble
- The Blob Vs. Juggernaut
- Magneto versus Alan Scott
- Speed blitz this!
- Magneto Vs GL Alan Scott
- 8th Day Juggernaut & Terminus vs Warrior Madness Thor,Superman & War Hulk
- Ghost Rider,Batman & Hellboy vs The Nocturnals
- Savage Mindless War-Hulk vs Rune King Thor
- Orion vs Superman
- Blade runs the gauntlet
- The White Witch versus Pre HOM Scarlet Witch
- Sabertooth vs Killer Croc
- Mindless Savage Hulk vs Team of 3
- Thing vs. Captain America
- Cassandra Nova VS. OnSlaught(Without Franklin and Nate)
- Doomsday vs Asgardian Destroyer
- Wolverine vs Telepaths
- Darkseid vs Tyrant (Depowered)
- Batman willing to kill how far does he get?!!
- Batman VS The WHOLE Teen Titans!!
- X-Men Vs. X-Men Evolution (With a Twist of course)
- Sentry Vs Darkseid.
- optimus prime vs 10 sentinels
- captain america vs bad blood predator
- Doomsday Vs. Cassic Juggernaut
- Batman VS Luke Cage
- superboy prime and pre crisis superman vs the android amazo
- Green Lantern Kyle Rayner VS. Ray II
- Batman vs Black Canary
- Nextwave vs Outsiders
- Juggernaut vs. Darkseid
- the thing & predator vs colossus & batman
- Green Lantern (Kyle) vs Phoenix
- Binary vs Wonder Woman
- Batgirl vs Elektra
- Rematch: Iron Spidey vs. Superboy
- Classic incridible hulk vs Warior Madness Thor
- Professor Hulk runs the Gauntlet
- Darkseid vs. The Avengers
- Wrecker & Ironclad vs Steel & Booster Gold
- Batman Beyond vs Predator
- reed richards(UN)+darkseid(ALE)+thanos(IG)+mxyzptlk vs classic beyonder
- Kid Flash vs. Wonder Woman
- apocalypse vs apocalypse
- New young JLA Vrs some old friends
- The Hullks strongest incarnation
- Incridible Hulk VS Classic Savage Hulk
- Static Vrs Wonder Woman
- Superman with these powers runs the marvel gauntlet
- Banshee vs Black Canary
- Black Panther/Captain America/Hawkeye vs Deathstroke/Batman/Green Arrow
- Aliens Vrs DC universe
- Apollo vs Apocalypse
- Cap Marvel vs Superman vs Black Adam vs WW
- Northstar vs. Nightcrawler
- Beast vs. Thing
- WonderWoman vs Cap Marvel/Black Adam
- Wendigo vs Aquaman
- Majestic vs Super-Nova
- Aquaman vs. Extremis Iron Man... ?
- Team Marvel (vs) DC Earth
- Thor (vs) Black Adam & Captain Marvel
- Dr Strange vs The Doctor
- Fantastic Four vs. Teen Titans
- SS4 Goku vs Superboy Prime
- Team Marvel (vs) DC Earth
- Wendigo runs gauntlet
- Batman Beyond vs Gambit
- Nightcrawler vs. Gambit
- predator respect thread
- thing vs predator
- Create Your Own Team.
- Lucifer, Mammon, Thanos, Pre-Darkseid, Doom vs DC, Image, Marvel
- movie superman vs every other comic book movie superhero
- Static vs Kid FLash
- Sersi vs a GL
- wolverine vs kraven the hunter
- Jackie Chan(animated) vs. Batman
- Movie Superman vs. Movie Hulk
- Superman vs. Kilowog
- Doc Samson and the Gauntlet
- Wonder Woman (vs) Desak The god Slayer
- Race to destroy the Earth (which of these could do it the fastest)
- Teen Titans+ vs Supermen
- who is the biggest comic book smart @$$?
- Sentinel (Alan Scott) Runs the Guantlet
- Magneto vs Apollo
- Blastar vs Kalibak
- Electra vs Cheshire
- Batman's mind within Absorbing Man's body vs. Super-Adaptoid Doctor Doom
- Morg(full power),Silver Age Mangog & Drax/w gem run the Superman Gauntlet
- Captain Universe Spider-Man vs Majestic
- Mr. Majestic vs. Wonder Man
- Savage Hulk vs Kurse in a arm wrestling contest
- Ultimate Green Goblin Vs Abomination
- X-23 Vs Wondergirl
- Captain Marvel (DC) vs Wonder Woman
- Namor,aquaman/ With Water Hand Run The Gauntlet
- Superboy Prime with Armor vs Enslaver vs Terminus
- Blink & Magik vs Flash & Raven
- HawkEye and DeadShot v.s Green Arrow and Bullseye
- rematch:hulk vs ultimate thing
- Captain Atom and Alan Scott v.s Apollo and Majestic
- Superboy Prime (With Armor) vs. Green Lantern (Kyle)
- Batman vs The Planeteers
- Master Chief/Predator vs 100 Navy SEALs
- Green Arrow Gaunlet
- Ghost Rider vs. Black Zero
- Eradicator vs. Thor
- Blade vs Morpheus
- predator vs doc octopus
- phoenix vs iceman
- Darkseid vs. Ironman
- Ultimate spider-man runs the 616 villain Gauntlet
- Magneto vs Mr. Majestic
- Superboy Prime vs Superman
- Namor/616,Namora/Exile & T-Bird/Exile vs Wonder Woman,Captain Marvel & Supergirl
- S.h.i.e.l.d vs Teen Titan
- RKT vs Darkseid
- Celestials vs Millenium Giants
- This team vs Asgardian Destroyer
- Badass Battle-Batman vs. Punisher
- Captain Atom vs. Superman
- Who Would be a Good Match for "The Shadow?"
- dr doom vs annilus
- DC team vs Marvel elementals
- Aquaman vs. Jack Hawksmoor... ?
- lizardman/copperhead vs predator
- predator vs mystique
- Ra's Al Ghoul vs Lex Luthor
- Predator/Master Chief vs ?? Many Navy SEALs
- who is the biggest bad@$$ in any comic
- Thor vs Wonder Woman/w the Scythe of Cronus
- Green Lanterns Guy and Kyle vs. Green Lanterns John and Hal
- Imperiex Probe vs Superboy
- Tony Stark Vs. Daredevil
- Who could take over Earth the easiest? Captain Marvel, Sentry, Superman or Thor.
- can any team in dc beat my marvel football team?
- Wonder Woman VS Zeus(DC)
- Iceman vs. Hydroman
- Dr. Polaris vs. Polaris
- Michael Vs ???
- Superman vs Surfer and Thor
- Phoenix vs Nemesis(Infinity Being)
- Maelstrom VS. The Flash
- Superman Blue vs. Polaris
- Sentry vs. Exile Hyperion
- The Authority+ vs THe JLA +
- Everybody vs. Wolverine
- High Evolutionary,Thanos & Mister Fantastic vs DC Universe
- The kingpin vs iron fist
- the thing vs wolverine
- Seline vs Dracula
- Death VI vs Sabretooth,Omega Red & Lady Deathstrike
- Villains vs Villains
- planet hulk vs the gaunlet
- Michael Vs Blade
- predator vs gambit
- predator vs wolverine
- Jugeernaut Vrs Rhino in a IQ
- Silver Surfer Vrs Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Flash vs. Gambit (Full potential for both)
- Pimp Match-Iron Man vs Batman
- Shaman vs. Dead Man
- Superman vs. The Destroyer
- cyclops vs batman vs wolverine vs daredevil
- Deadly Ernest vs. Juggernaut
- Ultimate Marvel earth versus Unicron
- The Elite vs The Authority
- Evil-Lyn vs The Enchantress
- Full Potential Flash (aka Kingdom Come Flash) VS....
- Flash vs. Hercules
- Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter vs Sentry
- Sundipped Superman vs The Flash
- Red Tornado vs Storm vs Vision vs Weather Wizard
- Manhattan Clan VS Villains Team
- BAD VS GOOD - jla vs ija - injustice
- X-Men vs Teen Titans
- Eradicator vs Xemnu the Titan
- Marvel Vs Dc
- luke cage vs blade
- Adam Warlock vs High Evolutionary vs Mister Sinister
- cap,iron man, thor vs superman,batman,wonderwoman
- Sinestro vs Sentry
- JLA VRS Robots Vrs Marvels
- Orion vs Eradicator