- Batman vs Nick Fury
- best tactician
- Llan the sorceror Vs MU earth (no rules of engagment)
- Waverider Vs Silver Surfer
- Iron Man and War Machine vs Doctor Doom and Crimson Dynamo VI
- Namor vs Superman
- Superman VS Gladiator...for real!!!
- Snake-eyes Vs Black Panther
- Conan Vs Snakeeyes
- He-man Vs Hercules
- Muck monsters amuck!!! Solomon Grundy VS. The Man-Thing
- He-Man VS. The Juggernaut (Classic version)
- gladiator vs hercules
- Scorpian Vs Captain America
- Quicksilver runs the gauntlet
- Two Al-Ghul fights: Ras Al-Ghul vs Bane and Talia Al-Ghul vs Elektra
- Submariner vs. Aquaman
- odd ball matchups....
- Cyclopalypse vs Onslaught
- Nimrod vs Mastermold
- Superman vs King Thor.
- Pre-Crisis Superman runs the gauntlet
- Deadpool runs the Gauntlet.
- Gorilla Grodd vs Mister Sinister
- Serpent Society vs X-Men
- Mindless Hulk vs Wonder Woman
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID... rises .... and will take on revenge ... End is near !
- Venom and Vengeance vs The Thing and Spider-Man
- Superman Rogue plan
- Annihilus vs. Green Lantern(Kyle)
- Lord Harold Jaekelsson VS. X-Men
- Scorpion VS. Wolverine
- King Thor Vs Ikarus
- Crazy powerful Scarlet Witch vs Korvac
- Cyber run the gauntlet
- JLA runs the Marvel Gauntlet
- Clark Kent vs. Hercules
- Blade runs the gauntlet
- Black Adam runs the gauntlet
- Spawn runs the gauntlet
- Champion runs the gauntlet
- Bane vs The Kingpin
- Punisher runs the Gauntlet.
- Gorilla Grodd Vs Beast
- Keep your freinds close, but you enemies closer
- Batman versus Master of the World
- Doomsday vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Supreme Power Nighthawk Vs Batman
- Forgotten One Vs Superman
- Eternals Vs Avengers/defenders Team
- (Tug-of-War)Hulk-Hercules-Gladiator-Doomsday-Superman-MartianManhunter vs Juggernaut
- Blob (pre-depowered) vs Black Mass
- Superman vs Members fo the X-Men
- protocide vs batman h2h
- Rune King Thor vs Aegis Armor Steel
- Batman with prep guantlet
- Nightcrawler vs The Sinister Six
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID...... LIVES ! ! ! ! ... and the whole Galaxy .. will tremble !
- Captain America/Wolverine/Black Panther/DeathStroke/Cat-Man vs. 40 Reavers(from Seren
- The Ultimate Showdown
- Hulk/She Hulk vs. Superman/Thor?
- Deadpool VS. Batman in Gotham City
- Jla Vs The Eternals
- Venom VS. The Predator : Bungle in the Jungle
- Carnage VS. The T-1000 terminator
- Flash Gordon Vs Batman (no Weapons)
- Grenn Lantern VS. Magneto
- Cable (reg) vs. Captain America
- classic Juggernaut vs Onslaught
- Ultimate may vs 616 may
- Wonder Woman runs the Marvel Gauntlet
- Proteus vs Dr Strange
- Galactus at 5% power runs the Gauntlet
- Marv from Sin City VS. The Punisher
- Captain America VS. Conan the Barbarian
- Fin Fang Foom,Surtur & Ymir vs Doomsday,Lobo & Darkseid
- Pitt VS. The Maestro...Who is the more powerful?
- Ultimate Marvel vs 616 Marvel
- best shield agent vs best g.i.joe
- Sersi Vs Binary
- Godzila Vs King Kong
- Fantastic Four Vs The Invaders
- Silver Surfer vs the X-men
- Nick Fury VS. Snake Plissken
- Mickey Mouse VS Pluto
- The X-men vs The Young Avengers
- Hulk Vs Mouse Man
- Supreme Power Hyperion vs. Ultimate Namor... ?
- Justice League VS. Godzilla
- Luke Cage Vs The Scorpion
- The X-Men vs. Godzilla
- Space ghost vs Ms.Marvel, Batman beyond,Ironman
- He-man, Superman, Thor, & Hulk VS. Juggernaut, Doomsday, Lobo, & The Maestro!!!
- Apocalypse vs Cyborg II/Superman
- Wolverine runs the Gauntlet........!
- Black Bolt vs. Sersi
- Ikaris vs. Namor
- Exodus (classic) vs. Aquaman
- Fighting Tournament
- The Dark Knight Returns VS Watchmen!
- The Guardians vs The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- namor vs juggernaut
- Mystique vs Black Cat
- Mysterio Vs The Riddler
- Batman VS Clayface
- Batman VS Wonderwomen
- Mary Jane vs. Lois Lane vs. Linda Park
- Dr. Strange vs Thor
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID.... is dead !
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Daredevil, T'Challa and Spiderman
- Betageuze VS Common Sense
- Namor vs Gladiator
- Iron Man vs Human Torch
- Mindless Hulk vs. Classic or Trion or 8th day Juggernaut -- once and for all !!!
- doomsday vs spawn
- DOOMSDAY runs the Marvel Gauntlet
- classic Juggernaut vs Doomsday
- Puck versus Aquaman
- Lobo Vs Immortal Hercules (bar Fight)
- Defenders All Stars Vs Avengers All Stars
- The Tick vs Spiderman in a battle of Bad Jokes
- Dr.Doom Vs The Rhino
- Spiderman VS Dr Doom
- Jla Vs Team Hell
- Wolverine vs The Sinister Six
- Hawkman vs The Sinister Six
- Thor vs. Ronan
- Ulik vs Wonder Woman in a fist fight
- Marvel Villains vs DC Earth
- Thunderbolts vs.
- "what if" superman runs the gauntlet
- Spider-Man vs Colossus
- The Mask vs Superman
- Colossus and Wolverine vs The Thing and Spider Man
- Trion Juggernaut vs War Hulk
- Team Spider-man vs The Sinister Six
- Loki VS Thor
- Annihilus vs. Gorilla Grodd
- Professor Zoom vs. Dr. Doom
- Onslaught vs. Terminus
- Blue Superman vs. Loki
- Jack of Hearts vs. Ronan
- Pitt vs. Grey Hulk
- Hal Jordan runs the Marvel Gauntlet!
- ultimate venom vs. 616 venom
- Batman vs Kang the Conquerer
- Superman runs the Marvel Gauntlet
- Spawn (Third Age) vs. Thannos (with HUTO) & All Celestials
- Flightless Superman and Firestorm vs Strong Marvelites
- The Dc Defenders vs The Avengers
- Batman vs The Alien Champion
- Champion with power gem vs Superman,Gladiator and Mindless Hulk
- Trion Juggernaut vs The Guilt Hulk
- Savage Dragon,Pitt,Hellboy & Badrock vs Thing,Grey Hulk,Omega Red & Strong Guy
- The Mad Hatter VS Batman
- The Hobgoblin VS The Thing
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Captain America, Thing, Spiderman
- Abomination vs Gladiator
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. Thanos, Trion Juggernaut, Kurse, Gladiator, Rune King
- Mindless Hulk vs. Trion Juggernaut
- Black Canary - Hawkman - Aquaman vs Hellcat - Valkyire - Namor
- Justice League vs. Marvel Aliens
- Exodus vs. Thor... ?
- Nightwing vs Teen Titans (including Robin)
- Robin vs. Araņa
- Classic Beyonder runs the ultimate gauntlet
- Batman Beyond vs Bane
- trion juggernaut vs superman prime
- Exodus vs. The New Avengers and Astonishing X-Men... ?
- Nate Grey VS X-Men
- BatMan VS. Captain America(No Holds Barred)
- Thor vs Thor
- Fight Gauntlet 5
- Flash Vs Makkari
- Ultimate X Men vs The Ultimates
- spawn and doctor strange vs. Dante and Vergil
- trion juggernaut vs gladiator
- gladiator vs War Hulk
- jla vs marvel supermen
- Imperial Guard Vs Squadrom Supreme
- runner vs champian of the universe
- Phyla-Vell vs. Wonder Woman
- Superman vs Batman with Wonder Woman's Powers
- Gog (the kingdom) vs Thanos
- Ronan vs. the Super Skrull
- The Dc Defenders vs The JLA
- JLA vs marvel trio
- DC cities Vs Marvel real places
- Batman vs. Demogoblin
- trion juggernaut vs thanos
- Assemble an X-men team to take out the JLA and their plot devices
- DC vs Marvel
- Aklhema vs
- Pitt vs. Thing
- Raptor vs Spider-Man
- Magneto vs. Darth Sidious
- Spectre runs the gauntlet
- Cyclops vs Capn America vs Superman vs NightWing
- Post-Crisis Superman (DC) vs Gladiator(Marvel)
- Batman vs The Sinister Six
- The Dc Defenders vs The Defenders
- The Dc Defenders vs The Asgardians
- The Dc Defenders vs The Brotherhood
- Mongul Jr. vs Hulk
- Wonder Woman and Mary Marvel vs Supergirl(good) and Power Girl.
- Pitt vs. Wolverine
- Mary Marvel and Power Girl vs Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk
- Hawkeye vs Gambit
- Vision vs. Aquaman
- GreenLantern's Kyle Rayner,The Flash,Superman&Supergirl vs.Juggernaut,Hulk & Thanos
- Shocker VS Rhino (Spiderman Comic characters)
- The Punisher & Winter Soldier VS. Nick Fury & Agent Zero
- The Asgardians vs The Olympians
- GreenLantern's Kyle Rayner,The Flash&PreCrisis Superman vs.Havok,Iron Man&Quicksilver
- Wondergirl, Supergirl & Powergirl VS Superboy, Ultra Boy & Mon-El
- Hyperstorm Vs. Psi-lord
- The Teen Titans vs The Brotherhood
- Ultimate Hulk vs Savage Hulk who wins
- Puck vs. Beast (apelike)
- Trion Juggernaut,8th day Juggernaut & Morg at Full Power vs Justice League
- Green arrow vs Hawkeye
- Supernaught vs ???
- Orion vs Lobo
- Orion vs Hercules (marvel)
- Phoenix of the Crown vs DC Universe with a twist
- Bloodaxe without Axe & Quicksand vs Wonder Woman
- Aquaman vs Scarlet Scarab
- ROCKMAN vs THE AVENGERS{no sentry}
- Ultimate Captain America vs Spiderman(no webs)
- Nate Grey Vs. Cable
- Nate Gray (Full Potential) Vs. Thanos
- New Gods of Apokolips vs Drax with power gem & Maxam
- Venom vs Green Goblin (Urich)
- Ultimate Hawkeye vs. Ult. Gambit... ?
- Marvel vs DC
- The Teen Titans vs The Brotherhood
- Husk vs. Shadowcat... ?
- Radioactive Man vs. Namor... ?
- final destination
- She Hulk (current) vs Thor in a fistfight
- "Angels" vs. "Halfgods"
- Fury vs Classic Juggernaut,Magneto & Fin Fang Foom
- Marvel Boy vs. Doc Ock
- Marvel Boy vs. Doc Ock
- Trion Juggernaut with GL Ring vs. Superman Prime
- Mary Marvel versus Miss Marvel
- Superman VS Wonderwoman-With a twist.