- The Joker Runs the HOTU
- Shadowcat Vs X-23
- Blade vs. Bishop
- Sentry and Superman run the Gaunt!
- Taskmaster/Domino/Blade Vs Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)/Nightwing/Batman
- Mar-Vell with Rings
- Armed vs. Unarmed
- galactus n silver surfer vs superman prime
- superboy(conner) vs black adam
- Team USA vs Colossus
- world war hulk vs ego the living planet
- Black Tarantula vs. Luke Cage
- Seth vs DOS Doomsday
- Doom 2099 vs Ultron
- All Star Batman/Ultimate Captain America Vs Spawn
- Morticoccus Virus vs. Marvel Zombies Virus
- Batman w/ his own cutting edge iron suit Vs Iron Man
- Classic Thor vs Vision and Hyperion
- Grey Hulk (with a twist) vs Superman
- Hulkbuster Iron Man vs Original Abomination
- Alucard (full power) VS God Spawn
- Sundown & Supernova vs Mr Majestic & Supreme
- Gladiator v Apocalypse
- The Monitors Vs The Guardians
- Most powerful person under 10 years old
- Thanos Vs Parallax Vs Silver Surfer Vs PC Darkseid Vs Adam Warlock
- God Spawn Vs King Thor
- Orion Vs Gladiator
- Thor and Wonder Woman versus Silver Surfer and Kyle Rayner
- Batman vs Winter Soldier
- Selene vs. Mr. Sinister
- Hyperion Vs Superman
- All Star Batman Vs Ultimate Captain America
- Bullseye with Ebony & Ivory versus Wolverine
- Superman/Thanos Vs WW Hulk/Darkseid (Fist Fight)
- Brutal Fight
- Mongul with Yellow Power Ring vs Thanos
- Vision vs Conner Kent
- Ultron vs. Wonder Woman
- Shazam Vs Rune King Thor
- Shazam Vs Galactus
- Mephisto Vs Shazam
- Super-Superman versus Galactus
- Infinity Man(source's agent) vs Adam Warlock(ig)
- Superman Prime vs Combined Wars team
- movie batman vs movie elektra
- Ult Namor vs 616 Apocalypse
- KC Superman Vs WW Hulk (Fist Fight)
- Nimrod and Bastion vs. Wonder Woman
- Conner Kent vs Extremis Ironman
- Sentry vs Pagan,Jihad & Indestructible
- White Martian vs SuperSkrull
- adam warlock vs world war hulk
- Superman & Silver Surfer vs Thor & Henshaw
- Guardians of the Universe vs Galactus
- Wild Cats Vs the Thunder Cats
- Spawn vs Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
- USAgent vs Bucky Barnes
- Marvel Ares and Hercules run the guantlet
- Lobo & Lunatik vs Silver Surfer
- Punisher VS Ultimate Punisher
- Hulk's foes vs Avengers
- Darkseid Vs. WW Hulk Fist Fight
- Hank Henshaw vs Sinestro
- SA Mangog vs. Validus
- 616 and Ult. Captain Americas vs 616 and Ult. Wolverines
- Forerunner vs Deadpool
- Invincible Vs BlueBettle
- Logan's Army versus Hulk
- The Sentry Vs Thor
- Caaaaaptain Aaaaameriiiiiicaaaa!
- The Sentry Vs Hercules
- Jason Todd vs Kingpin
- Kingpin vs Crossbones vs Bullseye H2H
- Team Earth vs Depowered Tyrant
- Bishop vs. Human Torch
- JLI vs Pre CW New Avengers
- nova runs a herald gauntlet
- Maestro Vs. Hercules and Ares.
- Maestro & Kurse vs WWH,Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Spiderman+ runs the guantlet
- How many different ways can bishop release energy?
- The Maestro vs. WWH
- The Morrisson JLA vs The Busiek era Avengers
- Batman VS Superman (The Poll)
- Batman VS Superman
- The Wasp and Pym run the guantlet
- Spawn vs. The Doctor
- Agent Zero vs Black Panther
- The Wasp vs Captain Boomerang
- Giant-man vs Superman
- Monarch vs Scott Free
- Thor vs Infinity Man
- WWH & Classic Thor vs Helspont,Wraithchild & Violator
- Mr Majestic Vs Union
- Fantomex vs Agent Zero
- firestorm vs cyborg superman
- loki vs ghost rider
- The Crow VS Ghost Rider
- Pre - Crisis Fatal Five vs. Marvel team
- Green Arrow and Red Arrow vs Batman and Robin vs Captain America and Bucky
- The Authority vs JLA
- The Punisher VS Marv
- Rune King Thorpool vs Captain Superman Vs Trion Flashernaught with twist...
- Deadpool vs Deathstroke
- Banner/Hulk vs Team
- Galactus(full power)vs Exitar.
- Team vs DC Team
- Daredevil vs Creeper
- Yellowjacket vs Nightwing
- Thorpool gauntlet.
- Team Pym runs the Guantlet
- Comic shoot out COD 4 style
- Machine Man Vs Iron Man
- Deadpool & Deathstroke vs Three Captain America's
- gladiator/drax w/power gem vs sentry/ww hulk
- Green Lantern Vs The Fallen One
- Dr Doom vs Lex Luthor
- Current Captain America runs the guantlet
- Captain Marvel vs Silver Surfer
- EVANGEL94's Final Slugfest Tournament: Round 3-1; Papa Smurph vs Digimark007
- Lara Croft Run the Assassin's Gauntlet
- Lara Croft Run the Assassin's Gunltet
- All Star Batman Vs Dare Devil Vs Lady Shiva Vs Nightwing Vs Shang-Chi MA contest
- Wraith vs Forerunner
- Forerunner vs Wonder Woman
- Plastic Man vs. X-Men
- Deadpool vs. Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow
- Ares vs Colossus
- The Punisher goes to Sin City
- Ghost Rider Vs. The Demon
- Bruce Wayne w/B.Beyond suit Vs. Nick Fury, The Punisher, King Pin
- Infinity Man vs. Thanos (no bfr)
- Frank Castle (Punisher) VS Marv (Sin City)
- Kalibak versus Terrax
- hulk vs godzilla
- The Authority Vs My Team
- Captain America Vs Ultimate Giant Man
- Batman VS Venom
- Bucky Barnes vs Punisher
- Spartan/Void & Starhawk/Alerta vs Monarch
- Amazo,Despero & Traitor vs Mangog,Devourer & Kurse
- high herald team vs depowered tyrant
- Apocalypse vs Mister Sinister & Mojo
- Savitar Vs Wally West.
- The Punisher VS Iron Man
- Black Bolt vs GL
- Flash V.s Mageto
- Bruce Wayne w/ the B. Beyond suit Vs. Spider-Man
- Bishop vs. Omega Red
- KC Superman Vs. Darkseid
- Kingpin vs Bane
- Baddest two gun toting character in Marvel/DC/Wildstorm?
- hulk/sentry vs thor/silver surfer
- Goodbye KMC...
- GL ION vs King Thor
- Superman Prime vs Onslaught
- Engineer v James Hudson (Guardian Cyborg)
- Sersi v Magneto
- Daredevil vs Conan
- Agent 47 VS The Punisher
- Frank Castle VS Max Payne
- Pyron vs Storm
- WWH vs Hollywood
- Batman (w/twist) VS Superman Prime
- Onslaught runs the GL Corps
- Power Girl vs Sersi
- Exitar vs ????
- Classic Abomination & Ulik vs Team Puck
- This Team vs Onslaught/full Power
- Ultimate Thor vs Boostergold
- Lord Havok vs Bishop
- Ronan the Accuser VS SpaceGhost
- Elementals and Anti-Life Battle!
- Hyperstorm vs Team DC
- Hemingway vs Luke Cage
- Kratos w/ Blade Of Olympus Vs. King Thor
- Task (info included) vs. Spiderman
- Jimmy Olsen vs Peter Parker
- Captain America Vs. Prometheus
- Okay Fine!!!! King Thor Vs Superman
- classi ion/classic parallax vs adam warlock w/ig& m jim jaspers
- He-Man versus Thor
- Galactus VS Hunger
- Superman Prime versus Kingdom Come Superman
- Old School versus New School
- Conan Vs. Sabretooth
- EVANGEL94's Final Slugfest Tournament: Round 2-6; Typhus vs Creshosk
- Nova versus Sinestro
- Thor (Current 3/19/08) vs Union
- Earth's last hope VS Galactus
- Vision vs Ironman and Warmachine
- Wetworks vs Death Metal
- Magneto VS Galactus
- Black Bolt vs Godlike Cable
- Silver Sufer, Green Lantern, The Phoenix, Black Racer Vs Anybody!!
- Makelith the Accursed vs Moragine Le Fay
- Red Hulk vs The General
- Kingdom Come Superman vs WW 3 Black Adam
- (Annihilation) Wraith vs. Namor
- Desak vs Doomsday(hunter and prey)
- Kingom Come Superman vs Darkseid
- Abraxas Vs. Anti-Monitor
- Gray Hulk Vs Toxin
- Which of these Marvel villains would be the main leader in Salvation Run?
- If DD landed on Marvel Earth...
- Who kicked the crap outta Marvel the best WWH or Onslaught?
- Omega Red vs Toxin
- Quasimodo vs Wolverine
- Mr Hyde + Deadpool Vs Captain Britain
- Excalibur vs. The Authority
- The Destroyer vs Doomsday
- Thor vs Thanos
- Titania vs Knockout
- H/P Doomsday VS Post-Crisis Validus
- Mangog vs Jack Hawksmoor with a twist
- Battle Thread
- Super Perfect Cell VS DOS Doomsday
- Hulk w/ twist gauntlet
- Team Marvel vs DC Earth
- Fantomex vs. Spiderman
- Superman VS Thor: toe-to-toe brawl
- Huntress Vs. Lara Croft
- Armageddon Hell in a Cell Match
- Superman Prime 1m w/Solarsuit vs Silver Surfer-Sentry-Thor-Gladiator
- Michael Demiurgos vs. The Word
- Superman-WWH-Silver Srufer vs Thor-Sentry-Sodam Yat
- Team Speed VS Team Strength
- The Wrecker vs Solomon Grundy
- Hunger vs Imperiex Prime
- Amazo vs The Destroyer
- Silver Surfer Vs Jenny Quantum
- Uilk vs Black Bolt vs Ares
- V vs Moon Knight
- dr doom vs thanos*
- Mangog vs Kindom Gog
- Validus vs Mangog
- Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet Vs. Goku/Superman
- Merlyn vs Bullseye
- BloodScream vs
- Green Lanterns Vs Team Flash
- Maul/at Full Size runs the gauntlet
- Thanos Destroyer vs. Darkseid
- Why does speed matter?
- hulk vs superman
- Hulk Gauntlet
- Team Agility vs Black Tarantula
- Superman, WWHulk, Juggernaut vs Mangog, Doomsday H/P
- Shin Akuma versus Hulk
- Batman in yet another Dilemma