- How many tons can Superman press approximately?
- Iceman vs Invisible Woman
- She-Hulk vs. Captain Britian
- Magneto versus Thor
- Thor vs Felix Faust /w Annihilator Armor
- Digi, why did you close Batman vs. Thor???
- Batman vs. Thor
- X-Team vs Immortal Hercules
- Violator vs Mindless Hulk
- Iron Man Guantlet
- Batman vs Snake Eyes
- Black Cat vs Spider-Girl
- Superman vs. Phoenix
- Odin vs. Hulk,She-Hulk and Namor
- Batman vs. Spiderman
- Havok & Cyclops v Pete Wisdom & Chamber
- Ult. Namor vs Hercules
- The X-Men vs. The Hulk vs. Superman
- Bullseye vs Hawkeye
- Savage Hulk and Hercules versus Juggernaut and Thing
- Odin Runs the DC gauntlet
- Superman's Team vs. Thor's Team
- Immortal Hercules vs. Current She-Hulk
- Superman vs Hyperion in a fist fight.
- Magneto vs G.L John....Plus a bonus ? for all of U about Magneto
- Batman and Cap try to take down Spider Mans Rogues Gallery
- Sabertooth vs Antman
- Dr. Manhattan vsGalactus
- Batman and Dare Devil versus Captain America and Nightwing
- The Black Panther Party vs Superhuman Registration Act Leadership Team
- Eclipso vs Dormammu
- Silver Surfer vs. Genis-Vell
- AnniBuffers vs the JLA
- Team Thor vs. Team Hal. vs. Team Sentry
- Wonder Man versus Iron Man
- Excalibur vs Avengers
- Martian manhunter Vs beta ray bill
- Ultimate Nick Fury vs
- Anakin versus Thor
- Silver Samurai vs Ra's al Ghul
- Bucky vs Robin
- Which is more powerful?
- Spider-Man vs Superman (tricked)
- Spider-Man vs Aunt may
- Ghost Rider vs. Violator
- GI JOE vs S.H.I.E.L.D
- Hercules vs. Namor and She-Hulk
- Ironman /w Thorbuster armor vs Doomsday
- Bullseye(with Guns)vs. Wolverine
- Thor and Beta Ray Bill versus Eradicator and Cyborg Superman
- DareDevil vs. Spiderman
- Pureheart the Powerful vs. Underdog
- Batman vs. Dr.Doom
- Rorschach vs The Qustion VS V
- Scarlet Witch Vs phantom stranger
- current ion vs Dr. strange
- Ultimate Thing vs hercules
- Captain Britian vs. Aquaman
- Beta Ray Bill versus Namor, Iron Man (Extremis), and Savage Hulk
- Imperiex vs. Onslaught
- Batman vs Fu Manchu
- Iron Fist and Luke Cage versus Wolverine and Sabretooth
- the keeper(surfer) vs amzo JLA
- Walker vs. Odin
- Kingpin vs Batman
- Wendigo vs Swamp-Thing
- Man-Thing vs Solomon Grundy vs H'ylthri
- Glactus vs.All of Asgard
- Sentinel Squad 1 vs Optimus Prime
- Is sasquatcha hero or villin
- Captain America vs. the Thing
- Rune King Thor vs Trigon
- Tick vs Rhino
- Batman runs the Gauntlet
- The Question v.s Batman
- Batman vs. Hawkeye
- Supes and Drax vs Juggs and Hyperion
- Is Wondergirl 2 Stronger Than Dc Hercules
- Zatanna vs Dr. Strange
- The Strength Feat! Who can do what?
- Marvel/DC Wrestling Match
- Hercules vs. Superman
- Luke Cage vs Rhino!!!
- Gamora vs Cyber
- 4 Dooms, no waiting.
- Xi'an(2099) vs. Wolverine
- Heroes stronger than Immortal Hercules
- exile 87 surfer vs JLA (blood lust on)
- Who's dumber than Rhino?
- Blob vs. Batman
- Blackbolt versus Thor
- Marvel team that might soundly be a match for the JLA
- Maxima/Fire Storm/Captain Atom vs. Moondragon/Sersi/Wonderman
- Batman vs Wolverine with a twist.
- Silver Surfer vs Darkseid
- Bannerless Hulk vs. Loki
- batman and batman beyond vs Spiderman, and daredevil
- Marvel comics vs DC comics
- All Out Brawl
- Apocalypse versus Hulk
- You vs Lex Luthor
- Blade runs the Vampire Gauntlet
- Who knows more The Watcher or Oldar the Oracle
- The Stranger vs. Dr. Strange
- Captain Marvel @ Hulk vs. Superman
- The JLA are ask to Register by Iron Man
- Phantom Stranger vs. White Phoenix of the Crown
- Korvac vs X-Men
- Batman and Nightwing vs Punisher and Blade
- Superman VS FF
- Karima Shapandar vs Spider-Man
- Daredevil in the Royal Rumble
- Spectre vs Multiverse Eternity Family
- Black Cat vs Cheetarah
- Spiderman DC villains Guantlet
- Solar-Man of Atom vs Parallax vs Depowered Tyrant
- Apocalypse runs the Villains Gauntlet
- Captain America vs Apocalypse
- Max Faraday vs The Spectre
- Jakeem Thunder vs. Franklin Richards
- Jack of Fables vs Matches Malone
- Imperiex (Prime) Vs Galactus (Full Power)
- Namor vs Cannonball
- The league of assasins VS The Hand
- Batman and Nightwing versus Moon Knight and Dare Devil
- Ganthet vs. Uatu
- apocalypse vs lobo
- He-Man vs Lobo (Melee)
- Johnny Storm as Herald verus Silver Surfer
- Gamora,Ganymede & Skreet vs Deathstroke & Agent Zero
- Thor and BRB vs Hal and Kyle
- Wolverine vs Lobo with two twists
- Bruce Wayne vs Green Arrow
- Quasar vs Flash
- Llan the Sorceror vs Chthon
- CGI vs comicbooks
- team pinball vs team shape changer
- Odin, King Thor, and Loki versus Galactus
- Squirrel Girl vs Spidey
- Superman vs Hyperion (Special Rules)
- Shuma-Gorath vs BlackHeart
- Wolverine vs. Gamora
- Why John Constantine could beat Superman
- Thor Girl vs. Wonder Woman
- Thanos vs Mongul H2H
- Silver Surfer vs. Infinity Man
- Batman vs. Bullseye, Daredevil and Punisher
- All-Star Superman v.s. Champion /w/ Power Gem, 8th day Juggernaut, & Kurse
- Superman vs Korvac
- Robocop vs The Punisher
- Spider-Man (without Iron Suit) VS. Iron Fist & The Silver Samurai
- the fallen one vs quasar
- Team Marvel vs. Team DC
- Superman vs Green Lantern (hal)
- Lex Luther & Green Goblin vs Superman & Spider-Man
- Bruce Wayne & Bruce Banner vs Clark Kent & Peter Parker
- Red Hood vs USAgent
- Bucky (Winter Soldier) v.s. Bone-Claw Wolverine
- Ganthet vs. Atum the God Eater
- Morg (with WOL) versus Odin
- domino + Black Bolt vs Jean Grey + Xavier
- Warpath vs Current Drax
- Thor versus Mindless Savage Hulk
- Silver Surfer vs Martian Manhunter
- Batman vs The Leader
- The invasion of Gotham City
- Omega Red vs Superboy
- The Anchor vs The Protector, Atleza vs Roma
- Luke Cage vs Mandroid & Dreadnought
- Venom,Pitt & Wendigo vs Superman,Wonder Woman & Captain Marvel
- Batman war(Clooney vs. Kilmer vs. Keaton vs.Bale)
- New/AstonishingX vs Uncanny/Rogue'sTeamX
- Hercules and Thor vs Ironman, Namor, and Thing
- Dear people who hate and mock me
- Ironman and Namor versus Thor
- The 1,000,000 Slayers Gauntlet
- marvel 10 strongest heros under cosmic level
- forgetten realms vs street leverls
- Wendigo & Tanaraq vs. Mindless Hulk
- morlun vs cyber
- Sersi vs Dr Strange
- Wendigo vs. The Glob
- Doomsday vs blackbolt, wolverine, colossus, and venom
- Who Can Robin Defeat?
- Giant-Man & Captain America vs 1,000,000 Sentinels
- Mortal Hercules vs Luke Cage
- crossover battle
- Classic Spider-Man,Captain America & Luke Cage vs Black Metal,Manticore & Lazarus
- Deadpool vs Captin America
- Thing & Hulk vs Human Torch & Spider-Man
- 4 Villains vs Marvel Earth
- harvey birdman vs angel
- Better Artist Dale Keown vs Todd Mcfarlane vs Keith Giffen
- spiderman vs roughouse
- Ironfist (again) vs. Deadpool
- Ra's Al Ghul vs Swordsman
- HULK vs X-Men
- Wolvernie vs. Doc Oc
- Dakota Fanning vs Pre-Crisis Superman
- Mideval Black Panther vs Deadpool
- wally west (vs) blackheart
- Balck Panther Vs Iron Fist
- Cyclops, Gambit, and Hawkeye run Gauntlet
- Doctor Psycho (Current) vs. Iron Man
- Phantom Lady (Current) vs. the Invisible Woman
- Captain America, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage versus Spiderman, Dare Devil, and Wolverine
- Nightwing vs Night Thrasher
- Wonder Woman runs two gauntlets
- Abomination & Hulk vs. Thor and the Executioner
- Rogue vs. Absorbing Man
- Surtur vs. JLA
- The X-Men vs Shield vs The Avengers vs Justice League, The Ultimate Fight
- Superman vs. Wonder Woman (w/ Mjolnir)
- Cyclops versus Captain America
- Green Lantern & Captain America vs Batman & Hulk
- Thanos w/ THOTI vs MoM
- Spider-man vs Hulk vs Wolverine vs Batman vs Superman
- Team Agent Zero & Team Deathstroke vs Current Juggernaut
- longshot/domino run the gauntlet
- Maxx vs Punisher,Nick Fury & Daredevil
- Starhawk vs Black Adam
- 8th Day Juggernaut runs a gauntlet of heroes
- Current Drax vs Mongul
- This team runs the Gauntlet how far do they get?
- Longshot Vs. Gambit & Nightcrawler
- Hot Stuff vs Mephisto
- Starfox vs Superman, with a twist
- A New Avengers vs Justice League battle
- Classic Spider-Man vs Swordsman
- Which one ?
- Ikaris vs White Martian
- Marvel Comics vs Mortal Kombat
- Thor & Odin vs Orion & Darkseid
- Classic Hercules vs She Hulk
- Evangel94's BattleScan of the Day: Pre-Extremis IronMan vs Extremis Mallen
- Gambit vs. Captain America
- Nightwing vs. Gambit
- Catwoman vs. Nightwing
- This Team vs DC earth
- V for Vendetta & Question vs Kingpin & Bullseye
- Aztek vs Spider-Man
- Batman/Blade vs 50 GCPD S.W.A.T.
- Spider-Man vs Neo
- The Question VS The Rorschach
- Spiderman vs. The Silver Surfer.
- make the best team!!
- Super skrull vs Hercules
- Brainiac v Thanos
- silver surfer and quasar against the four thors with a twist
- Wonder woman vs....