- rune king thor vs odin*
- Bahamut vs Dormammu
- Red Hood vs Nomad
- Mr. Terrific vs. Ironman
- Punisher/Wolverine/Batman vs Grifter/Sabretooth/Daredevil
- Who are the six people smarter than Amadeos Cho?
- Nova vs. GL Guy
- galactus team vs tiamuts team
- martian manhunter vs gog
- Elekra VS The Silver Samurai
- Deadpool vs Daken(wolverine son)
- Red hulk Vs. WWH
- Swarm & The Thousand vs Squrriel Girl
- Maestro Vs. Team
- Hank Pym runs the Guantlet!
- Two Team Battle
- Deathlok(Luther Manning) vs Black Panther
- Thanos w/Power Gem/Tyrant (at 50% power) vs. Doctor Strange/Dormammu
- Captain America/Black Panther/Elektra vs. Sabretooth/Wild Child/Taskmaster
- The Presence & The Source -VS- LT, Spectre, The Brothers, Phantom Stranger (optional)
- Sabretooth vs. Venom (E. Brock)
- Which Celestials....
- Living Tribunal Vs Great Evil Beast
- New Forum Rules !
- Kyle Rayner vs Hawkman
- Guardian Superman Prime w/Solarsuit vs Thanos
- Silver Surfer vs Annihilus
- Wolverine vs barracuda
- Hawkman (Carter) versus Captain America
- DC Ares vs King Thor
- Silver Surfer with the Infinity Gauntlet vs. 4th Age Spawn
- Count Nefaria vs telepaths
- World War Marvel: Latveria, Wakanda, and Atlantis vs Marvel Earth
- Havok vs Multiple Man
- Havok vs Wolverine
- CannonBall VS Nova
- Superman & Supergirl VS Graviton & Count Nefaria
- Superman VS Graviton & Count Nefaria
- Thanos Invades DC(yet again)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Monarch vs Tyrant 100%
- Race
- Red Hulk/WWH vs Superman/HP Doomsday
- Teacher and Student
- Big Brawl Beatdown
- Batman vs Galactus
- Toad vs Bullseye
- batman vs blade
- The Monitors vs. The Watchers
- Cannonball vs Sunspot/Adult version
- Longshot vs. Batman
- Mojo comes to Gotham
- Kurse vs Durok the Demolisher
- Punisher vs Sabretooth
- Pre-Crisis Hercules Vs Marvel's Hercules
- Kingdom Come Superman vs King Hyperion
- Spectre vs Takion vs Phantom Stranger
- Morg with waters of life vs. Darkseid
- Absorbing Man vs Classic Juggernaut
- JSA and Avengers vs. Justice League and Illuminati
- Wonder Woman vs Absorbing Man
- Juggernaut vs. Element Lad
- Mangog vs. Gog
- Non-powered fight
- Team Classic Ion vs Team Galactus
- Omega Red vs Doc Ock
- Team vs DC Earth & Marvel Earth
- Hybrid & Helix vs Death/Wolverine,Colossus & Adamantium Sabretooth
- Class Ion VS Entire DBZ Cast
- Joker vs Sin in three battles.
- Firestorm and Silver Surfer vs. Thor and Hal Jordan
- Team Goblin vs Team Spiderman
- Elektra vs Wolverine
- Team Goblin vs Spiderman
- Black Cat vs. Wildcat h2h only
- Jla Vs Team
- Thanos vs. Ares(DC)
- Batman vs. Wolverine (sort of)
- Stardust & Nova vs. Superman & Martian Manhunter
- Superman vs. Punisher (note)
- The LT and WF Mxy vs. Fp Spectre and Protege
- kurse/mangog vs tanaraq/wendigo(mauvis)
- Avengers vs. JSA
- Itachi Uchiha vs. Marvel Team
- Hal Jordan/Quasar (Classic) vs. Thor and Black Adam
- Thanos and Superman vs. Darksied and Silver Surfer
- Bane (No Venom) vs Punisher
- Wolverine vs Ultimate Cap
- Batman w/o U-belt vs C. America w/o Shield
- WWH in a huge battle
- Neut vs Adamantium Sabretooth
- Glorian vs Flash/Wally West
- Darkseid vs Wally West
- JSA vs JLA
- Wonderwoman with full gear and black adam vs Current surfer and Classic thor
- The Darkness Vs Carnage
- Marv + vs. sabertooth
- cyttorak vs zom vs any 1 vishaanti
- Spectre (dov) vs 4th Celestial Host
- MMA Match-Bronze Tiger v. Constantine Drakon
- Batman/Mr. Terrific II/Lex Luthor vs. Captain America/ Black Panther/Joker
- The Decepticons invade Apokolips
- Blade and Hellboy vs. Wolverine and Sabertooth
- Superboy Prime vs. Dc and Marvel
- Zohan runs the Gauntlet
- Punisher vs Grifter
- JSA vs. X-Men
- Conan VS Gorilla Grodd
- joker vs mad jim jaspers
- darkseid vs full potential cable
- Moondragon vs Silver Surfer
- Thanos durability gauntlet
- Cannonball vs Iron Man
- The Punisher vs. The Joker
- Max Carnage vs Thunderbolts
- Dazzler VS the Beegees
- Batman, Reed Richards, Iron Man, Dr Doom Vs Flash and Superman family
- Abomination vs Wolverine
- Punisher/w Spider-Man physical abilities vs Batman & Captain America
- Depowered Tyrant vs Swamp Thing
- Reed Richards + Batman + Kang vs MU and DC earth
- Robocop II/From Robocop II vs Iron Monger/From Iron Man
- Metamorpho,Firestorm,Amazing Man vs. Absorbing Man, Sersi, Husk
- T-XA vs X-Men
- Captain America vs T-800
- Batman vs Terminator T-800
- Movie/TV Superheoes Battle
- Batman,Reed Richards & WWH vs Flash Family
- Mr. Terrific vs. Black Panther
- Anti-Matter Man Vs Galactus
- Create a Pre-Crisis team to take down MU earth
- Rhino VS Stiltman
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs. WM/PG Thor vs. Morg WOL/PC
- Wolverine vs Snake Eyes
- Michael Demiurgos vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Trickster's Amalgam tourney thread.
- Clover vs Godzilla
- Fight to the death :
- Sentinel VS The Keeper
- Firestorm vs Shaman
- Superman vs Magneto, Vision, Cannonball
- Shaman vs Martian Manhunter
- Martian Manhunter vs. Captain Mar-vell ( Kree )
- Count Nefaria vs. Lobo ( no clones)
- Dumb Drax( no gem) vs. Immortal Hercules
- Marv vs. Hellboy
- batman runs a gauntlet
- Girder vs Thing
- John Stewart vs Beta Ray Bill
- mjj/jamie braddock/the fury vs ion/parralax/amazo
- Cat,Protocide & Crossbones vs Nightwing,Paladin & Punisher
- Stranger vs Sundown,Supernova & Cannonball/Uni-Power
- Xemnu vs hellion and rockslide
- Bullseye & Daredevil vs. Batgirl & Nightwing
- Capture The Flag
- SS and Hal Jordan vs BA and Morg
- Silver Surfer and Morg vs Hal Jordan and Black Adam
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- The Punisher vs. Mr. Terrific II
- Batman w/wolverine's HF vs. Sabertooth h2h only
- Van Helsing vs Batman
- Thor vs Kilowog and Guy
- panda fight
- Mister Terrific(Michael Holt)/ Aztek vs. Black Panther/Vision
- Wolverine, Sabertooth and Beast vs. Wendigo
- Optimus Prime vs Death's Head II
- Classic Beyonder vs. All-Star Superman (H2H)
- Magic: DC or Marvel?
- Kree Supreme Intelligence Vs Xandarian Worldmind
- Thor VS Batman
- llagrok vs Badabing
- Captain America, Black Panther, Daredevil and Batman Vs. Wolverine and Sabetooth
- Spider-man VS the Rhino
- Deathstroke vs. Ironfist
- 2 man team fights
- x-villians vs x men
- the thing vs steel
- dc vs marvel big battle!
- Zom/Strange vs Thanos
- Batman vs. Crossfire
- Mister Terrific(Michael Holt) vs. Centurius
- Apocalypse VS Thunderstrike
- Ghost Raider vs. Dante (DMC) vs. Spawn
- SHAZAM and Black Adam vs. Thor and Beta Ray Bill
- Who Can Defeat The Super Skrull!?!?!?!?!?
- Batman vs King Pin
- Who Can Defeat the Silver Surfer?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- Tombstone vs Thing
- How powerful are the Overseers?
- Ultimate Wolverine vs Ultimate Spider-Man
- Nekrom Vs Odin
- Exodus Vs Maxima
- general zod vs black adam
- Ultimate Colossus & Thing vs Team
- She-hulk vs Colossus
- Nitro,Powderkeg & Joystick vs Luke Cage
- Conan VS the Black Panther
- Wolverine VS.
- Karate Kid vs Captain America
- Star Wars VS Spaceballs
- Guardian Superman Prime w/Solarsuit vs WM Thor w/PG
- Captain Marvel (Current) Vs Silver Sufer (Current)
- proteus vs thanos
- The Fury Vs. Team
- Conan takes on Batman's baddies.
- Ulik-Thor vs. Orion-Kalibak
- Super-Skrull Vs Spiderman Villians
- Brain Battle
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Classic Lobo
- Ulik vs Namor/black suit
- Atum/Demogorge vs Desak w/ PG
- WWH vs Orion & Lobo
- Dark Phoenix vs Firestorm
- The Ultimate Battle Supreme Mark 4
- kurse vs orion
- Enslaver/w Soliders vs Count Nefaria,Classic Juggernaut & WWH
- Captain America vs DareDevil
- The Best Vs. The Best Self manipulation edition
- Entropy vs ???
- what if batman's and spider-man's rouges gallery switched?
- Amazo/Vandal Savage vs Anyone!
- Composite Superman & Pre-Crisis Superman vs Impossible Man & Doop
- Typhon,Atlas & Ares vs WWH
- Ram Man vs Thing
- The Best Evil Edition vs. The Best Evil Edition
- The Best vs. The Best II
- Highfather (w/ Staff) vs Thor (w/ Odinforce)
- Captain America VS Batman, w/ a twist
- Sersi & Crystal VS Wondy & Big Barda
- Annihilus (anni wave) vs Ultron (anni conquest)
- Marvel vs. DC- Villains
- Thanos vs Pagan,Classic Abomination & Ulik in battle
- Warpath Vs Spidercide
- Eradicator v Stardust
- Etrigan vs. Zauriel
- Faust vs. Karate Kid
- Tyrant "depowered" vs. Odin
- The Best Vs. The Best
- Red Hulk vs Thanos and Darkseid
- Beast Vs Spider Man
- Who has the best Jobber Aura feats?
- Chemo vs Ray Palmer
- gutts is the best
- Belasco,Kaluu & Mauvais vs Apokolips
- Elektra and Daredevil vs the 300
- Captain America and Batman vs. Mum-Ra
- Tribunal vs Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial
- Dark Beast/w carnage symbiote vs Toxin
- Batman v The Punisher
- Insane Genis Vell vs. Superman
- Thanos/Tyrant (at full power)/Molecule Man (current) vs. JLA