- Madame Masque Vs Lady Vic
- Moonstar Vs Sensor
- Batman (with wolverines powers) run the gauntlet
- Cheshire Vs Silver Sable
- Loki vs. Moonstone
- Cyclops vs. Crule
- Sabretooth vs. Gideon
- Order these teams based on versatility
- Forge vs. Graviton
- Blade vs. Nightcrawler
- Wonder Woman vs Xena
- Superman Vs Wonder Woman, Superboy & Aquaman
- Spider-Man vs. Harpoon
- Wonder Woman Vs Namor, She Hulk & Thing
- Black Witch Vs Snowbird
- White Canary Vs White Tiger
- Havok vs. Blob
- Magik Vs Black Alice
- Ganthet vs. Michael Korvac
- Phoenix vs. Gaea
- Wiccan vs. Sauron
- Cyclops vs. Armor
- Gypsy Vs Black Cat
- Imperiex Probes invades the MU.
- Red She-Hulk Vs Supergirl (Linda)
- Doctor Strange vs. Veil
- Marvel Boy vs. Iron Man
- Superboy Vs Magneto & Black Bolt
- Carmen Leno Vs Misty Knight
- Living Tribunal vs. Adversary
- Hyperion vs. Magma
- Knockout Vs Thundra
- Firebrand Vs Typhoid Mary
- Shohei Ohtani vs Kobe Bryant
- Firestorm vs Silver Surfer
- Midnighter runs the Hulk gauntlet (read stips)
- Cyborg Superman vs Magneto
- Phantom Lady Vs Moonstone
- Striker vs. Balder the Brave
- Wolfsbane vs. Mystique
- Scarlet Witch vs. Marvel Zombies
- Angel Breaker Vs Abigail Brand
- Cosmic King Thor and Sundipped Superman vs the Celestial 4th Host
- If you are a woman who would you date out of these superheroes
- M Vs Thorn
- Apocalypse vs. Mojo
- Shado Vs Viper
- Martian Manhunter vs World Breaker Hulk
- Martian Manhunter & Wonder Woman vs Hyperion & Magneto
- Can Magneto restrain these guys ?
- Wolf Cub vs. Deadpool
- Meggan vs. Karma
- Hyperion vs. Destroyer
- Which DC characters should go to fight in Marvel's Annihilation War?
- Emperor Joker Vs God Emperor Doom
- Zealot Vs Elektra
- Wonder Girl Vs Namora
- Essence Vs X-23
- Cannonball vs. Darkstar
- Blue Marvel vs. Mojo
- Which Mid Herald can replicate this feat of Superman
- Defeating this avengers team challenge
- Wally West vs Cosmic Thor
- Superman vs Chiner
- Sabra Vs Jeanette
- Spider-Woman vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Cassandra Cain Vs Lady Bullseye
- Phoenix vs. Adversary
- Secret Vs Invisible Woman
- Snowbird vs. Venom
- Entropy Aegis vs Cosmic Iron-Man
- Lady Shiva Vs Black Widow
- Puck vs. Kraven the Hunter
- ZopZop runs the gauntlet
- Shadowcat Vs Golden Glider
- Spider-Man vs. Armor
- Rose Wilson Vs Mockingbird
- Cancerverse invades DC space
- You benefit most from which of these powers?
- N52 Superboy & Red Lantern Supergirl vs Blue Marvel & Hyperion
- US Government (Marvel) vs US Government (DC)
- Medusa Vs Spider-Girl (Legion of Super-Villains)
- Blob vs. Sabretooth
- Black Adam vs Sentry
- Silver Surfer vs Fernus
- Gilgamesh vs. Nitro
- Pixie vs. Mysterio
- Jenny Quantum vs Complete Legion
- Huntress Vs Colleen Wing
- Validius ambles the Hulk gauntlet.
- Gambit vs. Riptide
- Michael Korvac vs Venom
- Happy 37th Birthday Yahman
- Wasp Vs Red Bee
- Crimson Avenger (Carlyle) Vs Elsa Bloodstone
- Superboy Prime runs the universes gauntlet
- 1000 Social Justice Warriors vs Batman
- Midnighter vs Wolverine villains
- Happy 39th Birthday Pr
- Luke Cage vs. Carnage
- Marvel Pride vs DC Pride
- Guy Gardner vs Silver Surfer
- Could Marvel Earth stop Skynet?
- Wonder Woman vs DS Sentry - who's faster
- Vixen Vs Mystique
- Crimson Fox Vs Tigra
- Chamber vs. Red Hulk
- Saturn Girl runs the Marvel TP gauntlet
- Warrior Guy Gardner vs Grey Hulk
- How much do lanterns get paid
- Vietnamese Green Lantern vs Chinese Superman
- Dove Vs Hellcat
- Mockingbird vs. Dr. Nemesis
- has these characters stock gone up or down in the last 10 years
- Perpetua & Darkest Knight vs Dark Crisis Team
- Punisher Vs Mr. Agony & Mr. Ecstacy
- Ikaris runs the dc gauntlet
- Northstar vs Jonathan Kent
- Plutonian vs World Breaker Hulk
- Elijah Snow & Jenny Sparks vs Captain Cold & Mirror Master
- Poison Ivy Vs Spider-Woman
- Titan Hulk vs World Breaker Hulk
- Phyla-Vell Vs Supergirl
- Kitty Pryde vs. Iceman
- Spider-Man vs. Warstar
- Venom vs. Tiger Shark
- What do you think of the Namor casting?
- Krakoa vs Marvel earth
- Venom vs. Empath
- Rogue vs. Archangel
- Black Widow vs. Kitty Pryde
- You become the mjolnir wielder on dc earth
- You are a kryptonian in marvel earth
- Hulk runs the dc alien gauntlet
- Pariah Vs HOM Scarlet Witch
- Team Avengers vs Team Mutants vs Team Space
- Silver Surfer runs the DC Space gauntlet
- Jessica Cruz vs Cosmic Spider-Man
- Krakoa vs The Dark Knights 2 rounds
- Captain Marvel vs Juggernaut.
- Wonder Man vs Terrax
- Wonder Girl & Miss Martian vs Jean Grey & Angela
- Krypto vs Odin
- Mary Marvel Vs Rogue
- Rune king Thor vs Titan Hulk
- Killer Croc and Gargan vs 100 Supermen
- Thor Vs Namor & Aquaman
- Gladiator vs Majestic
- Wolverine vs. Kamikaze
- Spider-Man vs. Malice
- Hellion vs. Venom
- Darkstar Vs Lady Quark
- Enchantress vs. Juggernaut
- Can Kang collect these items from DC?
- Cerise Vs Halo
- Bling vs. Thing
- Who has the better strength feats.
- Kratos vs Hulk
- Deadpool vs Deathstroke
- Sabretooth vs. Sandman
- Deadpool vs. Omega Red
- DC vs Marvel vs Indie herald edition
- Aquaman vs Pied Piper
- Stargirl Vs Magma
- Wonder Woman vs Emma Frost & Jean Grey
- Cosmic Herald Thor vs Superboy Prime & Black Adam.
- Thor vs Abomination, U-Foes, Red Hulk, Absorbing Man
- Saitama runs the marvel hardcore gauntlet
- Thanos, Uranos, WB Hulk 3 ways fight
- Nezha Vs Sentry
- Embarrassing losses to fidder: Marvel vs DC anti-feats contest
- marvel space vs dc earth
- Storm vs. Snowbird
- Roma vs. Mephisto
- 22 years of KMC Community Forums summed up in a single movie scene.
- Pandora Vs Captain Universe
- Sprite vs. Black Queen
- Siryn vs. Mister Fantastic
- DC Universe villians vs Doom & Thanos
- Ares vs. Quasimodo
- Doctor .Manhattan vs Rune King Thor
- Flashes vs Deathseed sentry and OF Thor
- Captain Marvel (Carol) Vs Dr. Light (Hoshi)
- If you are Natalie Portman would u fuk obi wan or anakin
- Amethyst Vs Spiral
- Fire Vs Jubilee
- Who can survive this Hulk's punch?
- Team DC vs Team Marvel herald edition
- How many wins would Immortal Hulk get out of these GL
- Colossus vs. Match
- Gilgamesh vs Hercules
- Supergirl vs Doctor Strange
- Thor vs. Moonstone
- Gambit vs. Arclight
- Iron Man vs. Malice
- Iceman vs. Graviton
- Wolverine vs Sabertooth cutting contests
- Wonder Man vs. Fallen One
- Synch vs. Carnage
- Punisher vs. Spider-Woman
- Black Adam runs the marvel herald gauntlet
- Nikki Vs Starfire
- How would Mr Mxyzptlk fare power-wise in current DC continuity?
- Medusa vs. Puck
- Naomi Vs Songbird
- Sin vs. Pr
- Kill Thanos contest
- Wolverine runs the accumulating naked Captain America gauntlet
- Captain Marvel [Carol] runs the herald gauntlet
- Happy Birthday Bran
- Deadpool vs. Hussar
- Moondragon vs. Brother Voodoo
- Sersi Vs Maxima
- Lucy versus?
- Captain Britain vs. Ghost Rider
- Namor runs the gauntlet
- Durability comparison
- Sunboy Vs Sunspot
- Jade Vs Firestar
- Hercules vs Silver Surfer
- Black Adam vs Captain America
- Polaris (Lorna Dane) vs Dr. Polaris (Neal Emerson)
- Stardust vs. Xorn
- Traci 13 Vs Meggan
- Doctor Multiverse Vs Miss America
- Equinox Vs Boom-Boom
- Hyperion vs. Nightmare
- Magneto vs Dr. Polaris
- Graviton vs Geo-Frce
- Butterfly vs. Mastermind
- Miss Cosmos Vs Spectrum
- Bushwacker vs KGBeast
- Nuke vs KGBeast
- Nick Fury (Senior) vs Comedian.
- Who can defeat this team of super ladies
- Clea Vs Enchantress
- Storm Vs Strange Visitor
- Patriot vs. MVP
- Homelander vs Superman (READ THE DESCRIPION!)
- Lady Bullseye vs Cheshire
- Dagger Vs Ice
- Nick Fury vs. Mister X
- A-listers vs Z-lister
- Wolverine vs. Constrictor
- Punisher vs Comedian
- Madame hydra (Viper) vs Catowman
- Maverick vs Peacemaker
- Phoenix vs. Blindfold
- Nightcrawler vs. Carnage
- Kid Omega vs. Nimrod