- Spiderman/Gambit/Black Panther vs. Mr. Miracle/Black Canary/Mr. TerrificII
- Grifter vs. Deathlok
- Wolverine vs. Sandman
- Galactus's DC Heralds vs Thanos and Odin
- Death vs. Death
- How Many Hand Ninja..?
- spidy, beast, nightcrawler, and mr fantastic vs the wrecking crew
- Daredevil vs Lady Shiva
- Switch It Up!
- Huntress vs. Elektra
- Elektra, Batgirl and Wonder Woman vs Black Canary, Lady Shiva and Big Barda
- black panther v.s. iron fist
- Invisible Woman vs Wolverine
- Invisible Woman Vs. Death Wolverine
- The Horsemen of Apoc vs. XForce
- Iron spiderman vs. Bane and Deathstroke
- wolverine vs marvel u
- Gorgon vs Morlun
- Unilord Silver Surfer VS SBP w/ Anti-monitor armor
- Gamora vs Spider-Man
- The Tick v.s. Daredevil
- Puck vs. Scorpian
- Doctor Spectrum vs. Quasar
- Canonball vs. Nuke
- Tyrant vs Watcher
- Fallen One vs Fallen One
- Rune King Thor/w Full Use of the Power Gem vs Galactus at 90% Power
- current Ion vs Fp Tyrant
- Warrior Madness Thor/w Full use of the Power Gem vs Superboy Prime
- Cerebro vs Danger
- Death(Horsemen) triple threat bout.
- Classic Avengers vs Apoc/Horsemen
- Gamora vs Gorgon
- Dr. Doom (/w/ Galactus's power) v.s. Classic Ion
- the Flash v.s. Green lanturn
- Batman Beyond v.s. Daredevil
- Supreme Squadron Hyperion vs Air-Walker vs Super-Skrull
- Team Evolutionary vs DC Earth
- Eradicator vs Fallen One
- Clor versus Wiccan, Hulkling and Collosus
- The Stranger vs In-Betweener
- Guilt Hulk vs. Devil Hulk!
- Chamber vs. Wolverine... ?
- Thanos and Tyrant (at their peak) vs. Pretcon Beyonder
- Thanos vs Alan Scott (Sentinel)
- Tyrant (at his peak) vs. Thanos (at his peak)
- Morg vs. Savage Hulk and Immortal Hercules
- Venom Runs The Gaunlet
- Sentinel Alan Scott run's the gauntlet
- omega red vs wolverine
- The Flash v.s. superman,apocalypse, and hulk
- Surfer vs The Wrath of Gog
- Red Tornado vs Current Iceman
- THOR v.s. The Juggernaut
- The Savage Hulk vs Genis-Vell and Mar-Vell
- Blackbird Vs Batship
- Extant vs Galactus
- Depowered Wolverine vs. 10 Hand Ninjas.
- Aquaman vs. Thunderstrike... ?
- Gladiator vs. Validus
- Savage Hulk vs. Darkoth
- Woverine vs. Darkoth (with Soul Sword)
- Sersi and Thor vs Superman and Wonder Woman
- Zera VS Silver Surfer
- All-Star Superman vs Photon
- Genis vs Fantastic Four
- Squirrel Girl vs Wolverine
- Captain America,Colossus & Spider-Man vs The Missing Link
- Silver Samurai versus Bane and Firefly
- Zerathul Vs Sarah Kerrigan
- Uber JLA are they undefeatable?
- Superboy Prime runs a DC/Marvel Gauntlet
- Batman/Wolverine vs Daredevil/Captain America
- Silver Surfer runs the DC guantlet
- Spawn(nonGodlike) vs Spider-man
- Backlash VS Spawn(non Godlike)
- Crossbone vs Gladiator(Melvin Potter)
- Superman defeats Doomsday
- Crossbones vs Bane
- Chthon vs Cyttorak
- Black Tarantula vs Batman & Spider-Man
- Krosakis/wPower Gem vs Superboy Prime
- Atlas vs Gladiator vs Atlas in a fist fight no super speed
- Gladiator vs. Immortal Hercules and The Thing
- who are the 3 most powerful Heralds of Galactus ever ?
- Tyrant vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- Black Bolt/Surfer/Beta Ray Bill vs New Thunderbolts
- Taskmaster vs. Bane
- Havok vs. Spiderman
- Gambit vs. Black Panther
- Deathstroke & Lady Shiva vs Bullseye & Elektra
- Team Thor VS Team Sentry
- Photon vs JLA
- Team BP VS. Team DS
- Spider-Man vs. Doc Samson...With a Twist!
- Hulk vs. Doomsday
- Genis Vell/Sentry/Silver Surfer vs. Takion/Auron I/Ion2
- Cap/Triathalon vs. Submariner
- Superboy Prime vs GLs
- Genis Vell vs Doomsday
- Omega Red vs Batman
- Martian Manhunter vs The Eradicator
- Is it possible?
- Martian Hunter vs Wonder Woman
- Superboy Prime vs Doomsday
- Cyclops/Apocalypse Fusion vs Superman
- Spectre vs Lord Urizen
- Havok/Polaris vs Gambit/Rouge vs
- Victor Mancha vs. Cyborg
- Guardian vs. Radioactive Man... ?
- the wrecking crew/titanina/the absorbing man vs the fantastic 4/spiderman/luke cage
- assult on batman
- JLA vs Marvel Injustice Gang
- New Birds of Prey vs The former New Avengers
- Metamorpho vs. Martian Manhunter
- Shift(Outsiders) vs Sasquatch
- The joker vs the green goblin on the ground fighting
- Teen Titans vs Young Avengers
- Bane vs Bullseye
- Put any 3 heroes against Sasquatch, Thing and Hulk
- Iron Spiderman v.s. Captain America & Batman
- Black Panther vs. Deathstroke
- Ghostrider VS Galactus
- Tonights main event A unlimited round boxing Match Captain America vs The Punisher
- Spider-Man vs Batman,Robin,Nightwing & Batgirl
- Teen Titans vs Red Ronin & Jihad
- Captain America VS The Lizard and Beast
- Wolverine vs Pip the Troll w/Space Gem
- Kilowog vs Stardust
- Venom vs Carnage
- Supergirl vs Captain Marvel
- Superboy Prime vs Thunderbolts
- Super Skrull vs. Colossus
- Superman vs. Aladin's Genie, (with the voice of Robin Williams)
- Who will beat the Infinite Man? Obscure Champion.
- Rouge vs. Venom
- Hulk vs. Doomsday
- Cyclops Blast(full power) vs Classic Juggernaut
- Sentry Vs Photon
- Namor vs. Blackbolt( no words)
- Captain America Vs. Gambit
- Supreme Power vs. Inhumans
- wolverine vs the lizard
- Statesman vs Thor
- doomsday vs the high evolutionary
- Black Panther vs Batman with a twist
- Movie Thing vs Luke Cage
- The Heralds vs. Thier Closest Counter parts from DC
- Fortress Eradicator vs Superboy Prime
- Star Fire vs. Ms. Marvel/ Carol Danvers
- Superboy Prime (/w/ Power Armor) v.s. These Heralds
- Batman & Winter Soldier vs Captain America & Redhood
- Current Ion v.s. The Fallen One
- Despero/Protex/Doomsday/Sinestro/Zod vs. Thor/Drax(ClassicIW)/Hulk/Quasar/Xman
- Thanos vs Apocalypse/Cyclops fusion
- Punisher vs Pittbull
- DC Ares vs Thanos,Mangog & Fallen One
- Morlun vs. Doc Samson
- Dr Strange Vs Martian Manhunter
- Martian Manhunter Vs Sentry
- Bruiser Brigade Rampage Guantlet ( The Biggest Baddest Boys)
- This team w/twist vs your team
- The Fly versus Captain America
- Annihilus/Darkseid War
- Wonder Woman vs Thialfi,Ajak & Hermes
- Big Guy vs Iron Man(Heros Reborn suit) & Captain America
- Perceptor vs Thor vs Red Norvell
- Superman vs Dormammu
- Darkseid vs A Guardian of the Universe
- Which of these guys .. can take a full Super-Nova blast from Torch...with no effect ?
- Immortal Hercules vs. The Rhino
- Doc Samson vs. Spiderman
- parallax (hal jordan)vs eternity
- Rune King Thor vs Surtur
- Challenge of the Super Villians
- Zoom and Flash(with power up)vs Genis( regular) and Thor
- Black Bolt vs Zauriel
- Superman and Mr. Majestic vs 6 White Martians
- Superman vs GL Kyle..........Winks at Vally
- Heralds of Galactus /w Tyrant vs Green Lantern corps.
- The kingpin vs snake eyes
- green goblin vs the joker
- Krytonian Rampage vs. Your Heroes and Villians
- Exiles Hyperion vs Bloodlusted Superman
- Insane Genis vs Superboy Prime
- Spider-Man vs Fantastic Four
- Luke Cage vs. Black Goliath... ?
- Ironman (in adamantium extremis armour) vs superman
- Wolverine/Sabretooth run the Gauntlet Pt. 2
- Aquaman vs. Gorgon... ?
- Classic Ion v.s. Galactus (full-power)
- DC Ares vs Rune King Thor
- Chamber and Synch vs. Cloak and Dagger... ?
- Pre-Retcon Molecule Man v.s. Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Wolverine: DC Gauntlet
- X-Men (and a few others) vs Our Earth
- Captain America Vs. Captain Nazi Vs. Captain Britain Vs. Us Agent
- Dr.Doom w/IG & Molecule Man vs. DC Universe
- Black Panther Vs Ock
- Fredd,Coven & Indestructible vs Justice League
- Street Sharks & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle vs Tiger Shark
- Wolverine vs. Hobgoblin(Kingley)
- Immortal Hercules,Sasquatch & Professor Hulk vs The Majestic
- the thing & colossus vs namor
- Vlad Plasmius vs. Hobgoblin II
- ninja turltes vs new swordsmen, DD, elektra and moon night
- Blackbolt vs. The Flash
- Who can Survive Black Bolts Scream?
- Batman with speed force, gl ring, lasso of truth and normal weapons vs. MM
- Absorbing Man(Universe X) vs Galactus
- batman vs kingpin vs ironman vs lex luthor vs justin hammer
- Insane Genis vs Silver Surfer
- Parallax v.s. Rune King Thor
- Thor/Wonder Woman vs. Captain Marvel/Black Adam
- Clayface vs Quicksand
- Hyperion(Supreme Power) vs. Immortal Hercules
- Neron vs normal power galactus
- Teen Titans vs Thunderbolts
- Hyperstorm vs. Fredd
- mr mxy vs parallax(hal jordan)
- dc silver age male atlantean vs marvel silver age male atlantean
- Superboy Prime vs Red Son Superman
- superman vs the classic xmen
- Carnage vs Kestrel
- Wolvie's claws vs Master Chiefs shield
- Crossbones vs. Gladiator
- Maelstrom vs. Superman
- Beast vs. Scorpion
- Wolverine Runs a Spacetime Gauntlet
- Captain Marvel vs. Martian Manhunter
- Rhino vs Ult. Rhino
- Vision vs Red Tornado
- Wolverine vs. Reed Richards
- Psylocke and Spiderman vs Juggernaut
- Count Neferia vs Superman
- All of the Famous Imps vs. The Famous Celestials.
- dooms day vs superboy prime
- iron man vs juggernaut
- Wonder Woman vs Lestat
- Ultraman vs. Count Neferia
- mr mxy vs the celestials
- Luke cage vs Sabertooth
- Warpath vs The Thing
- Gilgamesh vs. BetaRayBill
- Are you worthy?
- Sabertooh vs Killer Croc
- Walker vs. Dr. Strange
- Parallex vs. Rune King Thor
- Drax the Destoyer runs the gauntlet
- Backlash vs omega Red