- Kismet Vs Kubik
- Nabu Vs Chthon
- Onslaught Vs Thanos
- Gog (God version) vs RKT
- Anti-Monitor vs. the Source
- Cyborg Superman vs. Brainiac
- Titus (DC comics JLA) vs. Thor
- WWH VS Sons of Trigon
- Captain Marvel & Black Adam vs. Black Canary & Lady Shiva (with a twist)
- AS Superman+Exiles SS vs. Monarch+GA Superboy-Prime
- Thanos vs. Zoom and Kid Zoom
- Moon Knight VS Catman
- Thanos vs. Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Dr. Fate
- Current Thor vs. DC Earth
- Takion,Silver Surfer,Thor vs. Depowered Tyrant
- Dark Phoenix runs the gauntlet
- Justice League vs Onslaught
- Black-Suited Spiderman vs Regular Spiderman
- Black Adam/Captain Marvel vs Wonderwoman/Orion
- Soulfire Darkseid w/ALE vs Thanos w/IG
- Yuga Khan vs Anti-Monitor
- Team Thanos Strikes Again!!!!
- PR Beyonder, LT (Current) and Thanos w/ HOTU vs. DC!!!!!
- Annihilus and Elite Personal Guard vs Justice League
- Tiamut vs. SMP
- Proto Clown vs Sasquatch
- DC's Decreator Vs Rune King Thor
- Galactic Guardians Vs JLA 1 Million
- S'ivia The Destroyer Vs Walker
- Thanos vs Spectre (test of power)
- Lobster Johnson vs Nick Fury
- Despero/Eclipso vs Onslaught/Blackheart
- 4 men, 3 battles
- Galactus vs. Spectre(dov)
- Gen 13 vs. The Original New Warriors
- Captain America vs Captain Marvel (With a Twist)
- Sundipped Superman vs Depowered Tyrant
- Superman & the Hulk who could beat them if they worked together
- DRAX{as he appeared in annihlation} vs MARTIAN MANHUNTER
- NOVA{with entire nova force and world mind} vs ION
- Super Skrull vs Superman
- Carnage & Venom vs the Hulk
- Thor with PG vs Thanos
- Galactus (Well Fed) vs. Thanos, Prime & Seid
- Rorschach/Question vs Joker/Riddler
- Current Thor VS. Superboy Prime
- 2 man teams 4 teams fight
- The Center(Dinosaur Island) vs Ultimates(Animated Movie)
- Mar-Vell vs Ironman
- League of Champions Week Five: Digi Vs. Kandi/id369
- League of Champions Week Five: Charlotte Vs. Scoob/Leo
- League of Champions Week Five: Bdub/Smurph Vs. Fangirl
- Odin Runs the Gauntlet
- Adam Warlock vs Silver Surfer and Thor
- Moon Knight vs Deathlok(Manning)
- Superman clones Vs Superman
- Silver Surfer, Thor vs Superman, Martian Manhunter
- Rune King Thor vs Cosmic Extant
- Ravenous vs WWH
- Hercules vs Ulik
- Quasimodo vs Hellboy
- 616 Jaspers vs. Shuma Gorath
- Hellboy vs. Omega Red
- Jim Hammond/ Spider-man VS. Sunfire/Wolverine
- Galactus takes on the best of Marvel and DC
- Power Couple's battle for top Spot!!
- Sundipped Superman vs Superboy Prime
- Wwh/Doomsday (hp) vs Jla
- World War Hulk vs Thanos (h2h slugfest)
- Dr. Fate vs. Mephisto
- Dr. Strangefate Vs Mxy
- Morg vs Beta Ray Bill
- Air Team vs. Ground Team
- Galactus/Stardust vs Ganthet/Hal Jordan
- GEB vs Saint of Killers
- colussus&rogue vs shehulk&ironman
- Blaquesmith vs Dr Druid
- zues&odin vs galactus&thanos
- Abomination vs The Tick
- Adam Strange vs Ironman (current)
- Battle of the Dynamic Duo's
- Superman,Hal Jordan,Flash,Firestorm,Orion run the DC gauntlet
- Kyle and Hal vs Superman and Orion
- Sabertooth vs Spiderman, Captain America, Elektra (twist)
- Silver Surfer/Beta ray bill vs Current Amazo (twist)
- insane genis vell vs phoenix force
- Sinestro vs Thanos
- team fights
- Shi and Zealot vs. Artemis and Elektra
- thing&wolverine &spiderman vs the wrecking crew
- shang-shi&daredevil vs blackpanther&ironfist
- Cosmic Extant Vs Tyrant
- The Word Vs Meggan @ Full power
- The Time Trapper Vs Korvac
- Galactus,Abraxas vs. Spectre(dov),Nabu
- King Hyperion vs AS Superman
- Scathan vs. Abraxas
- Surtur/Ymir(marvel) vs Ares/ZEUs(dc)
- The Jigsaw Killer runs a gauntlet
- Mordru vs. Odin
- Gladiator vs Bizarro
- Super skrull vs Apocalypse
- DC guys Throw Down
- Debating discussion thread.
- Trion Juggs vs. PC Omega
- DC girls Throw Down !!!
- Parasite vs Hulk
- Sentry Vs Kilowog
- Annihilus vs. Iron Man and Nova
- My Favorites mix it up
- Punisher vs Sentry
- Robots vs. Beasts
- Iceman vs. Firestorm
- Mordru vs Rune king Thor
- Mongul Jr. vs Thor
- Wolverine vs Deadpool vs Human Torch vs Colossus in a scoring contest
- Scanthan the Approver vs This Team
- Trion Juggs vs JLA
- Kurse/ Trion Juggs/WM Thor vs SBP/AS Supes/PC supes
- Trion Juggs vs 8th day Juggs
- Cosmic Extant vs Anti-Monitor (Full power)
- G-Sus Cable vs Green Lantern (Hal Jordon)
- Pre-Crisis Wildfire (LOSH) Vs Silver Surfer
- Superboy prime vs Heralds
- Non and the General Zod vs Superman and Wonder Woman
- Black Zero vs Superman Prime
- Team Assassin vs. Team Weapon X
- Thanos Vs Every Version of Hulk
- Superman w/ Entropy Aegis vs Thanos
- Which Legionnaire could beat the Silver Surfer?
- SMP vs Marvel Top tiers
- The Ultimate Hero
- Una Worm of Heaven And Hell Vs The In-Betweener
- Time Trapper Vs Thanos
- WonderMan vs Wonder woman H2H
- Batman with Superman's power Vs Batman with a GL ring
- Darkseid Vs Marvel team
- The Time Trapper vs. Fully Fed Galactus
- Odin vs DC Ares
- The Spikes(planet hulk) vs Marvel Earth(current)
- Hercules VS Sentry: Armwrestle
- Albion vs The Thing
- Wild Cats vs. Outsiders
- Banshee,Black Tom Cassidy & Siren vs Hawkman & Hawkgirl
- Thanos Vs. Post-Retcon Beyonder
- Death's Head vs Ares/Marvel
- FP Tyrant vs Spectre
- Joker vs Red Skull
- Darkseid Vs Silver Surfer, Superman
- Red Shift VS Superman
- PC Karate Kid w/Gem Of Cyttorak vs WWH
- General Zod runs the gauntlet
- Superman Blue vs. Blue Devil
- MAX Punisher vs Ledgers Joker vs Bales Batman
- JLA vs These villains
- Silver Surfer w/Uni Power Vs Darkseid
- Genie(Aladdin) vs Odin
- Namor, Ms. Marvel and Iron Man vs Wonder Woman
- Mr. Sinister vs Dr. Doom
- world war Hulk vs JLA
- who can rip supermans arm out?
- Waverider vs. Nova
- Who in comics could rip Colossus Wonder Man and Luke Cage limb from limb
- Sun-Dipped Superman vs Silver Sufer
- Hulk vs. Superman (Who is Stronger?)
- Black Canary and Dazzler vs. Hulk
- Kingpin/Bane vs. Taskmaster/Elektra
- Spectre (DOV) vs Soulfire Darksied(DOTNG)
- Baron Strucker VS Omega Red
- Batman and Superman vs Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias
- Avengers vs JLA
- Batman Villians vs Spider-Man Villians
- Adamantium Sabretooth vs Death's Head II
- DP Tyrant vs Ares (DC)
- Ares (DC) vs King Thor/RKT
- Nebula Man/Neh-Buh-Loh Man Vs Silver Surfer
- Count Naferia Vs Surfer
- Pre-Crisis Darkseid vs. Team Marvel
- Godlike Cable vs. Mongul
- Cheezy Gaunlet
- DOS Superboy vs Northstar
- World's Funnest Bat-Mite Vs HOM Wanda
- Wonder Woman w/ the god wave vs. Superman, Silver Surfer, Henshaw, and Thor
- Jim Jaspers Vs World's Funnest Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Wally The God Boy Vs Scathan
- hercules vs colossus
- LoTF Luke runs the Gauntlet!
- Ares (DC) vs. Thanos
- Magneto and Livewire vs black lighting and dr. polaris
- SC Parallax vs. SC Ion
- Sorcerer Supreme
- Thanos is looking for a Herald team so he goes to Earth and builds two team to fight
- Atom Smasher vs Current Atlas of Thunderbolt
- wonderwoman vs cyborg superman
- Team Maul vs Team Hulk
- Atlas vs Captain Britain
- Namor vs. Ares (Marvel)
- Karl Ruprecht Kroenen(Hellboy Movie) vs V for Vendetta from the movie
- Death Metal vs Wonder Woman
- batman runs the gauntlet
- bamba vs abomination
- Sinestro VS Dr. Doom
- Grifter Vs Punisher
- Colossus vs Sasquatch
- Rogue vs. Parasite
- Death Wings VS Silver Surfer
- Ares,Jack of Hearts,Wonder Man vs. Colossus, Wolverine, Havok
- Storm,Polaris,Rachel Grey vs. Invisible Woman,Moondragon,Firestar
- Konner, Supergirl, Blue Beetle vs. Nova, Cannon Ball, Speed Ball
- Dumb Drax VS Superman :Armwrestle
- Magneto/Ronan the Accuser vs Super Skrull/Apocalypse
- Hank Henshaw vs Shazamers, GLs & Superman
- Death' Head II comes to Gotham
- Silver Surfer vs Despero
- Batman One Million Vs Reed Richards
- Blackbolt vs Thanos
- tyrant/mangog/thanos vs despero/mongul/validus
- Kingdom Gog vs Thanos
- Who control energy/absorb better? Henshaw vs Silver Surfer!
- Power Cosmic & WOL Morg vs Thanos with a twist
- weapon x team vs spidy team
- Mysterium/Blacksun vs Solaris
- The Isolationist VS Thanos
- how many punches from thanos would i take to kill darkseid?
- Wonder Woman vs Batman.
- Captain Comet and Maxima vs. Martian Manhunter and Captain Atom
- Batman vs Layla Miller
- Wonder Woman vs This Team
- Magneto vs Blackbolt
- Black Panther & Lady Shiva vs. Nightwing & Shang-Chi
- She-Hulk and Balder vs. Mangog
- Pre-Crisis Adjudicator Vs Pre-Retconned Molecule Man
- The Overseers Vs The Infinities
- The Beyonders Vs 5-D Imps
- Superman 1M(JL) vs. Kingdom Gog
- Vision vs. Storm
- Where Does Classic Kingpin Rank?
- Terrax Vs Kilowog
- TOAA vs. THOTU vs. The Presence
- Could Magneto potentially fry Superpeople
- AOA Iceman Vs Iron Man
- Onslaught(peak) vs Cyborg superman (w/rings)
- Killer Frost Vs Iceman
- Hank Henshaw w/Rings vs Silver Surfer
- mr sinister vs omega red
- omega red vs venom
- Silver Surfer vs Wonderwoman
- infinity watch/silver surfe/dr strange vs cyborg superman
- Captain America v.s Batman