- spawn vs scarlet witch
- Beast vs Hawkman
- Colossus/Thing/She-Hulk vs. Wendigo
- SpiderWoman and Sabertooth Vs Spiderman and Wolverine
- Closed
- blob vs kingpin and jugg
- Omega Red vs. Lobo
- Justice League vs Kurse,Absorbing Man & Drax the Destroyer
- Green Arrow vs. Bullseye vs. Merlyn vs. Hawkeye
- Feeble attempts of being infected.
- Mad Warrior Thor with the power gem vs Depowered Tyrant
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Count Nefaria (full powered)
- Superman vs. Wonderman and Namor.
- Ghost Rider vs. Lizard
- Eclipso vs. Magneto
- Great Evil Beast VS. The DC Universe
- Venom vs Bane
- Ultimate Colossus VS. Current Wonder Man 616
- Dante (Devil My Cry) vs. Deadpool
- Wolverine vs. Bane w/symbiote
- Baron Mordo vs. Captain Marvel
- Deathbird vs. Wolverine
- God vs. All His Enemies
- Iron Fist vs Daredevil
- doomsday vs classic juggernaut
- Wonder Man vs New Avengers (no Sentry)
- beast vs Daredevil
- swords men vs silver sameri
- Hercules(Immortal) vs. Black Adam
- The Thing vs Atlas
- Black Bolt vs Pluto
- Shaggy Man vs Lobo vs Nimrod
- xmen avenger JLA fantastic4 xforce xfacctor shiar
- Wolverine vs Spiderman with a twist
- galactus vs trion juggernaut
- jla vs these guys
- classic Juggernaut vs gladiator
- when venom absorbed carnage did he became stronger?
- Nameless One vs Darkseid
- The Stranger vs. Phantom Stranger
- Dr. Strange & Nightwing vs Yandroth & Deathstroke
- Captain Atom vs Radioactive Man
- The Master vs. Batman and Slade[H2H]
- Spiderman vs. Flash vs. DP vs. the human torch
- The Flash vs. Sonic the Hedgehog
- Ironman Vs. Space Ghost Vs. Batman
- Thanos vs. Hercules (my version)
- deadpool vs. Havoc & cyclops
- Living Tribunal vs. Beyonder
- Omega Red vs. Deathstroke
- Black Adam & Superman vs. Beta Ray Bill & Green Lantern (Hal)
- X-MEN vs. JUSTICE LEAGUE the B list
- Adam Warlock -Quasar -Genis vs 4 Green Lanterns
- The ML vs The JLA vs The JSA
- The X-Men vs Doomsday
- Deathstroke with the power gem & Mr Sinister with Cyttorak Gem in a Gauntlet
- Full power Vegito vs. Full power Naruto
- Wolverine vs. Flash
- WWE Superstars vs Batman & The Punisher in a Hell in a Cell match
- Official Shadowcat (-imo)
- Super-Skrull vs. Wonder Woman
- Karnak vs. Batman
- Agent Smith vs. Cyclops
- Starfox vs. Hawkman
- Gorilla Grodd vs. Dr. Doom
- Immortal Hercules and Mindless Hulk vs. King Thor
- Godzilla and King Kong (from the Cinema-movies) vs. Savage Hulk
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Current Thing, Sasquatch and Abomination
- Secret Wars Beyonder vs. The HULK KILLER HUMANOID
- Punisher and Domino VS. Batman and Blade
- Parallax vs Current Thanos with a twist
- Strike Force Superman vs This team
- Bruce Lee (prime) vs. Mike Tyson (prime)
- Spawn vs. Tyrant
- Silver Surfer vs. AMAZO (JLU cartoon version)
- Green Lantern from JL(U) cartoon vs the normal one from comics
- Agent Zero Versus Nightcrawler
- Thanos runs the gauntlet
- Neji Vs the real spiderman
- Spider-Woman vs Black Canary
- Current Thanos vs Parasite,Solomon Grundy and Granny Goodness
- Dr. Doom vs. Mandarin
- Magneto vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Orion vs Wonder Woman
- spawn vs juggernaut
- Spiderman VS Dazzler
- this calls for experimentation...
- Darkseid v Captain Marvel (DC)
- War machine and Ironman vs Hob Goblin and Green Goblin
- Boba Fett vs Agent Zero
- Wolverine VS Dazzler
- Deadpool vs. Blade
- Wolverine Vs Doomsday
- Fist Fight Captain America Vs. Shang Chi.
- Wolverine vs. The Hulk with a twist
- Black Panther vs Blade
- Beyonder vs. In-Betweener
- Thanos from marvel the end vs spawn
- DD vs Wolvie
- Marvel Team vs DC team
- Superman vs. Asmodel
- On Mobility and hero balance
- Silver Surfer -Superman -Thor -Hulk vs Darkseid -Orion -Kalibak -Doomsday
- Ult. Ironman vs New Avengers Ironman
- Silver surfer vs Justice leaugue
- DC team vs Justice League
- Cyber Ninja Vs Kakashi
- Spawn VS Spiderman
- Argent 2 Vs Jade
- Silver Surfer with Uni-Power vs Sun Dipped Superman & Gladiator
- Phastos vs Wolverine,Deathstroke Agent Zero
- Could spidey beat wolvie with out webs?
- Stryfe vs. Quentin Quire
- colossus and thing vs sasquatch and wendigo
- Cain vs The punisher
- Daredevil vs Batgirl
- Stick vs Lady Shiva
- Ra's al Ghul vs Stick
- Spectre runs loose in the MU
- Deadpool (with weapons and stuff) vs. Bishop (the one I know with guns and beams)
- G-type vs. Human Torch
- Captain America vs. Juggernaut
- marvel vs the Great evil beast
- Spawn vs. All Marvel Characters Together
- The Infinity Gems(in their incarnations) vs the Endless
- Rank the batfamily in skills
- Hercules vs Sasquatch
- Mindless Hulk vs. King Thor
- Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Panther "T'Challa" vs. Current Thing
- Secret Wars Beyonder vs. Rune King Thor
- Orion vs. Wonder Woman
- Superman vs. Captain Atom (The New One)
- Bane vs Nightwing
- Multiversal Secret Wars
- Batman Vs New Swordsmen With A Twist
- Current Juggernaut vs Deathstroke
- Hela vs Classic Juggernaut
- John Byrne vs Pre Crisis Superman
- The One Above All Vs. Spawn
- Wolverine vs. Batman... WITH A TWIST!!
- Is TOAA and the Presense the same being?
- Batman vs. Daredevil (no weapons)
- Who has better aim Hawkeye or Green Arrow?
- Torunament
- who is a real fight for juggernaut?
- Spawn vs. Thanos,Glactus,Juggernaut,Hulk,Superman,Green Lantern,IronMan&Colossus
- Ironman runs the gauntlet
- Agent Zero vs Solid Snake
- President Luthor vs Dictator Doom
- Lobo vs. Deathstroke.
- Storm vs. Banshee
- Apocolypse vs Dracula
- 100% Galactus & Full powered Tyrant vs Precrisis Darkseid & Superman
- dr fate vs sliversurfer
- Here is the fight Mutants vs Eternals
- Darksied vs Sentry
- Black Adam vs. Perun
- Nightwing,Batgirl,Deathstroke vs Daredevil,Elecktra,Black panther
- Batman,Dr.doom vs Reed richards,tony Stark
- Spectre(powered by the presence) vs Lucifer
- terry bogard vs captain america
- Subzero Vs Elektra,Catwoman and Batgirl(cass)
- Spawn vs. Lucifer
- Invisible Man vs Silver Surfer
- Inuyasha (Full-demon) vs. Ghost Rider
- Perrikus vs. Superman
- Monster Ranch team vs Wolverine & Thing
- Scarlet Witch vs Franklin Richards
- Captain Marvel/DC vs Utgard-Loki
- Thena vs Wonder Woman
- Current Hercules vs. Current Thing
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. Kurse, Classic Juggernaut, Hercules and Savage Hulk
- Kurse vs. Savage Hulk
- Jade vs Invisible Woman
- spider-man vs rogue
- spawn vs lady death
- which of them got the most powerful guns??
- Nemesis Kid vs ANYBODY 1 on 1
- The Avengers vs The JLTF
- Spectre start rampage in Hell: Spectre (rogue) vs Mephisto
- Orion vs. Martain Manhunter
- Marvel's Skyfather vs DC's The Quintessence
- Dr Strange vs Phantom Stranger
- rank these power houses ini terms of durability
- Spider-man VS.Molly
- Galactus vs Onslaught
- Sentinel Alan Scott VS. Adult Kon'el
- Ultimate Colossus vs Sasquatch
- Dr. Xavier vs Dr. Strange
- superman vs
- Ultimate Colossus vs Omega Red
- Apocalypse vs Onslaught
- Wonder Man vs Terrax
- Wonder Man vs. Invincible...?
- The Winter Soldier vs Red Hood
- Terrax vs Magneto,Terra/Teen Titans & Starfire
- JLA/ Avengers Krona v The Phoenix of the White Crown
- Juggernaut vs Spawn
- Wolverine vs.Nico Minoru
- magneto vs apocalypse
- Adult Kon-el vs the hulk,cap.america,iron man
- Daredevil vs Newswords men
- Kraven the Hunter with the Venom symbiote VS Spiderman
- new swordsmen vs batman no prep match
- Lobo Hits List
- thing vs omega red
- Batman no holding back willing to kill how far does he get.
- Batman and Agent Zero vs highly trained elder Predator and Wolverine
- mr freeze vs iceman
- Iceman vs. Living Monolith
- Boba Fett vs Spiderman
- Deadpool runs the Gauntlet.
- Who can beat the following 3.
- Marvel vs DC which is the most realistic universe?
- Nemesis Kid vs Juggernaut
- Captain America vs. Wolverine
- Firelord vs. Prometheus
- Batgirl vs Wolverine h2h
- Hulk/War vs the Champion (hand to hand)
- Mephisto vs Satanus
- Who is faster Flash of DCU or the Elder of the Universe called the Runner of MU?
- Red Son Superman vs Juggernaut
- superman vs powdered toastman
- This team vs Avengers
- Thanos vs Apacalypse
- Ultimate Colossus vs Ultimate Cap
- Batgirl challenge
- healing factor vs Invulnerability
- Batman VS.Digger
- spawn vs galactus
- Lucifer vs. Spawn.
- Rune King Thor....WARRIOR MADNESS!!!
- odin vs thor
- Ultimate Thing vs Firelord
- Ironman vs. Mr. Hyde
- has anyone read the who can legpress more then me topic it is futile
- Juggernaut vs. Lobo
- Batman vs Moon Knight
- 616 Thing, She Hulk, Colossus vs Savage Hulk
- Martian Manhunter vs Sentry
- Elemaental Warfare
- Thanos vs Dr. Strange
- women vs men
- evil strength vs hero strength
- justice league vs justice society
- Champion,The Runner & Obliterator vs Zeus & Odin
- Who's the last one standing
- Cable vs. Kang
- Odin & Zeus vs Thanos & Darkseid