- Dr Doomsday vs The Indestructible, Pagan & Ulik
- Molly Hayes vs. Thing
- Hercules & Minion(DHII) vs Deathlok(Collins), Thing & Colossus
- Ironman vs Wonder Woman
- imperiex prime vs the beyander
- grey gargoyal vs venom
- gladiator vs (savage) hyperion
- Havok vs Storm
- Rhino vs Mr Hyde with abit of a twist
- Wonder woman vs street levers/metas
- Superman,Supergirl,Superboy vs Stardust,Morg,Cassandra Nova
- Ironman/Namor/Magneto vs Wonder woman
- Mongul with rings vs Loki
- Superman Prime vs Ymir
- Vulcan vs Dr Doom.
- Bat family Go go gauntlet
- which villain would you work for ?
- Deathverine vs. Savage Hulk
- Beta Ray Bill vs Gladiator
- Punisher vs Cyclops
- Wolverine vs. 1 million J. Jonah Jamesons
- Lobo vs Beta Ray Bill
- WWH vs Alpha Flight Team
- Earth 2149 vs Earth 2153
- Deathstroke and Wolverine vs Deadpool and Lobo
- Captain America vs Wolverine (twist)
- Iron Man and Storm vs Namor and Human Torch
- Mimic+Morph vs Kilowog
- Mystique vs. Wolverine
- Black Adam & Doom VS Captain Marvel & Iron Man
- Arion Vs Classic Thor
- Batman vs Captain America (h2h)
- Blink vs. Doctor Doom
- Frank Castle, Nick Fury & Kraven the Hunter vs The Flash(Wally)
- Orion vs. Beta Ray Bill (Pure Brawl).
- Kingdom Gog/Parallax Hal vs Monarch/Original Ion
- Immortal Hercules Vs Extremis Iron Man
- Orion vs Silver Surfer [h2h]
- WWH/Rulk vs Sentry/Hercules
- Superman Prime/Monarch vs Odin/Surtur vs Tyrant/Aron the Rogue Watcher
- Death Star (Vader on bored) vs. Borg Cube (Queen on Board)
- Lucifer vs The Saint of Killers
- Luke Cage vs My Sinister Six
- Ultimate What IF
- "Get out of my lawn!" Challenge
- Moon Knight vs Agent Zero
- Luke Cage vs. Strong Guy
- Sabretooth vs. Hulk
- Mimic vs Wolverine
- Cable vs Ultimate Cable
- Blink vs. The Fantastic Four
- Parralax (Hal) & Monarch vs. Insane GV and RKT
- flash vs juggernaut charge
- Question (Renee) vs Crossbones
- Rumble in the cosmic Jungle -
- King Thor vs Pluto
- Flex Mentallo Vs Green Lantern (Hal)
- Phoenix (Giraud) Vs Silver Age Mangog
- Magneto vs Mongul
- Orion runs the X-Men Villain Gauntlet
- Prep Battle!
- Silver Age Mangog, Pre Crisis Validus & Thanos vs This Team
- Dr. Doom vs GL (Kyle Rayner)
- PWMT- Round 1 (Xavier vs Psylocke)
- PWMT- Round 1 (Shaman X-Man vs. Kid Omega)
- Psychic Wars Mini Tournament Discussion.
- RKT, Insane GV, Thanos vs. Darkseid, Highfather & Monarch
- Gray Hulk vs Original Superman
- Omnipotent Brawl
- Omega Red Vs Clayface
- king Thor&Genis Phton Vell vs Classic Infinity Man&Takion
- Extremis Ironman vs Wonderwoman
- Agents of Atlas Vs Dark X-Men
- Nova (Richard Rider) vs. Ironman and War Machine
- Gladiator vs Fallen One
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- Captain America vs The Comedian
- Two bricks that get no love
- Question (renee) vs Echo
- Superman Blue and Superman Red vs Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner
- War of Kings 1
- Galactus vs Thanos
- Spider Woman (Jessica Drew) vs Elektra
- Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man VS Beast Boy
- Plastic Man VS Mr. Fantastic
- Spiky Thing VS Colossus
- Batman & The Outsiders Vs. Dr. Wily & His Robot Masters
- Wolverine vs Blob
- War Hulk, Ultimate Hulk & WWH run the gauntlet
- Original ION vs RKT
- Soranik Natu vs Vision
- Thor vs. Ion 2
- Supes/SS/Thor/Eradicator vs GL team
- The Brawl For It All!!!!!!! Bring it on!!
- Silver Surfer, Thor, & Classic Dr. Strange VS. Superman, Black Adam, & Dr. Fate!!!
- Lobo is in need for a challenge here it is Hyperion & Death's Head II
- Dr Doomsday vs The Fantastic Four + 1
- pre FC Darkdseid vs Currenr Silver Surfer&Current Thor
- Abomination Vs Solomon Grundy
- Marvel Threats vs Entire JLA
- Wolverine vs WWH with a twist
- Matter Eater Lad vs. BOB
- Mace Windu vs. Gorgon
- Master of the World vs. Hercules
- Iron Fist v Temugin (no rings)
- Lizard vs. Venom
- Cyttorak vs the Giants
- Wonder Woman versus The Ultimate Warrior
- Wolverine and Elektra vs Gotham
- My Team vs The Avengers & JLA
- Flex Mentallo Vs She-Hulk & Thing
- Hellstorm Son of Satan vs Zauriel
- Supes vs Surfer Hero Gauntlet
- Wonder Woman vs Exodus
- Taking a punch challenge II
- Elu the Cosmic Storm Vs Wonder Woman
- Sion Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Hulk/Shehulk/Wonderman vs. Atom Smasher/PG/Cyborg
- X-men/Avengers vs. Black Canary's team.
- Sarda the Sage vs. Mxy
- Apocalypse vs Midgard Serpent
- Anti Venom/Carnage vs Venom(Mac)/Ghost Rider(Ketch)
- Sion vs Titus vs Konvikt
- Moon Knight vs. Black Knight
- Beast Boy vs. Ares (Marvel)
- Powerless Maverick vs Punisher
- Blade vs weapon Plus
- Fantomex vs Blade
- DC Chicks run the gauntlet
- Shang chi VS Elektra
- RKT vs Spectre (DoV)
- Lizard vs. The Rhino
- Rhino vs Juggernaut
- Team 1 VS Team 2 VS Team 3
- Sabertooth vs Skaar
- Arkillo/Sinestro vs Guy/Kyle vs Kilowog/Hal vs John/Alan(not Sent)
- Current Lobo vs My Team
- Bor vs Desak
- This Team vs This Team
- BRB vs Quasar
- Superman/Thor vs Silver Surfer/Orion
- Black King (Sesbian Shaw) vs Solomon Grundy
- Big Barda vs Rogue
- Mangog vs Jormungand vs Seth vs Destroyer
- Silver Surfer/Stardust/Redshift vs Ymir
- Infinity Man vs. Desak the God Killer
- Longest Fights
- Marvel/DC Tug o' War
- Orion VS Lobo
- gun fight
- Gog/Black Adam/Prime vs. Surfer/Thor/Thanos
- Spectre Vs Kubik
- Zom Vs Merged Eclipso
- Supergirl vs the Hulk
- Blood-lusted Spider-Man vs Sabretooth
- Lizard vs. Doc ock
- This Team vs Wolverine, Deadpool & Deathstroke
- Bishop Vs Gambit
- JLA 1M VS The Spectre
- Adam Strange vs Spiderman
- Luke Cage Runs a Punching Gauntlet
- Punisher/Batman/Daredevil vs. Elektra/Nightwing/Bronze Tiger
- Atrocitus vs Dr. Doom
- Cosmic Armor Superman/Manraak vs Thanos w/HOTU/Pre retcon Beyonder.
- Classic Thor vs Thanos
- Lizard vs. Sabretooth
- Reddick vs Blade
- Vance Astro VS Wolverine
- Silver Surfer vs Mongul
- Who can go 1 on 1 with a Predator part II
- Superman vs TAO
- Lizard vs. Sandman
- War Hulk & Classic Juggernaut vs Nimrod, DOS Doomsday & Immortal Hercules
- helmut zemo {no moonstones} vs deathstroke
- kenneth irons vs ironman
- Shang-Chi vs Deathstroke
- Seth, The Six Million Dollar Bastard vs. The Blue Marvel/Sentry
- SBP runs the Magic Gaunlet
- Spider-Man/Kaine vs Wolverine/Punisher vs Daredevil/Nick Fury
- Sentry/Firelord vs Russian Zod/Nova(Frankie)
- Absorbing Man vs Grey Hulk
- Guardian [Jim Harper] vs Bucky Cap.
- Pre Retcon Beyonder vs Mr Mxyzptlk
- Lizard vs. The Thing
- The Deadly Sins vs Avengers
- Agent Zero vs Blade
- Maximus Lobo vs Sabretooth
- DR. Fate, mxy vs. doctor strange, Loki.
- superman vs DR. Strange
- Elektra vs spider-Man H2H
- Darkseid/no omega effect or anti-life equation vs This Team
- Silve Age Mangog vs Team Evo
- Pre-retcon Beyonder Vs Ultimator
- Pre-Crisis Mongul Vs Mangog
- The Mighty Galactus run the civilisations test!
- The Destroyer vs. Metal Masters
- Team Marvel/DC vs Team Warper
- Gambit vs. Deadpool
- "Classic" Authority Vs Classic teams
- Apocalypse Now (Team Nur Vs. JLA)
- SA mangog vs bricks..!!
- Zoo Crew VS Team Marvel
- Trion Juggernaut vs. Asgardian Destroyer
- Kryptonian, Thor-El & Magnaverse Thor vs Supreme, Majestic & Monarch(Hall)
- Marvel Aliens vs Apokolips
- The World is Zombified II
- Punisher vs. Gambit
- Hourman 1M VS Silver Surfer
- deadpool,taskmaster vs batman,green arrow
- Pre-Crisis Superman Vs Pre-Crisis Captain Marvel
- Harbinger Vs Snowbird
- Black Adam, Gladiator,WW3 hulk vs, Superman(sun dipped), sentry. capt. Marvel.
- Hela vs Pluto vs Mephisto vs Odin
- Sentry/Silver Surfer vs Beta Ray Bill/Superman vs Supreme/Gladiator
- JLA vs Avengers strange rosters
- Agent Zero vs. Batman
- The World is Zombified: Who do you want protecting you?
- Bionic Commandoes!!
- Helix vs This Team
- Ultimate Captain America vs Spider-Man (No Webbing)
- Wendigo vs Dracula
- Deadpool Gauntlet
- Dr Doom vs Absorbing Man
- Mephisto is running a gauntlet with a twist he is in his realm
- Ares (Marvel) vs Luke Cage
- SBP runs the Gauntlet with a twist
- Strange Visitor vs Silver Surfer
- Master of the World vs. Deathstroke
- Fem 6 vs Galactus
- How many Sabertooths (Saberteeth)?
- PC Mongul Vs Odin
- Black Knight vs Ramades
- Marvel/DC Street Level v.s. Gears of War comic
- Iron Fist and Elektra vs Sabretooth
- Ultron vs Vulcan
- Daken vs Midnighter
- the source{complete} vs the spectar
- deadpool vs the joker
- Pick a person that could benefit the most for each power
- Nightwing vs Nightcrawler
- catch nightcrawler
- Classic SS vs Classic Strange vs Classic Thor vs Classic Quasar
- Sabretooth & Moonstone vs Emma Frost & Proteus
- Darkseid vs Thanos (twist)
- Power ranking
- Dr Doom vs Guy Gardener
- Depowered Tyrant vs. Madgod sector 3600
- Elimination Chamber
- Strange Visitor VS Marvel Superheroine