- Gladiator vs. Spiderman
- King Thor & The Sentry vs. Jla,Jsa,Jle
- Who are the three strongest Hulks ?
- Visnu vs King Thor
- Savage Hulk and Hercules vs. 8th day Juggernaut
- Tiger Shark,Mr. Hyde, Wrecker,Piledriver,Thunderball vs. The Mindless Hulk
- Hercules vs. Fantastic Four
- Wolverine vs Thing
- Thanos & Mr Manhattan vs DC Earth
- The Runner vs Superman & Flash
- IronFist vs Batman
- Superman vs. Sinister
- Leagure of Extrastupid Gentlemen vs. Fantastic Four
- Superman VS Capt. Marvel (Shazam!)
- Hellboy versus Mr. Hyde(league of Ex Gentlemen)
- WarHulk versus Gladiator(fully confident)
- Cytorrak versus Onslaught
- magic battle
- Superman vs Hulk/Flash/Archangel
- Xavier VS. Spock (Star Trek movies)
- Contest of Champions Marvel vs DC Rd. 2
- storm VS dr.octopus
- storm VS electro(current upgrade)
- Apocalypse vs. Lobo vs. Superman vs. Spawn
- Team Thanos vs. Team Zod
- Hydroman vs Storm
- Iceman vS the Human Torch
- Question why are
- Contest of Champions Marvel vs DC
- She-Hulk and Hulk vs. Juggernaut and Gladiator
- She-Hulk vs. Juggernaut
- She-Hulk vs. Titania
- Superman Prime vs. The Sentry w/infinity gauntlet
- Thanos Team VS. YOU....
- The Hulk vs. The General
- Captain Marvel (Shazam) vs. Gladiator
- The Sentry& Thor vs. General Zod& Ultraman
- Magneto(new Powers) vs SilverSurfer
- Adam Warlock vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- The Thing vs. Abomination
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs 7th Day Adventists
- The Void VS. Silver Surfer
- SuperSkrull versus IronMan
- AOA quicksilver vs flash in a steel cage match
- Odin in Asgardian Destroyer armor being powered by every citizen in Asgard vs Sentry
- Who are the top three coolest heros/villains?
- Champion of the Universe (full powered) vs Sentry
- Sunspot vs. Husk
- COmic book versus forum battle
- Battle of the gods: MU vs. DC
- Apocalypse & The Identity Disc Team VS. The Sentry
- Sentry VS. Desak
- new fantastic four vs old fantastic four
- Team Ironman vs. Team Ultron
- Living Tribunal vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Thanos vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Ant-Monitor vs Atum the god eater
- Anti-Monitor vs. Living Tribunal
- Spectre vs. Spectre
- Atum the god-eater vs. doomsday
- Galactus vs Void
- Atum the god-eater vs. darkseid (pre crisis)
- Mephisto vs Neron
- Galactus (marvel) VS The Emperor of Mankind (warhammer 40k)
- The Ultimate X-Men vs. the New Avengers
- He Man V's Thanos
- Blade vs captain america
- Dormammu & Baron Mordo VS. Dr. Fayt & Zatanna
- Thanos vs. the Thing
- Onslaught vs. Dr. Strange
- The Void vs. the Hulk
- The Endless VS. Asmodel & Zauriel
- Parallax VS. Spectre
- Anti-Monitor VS. Supeman Prime and Superman 1 Million
- Archangel Michael VS. Superman Prime
- Xena: Warrior Princess vs. Captain America
- Anti-Monitor vs. The Avengers
- Despero & Neron vs. Thor (Normal)
- Firestorm vs. Human Torch
- Asmodel vs. Colossus
- The Endless vs. The Fantastic Four, Marvel Knights and X-Men
- Parallax vs. Wonder Man
- Michael the Archangel vs. Thor
- Onslaught(full powered) vs. Parallax
- Superman Prime Vs. Cosmic Gauntlet
- Darkseid vs Hulk
- who whould win?
- Superman Prime and One Million vs Sentry, Thanos and Colossus.
- Onslaught Team vs. Jla,Jsa,Jle,Teentitans,Outsiders
- M.Bison versus Magneto
- Iceman vs Sandman
- Aunt May vs. Mary Jane
- Destroyer vs. Juggernaut
- Star Trek Earth vs Marvel Earth
- Team Magneto vs. JLA/JSA
- Beta ray bill (stormbreker)vs Wonderwoman
- Wonderwoman vs. Adam warlock
- Sebastion Shaw vs. Wonder Woman
- Team Dark Phoenix vs. Team Wolverine
- Apocalypse's Team vs. Doomsday's Team
- Inferno; Mission 1
- Gladiator vs Magento (with new powers)
- God-like Cable Vs Captain Marvell
- Colossus VS The Thing
- captain marvel (marvel) vs Silver surfer
- doom vs batman vs Reed
- Galactus Versus Thanos w/ig
- Capt America vs. capt Underpants
- Superman vs. Toad & Nightcrawler
- General Zod vs. Shadowcat in a maze
- Who in KMC makes the worst threads?
- Captain America,Wolverine VS Batman,Nightwing
- Thor vs. GL & Wonder Woman
- Who in KMC makes the best Threads?
- Cyclops vs. War Machine
- Carnage V's the Thing
- Juggernaut vs. Wonderwomen
- Terry Bogard VS. Iron Fist
- Kurse vs. Juggernaut
- Adam Warlock vs. Martain Manhunter
- Hercules (MU) vs. wonderwomen
- desak vs. Superman
- Captain Marvel I, Captain Marvel II, Quasar vs. Green Lanterns
- Juggernaut vs. The Fantastic Four
- If Asking Hulk... who would be his answer,asking him,which opponent he fears most?
- WonderMan versus Drax the Destroyer
- The Asgardian Destroyer vs. the 8th Day Juggernaut
- Who can take a full Mjolnir shot -- and continue walking!
- Who would win this Rope-pulling contest ?
- I have to say this: This forums are great :)
- Juggernaut vs. Wonderman
- Asmodel vs Jsa
- The Kurse vs Superman
- wonderman vs. black adam
- Beast vs. Sasquatch
- Mongul vs Hercules
- The Sentry vs. as Asmodel
- storm VS beast
- storm VS sabertooth
- mighty morphin power rangers vs x-men
- All out war!!!
- Q versus Mxypyxalyk
- Hercules vs Xena
- Battle shell vs. Bat mobile
- 21st centuary marvel earth VS 24th centuary Startrek earth
- Living Tribunal versus Q
- Lizzard vs Kraven the Hunter
- Aayla Secura, Asajj Ventress, Barriss Offee + Shaak Ti vs. Darth Vader +Darth Maul
- The Girls of Old Town vs. The DiVAS + The Crazy 88's
- Alpha Flight vs. Avengers
- Miho versus Elektra
- Northstar vs. Hellcat
- Onslaught vs. Marvel/DC
- Team Apocalypse vs. Team Spider-Man
- Heavyarms vs. Ironman
- Daredevil vs. Miho
- Sentry vs JLA
- Gladiator vs GL(hal)
- Axe War
- Gorilla People Showdown
- King Thor Team VS. Yuga Khan Team
- Darth SION versus Wolverine
- Spot vs. Hawkeye
- The Gods of MU vs. The Gods of DC
- King Thor vs. Pre Crisis Darksied
- The Magus (adam warlock darkside) vs. Darksied
- Thor vs. Areis (DC)
- Howard the Duck/white queen versus Kingpin/cyclops
- Spider-Man with a GL ring V's Thor (regular)
- Rhino vs. Scorpion & Carnage
- sandman(marvel) vs clayface
- The Borg V's The Replicators (from Stargate)
- Venom vs. Clayface
- Meltdown vs. She-Hulk
- Galactus vs. Geia
- Galactus vs. Ego the living planet
- Thing vs. Gunrock
- Flash Gordon v Dr Doom
- Team Thanos VS Team Darkseid
- Rick Jones vs Casey Jones
- Abomination vs. Rhino
- Juggernaut vs. Submariner
- Savage Hulk and The Thing vs. Hercules, Thor, Wonderman, Namor, Spiderman
- Which issue.. brought as.. until yet... the MOST POWERFUL HULK ???
- Elijah Wood vs Red Hood
- In terms of brutal strenght: Who is more powerful in Marvel... than savage HULK ???
- Hercules vs. Silver Surfer
- Annihilus vs BlackBolt
- nightwing vs ironfist
- Storm vs. Green Lantern
- The Asgardian Destroyer vs. The Thing
- Odin vs Tyrant
- Banner-Controlled Hulk vs. Doomsday
- rogue vs hercules
- new sun gambit vs phoenix avatar
- mantis NS wonder woman w/ no powers
- joker w/ a week of prep VS dr.doom w/ out prep
- Don Blake vs. Billy Batson
- Hercules vs. mongul vs. orion
- The Sentry vs. King Thor
- wolverine vs hulk
- Cable vs. Destroyer
- Wonderman vs Mongul
- The Void VS. Doomsday & Darkseid(current)
- King Thor vs. Magog
- Captain Marvel (earth x) vs. Parallaxx
- Infinity vs Superman Prime and parralax
- Mangog vs Wonder Man
- Anti-Moniter vS Exitar the Executioner
- captain america vs black cat
- Kaine V's Venom
- Exitar (celestail) vs Moleculeman
- Destoroyah vs Hulk
- night wing vs black cat
- Juggernaut vs. MArvle Villains
- Destroyer vs. Apocalypse
- Godzilla V's Ultimo
- Binary VS JLA TEAM
- hulk vs raven
- iron man vs mechagodzilla III
- hyperstorm vs anyone
- waverider vs silver surfer
- Captain Cold VS Mr. Freeze VS Chillblaine VS Icicle VS Snowball-Throwing Iceman VS B.
- Binary vs Phoenix
- composite superman vs. superman prime
- Magneto
- Kang vs. Wolverine
- THanos vs. DC
- Magneto & Xavier vs. Darkseid
- GL vs Gladiator
- Spider-man vs. Gideon
- Colossus vs. War
- Gundam Wing vs MechaGodzillas
- Goku vs Mr Mzlplk
- a full sized Brachiosaurus brancai vs. Hulk and Juggernaut
- T. Rex vs. Giganotosaurus carolinii
- hawkgirl VS storm
- Hercules vs. Gladiator
- Hercules vs. Wonderman
- Hercules vs. Abomination
- Angry Hulk (green) vs. Full powered Hercules
- Indiana Jones vs. Hawkeye
- Apocaylpse vs. Absorbing Man
- 100 storms(x-man) vs Ego
- DBZ vs JLA
- Apocalypse V's Mongul
- storm Vs carnage
- Thor versus Hercules
- Count Dooku vs. Magneto
- Thor vs . Mongul I