- The Kingpin Opens Shop In Gotham City
- Zoom II vs. Thanos
- The Silver Surfer Vs Superman's Rogue Gallary Of Villians
- The X-men Vs The Injustice Gang
- Batman 1,000,000 vs Deathstroke, Midnighter, Deadpool
- New Warriors vs Teen Titans round II
- Marvel Team In Dc Universe
- Batman 1million vs Flash
- Mr Fantastic with the Infinity Gauntlet vs A team
- Silver Surfer runs the gauntlet
- DBZ vs Comics - Contests
- Wonder Man vs Current Juggernaut
- The Thing w/ Uni-Power vs Thanos
- Mindless Hulk vs Golden Oozaru
- Superman vs Batman, Wolverine, Robin, The Human Torch & Spider-man
- peak humans vs humans
- santa claus vs MR. hanky
- where do babies come from ?
- Gorilla Grodd Vs The X-men
- Spawn vs. Deathstroke
- Morg w/WOL vs. Kurse
- hulk w/wolverine's claws v captain america's shield
- Mangog vs Lobo
- Punisher vs Deathblow
- Sabretooth & Carnage vs. Wolverine & Venom
- Thing vs Rogue
- The Dark Knight goes rogue...
- Hydroman vs. Sandman
- The Scientific Miracles
- Spider-man: Life In Metropolis
- Cyborg vs Kaine
- Dr strange vs Dr fate
- Human torch vs firelord vs sunfire vs firestar vs
- baron mordo vs zatanna
- Sentry runs the gaurdlet
- Temugin vs. New Avengers....?
- Dr Strange runs a gauntlet...
- Colossus vs Omega Red,Sabretooth and Shatterstar
- Chthon vs Dr Fate,Merlin and Scarlet Witch
- The Thing vs US Army
- uni power superman vs sentry
- ManSpider vs Venom
- Savage Hulk & Thor vs this team
- Thanos & Thanosi with prep vs Phoenix/Jean Grey and Phoenix/Rachel Summers
- Lobo vs. She-Hulk
- Speed Demon,Quicksilver and Luke Cage vs Colossus
- Thorv (No hammer) vs Namor in water
- Superman vs Ultron
- Overmind vs Aquaman
- Banshee Vs Black Canary
- Mystique Vs Spiderman
- Quick Freeze VS. Hulk
- Wolverine and Namor Vs Spiderman and Venom
- Ikaris vs. Orion
- Spiderman Bloodlusted takes on his curent enemies with a twist!!!
- Green Goblin vs Deadpool
- Champions with Power vs Gladiator,Current Darkseid and Savage Hulk
- Classic Juggernaut vs Savage Hulk and Thor
- Hulk vs. U.S Military
- Hulk strength v power gem strength
- iceman vs. wolverine in antartica
- Ultron vs. Sage
- Eternity vs. Infinity
- Sage vs. Ironman
- Ironman vs. Hawkeye
- Immortal Hercules vs. Thanos
- Hercules vs. Sasquatch
- Classic Juggernaut and Thor vs. Mindless Hulk, Hercules, Thing
- Ironman
- Psylocke vs Slade
- Psylocke vs Deadpool
- Superman vs. Captain America with Uni Power... ?
- The New Avengers : There Journey
- It's all about the weapons...
- DC Thor vs. Marvel Thor
- who can take dr.strange with zoom's powers
- omen vs Raven
- Superman vs Mongul & Reptyle Prime
- random Marvel Team vs Society of villains
- Metropolis Now: The New Avengers
- Raistlin vs. Dr.Strange
- Hulk vs Ironman
- Thanos vs Hulk and Iceman with a twist
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Gorgeous George
- Best thread ever!
- King Kong vs. Godzilla
- Hawkeye vs. Beast
- Hawkeye vs. Cyclops
- Cyclops vs. Black Panther
- Namor Vs Deadpool silly stupid funny match
- Vision vs Wonderman
- Lobo vs Pagan
- Current Thing & Current She Hulk vs Captain Marvel in a Fist Fight
- Namor vs Sasquatch(original)
- GRIM{billy n mandy} vs thaos w/IG
- Beast vs. Cannonball
- Mindless Hulk vs Sundipped Superman with a Twist
- Weapon X Program Vs...
- Iron Fist vs. Spiderman
- Hulk vs. Loki
- Grey Gargoyle,Dragon-Man and Sandman vs Superman
- Red Hood VERSUS Little Red Riding Hood
- Ultimate Thing vs The Thing,Batman and Captain America
- Plastic Man vs Absorbing Man
- Captain America vs Batman
- Photon vs Flash
- Movie Hulk vs King Kong
- wolverine vs mantis
- gambit vs. black panther
- Spider-Man vs Jedi
- S'ym vs Hulk
- Daredevil vs. Predator
- Spider-Man vs Agent Smith
- Godstalker vs JLA
- Spidercide,Spider-X Doppleganger vs Batman,Nightwing & Starfire
- Deadshot vs. The Punisher
- Shredder,Splinter and Turtles Vs Spiderman, Wolverine , and Batman
- Ryu no Hadokens vs Tmnt
- Tmnt Vs Spiderman
- Deathstroke Vs The Black Panther
- Tea vs Coffee
- New warriors vs The Outsiders
- Baron Mordo runs the gauntlet
- Wonder Man vs. Deathstroke
- Black Canary Gauntlet
- Captain America vs. Riddler
- Wolverine vs Cammy
- Anyone else bored wit the same old vs threads
- Old school Doomsday Vs Classic Juggernaut
- Joker vs Cletus Kassidy vs Rorschach
- Captain Marvel vs Juggernaut
- Marvel vs Dc
- Titans Of Tommorow vs JLA
- Magni,Hyperion and Dargo Ktor vs Superman,Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman
- marvel earth vs JLA vilains
- Aurora vs. Hulk
- Enemies of the X-Men vs JLA
- Thanos v Superman/Hyperion/Gladiator
- THAnos vs. Sentry/Superman/Thor
- Hunger Parasite vs Elders of the Universe vs The Anti Monitor
- Aquaman (No telepathy) vs 616 Collosus
- Tigra vs Blackcat
- the pale martians invade marvel
- defenders vs shazam!!!
- The X-men vs The JLA: Last stand of the X-men
- The War Has Begun
- Showdown In Latveria: Batman - Cap.america
- who can beat Zoom?
- battle of the jobber aura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Pre-Crisis Darkseid vs. Molecule Man
- Blackrock vs Thor
- Thanos vs. Black Adam/Captain Marvel
- Who can beat Dr. Strange?
- Luke Cage & Iron Fist vs Batman & Nightwing
- The Sentry vs Superman
- JL Big 7 vs This Anime Team
- The Adversary,Proteus and Magneto vs DC Earh
- Atlas vs. Yellow Jacket
- wolverine vs magneto
- Joker vs. Hannibal Lecter
- Batman with Scarecrow's fear gas vs Wolverine
- Echo v Nightwing
- Seth & Horus vs Trigon,
- Supergirl vs Starfire vs Powergirl vs Donna Troy
- She-Hulk vs. Cyborg
- Kid Gohan vs. Cyclops
- Evil Ryu vs. Wolverine
- Ionic Beings VS. Doomsday
- Orion vs Mr.Miracle.
- Darkseid vs Marvel/DC Team
- Who can defeat Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet?
- Apocalypse & Mister Sinister vs Count Nefaria & Plastic Man
- ryu, sub-zero, and chun li vs. juggernaught (not what you think)
- Green Lantern (Kyle) vs Darth Vader
- superboy vs shao kahn
- if deathstroke entered mortal kombat would he win?
- sub-zero,scorpion vs ken,ryu
- scorpion versus the mighty juggaranut
- scorpion versus silver surfer
- Wally God Boy vs Flash Prime vs Superman Prime
- Watchdog vs Krypto
- Zoom 2 vs. Sentry
- Thor and Silver Surfer vs. Mindless Hulk, Classic Juggernaut and Hercules
- Superman (DC) vs. Hercules (Marvel)
- Solomon Grundy vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Orion vs Namor
- Black Panther vs. Taskmaster
- Imperiex vs Champion with Power Gem vs Runner
- Heavyrain match: Namor the Sub-Mariner vs The Incredible Hulk
- The Miracle Man and Mindless Hulk vs Count Nefaria
- The GL Corps VS. The Vishanti
- Darkseid vs Onslaught
- Molecule Man vs Tyrant
- Sentry with Uni Power vs Marvel/DC Team
- Marvel vs DC Brawl-For-All
- Artemis vs Elecktra
- The First vs....
- Silver Swan vs. Banshee
- JLA & Avengers vs The Elders of the Universe
- Team Graviton VS. The JLA
- King Kong Vs Godzilla
- Shaman vs Dr Fate
- Trigon,Current Darkseid and Doomsday vs Blackheart & Midgard Serpent
- Imperiex vs Desak
- Galctus{full power} vs superman prime
- Blade vs Morbius
- batman,lady shiva,deathstroke vs daredevil,bullseye,elektra
- Mr. Mxyztplk v Onslaught
- Ult. Namor vs. Ult. Thor...?
- Manitou Raven vs. Shaman...?
- Wolverine vs Plastic Man
- Most powerful in Marvel Universe vs. most powerful in DC universe.
- Mr. X vs. Gorgon
- Spiderman & Hellcat vs Thanos: Revenge!
- Captain America and Elektra vs Deathstroke and Batgirl
- Elektra vs. Lady Shiva
- Ultron,Nimrod & Apocalypse vs Two Green Lantern's and Martian Manhunter
- Ult Namor vs Ult Colossus
- Hulk vs. Orion
- Nefarius, Wonder Man, Atlas, Therak VS. Hercules, She-Hulk, Namor, Hulk
- Mr. Mxyztplk vs Molecule Man vs Hyperstorm
- The Society vs The Defenders
- Cloak vs Raven
- Classic Juggernaut vs Plastic Man vs Stryfe
- The Avengers and Bucky vs. The Society
- black tarantula v gorgon v midnighter
- Dr. Strange/Dormammu vs. Bezerker Spectre
- Adam Warlock vs Martian Manhunter
- Who or What beings can take down Noraml or Full powered Tyrant?
- Zoom VS. Cloak
- Avengers VS. The Society
- The Society vs. The New Avengers/Fantastic Four
- gladiator vs green lantern kyle
- Mordu vs Dr Strange
- Black Tarantula & Madman vs Solmond Grundy
- spider-man vs. classic Archangel
- Ahk-ton vs. Molecule Man
- Mace Windu vs. Morpheus, both unarmed
- B-Leaguers Declare War on Marvel and DC...
- parallax(hal jordan) vs rune king thor,iron man (thor buster armor),sentry
- batgirl (cassandra cain) vs elektra
- nightwing,robin,batgirl vs daredevil,night thrasher, black cat
- batman vs THor with a twist
- David Cain and Batgirl vs Kitty Pride and Wolverine with a twist
- Manitou vs Trigon
- Venom symbiot bonded to Mr. Fantastic vs Plastic Man
- night thrasher and casey jones vs. THE WARRIORS