- Survior Mastch Bewteen Wolverine Sabertooth And Ladydeathstrike
- Apache Cheif & Wonder Twins vs Atom Smasher
- Msg for Fans
- Namor vs Thor
- Namor vs Juggernaut
- Spider-Gauntlet
- Pre Crisis Superman vs Superman Prime vs Abraxas and a Full Powered Tyrant
- Pre Crisis Superman vs the heralds of Galactus
- Therak VS. Thing, Colossus, Sabertooth and Wolverine
- Gladiator vs.................................
- iceman vs thanos
- Wendigo vs. Abomination
- Wolverine's Feats of Skill vs Wolverine's Bio
- predator vs master chief
- who could help Spidey take out Morlun?
- Gladiator,Magni and Sentry vs Pre Crisis Superman
- Odin (Sky Father) vs. Pre-Crisis Superman
- Immortal Thanos vs Pluto vs Neptune
- Flash vs Superman (today)
- Wonder Woman v She Hulk with a mega twist.
- Ultimate battle Superman v Thor with a big twist
- Fabian Cortez and Sebastian Shaw vs. FitzRoy and Bishop
- harry potter,dumbledore,ron weasley vs superboy
- super skrull vs dr doom
- Revised for DEC 2005 - Phoenix vs. Scarlet Witch vs. Psi-Lord
- Cyber vs. Colossus...?
- Deathstroke & Wolverine vs Cyber & Omega Red
- War Machine vs. Juggernaut...?
- iron man vs. maestro hulk
- Sabertooth vs. Stonewall
- Jesse Custer vs. Mr Majestic
- Deadpool vs. Deathstroke
- Dark Riders vs. New Avengers...?
- Hulk & She Hulk vs Supergirl and Starfire
- Adam Warlock vs. Black Bolt
- The Impossible Man vs Superman (current)
- michael jackson vs george bush
- big show vs andre the giant
- Captain Marvel vs Captain Atom
- andre the giant vs big show
- Yellow Jacket Vs Women
- Savage Hulk,Sub Mariner and Wendigo vs Classic Juggernaut
- Sabretooth vs. Warpath...?
- Doc ock & Venom Vs. Wolverine & deadpool
- Void and Sentry vs. Galactus
- Galactus Apocalypse
- Santa Clause Runs The Gauntlet!
- Gorgon vs. Mr. Sinister
- Last Thread for the Day Neo vs LawnMower Man
- Darth Vader vs Wolverine
- Yellow Jacket Vs New Avengers
- General Zod vs. Mr. Majestic
- UltraMan vs. General Zod
- Ant man vs wasp
- Who Can Stop Mesmoro When On A Hypiontic Rampage And has control over THANOS ?
- Magik Vs Raven
- Teen Tians Vs New Mutants
- Multiple Man vs Lobo and Superman with a twist
- Trigon vs. Pre-Crisis Darkseid
- Ikaris vs. Martian Manhunter
- Cannonball vs Blackbolt vs Chamber
- Flash vs Runner vs Makkai in the World's Fastest Man Race
- GL Battle: Guy Gardner vs. Kyle Rayner
- Drax the Destroyer versus Lobo
- did plasticman's stretching has limitation??
- Green Lantern vs Green Lantern
- All star Superma v Sentry
- Slade vs Gorgon
- Eye of Agamotto's blast vs Darkseid's Omega Beam blast.
- Magneto vs Plastic Man & Mr.Fantastic
- Silver Surfer w/NO BOARD vs Flash
- Classic Juggernaut vs. 8th Day Juggernaut
- Zuras vs. Mr. Majestic
- Teen Titans vs Blackout
- Deathstroke vs. Photon Genis ....... with a TWIST !!
- how strong is dr doom~~??
- Flash vs. Thor
- The Blob vs Count Nefaria
- Thor & Beta Ray Bill vs Mr Majestic
- Ironman with the infiniteArmor(infinitegauntlets) vs classic juggernaut and collosses
- Goliath(III) vs Metal Man Alloy
- Ironman vs. Bishop
- Captain America vs. The Blob
- Mindless Hulk Savage Hulk and Professor Hulk vs Lobo with cloning power
- Mr. Majestic vs. The Authority
- Oringinal IRonman vrs Ultimate Spidey (2tons can lift )
- Bans
- Kingdom Come Superman vs Superman 1
- Namor vs Colossus
- spiderman/catwoman/nightcrawler
- DR. Doom vs DR. Strange
- Carnage vs Black Bolt vs She Hulk
- Agent Zero vs Daredevil,Elektra and Bullseye
- The Dynamic Duo run the gauntlet
- Wonder Woman vs Balder vs Bloodaxe in Asgard
- Iron Man vs. Star Fire
- Aeon Flux vs The Bride
- Brother Voodoo vs Daredevil
- Who can stretch the body most highly??
- how could u all tell the winners??
- Ms. Marvel vs. Spiderwomen
- Wonder Man vs. Ikaris
- Angel vs. Northstar
- Spiderman 2099 vs. Wolverine
- Namor vs. Hulk
- wolverine vs batman
- Flash w/no legs & One arm vs Wolverine & Batman
- Bullseye Vs Deathstroke
- Wrecking Crew vs. Superman
- Spidey's Villains vs. the Thing
- Blood Thirsty Sersi & Scarlet Witch vs Molecule Man
- Most Known KMC Members
- THAnos vs. MAGneto
- most powerful eyebeam
- Apocalypse & X-Man vs Captain Marvel/DC Wonder Woman and Green Lantern
- Nightwing vs. Red Hood
- Spawn, Mephisto, Dormammu vs. Odin, Zeus, Pluto
- Who would be the most powerful with the Uni Power Wonder Woman or Superman or Shazam
- Raven Vs Scarlet Witch Vs Doctor Strange
- Doomsday Vs Thanos Vs Darksied Vs Superman Vs Drax Vs Gladiator VS Hulk Vs Juggernaut
- Unknowns Versus The New Avengers
- TrIgon Vs Dc Comic Heros
- Anarky Versus Cap America
- Justice League vs Imerial Guard
- hate thread
- wonder woman vs sentry
- Current Thanos vs Odin in a Fight
- Wolverine vs. Northstar
- Onslaught vs Gladiator & Silver Sufer
- Nightcrawler vs. Vanisher
- Wolverine vs. Sandman
- Captain America vs. Kamikaze
- Hulk vs. Havok
- Mikhail Rasputin vs Firestorm
- Venom vs Wolvie?
- Karate Kid vs Karnak
- What is it with Wolverine
- Thanos VS ACeffinDC
- DC Female Heavyweight title:Powergirl vs Wonder Woman
- Who would be the best in an ironman suit?
- Goku VS Galactus
- New Avengers vs Alpha Flight
- Scarecrow and Mr. Fear vs. Gladiator (Digi, this is not a spite thread)
- Batman Vs Kingpin
- Thanos vs a Marvel/DC team
- Wolverine vs. The Six
- HumanTorch vs Sunfire vs Firestorm vs Iceman vs Pyro vs Ironman
- Lex Luther vs. kingpin
- Johnny STORM(human torch) Vs Peter PARKER(Spiderman)
- BAttledome fight. maxed energy ironman vrs superrpowered classic juggernaut
- Night Thrasher VS. Robin
- Onslaught vs. tyrant
- Spiderman gone through the weapon x thing.
- Firestorm vs. Vision
- Captain Atom and Wonder Woman vs. Mindless Hulk
- juggernaut vs little jubilee
- Shazam & Superman vs. Gladiator
- Kryptonian vs Superman
- X-men vs Wonder Woman and Starfire
- Morg at Full power & Red Shift vs Orion,Superman & Black adam
- Goku v Wonderman
- Superman,Darkseid and Thor vs Perrikus
- Superman Prime vs. A Celestial (Your Pick)
- Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel(Billy), Namor vs Mongul, Grundy, Superman
- Sinestro, Black Adam, Bizarro vs Hal, Captain Marvel, Hulk
- superboy(kon-el) vs the hulk,wolverine
- superboy(kon-el) vs the thing,rogue,colusus
- wolverine,the hulk vs supergirl
- Captain Marvel/DC & Wonder Woman vs Zzzax
- Wolverine vs. Moonknight
- Ultimate Namor vs Ultimate Thing
- Justice League vs Marvel Team
- The HOM Witch vs An unaproved Phoenix Force
- Hydro-Man vs Aquaman vs Sand-man
- Namor in a cage match vs Spidey and Wolverine
- Wolverine and Spiderman to the test(not vs each other)
- Darksied vs. The Void
- Mantis vs. Gamora- H2H Only
- Micky Mouse vs Jubilee
- Mantis vs FF
- Silver Samurai vs. Luke Cage...?
- Spiderman Vs Jubilee
- wolverine vs night wing
- death stroke vs alpha flight
- The Keeper vs King Thor
- Lizard vs Deathstroke vs Spider-Man Doppleganger
- Fantastic Four vs Fearsome Five
- Nightwing vs. Spiderman
- Slade vs. The Roadrunner
- Thor Electro Storm
- Shuma-Gorath vs. Amazo
- In-Betweener vs. Superman
- Three way fight Mindless Hulk vs Superman vs Thor no Hammer with a twist.
- Wolverine vs Teen Titans
- Savage Hulk vs Teen Titans
- Havok vs. Iron Man
- KING Kong vs. SPIDERman/Wolverine
- Robin vs. Captain America
- Aquagirl vs. Husk
- (team battle) The Hulk & Wolvereen VS Spiderman & Batman
- Cyclops vs. Speedball
- Cannonball vs. Nova
- The Devil Hulk vs Thanos
- Plastic Man vs Slapstick
- Black Bolt, In-Betweener, Silver Surfer and Thanos vs. Asgardians
- ThunderStrike no Hammer vs Current Thing vs Ares no weapons
- Despero vs Thanos
- agility vs. skillz
- Yoda vs Spiderman
- Immortal Thanos vs 50 Superman
- King Thor vs Champion with power gem
- The Ultimate Street Level team vs Any Street level team
- Hyperstorm vs. Superman Prime
- Majestic vs Thanos
- Quasar vs. Superman Blue...?
- galactus vs ego
- Adam Destine VS. Thing and Colossus
- Dracula v Apocalypse
- Spider man vs Catwoman
- UltimateHUlk 17tons vs UltimateTHIng 16.5tons vs collossess 14tons
- Which characters can physically break adamantium and vibranium?
- Cyborg, Metallo, and Bizarro vs. Thanos
- HULK vs. THor
- Lobo vs. Trion Juggernaut
- Wolverine Vs Cyber Ninja
- 3 on 7
- Superman Vs Venom
- King Thor vs. Lord Orion (kingdom Come)
- Thanos vs. Superman (energy)
- Spiderman Vs Namor in the city
- Team A vs Team B
- Mr Sinister & the Four Horsemen vs Deathstroke & Batman
- Bloodlust Sersi,Scarlet Witch & Hyperstorm vs Green Lantern Corp,Superman Darkseid
- who's faster the thing or colluses
- who's faster the hulk or quicksilver
- batman,superman,Supergirl vs gladiator, wonder woman & black panther
- Orion vs Hercules
- Harry Potter Vs Spiderman
- Zeus,Pluto and Neptune vs Galactus in Olympia
- Puma vs Black Panther
- Gambit,Wolverine and Sabretooth vs Bullseye,Dr Octpus and Puma
- A team vs Classic Juggernaut & Apocalypse
- Galactus VS. Namor (in water)
- Morlun vs. Gorgon...?
- ahab and tusk vs sabertooth
- Wolverine vs Squirrel Girl
- gambit and beast vs night crawler and wolverine with toad jumping
- HulkBusterIronmanvsCurrent Juggernaut VOTE! PLAYING ALL OUT!