- xENA vs WOlverine
- Zatanna vs Dormmamu
- Marvelboy vs Superboy
- Cannonball vs Flash Batman Nightwing
- scarlet witch VS raven
- Maelstrom Occulus Dr Doom Interloper vs Onslaught
- Dark Beast vs Karkas vs Varnae Vampire Lord
- martian manhunter v legion
- Photon vs Superman
- Five Avengers vs Superman and Teen Titans
- Terminatrix vs Terminator, T-1000, and Robocop
- terminator vs. robocop
- DC Villains vs. Marvel Heroes
- Cyclops vs. Punisher
- Gladiator and Human Torch vs Wonder Woman and She Hulk
- Beast vs Manwolf
- Hyperion IV (exiles) vs. Superman
- Wonder woman vs she hulk
- Guilt Hulk vs Doomsday and Superman
- Sunspot Sunfire Human Torch vs Firelord and Nova
- Magni, Thor and Beta Ray Bill vs Juggernaut and Hercules
- Psi-Lord vs Tyrant
- Telepath War
- Trigon vs Thanos, Darseid, and Apocolyspe
- Sentinels from the Bronx!!!
- Maestro Hulk and Classic Juggernaut vs. Team
- Franklin Richards vs. Thanos
- Shaman Nate Grey vs. Silver Surfer
- Thor, Thunderstrike & Beta Ray Bill vs Apocalypse
- Binary vs Gladiator
- Night Club Brawl
- Black Widow Vs Black Cat Vs Bat Girl
- Nightwing Vs Black Panther
- warbird vs wonderwoman
- Spiderman & Wolverine vs Thing & Colossus
- Robocop vs Two Fully Equipped Elder Predators.
- Marvel/DC Boxing match!
- ]Nate Grey VS Phoenix[
- Team Hulk vs. Team Doomsday
- Wolverine/Batman Vs ladydeathstrike/Gambit
- Doc ock vs Omega Red
- Wolverine vs Black Mask
- Superman w/ Mjolnir & Cap's Shield vs Exiles Hyperion
- Drax The Destroyer and Superman Atlas Atom Smasher Ulik and Colossus
- magneto vs gladitor
- Drax with power gem Vs Banner Hulk and Wendigo
- Galaxy Master vs Spectre
- BI-Beast vs Atlas
- Gl big give vs Supermen ( cyborg , normal , red , blue etc)
- Superman with mjolnir vs Hulk with superman's other powers ( speed , etc)
- Captain Britain vs. Captain Marvel(DC)
- Doc Ock Vs Cyclops
- Batman Vs Superman THE RIDE
- Mixmatch Battle Royal Deathmatch
- Meggan Vs Namor
- Black Lightning vs. Superboy
- Typhoid Mary vs. Owl
- What can Spiderman do against the HULK KILLER HUMANOID ?
- All WWF (now WWE) Wrestling Superstars ever vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Drax, the Destroyer
- Zeus vs Odin Hemidall vs Spider-Man and Thing
- DeadPool Bullseye and Elektra vs Batman Solo and Punisher
- Tribunals vs JLA
- Batman vs Carrion Spiderman vs Mr Freeze
- Zeiss VS Taskmaster: hand to hand combat fight!
- Namor & Hydro-Man vs. Cable & Colossus
- Marvel vs. DC
- hulk vs ant-man
- spiderman vs gambit
- Odin vs Dormmamu
- Drax vs the Thing
- The Thing vs LXG
- Wolverine vs. Conan
- ULTIMUS vs The Manhunter
- Thing vs Killer Kroc,Bane and Mr Freeze
- Kruse vs GilGamesh vs Destroyer
- Maximus vs Achilles vs Hector vs The Warrior
- Clayface versus the Thing
- spiderman vs cyclops
- IRON MAN vs wonderwoman
- The Thing vs Batman
- scier vs . . .
- Count Olaf vs. Joker
- Goblin Gang vs. Mutants
- Sub-Mariner VS Human Torch (I) VS Captain America and Bucky
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs Hulk Killer Humanoid
- Who can Superman beat easily in Marvel or DC?
- War Hulk vs Trion Juggernaut
- Ultron vs. Ironman
- Amazo VS Silver Surfer
- Silver Surfer vs. Parallax
- Deadpool vs. Green Goblin
- Gladiator vs. Metallo/Atomic Skull/Mongal
- Green Lantern vs. Green Lantern
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
- Thing & Spider-Man vs. Captain Cold & Dark Lantern
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Bizarro & Doomsday
- Superman w/ Aegis Armor, Silver Surfer with GL Ring, Confident Gladiator with Mjolnir
- Magic Showdown
- WonderWoman vs Strange
- HULK KILLER HUMANOIDvs.Galactus,Beyonder,Ego-Living Planet,Onslaught,Odin,Zeus
- Agent X vs Nightwing
- Savage Hulk vs ManThing
- Odin, Zeus, and Zuras vs Galactus
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. Juggernaut, Gladiator, Kurse, Abomination, Wendigo
- Kurse vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- Juggernaut Runs The Gauntlet In A 50x50ft Adamantium Box.
- Agent Zero Runs The Gauntlet.
- Happy Birthday Tron!
- Captain Universe vs Silver Surfer, Quasar, and Gladiator
- Alan Scott GL vs Classic Juggernaut
- Galactus heralds vs. GL corps
- Valkyrie vs Wonderwoman vs Titania
- Green Lantern vs Malekith
- Onslaught vs. Thor & Gladiator
- Beta Ray Thor vs. Green Lantern
- Count Nefaria vs. Gladiator
- Johnny Bravo Thor vs. Daffy Duck Green Lantern
- Thing & Colossus vs Classic Juggernaut
- Gambit vs Grifter and Maul vs Colossus Spartan vs Wolverine
- Hela vs Thanos
- Snow White vs. Bigby Wolf
- Kraven the Hunter vs Batman
- Terraxia vs Darkseid vs Thanos
- Spider X vs Hulk
- Apocalypse vs Terminus
- Metal Wars
- Superman and The Human Torch - Contest
- Terrax & Destroyer vs. Onslaught
- Mindless Hulk & Savage Hulk vs. Doomsday & Darkseid
- Ninja Turtles vs Robin and Nightwing
- Morbius vs. Cyclops & Storm
- Exiles Hyperion v Kid Miracleman (cool pics included)
- Kurse vs. Gladiator
- Kurse vs. Hercules
- Kurse vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Atlas vs Atom Smasher
- Zeus and Odin vs Thor and Morg
- Spawn vs Cloak
- wonder woman vs juggernaut
- Gladiator vs. Warrior (guy gardner)
- Gladiator vs. Orion
- Warpath vs. The Thing
- Ikaris vs. Wrecker
- Despero vs Thanos
- Rage (new warriors) vs. The Thing
- War Machine vs. Forge
- Captain Britain vs. Colossus
- Doctor Fate, Clea, Roma vs. Dr. Fate, Zantanna, Raven
- Thing vs. Hercules
- Kurse vs. Parallax
- Wonder Woman vs. Ironman
- Superman, Shazam, Green Lantern (Hal) vs. Gladiator, Thor, and Silver Surfer
- Savage Hulk vs. Firelord
- warlock vs superman
- flash vs spidey
- Shocker VS Daredevil
- Bruce vs. Shatterstar
- Beast and Wolverine vs Sabertooth and Marrow
- Black Panther vs Gambit
- Fantastic Four vs. Mr. Sinister
- Black Bolt vs Black King
- Apocalypse,Nimrod and Mr Sinsiter vs Superman Green Lantern and The Manhunter
- Nightwing Vs Bullseye
- flash team vs speed team
- Nightwing VS Elektra
- Adam Warlock vs. Firelord
- Ymir vs. Juggy
- ultimate savage hulk with armour who could beat him
- magik vs scarlet witch
- Captian America vs Gambit
- zatanna vs dr.strange
- Daredevil vs. Whiplash
- Robin vs. Elektra
- icarus vs angel
- Agent Zero vs Wolverine
- Superman, Silver Surfer, Gladiator and Thor versus Odin
- Nimrod vs Cyborg Superman
- Black Tarantula vs Venom
- Nimrod and Ultron vs Wendingo and Abomination
- Stan lee character match. Stripperella VS Spiderman
- Wonder Woman vs Lobo
- Gamora vs Wolverine and Sabertooth
- Marrow vs Nightwing
- Orphan-Maker vs Cyborg
- Hulk in the gauntlet!
- Kingpin vs. Lex Luthor
- Annihilus vs. Superman
- Wolverine vs. Abomination
- Black Panther vs. Sabretooth
- Quasar vs Strange
- Spiderman vs Clayface
- Thanos vs The In-Betweener
- kmc forum vs all other vs forums!
- Apocalypse vs. Full God Hercules
- Eternials vs GL Corp
- Every member of KMC vs Luke Cage and Spider Woman
- Silver Surfer with the Symbiote vs Morg
- Surtur and Ymir,Mephisto,Satannish vs Spectre
- Gladiator vs. Silver Surfer
- Thanos vs Zuras vs Apocalypse
- Wolverine vs Superboy (Kon el)
- Zebedee v Phoenix
- Who's more dangerous, a naked Gambit or a naked Rogue.
- Booster Gold vs. Crimson Dynamo
- Cyborg (Vic stone) vs Colossus
- Dark Pheonix vs. Pheonix
- Storm, Collosus, Nightcrawler and Pyslocke vs. The Fantastic Four
- Beetle vs. Sandman
- Flux vs. Madman
- Marvel Two-in-One Annual - The Champion
- Apocalypse Juggernaut Nimrod Black King vs JLA
- Avengers/Supreme Power vs Maximums/JLA
- Cyborg vs Aquaman
- Mr Sinister vs Slade and Robin
- feral wolverine and savage hulk vs gambit and venomspider
- Marshall Law (not the crap one from video games)v Lobo
- Over-Mind Onslaught Xman Proteus vs JLA JSA and Darkseid
- wolverine runs the gauntlet
- Movie Hulk vs Mortal Hercules
- Alien Mother and Cave Troll vs Movie Hulk
- Pitt vs Ripclaw
- ZZZax vs Darkseid
- Lobo vs Pitt
- Alfred vs Giles
- Starship creatures vs Pitch Black Creature vs small Godzilla's
- alfred vs batman
- seth from authority vs doomsday
- If King Thor had Warrior Madness....
- Note: Arm-Wrestling Tournament
- Cable vs. Captain Mar-Vell
- Forge vs. Doc Ock
- dc fanboy vs marvel fanboy
- LOBO vs classic Jugger
- Martian Manhunter vs. Green Lantern (Alan)
- X-23 and Batman Vs Spiderman and Wolverine
- X-23 and Spiderman Vs Batman and Wolverine
- X-23 and Wolverine Vs Spiderman and Batman
- HULK vs. lobo
- Doomsday vs. Hercules (before his powerloss)
- Solomon Grundy and Doomsday vs. Mindless Hulk and Classic Juggernaut
- Classic Juggernaut vs. The (current) Thing and The Human Torch
- Cyborg vs. Shocker & RHino
- Atomic SKull vs. Marvel
- grey hulk vs hulk
- solom grundy vs hulk
- killer croc & lizard vs man-thing
- Thanos vs Onslaught