- Super Hero Feats
- Gladiator vs. Wonder Woman
- Odin Vs Tenebrous
- My Avengers vs The Imperial Guard
- Kingpin vs. Batman
- Your new Avengers...
- Ymir & Surtur vs this team
- Leir, The wrecking crew, Kurse, Black Bolt & Hippolyta vs
- Hulk 2099 vs Abomination
- Wonder Woman versus Marvel Femme Fatales
- King Thor vs. Sundipped OWAW Superman
- Superman Prime vs. Superman Prime
- Beta Ray Bill vs Drax(Dumb version)
- Superboy/man Prime vs. Monarch
- Pitt vs hulk - slugfest
- Thor needs a powerup to fight his old man
- Beowulf vs
- Thanos,Darkseid,Superman Prime vs Monarch,Asmodel,Ares(dc)
- wolverine vs pitt
- MJJ and Hyperstorm versus Scarlett Witch and Jean Grey
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Thanos. No prep
- Photon vs Thanos
- The Order vs. DC Earth
- Most Durable Top Tier?
- Board Thoughts On The Spectre?
- Supermen Battle
- mix team battle
- What if VS. Longshot & Squirrel Girl....
- Thor vs Iron...That's right...
- Dr.Strange vs Dark Judges
- Monarch vs Darkseid
- John Preston vs Doctor Spectrum vs Apocalypse
- Current Daredevil vs Classic Quicksilver
- Rank These Characters
- King Thor vs X-men Team
- Superhor Vs World War Sulk
- Monarch Vs. Thanos
- Shang-chi vs. Hawkeye
- multi comic brawl!
- Dr Doom vs Exodus
- Anti Monitor Vs Ultimator
- Catwoman vs Nomad
- Luke Cage vs Miss America
- Mace Windu verse
- Superman/Thor Vs WW Hulk/Sentry
- Thanos vs Thor and Superman
- Hitman's BattleField Rd. 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 300 Spartans(novel) vs..
- what are the 3 top land animals?
- Hitman's BattleField!!!!!!!!!!
- Madman vs Colossus & Thing
- Strongest TK?
- Thanos, Darksied and AS Superman vs. Your TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Galactus and his creations Vs Asmodel and heaven
- Rise of the machines
- Is the New JLA Even More powerful than Morrison's team?
- Bastion(Sentinel) & Leech vs Onslaught
- Typhon,Hydra & Cerberus vs Black Adam
- Spiderman and Wolverine vs. Wonder-Man
- Gds Darkseid vs Superman
- Fun with Infinity
- Cosmo vs Captain Comet
- Storm vs High Evolutionary
- Darkseid vs Thor & Superman
- Hercules vs X-men Team
- Polaris vs. Doctor Polaris
- Hercules vs Hulk
- Blackbolt vs Polaris, Jubilee & Jean Grey
- FP Galactus vs Jubliee
- My character Vs Thanos
- Booster Gold vs Magneto
- Batman Vs Luge Cage
- WWH (World Breaker) and Sentry vs Darkseid and Superman Prime
- Tiamut,Scathan & Abraxas vs Spectre
- Dr. Strange vs Extant
- X-Man Vs Thanos
- Characters With Unusually High...
- Abomination, Radioactive man, She-hulk vs Colossus, Ulik, Wolverine
- Invisible Woman vs Storm
- Shadow Demon Vs. a ROCK BEAST!11!!!1!
- nemesis vs parallax
- Who in this list can beat Thanos while
- Kryptonian/Herald of Galactus vs Superman Prime
- Spider-Man vs Armadillo & Cardiac
- Who in this list can beat DS while
- Nebulon & Supernalia vs Superman Prime
- titannus vs team
- Batman + Cass cain vs My upgraded luke cage
- Team Deathstroke vs Garrison Kane & Vargas
- Superman Prime(emo vers) vs BRB, Gladiator, Surfer
- Mangog vs. 8th Day Juggs
- Eclipso vs Parralax
- Phoenix vs
- Galactus vs. Odin/Asmodel
- Darkseid/Superman Prime vs Galactus/Arishem the Judge
- Black Flash vs. The Runner
- Black Zero vs WWH
- Vishanti vs Lord Chaos,Master Order & In-Betweener
- Orion runs the guantlet
- Superman-Prime's Durability
- Can Thor beat either of these 2 heroes?
- Adam Strange vs Star-Lord
- the Vishanti vs King Thor & Norse gods
- Pre-Crisis Validus vs Zorr,Xraa & Bi-Beast
- Doctor Strange vs Sentry
- Who's the strongest of the Trans lvl beings?
- Superman-prime (countdown) vs Tyrant
- TricksterPriest - Orion : Show Me...
- Superman Prime vs Validus
- Wonder Woman w/Hammer vs. A.S. Superman
- Superman Prime vs Cyborg with sinestro rings
- professer X vs Devil hulk
- Black Adam vs Thunderstrike,Kevin Masterson & Ultimate Thor
- Team vs Savage Hulk/Enraged
- parallax (hal) vs dark phoenix
- Proteus versus Psylocke and Longshot
- Man vs. Beast
- Bullseye vs Robin (Tim)
- Taskmaster vs Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
- Gotham vs Hell's Kitchen
- Ion(Sodam Yat) vs Silver Surfer
- 3.0 Spartan vs Irom Extremis
- Gog vs Superman Prime
- Dr. Strange vs. Thor and The Silver Surfer
- Storm runs the all lady gauntlet.
- Between Darkseid and Monarch...who has the largest and most powerful Army?
- Comic Vs Forum - Respect Thread Feasibility...
- Blazing Skull vs Deathstroke
- Who COULDN'T The Saint Of Killers Kill ?
- blackheart vs darksied
- Blackheart vs GL Hal
- Dr. Strange vs World War Hulk
- Black Bolt vs the Martian Manhunter
- Black Bolt vs Professor X
- X-Man versus Legion
- World War Hulk is invincible: prove me wrong
- The Inbetweener/Takion vs. Rogue Watcher/Rogue Guardian
- Humans vs. Aliens vs. Gods
- Hal vs Orion
- Current Darkseid Vs. Superman
- Superman Prime vs This Team
- Welcome to Murderworld!
- Magneto vs. Ironman
- captain marvel (marvel) vs sentry
- Orion vs Classic Juggernaut
- Angel of Death runs the Gauntlet
- Your Personal Herald Hierarchy
- Stepford Cuckoo's vs. Enchantress
- Mephisto vs. Phoenix
- What Herald and below character could take my mine?
- Champion vs Superman
- Mercury vs. Venom
- Marvel vs DC
- Cyborg Superman vs Amazo vs Brainiac
- Marvel Ares/Wonder Man/Warbird vs. HawkMan/Damage/Liberty Bell
- Thanos vs Orion - Fisticuffs
- mavel ares vs wolverine
- Original Ion, Solar and Specture vs Anybody
- Mon-El w Ion power vs Superman Prime
- WWH v.s. Mephisto
- King of Tears in Cosmic Hierarchy
- Superman Prime vs Thanos (Slugfest)
- Thanos vs. A-S Superman
- Adam strange vs Iron man
- mr Mxy VS Superman Prime
- The Saint of Killers Vs. Death of The Endless
- sbp vs doomsday with a twist
- WWH Vs most powerful version of wendigo
- How powerful is Mister Miracle?
- Topographical Man,Infinites & Godlike Ones runs the Gauntlet with a twist
- Superboy Prime Vs Flying Bricks
- Black Widow vs Elektra
- Saint of Killers vs. Darkseid
- Fantomex vs Black Panther
- OMAC vs Sentinels
- Versitility vs Power
- Who in Dc can beat the phantom stranger?
- Count Dooku vs. Spiderman
- Darkhawk vs Carnage
- Atom Smasher vs Big guys
- Superman Prime vs. Superman Prime.
- Battle of the Bricks!!! Which team of Bricks is gonna break first?
- Deathlok and Carnage vs Wolverine and Omega Red
- Boneclaw Wolverine (VS.) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- OWAW Superman vs. KC Superman
- Superman, Wonder Woman, GL, Captain Marvel VS. Sentry, Silver Surfer, Thor, Gladiator
- Marvel vs
- Sentry vs The Prometheon
- Saren vs Wolverine
- Wondra vs. Jubilee
- This Abomination vs Kurse
- world war hulk vs superman prime
- Robin(Tim Drake) v. Damian Wayne
- If New Earth Superman is 100 in strength
- Spiderman/Midnighter/Batman vs. Captain America/Wolverine/DeathStroke
- New Doctor doolittle vs Old Doctor Doolittle
- World War Hulk vs. This nice little godly gauntlet...
- Kitty Pride vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Sentry vs. Belesco
- Ronan the Accuser,Marvel Ares & Kurse vs Terrax,Pagan & Indestructible
- Thor vs. Mr. Impossible
- Mangog vs Forgotten One,Ikaris & Sersi
- Hyperstorm vs High Evolutionary,Dr Doom & Apocalypse
- Wonder Man vs. Ares
- Human Torch vs. Random
- Wonder Woman, Kalibak, Etrigan vs Big Barda, Thor, Power Girl
- Upgraded Spider-Man vs Lizard
- Sentry vs. Destroyer
- superman prime vs flash(wally)ww hulk,black adam(ww3)
- Superman vs Nova
- Rank these Women Part II
- Sodom Yat v.s. Eradicator
- Rank These Women part I
- The Super- Batman and Spiderman Gauntlet!!!!!!!!!!
- WWH, Validus, Thanos, The general, and Thor vs
- dc earth vs
- raft escapees vs teams?
- Asmodel,Vadilius & Shaggy Man vs Mangog,Drax/w Power Gem & Thanos
- Who cant take Illyana Rasputina?
- Doctor Octopus,Blob & Lizard vs Savage Dragon
- Ares/DC vs This team
- Ion vs. SBP rematch
- WW3 vs WWH
- atum the god eater vs walker the death god
- Rank these characters 2
- Rank these characters
- Kal-el and Kal-L vs. SBP
- Black Lightning/Hawk Woman vs. Luck Cage/Spider Woman
- Superman Prime runs the gauntlet (slugfest)
- Yat vs All Star Superman
- Golden Age Superman vs. Smallville Clark
- doc ock vs venom
- Mr. Fantastic & Mr. Terrific II vs The Batman and Lex Luther!
- Superman Prime/Darkseid vs Sodam Yat/Archenemy
- Sodam Yat and SMP(Before his Black Suit) vs. WWH and Sentry
- Sodam Yat vs Galactus(not what you think)
- Yat vs Darkseid
- super boy prime vs gladiator thor world war hulk insane
- batkick strength
- The Darkness vs. The Rapture
- Ragman vs blood hawke
- Spartans run the Gauntlet
- Cap vs Wolvie (WAT)
- Dormammu vs Mumm-Ra The Ever Living
- The Master vs. Dr. Doom
- Wonder Woman v.s. Eradicator
- dormammau&umar vs thanos w/ig
- Apollo Vs Hyperion (Supremeverse)
- Who can stand against the might of...
- battle of the gods