- Blitzen Vs Quicksilver
- Wildstorm All Stars VS KMC: THE MULTIVERSE
- Champion vs. Mongul JR
- Silver Surfer vs. Ahab
- Quicksilver vs. Monet
- The Authority VS DCNU JLA
- The Authority VS The Avengers NOW
- Wolverine vs Thanos
- Thor and Superman pick their teams
- Lizard vs. Black Manta
- Megaman Zero and Superman
- The Authority VS World War Hulk
- Pre-Flashpoint Superman (Lowballed) v.s. Wolverine (High showings)
- Blue Marvel vs. Mr. Majestic
- DCnU Swamp Thing Vs DCnu Superman
- Kingdom Come Superman Vs Ultraman (DCnU)
- Indestructible Hulk Vs Seth (WS)
- God Spartan Vs Braniac 13
- Badass Cowboys
- PowerOutput (large less durable vs. small more durable)
- Darkseid Vs Thanos
- Thor/Skaar vs Blue Marvel/Wonder Man
- Skaar vs Thor
- Bob vs. Bob
- HOM Wanda & Magik vs. Phoenix Jean Grey & Goblin Queen Madelyn Pryor
- God Majestic Vs Guardian Amped Prime
- Superman One Million Vs Void Sentry
- WB Hulk Vs Superman Prime
- Nickelhead vs The Joker
- Justice League Dark Vs Avengers WORLD
- Frenzy vs Luke Cage
- Captain America vs. Frenzy
- Hyperion vs. Hellion
- Disciple (JLA Primeval) Vs Majeston Zelia
- Justice League Dark Vs Justice League/JLA
- The Avengers Vs The JLA
- Adam Strange vs Punisher
- H'el & Ultraman vs. Hyperion & Blue Marvel
- Weakest non magical being who can beat Silver Age Superman ?
- Wolverine vs attuma
- Captain america vs the elongated man
- Ultraman (DCnU) Vs Helspont (DCnU)
- DC Team Wreckers VS Avengers, GOTG, Fantastic Four
- Proxima Midnight vs Wonder Woman
- Atum The God Eater Vs Fenris The Wolf
- Starman (Jack Knight) vs Starman (Prince Gavyn)
- Why is the Character ownage thread closed?
- Death (Endless) Vs Death (MU)
- Omen (LOSH) Vs Magus
- Hyperion and Hulk vs debate
- Red-hulk VS Darkseid
- Titus Vs Kuurth
- Martian Manhunter 1M Vs Fernus
- Starman 1M Vs Silver Surfer
- Captain Britain vs. Hercules
- Cannonball vs Justice
- Amadeus Cho vs. Deadpool
- S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. Butterfly
- Aquaman vs attuma
- Namor vs the blob
- Superman vs ironfist chi
- Death of the Endless vs. Oblivion
- Team Thor vs. Team Hulk
- Talon (Calvin Rose) Vs Simon Dark
- Vandal Savage (Cain) Vs Libra
- Lady Shiva Vs Constantine Drakon
- Nods to Beatbok's: The Starmen (DCU) Vs Annihilators
- Warriors Three vs. Colossus
- Alamo battle
- Wolverine vs Cyclops
- Loki Vs The Flash
- Sentry Gauntlet
- Graviton vs. Professor Zoom
- HOM Wanda vs DP Scott
- HOM Wanda vs Darkchylde (Ilyana)
- HOM Wanda vs Odin
- Superior Spiderman vs Deathstroke
- Stargirl (JSA's Courtney Whitmore) vs Vulcan
- The Trimurti Vs The Vishanti
- Odin Vs Gaea (DCU)
- The Shattered God Vs Dormammu
- Ghost Rider vs. The Creeper
- quciksilver vs michael myers
- Phalanx Ultron vs The Void
- Who has more heart? Thing vs Spiderman
- World's Funnest Bat-Mite Vs Kubik
- Superman (Earth 2) Vs Martian Manhunter (DCnU)
- Mongul vs Despero
- Sentry vs Superman Prime
- Stargirl (JSA's Courtney Whitmore) vs Cyclops
- Talon Vs Red Hood
- Gaea (DCU) Vs Mordru
- Evil Molecule Man VS ION Kyle Rayner
- The bad guys
- Infinity Watch vs Annihilators
- Infinity Watch vs Defenders
- Ultron vs. Despero
- Mera & Aquaman vs. Valkyrie & Thunderstrike
- Earth Prime Superman (w/o Guardian Amp) Runs a Team Gauntlet
- Thor vs. The Advasary
- Molecule Man vs. Kubik
- Captain America vs Civil War and AvsX with a twist!
- Deadpool vs Iron Man
- Shaggy Man (General) Vs Nul
- Damian Wayne & The League of Shadows Vs Marvel Knights
- Daken Vs DCnU Warblade
- He-Man VS Savage Hulk: BENCH-PRESS
- Taskmaster Vs Deathstroke
- Prime vs Hulk
- Quasar VS Meggan
- Earth Prime Superman Vs. Current Thor x10
- Agent Venom Vs DCnU Shadow Thief
- Man-Thing vs. Martian Manhunter
- DCnU Wonder Girl W/Armor Vs Red She-Hulk
- Back to the Future: Lex Luthor vs Reed Richards
- Warriors Three vs. Wonder Man
- Skaar vs. Achilles
- Hawkeye vs. Daken
- Red Skull vs. Venom
- Nick Fury2 vs. Romulus
- Mad Jim Jasper's W/the Fury Vs COIE Anti Moniter
- Team DCnU Bane Vs Team Hand
- The Hood Vs Libra
- Inferno (DCU) Vs Human Flame
- Team Hercules vs. Team Achilles
- Apollo vs. Achilles
- Green Arrow vs. Falcon
- Aquaman, Apollo vs Ironman, Ikaris
- Superman vs Annihilus
- Silver Age Superman vs Tyrant (DP)
- Superman vs Baron Zemo w/moonstones
- Nick Fury vs. Venom
- Nick Fury2 runs the Weapon plus gauntlet
- Rocket Raccoon Vs Space Ghost (DCU)
- The Cat Vs The Fox (DCU)
- The Hood Vs The Hangman (DCU)
- How would your favorite character react in the next situations?
- DCnU He-Man Vs Pre-Flashpoint Space Ghost
- He-Man VS Worldbreaker Hulk: BENCH-PRESS
- Thanos vs Classic Juggernaut (The durability test)
- Imperiex-Prime vs. Rune King Thor
- Odin, Bor, and Thanos vs Surtur...
- The Shield (DCU) & Captain Steel Vs Winter Soldier & Black Panther
- The Web (DCU) Vs Spider-Man
- Aquaman vs Colossus
- Count Vertigo Vs Graviton
- Which Amalgam would be Most Powerful
- Quasar vs. Black Bolt
- Thor vs Sebastian Shaw in pure slugfest
- Hawkeye & Winter Soldier vs. Daredevil & MoonKnight
- Mr. X & Gorgon vs. Midnighter & Grifter
- Mr Sinister VS Omega Red
- Puma vs Daredevil
- Cardiac VS Gambit
- Read OP Zod VS thors
- Speed Force DCnU Grodd Vs She-Hulk
- DCnU Centipede Vs Ambrose Chase
- Lady Shiva & Black Canary Vs Daredevil & Elektra
- Echo Vs White Canary
- Wolverine Fanboys vs Wolverine Haters
- DCnU Helspont Vs DCnU Skeletor
- Dark Phoenix Jean vs Thanos
- Team Batman Vs Team Black Panther
- Skaar vs Wonder Woman through the Ages
- Batman (W/Prep) vs Doctor Doom (W/Prep)
- Horsemen of Apocalypse
- She-Hulk vs. Shatterstar
- DCnU Lady Vic Vs Mockingbird
- Tao Vs Doom: Willpower
- She-Hulk vs. Griffin
- She-Hulk vs. Black King
- The Many Angled Ones Vs The Basanos
- Doom with a Cosmic Containment Unit vs Thanos...
- Tiger Shark Vs Shark
- Deadpool vs The Joker vs Bullseye vs The Punisher
- Ogun Vs DCnU Creeper
- Hawk & Dove Vs Lizard & Puma
- Team Flash vs. Team Cable
- The Unholy Alliance VS KMC: THE END IS HERE
- Deathstroke & Wolverine Vs. Superior Spiderman & Jakita Wagner
- Typhoid Mary Vs DCnU Cheshire
- Superheroes vs. Supervillians War
- Doom vs Amazo
- Elongated Man vs Batman
- Fight decisions for previews...
- They fight without powers...
- Doctor Doom vs. The Living Tribunal
- Claw vs Web
- She-Hulk vs. Box
- Wonder Man vs. Dr. Doom
- Daken vs Creeper
- Void Sentry vs Dark Phoenix Cyclops
- The Unholy Alliance: THE DEATH TOUR
- Superman Prime vs Doomsday
- Ultraman vs Thor
- Solar Man of the Atom vs. Evil Molecule Man
- Sebastian Shaw Vs DCnU Parasite
- Punisher & Bullseye Vs Grifter & Deadshot
- Jet Vs Colleen Wing
- the ripping battle.
- Black Adam/Ultraman/Orion vs. Thor/Superman/Worldbreaker Hulk
- World breaker Hulk vs He-Man
- Thor/Parasite vs Superman/Loki
- Parasite vs Thor
- Deathstroke the terminator vs Black Panther
- Classic Darkseid vs B&T Thor (slugfest)
- Namor the Sub Mariner vs. Ch'od
- Ironman vs. Tiger Shark
- Superman vs graviton
- He'l Vs HP Doomsday
- The Void vs Galactus
- Vibe Vs Cyclops
- Felix Harmon Vs Wilson Fisk The Goddamn Kingpin
- The High Vs Namor
- Bullseye Vs Nemesis
- Death Sentry VS OWAW Superman
- Black Alice VS Thor
- Black Alice VS Odin
- Sentry vs Superman Prime
- Runner vs Darkseid...
- Daredevil vs Mystique
- Doomsday vs Amazo
- Thing vs Colossus (click to find out stips)
- Silver Surfer VS Darkseid
- Superman prime (oan-amp) and BA superman vs blood-lusted pre-52 Darseid and thanos
- Krona Vs Volthoom
- The High Evolutionary Vs Relic
- Felix Harmon Vs DCnU Bane
- Amazo versus Teams
- Luke Cage vs Hourman (Rex)
- Herucles vs. Warlocke
- War of the Team Wreckers
- Longshot vs. Satana
- Longshot vs. Atlas
- Team Battle Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil vs Spiderman, Moon Knight and Warhawk
- WWH VS Molecule Man
- Scorpion Gauntlet
- Spiderman Royal Rumble
- Mystique vs Batman
- Captain Atom vs Molecule Man
- Imperiex-Prime vs. The Galactus Engine
- Deadman Vs Martian Manhunter
- Zealot Vs Blade
- DCnU League of Assassins Vs The Hand
- Martian Manhunter vs Manchester Black
- Backlash Vs Daredevil
- Gorgon Vs Essence
- Warblade & Azrael Vs Captain America & Panther
- OWAW Supes vs. Validus