- Elektra vs Batman
- Mantis (DC) vs. Titannus
- Mighty Avengers vs. Iron Man villains
- Slade, Nightwing, Batman, and Captain America vs Iron Man
- Vision vs Wonder Woman
- Classic Abomination vs Diamond Li & Yukon Jack
- Elongated Man Vs Spiderman
- Spiderman vs Iron Man
- wrecking crew&absorbing man vs might avengers
- Cannonball vs. Husk
- Broly vs JLA
- mister x vs. the foreigner
- taskmaster vs. punisher and bullseye
- Power Woman vs Power Princess
- Neutral ground DC street vs Marvel Street
- Jean Grey w/ Phoenix Force vs Ion
- The Punisher vs. Superman
- Vision vs U-Foes
- SSJ hulk vs warrior mad thor
- Hellboy vs Nasty Boys
- Batman vs. Deathstroke: hand to hand!
- ironman vs megaman
- galactus w/heralds and creations vs OA
- Can Superman defeat Apocalypse and Brainiac 13 merged together as one?
- Namor vs Hellboy
- deadpool w. symbiote vs omega red
- Thor Vs Wonder Woman (Fist Fight)
- Punisher vs Doctor House
- Wolverine vs Cannonball
- Atlas vs the living monolith
- Power Rankings?
- Who is the most impressive hero from Marvel/DC that Rhino can beat?
- 4 Corner
- captain america*/black panter vs iron fist/daredevil
- The O.M.A.C. Army vs. Amazo
- IM BACK (Xmeat)
- Cerberus,Hydra & Grendal vs Wonder Woman
- Guardian,Aurora & Heather McNeil vs Vulcan
- deadpool vs batman
- Lex Luthor Vs. Rhino
- deadpool w. symbiote vs carnage
- Spider-man vs The Blob
- Stryfe vs Dracula
- Dracula vs Mister Sinister
- Most durable non mystical substance
- Destroyer VS Ymir
- Obisidan vs Shadow Theif
- Scathan the Approver,Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial & Protege vs LT
- Union Jack VS Jack Staff
- CannonBall vs Red Tornado
- Sabretooth vs Yukon Jack
- Loki vs Dracula
- Who carries the best weapons into a fight?
- Movie Venom vs Mr. Hyde (from Van Helsing)
- Wolverine versus She-Hulk
- Tyrant (depowered) vs Current Ion
- dr. manhattan vs every1
- Gladiator vs Gallowglass
- Sentry VS Belasco
- The Ultimate Ma Contest
- Lucifer vs. Mephisto
- These 2 teams Vs. Fully Powerd Tyrant
- Batman Vs Mystique
- Mainstream Captain America vs Deathstroke
- Taskmaster,Cassandra Cain & Lady Shiva vs Wolverine
- Colossus vs Dragon Man
- Crossbones, Taskmaster and Bullseye vs Gotham
- Dormammu vs Tyrant (Depowered) vs Mephisto
- Birdman vs Hawk Girl
- Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain versus Captain America and Daredevil
- Thanos Vs Superman Prime in his solar-energy Armor (Fist Fight)
- Green Arrow versus Captain America
- Bishop vs. Hawkman (with a twist)
- Daredevil v.s. Batman
- Spawn vs. Lobo
- Is Iron Fist street level....or one tier above that?
- Superman(All-Star) Vs WW Hulk
- Odin vs. Superman Prime(Countdown) in a slugfest
- blackheart/mephisto vs *adam warlock/thanos
- Ch'od vs Deadpool
- Titus vs The xmen
- Daycare fight
- This Team vs Darkseid & Thanos
- Which character can take down the most Hand ninjas?
- Ban request thread.
- Mysterio versus Swarm
- The Lizard versus Captain Cold
- Marvel vs DC: Ultimate Villain Showdown
- Blade's Quest
- Jet Li Vs Bruce Lee
- Lex Luthor vs Punisher
- Marvel Heroes vs. Villains
- Magneto vs Ronan the Accuser
- Juggernaut (8th Day) vs Perrikus
- The Punisher Vs Lara Croft
- Youpdidou!
- Absorbing Man and Titania vs She-hulk and depowered Juggernaut
- Infinity Man vs Korvac
- Catwoman vs Jet li from the iron mask
- Batman vs Prodigy MA Contest
- Superman versus Wolverine w twist
- Ultimate Apoc vs Utimates
- Daredevil vs. Punisher in categories
- Batman vs. Drakon
- Indestructible vs Standard Destroyer
- Helix vs Black Bolt
- Dr. Doom vs Iron Man
- Batman/Captain America Vs Slade/Dead Pool
- Gambit Vs Nightwing
- Mister Fantastic vs Odin with a twist
- Daredevil vs Wolverine
- Dr. Doom versus Apocalypse
- Nimrod and company vs The Authority
- Which Street-Leverler can take down the most Sentinels?
- Batman Vs Karate Kid
- Superman Prime runs the Agents of the Source Gauntlet
- Batman vs slade
- the jaggurnaut vs the thing and venom
- Kalibak versus Marvel Mid-Tiers
- Batman vs. Catwoman and Harley Quinn
- Deadpool and Wolverine versus Venom (Eddie Brock)
- John Constantine Vs Dr Doom.
- Morpheus vs. Thanos w/ Cosmic Cube
- Lucifer vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Colossus and iron man vs wolverine
- Superman Vs WW Hulk round 2
- Batman vs Deadpool
- Emperor Joker/SBP vs WC Phoenix/Nate Grey
- Who is the most powerful Superman?
- Spiderman vs Wolverine vs Captain America vs Batman - Handicapped Fight
- Who can stop the Hulk?
- Odin versus H/P Doomsday in Pure Slugfest
- League of Assassins versus League of Heroes
- 5 on 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mauvais Wendigo Vs Savage Hulk
- Maelstrom (Non Anomaly) Vs Thor
- Penance (Robbie Baldwin) Vs Thunderstrike
- Amthyst, Princess of Gemworld vs Amora the Echantress
- KC Superman vs 52 Batmans
- Alucard VS Crow
- Blood lusted Superman w/ Power Gem Vs Thanos, Silver Surfer, WW Hulk
- Terminus,Ultimo & Mechasaurus vs Hercules,Sasquatch & J2
- Zuras vs Mangog
- Superman vs Harald Jaekelsson
- The Sentry vs Gladiator
- Mantis (DC) vs.Loki
- Most powerful and obvious Superman ripoff
- Wolverine vs Wonderwoman (twist of course)
- Blue Beetle vs....
- Pulse 8 VS Sentry
- The Sentry Vs Kilowog
- The Sentry Vs Spartain W/ Void
- Sentinel Alan Scott vs Mighty Avengers
- Dr. Doom vs Above mentioned league members
- Venom gauntlet with twist
- baron zemo w/moonstones vs silver surfer
- Gladiator vs Exodus
- Moon Knight vs Wolverine
- Wolverine vs Batman (straight fight)
- Ultimate Quicksilver vs Jesse Quick
- Black Adam w/twist Gauntlet
- King Thor w/ his hammer and the Blade Of Olympus Vs Thanos w/ Power Gem
- Kraven the Hunter vs Ulysses Bloodstone
- Depowered Tyrant vs My Avengers
- Grifter and Zealot vs Daredevil and Elektra
- Ironfist vs Colossus
- Ronan the Accuser vs Ironman
- Daredevil and Bullseye vs. Wolverine
- Count Neferia Vs WW Hulk
- Alkhema vs Colossus
- Gorilla Grodd vs Superman
- The Gloves Are Off, mutha****a!
- Galactus invades Dr Who
- Count Neferia vs GL
- Your team vs this team
- Put them in order
- Harald Jakelsson,Mangog & Seth vs Depowered Tyrant
- To destroy a Planet
- Machine Army vs Sentry
- raven vs starfire
- Jocasta vs Punisher
- *Thor,Beta ray bill,gladiator vs genis vell,sentry,count neferia
- Mantis (DC) vs. Apocalypse
- Thing/Strong Guy VS Rogue/ She-Hulk
- New Captain Anerica vs. Elektra
- Punisher (thomas jane) VS Wolverine (hugh jackman)
- The goddess, The magnus and Adam warlock vs Thanos, Dr.Doom and Morg
- Wolverine vs Batman
- Apocalypses vs Thanos
- Maelstrom Vs Thor and Supes.
- Mister Sinister vs Any Streetlevel fighter
- Who's The Greatest Solider Ever.
- Mangog vs Thanos(No Mind tricks)
- Giant Man(Ultimates) vs Luke Cage(616)
- Aunt May vs Squirrel Girl vs Howard Duck
- A's vs. B's vs. C's vs. D's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Storm,Iceman,Magneto,Flash,& Hulk VS. Thor,Wonder Woman,& Vision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The Tick vs. Darkhawk
- Doctor Spectrum VS Apollo
- Geo-force VS Red Tornado
- The Ultimates vs The Cloverfield
- The Doctor vs. Reed Richards
- KC Superman Vs A/S Superman
- Sebastian Shaw vs. Bishop
- kang the conquer vs booster gold
- Batman Vs Crossbones Vs Captain America (Fist Fight)
- Classic Parallax vs Thanos (Time Gem)
- Joker vs Wolverine
- Bishop vs. Gambit
- Flash Thompson vs. Jack Murdock
- American Eagle,Deathlok & Jessica Drew vs Batman,Nightwing & Batgirl(Cassandra)
- Punisher vs Crossbones H2H
- Ultimate Apoc vs Ultimate Thanos
- Bendix vs. Silver Surfer
- Colossus vs This Team
- The Punisher VS Blade
- Two in One vs Thread
- Kang the conqueror vs Thor
- All out prep warfare!
- Yellow Jacket vs Bucky Barnes
- Spawn VS Alucard
- Roy D. Mercer vs Frank Castle
- MODOK vs Mister Fantastic
- Titannus vs Magni
- Black Adam vs Cyborg Superman with 10 Qwardian Rings
- amazo vs thanos
- Science Vs Wwh
- Midnighter vs Iron Fist
- Thanos vs. Superman with double strength
- Beta Ray Thor vs. Captain Superman
- Surtur vs. Mordru
- world war hulk vs sentry&juggernaut
- 300 versus Cloverfield
- Shin Akuma/M.Bison/Gill Vs Superman
- Cyclops/Wolverine Vs Ryu/Ken
- Magneto vs M.Bison
- Black Panther vs. Kingpin
- Let's suppose....
- Colossus & Classic Wonder Man vs Hercules
- Superskrull vs Ikaris
- Flash (Wally) versus Darkseid
- Apocalypse vs "Prime Eternal"
- Ultimate Green Goblin versus X-23
- The Monitors Vs The Guardians
- Who's The Most Dangerous Non Superpower Villain On Earth?
- Iceman Vs The Flash (Wally West)
- Storm Vs Galactus
- Omega Red vs Toxin
- magneto vs OJ simpson
- science vs superman